But for a Slime

094.3 - A Representative Comes

Zilnek stared at Garnedell for a time before turning to look at Joe, a mixture of awe, hope, and fear painting his face but he said nothing else. Joe watched as Garnedell bounced around the room with excitement and Joe allowed it for a time before he quickly called an end to it.

“Right. Let’s get back to fighting. Enough celebration for now.”

Garnedell ended his antics but turned back to Joe with a massive grin on his face, “Of course, Joe.”

Joe’s grin turned sardonic but he nodded, “Back to fighting?”

Both nodded but Garnedell proved much more enthusiastic and Zilnek proved much more serious than he’d ever been before, putting a lot more work into his fights and much more diligent in listening to Joe. Joe actually began to enjoy teaching Zilnek and grinned with his own excitement, happy to have diligent students.

Joe’s thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he heard a cry behind him. He was so startled that he had to hastily step back and block a swipe from the goblin with his shield before stepping forward and taking the goblin out immediately, excited to turn to those who’d joined them.

Joe turned and smiled, “Hi! It’s good to see you again, finally. I missed you!”

Kilniara giggled and bounced forward, throwing her arms around him and he swept her up in his arms. He spun her once then Gwenvair came to his side and rested a hand on his shoulder, smiling up to him.

“We missed you, too,” Kilniara replied cheerily.

Kilniara slid down from his arms and Joe turned to Gwenvair, smiling a bit awkwardly at her from the unexpected PDA. Gwenvair saw his awkwardness and her smile turned to a giggle which she hid behind a hand. Kilniara saw it too, and laughed brightly, hugging Joe tightly, but briefly, once again. She stepped back and turned to Gwenvair. The look let Joe know something had happened and his awkward smile faded, turning to her with a serious look.

“OK. What’s up? Something serious?”

Gwenvair smile grew, “The Matriarch and the Bunarl representative would like to know why you have sought the depths of the dungeon.”

Joe paused at that, eyes quickly searching hers. Trouble? Did I do wrong? But she’s smiling, so… but they did come all the way here, so… maybe … hmm. Seeing Gwenvair’s easy smile, he decided to take a small chance on their friendship.

“I… am uncertain if I have been offensive? I had no intention to do so? The crier asked for all to remain indoors, so I thought I would stay in the dungeon? Is that… inappropriate?”

Gwenvair’s eyebrows shot up and she let out a shocked bark of laughter. It took a moment for her to get herself under control, but soon replied.

“You … my clan is unconcerned. The other wished to know why you are here. You simply sought to stay in the dungeon?”

Joe shrugged, “I didn’t want to waste my time simply sitting in the inn.”

Gwenvair’s smile grew, “Then, I believe, all is well; especially if you explain to him as you did to me, now.”

Joe paused at that, narrowing his eyes slightly as he got the hint, “Then, he is likely a bit… unamused?”

Gwenvair nodded, “We know of you and your choices, and we are … unconcerned that you do so. But the Bunarl clan is… expectant.”

Joe paused at that, confused by the meaning as Gwenvair was trying to hint at something. He ran through possibilities before settling on what he thought might be true.

“They are strict with the rules?”

Gwenvair paused at that, thoughtful, but mostly dismissive as she pondered how to respond. She appeared very cautious in what to say.

“Not so much rules as more their respect.”

Joe groaned, scowling and rolling his eyes, “So jerks too worried about their image to care about others.”

Joe jerked his head towards Kilniara and Garnedell as both reacted with shock, wide eyes and soft outcries. Zilnek kept his face carefully neutral, as did Gwenvair, although she had a strange twinkle in her eye that revealed her amusement.

“I do not think I could ever speak such…” Gwenvair replied, but interrupted the sentence with an open endedness that hinted at more left unsaid.

Joe smirked recognizing the hidden agreement before shaking his head with a snort, “Then do I need to go apologize to them to placate their inflated egos? I don’t want to make things hard for you and yours.”

Gwenvair quickly shook her head, “You have no need to, eccentric.”

Huh… OK… something to do with my status to let me know I’m all good, but no need to exacerbate everything, so….

“I have no need, but will it help? Is it wise to do so?”

Gwenvair’s smile disappeared, her face losing all expression, “You are wisest, eccentric.”

Joe narrowed his eyes at that. She can’t speak… but… doesn’t agree. So… how do… Oh!

Joe smiled, “Please speak freely. I seek your advice.”

Gwenvair’s smile returned, over taking the shock that first appeared and outshining the previous, “You… thank you, Joe. It is… Truly, thank you.”

Joe’s smiled turned bemused but he shrugged, “You know the area much better than I do… and the people. Please, help me to do well.”

Gwenvair’s shock had long disappeared and a pleased happiness replaced the brilliant smile, “You have no need to, Joe. You are an eccentric.”

Joe paused at that, pursing his lips a bit before nodding, “Then… well… ok? Let’s … do you have to go back?”

Gwenvair smiled at that and shook her head, “No.”

“Oh,” Joe turned to Kilniara and smiled, “Wanna stay and play with us a bit?”

Kilniara quickly nodded with a smile and Gwenvair smirked as well, nodding, “We would love to.”

Joe smiled, “Great. Let’s… enjoy the rest of the day until lunch. Then lunch together?”

Kilniara giggled, “Yes, please!”

Joe laughed in response, “Great! Then let’s get to it!”

All agreed, quite happy to be all together again and they set up their combat groups. Joe did take the time to warn Kilnaira not to surprise someone in a fight, having been a bit shocked when she’d called out to him excitedly. She took it well enough, recognizing the danger. Soon, they were well on their way alternating between fighting alone and fighting with Joe. The morning went quite quickly at that, and soon they were resting against the wall chatting with one another once Joe called an end to the day. They enjoyed their rest for a good ten or twenty minutes with Joe actually finding a happy peace in the moment. Good students, a decent life… maybe get a house. This… isn’t too bad. Even got them starting to trust me about shifting to take multiple jobs… Garnedell already hit level eighteen in educated. He’s gonna start going nuts soon and hopefully, that’ll really motivate the others… Joe sighed with contentment. A true happiness settling upon him before he called an end to their dungeon dive. They all agreed with Joe, standing up to head out, ready for an enjoyable lunch.

They stepped out of the dungeon, the inner courtyard of the dungeon wall absolutely empty in a way Joe found quite surprising. He glanced around as he walked up to the gate, his eyes passing over the guards on the walls. Several of them looked at him in agitated alertness, but then paused in their shouts, recognizing who he was as well as understanding that he was leaving, not entering the dungeon. Joe waved at them.

“Thank you! Have a good day!”

One of the dungeon guards even waved back, then dropped his arm, a bit shocked by his own reaction. No one said anything, including himself, and they passed under the gate with little fanfare before stepping out into the equally empty streets outside dungeon wall. Joe looked around, chuckled, and turned back to everyone.

“Man it feels weird to see the streets being so empty.”

Garnedell grinned, “It is very weird, but fun.”

“Well, I’m pretty hungry. Let’s head to… oh! Oh… the guilds are probably closed, right?”

Everyone paused at that, then began chuckling.

“Ooh… yeah. It is likely closed,” Gwenvair laughed softly.

“Curse the tide! I was hungry,” Kilniara spoke out with heat before suddenly stopping in shock and clapping her hands to her mouth. Joe found her actions a surprise and quirked his eyebrows. Some kind of bad curse? Joe glanced at the others and found Zilnek staring at his sister with utter shock, his mouth agape.

“Kilni! How… you can’t say that!”

Kilniara turned away, blushing and Joe found his own moment of shock, “Kilniara?”

Kilniara’s blushing grew and Joe chuckled, letting her free from any other humiliation, so turned to Garnedell, “That phrase… is bad? Why?”

Garnedell’s smile faded and he nodded seriously, “It is unwise to call the attention of the monster tide or their masters. We would not wish to be their target.”

Joe nodded at that, understanding, “Ahh! Right. That would make sense. Huh…”

Everyone stood around for a bit before Joe sighed, “Guess we head back to the inn to eat? Or… would the bathhouse be open?”

Everybody shook their heads again, frowning, with Gwenvair adding comment, “No. All will be closed for the overlord clan representative.”

“Aaah… I hate being all sweaty. Maybe… hmm… let’s have a bath at the inn. It’ll be annoying and not nearly as…” Joe sighed and ended his whine.

Gwenvair nodded quickly, “They will have something available. I will make certain it matches your request.”

“Good. Let’s head back, then. Don’t want to meet another crier that’s going to be annoyed about us being out.”

Joe turned and strode off with purpose, heading back speedily while the others laughed softly. Garnedell and Zilnek quickly began telling the story of their early morning meeting with the crier and Gwenvair rolled her eyes during the tale. Kilniara, however, seemed to find it enjoyable and giggled along with the boys. Despite Gwenvair’s sighs of despair, she, too, smiled and Joe found himself a bit at a loss why. He considered asking a few times, but held back as he didn’t want to interrupt the boys’ story. They were on a roll and Joe allowed them to have it. By the time the story was over, Joe had forgotten his curiosity and entered the inn as a group, all of them falling a bit quiet when they noticed the mood in the room.

Everyone there looked up at them with shock but quickly looked away and returned to their conversation. Joe noticed that the inn was remarkably empty, with only a couple people sitting at the tables. He glanced over them and realized they all seemed to be people who had rooms. He looked over at the bar and kitchen behind it and found only the bar tender and his wife and daughter. Huh… makes sense, I guess. Everyone else has got to be at home… hopefully there’s enough food… or this moron leaves pretty fast.

Joe glanced back at the others, “Uh… let’s head up for a bath, OK?”

The others all agreed and started heading up, although Gwenvair took a moment to march over to the barkeep, “Please send a bath and hot water to our room, good sir.”

The man looked at her and quickly nodded, “At once, First in Line for Matriarch, although… the time may be… long.”

Gwenvair nodded, waving a hand to brush away his concern, “I understand. The current circumstances are not … are less than helpful. Please bring it at your earliest convenience. We will await you in our rooms.”

The barkeep quickly bowed his head in reply, “Thank you for understanding, First in Line for Matriarch.”

Gwenvair did not reply, turning back to the stair case. Joe had stopped, staring at her while the other three had already ran up the stairs. Joe sighed, not so much upset about the request as he wasn’t too happy with the rude way it was made. He kept his opinion to himself but figured he would have to have a talk about … Well… it is the way things are here, but… we can at least ask nicely still. Hm…

“It’s nice of them to be able to offer it to us.”

Gwenvair glanced back over her shoulder at him, the narrow stairs requiring them to walk up them one by one, “It is only right that they do so in order to offer it for people such as us.”

Joe frowned at that, “I hope we are paying them for the special service.”

Gwenvair smiled, “Of course. Honey catches more flies.”

The air pulsed around them, erupting from Gwenvair and Joe quickly noticed that her words did not match her lips, the magic of his language skill translating the meaning of what had obviously been some kind of idiom. Huh… ok, interesting seeing it working from the opposite direction? That was … really kind of cool to see.

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