But for a Slime

096.1 - A Dungeon Break

Chapter Ninety Six

The Matriarch marched through her clan with staccato thumps, her purpose driving her to regal image even as her passion drove her speed, each warring with one another. The balance she found was bordering on a march for war, and the rigid grimness of her face had clanners scattering before her. She made it to the clan gates and snapped her fingers at the guards there, catching their attention.

“A squad with me. Now!”

The captain of the gate guard immediately snapped to attention and shouted out orders, wisely calling for a squad that had been in reserve. The Matriarch did not slow, the squad having to sprint to catch up to her before coming to surround her. She gave them a few moments to settle, out of kindness, but did not call them for any meaningful duty as guard. She snapped out orders quickly when she was certain she was ready.


“Yes, my Matriarch.”

“Four runners. One to each dungeon and one to the inn of the eccentric. Find the eccentric and politely ask him to await me. If you do not find him, return with news that he is not there.”

The captain blinked in a bit of surprise but he was quite professional and saluted before shouting out orders to four different guards. Each guard took off at quite a high speed, obviously with scouting or high speed jobs, and the Matriarch smiled grimly, glad to see the captain was smart, having used his scouts. They should return relatively quickly, especially the guard going to the inn because it was quite unlikely the eccentric would still be there.

The march through the city was unusually silent, the crowds sparse as most were still retreating to their homes due to the Bunarl representative’s presence and those that were out in the streets before her fell silent when they turned to see her. They moved and fell silent when they noticed her stern barely hidden anger. She thought nothing of it, the entire area silent as she stalked down the middle of the street, only the sound of thudding warriors’ boots in cadence a counter to the unnatural stillness.

She was approaching the inn when the first scout returned. She reported to the Captain quickly.

“The eccentric is not at the inn. Your daughter and her sister mate rest in the room. They report the eccentric has gone to the dungeons, likely the beginner one.”

The captain took the report and turned to the Matriarch, “The scout reports…”

“I thank you for your attention to detail and propriety, captain. But my hearing is excellent and I heard the report just fine. I have no need for a recap. Nothing else occupies my attention at this time. Please send the scout immediately to the beginner’s dungeon. Have them… hold…”

The Matriarch paused and watched another scout come rushing in, “Reporting. The eccentric is at the advanced dungeon. He just entered.”

“He was unwilling to wait?”

“No. He was already inside the dungeon…”

“The fastest you have into the dungeon. Catch him, quickly, Captain!”

The captain didn’t even wait, immediately leaping from where he stood even as words of power molded around his lips, wind gathering and echoing his words in strange reverberations. The cast was almost immediate and suddenly the captain was gone, leaping through the air into the distance on the way to the advanced dungeon. She watched with some pride, then some respect, as he called on the wind two more times to adjust his trajectory. I will have to appraise this captain personally!

The entire group shifted as one, turning to follow the most optimal path towards the advanced dungeon and the Matriarch grimaced with some irritation. She had no desire to be slow in this nor did she want to waste time collecting the other scouts. She turned to the scouts who’d just returned from the inn.

“How is your mana? Your stamina?”

“They do well, Matriarch,” the first scout replied with a perfect bow.

“I as well, Matriarch,” offered the second with a similar bow.

“Excellent. Go to the beginner and intermediate dungeons. Collect the scouts there and meet us at the advanced dungeon. Please make sure you are there before we enter.”

The two scouts bowed once again, “Yes, Matriarch.”

She watched them speed off down the streets, incorporating wind and excellent awareness to leap over the crowds and touch down on precarious footholds to continue on their way. She smiled to see no one citizen inconvenienced or their lively-hood imperiled. The group with her still traveled in lockstep silence and her good humor faded. What would bring Gwenvair to flee and hide in an alleyway in a blanket!? She marched on with the diligent anger of a mother.

A wave of silence passed through the city where the Matriarch walked and left behind tension filled fear. Gossip spread in its wake and the city of Coushar shook.

* * *

Joe headed down the stairs into the first floor and breathed, surprised to find he enjoyed the experience of returning to the advanced dungeon. He paused for a moment before turning to look at the two boys with a grin then turning deeper into the dungeon.

“Well! Let’s go.”

The boys grinned and added their own shouts and the two set off down the central path towards the second floor. They made it almost to the entrance of the second floor when a burst of wind tore through the dungeon and Joe staggered as a man moved past him at a speed that left only a blur in his peripheral vision. What!

Joe quickly readied himself, just barely noticing the speed of the man that passed by them then goggled as the man came to a stop by sliding a good fifteen or twenty meters down the path in front of Joe and the boys. Ok… fast… but absolutely no control! Man…that’s… He struggled to keep his face placid as humor and shock warred with mockery for a place on his face. He grunted to hide his small chuckle of laughter and came to a stop as the guard finally was able to stop and turned back to Joe.

“Eccentric Joe, yes?”

Joe’s humor was replaced with concern, “Yes?”

“Greetings. The Matriarch wishes to speak with you. Would you be willing to await her arrival?”

Joe kind of startled at that, glancing around the dungeon, “Here?”

The guard nodded and very politely replied, “If you are willing.”

Joe paused at that, “Is the Matriarch willing?”

“Most certainly. She is arriving as we speak.”

“Uh… that… sure. That seems fine. Should I return to the entrance?”

“She is willing to meet you here, eccentric.”

Huh… guess they don’t want my politeness… but… Joe glanced at the main corridor from the entrance into the second floor and frowned. Really don’t want to have a conversation in the middle of this place. That’s… not really going to be helpful. Then… Joe thought back to their previous first floor hunts and recalled the general layout of the first floor then picked the closest crosswalk which led back into a rather decent sized room and would allow some privacy for Joe and the Matriarch to speak.

“Then allow me to prepare a place where we could speak.”

“I… uh… if you are willing?” the guard replied with some uncertainty.

Joe smiled and nodded, “More than willing.”

The guard seemed stunned and relieved, “Then… thank you.”

Joe smiled and turned to the corridor he marked and headed toward it and spoke to Garnedell, “Can you bring the star weapons?”

Garnedell nodded and Joe then turned to Zilnek, “Would you be willing to keep the guard company? We will just be there to clear out the room.”

Zilnek smiled and straightened with pride, “Of course, Joe.”

Joe smiled himself and nodded, “We’ll be back pretty quick.”

The guard bowed and Zilnek offered a head nod himself. The two then headed back into the corridor until the first room. They did drop down two star weapons to kill the two sparks in the hallway before using the several more of their spark killers to clear out the small room filled with five sparks behind it. When they’d gotten all five sparks trapped, Joe turned to Garnedell.

“Just leave the star weapons here. They’ll kill the mobs if they respawn, OK?”

Garnedell nodded, “Yes, Joe.”

“Mind if I head back to be there when the Matriarch comes?”

Garnedell smiled and nodded firmly, “Yes, Joe.”

“Great. Be back soon!”

Joe headed back and found Zilnek and the guard standing awkwardly in the hallway, the guard rather aloof in his interaction with Zilnek. Zilnek played his part well, standing to attention decently and Joe kept his frown hidden at how the guard was ignoring Zilnek. He came up to the two and the guard stared at him strangely.

“Are you not clearing out the room for your visit with the Matriarch?”

“It is already done.”

The guard blinked and clenched his teeth in shock, “That… is well.”

Joe nodded then all fell silent for a time until Garnedell came out about five minutes later. Joe smiled and turned to him.

“All cleared out?”

“Yes. They are all dead now.”

The guard didn’t quite hide his gasp, turning to look at Garnedell with some fear and Joe glanced at him before turning away and hiding his small smirk. Way to go, Garnedell! They fell silent for a time once again until the Matriarch arrived with a rather large entourage. Joe smiled to see her arrive but the smile quickly faded when he saw the large crowd with her. Hmm… not… quite as … Joe sighed softly. Gwenvair…

“Matriarch. It is good to see you.”

The Matriarch seemed to pause at that, slightly cautious but still seeming to be happy to see him, “Good morning to you as well, eccentric.”

“I cleared out some rooms if you wish to speak in private?”

The Matriarch seemed a bit surprised but pleased as she nodded, “That is… wonderful. Will you lead me?”

“Of course. Please follow me, Matriarch.”

She bowed gracefully and the two headed into the corridor. As they passed by his star weapons, the Matriarch did stare at them with some consideration but remained silent and followed after Joe. They made it to the room and Joe smiled to see the five star weapons laid out in the room in the same shape as the number five on a typical dice; one each just in from the four corners of the room and one in the center. Joe turned to the Matriarch.

“How can I help you, Matriarch?”

The Matriarch’s small smile faded and she seemed to square up to face Joe, “I have no… wish to make you my enemy.”

Joe’s smile faded and he turned serious, “But you must speak to me of a … sensitive matter?”

The Matriarch seemed to be simultaneously relieved and more concerned as she nodded, “Yes.”

“Please be free, then.”

“My gratitude. Then… I shall begin.”

Despite saying that, the Matriarch paused and sighed deeply before finally beginning once again, “I am a mother.”

Realization hit even though he’d been rather certain and Joe sighed, “Ah.”

The Matriarch stared at Joe carefully and noticed his embarrassment and grew much more relaxed, even allowing a hint of anger to shine through, “Then, could you explain to me why my daughter was hiding in her shift and a blanket in the early morning in the outer city?”

Joe sighed and looked up with chagrin, “I… wish to apologize first. Things have been… temporarily resolved, however, and you do not need to worry anymore.”

The Matriarch paused at that, staring carefully, “You… do not wish to tell me?”

Joe smiled, chuckling softly, “I’m more than willing to, but I wanted to let you know… pretty fast that she’s OK and things are back to… not perfect, but… resolved so that we can fix it later. She’s still at the inn and doesn’t really want to deal with me yet, but… yeah.”

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