But… It’s me! The real Spider-Man!

Eh, scaly tail! part 3

His transformation was terrifying and almost instantaneous. One minute a young man with the soft tissues of his neck torn by the explosion was collapsing to the floor, and the next second a mighty monster body was bursting out from under his human skin, as if it were just waiting for an opportunity to reveal itself to the world.

It's two and a half meters tall, its entire body covered in tight strands of muscle, its scales gleaming with green mother-of-pearl. Daisy catches herself admiring the beauty and power of the creature. To think that something so immensely dangerous and insanely beautiful has been created by human hands!

But admiration is no excuse for inaction, and without wasting time, Daisy deftly bounces back a few steps away from the monster. She carries only a pistol and a vibroblade, which she hurries to arm herself with, tossing aside the now useless collar control panel.

The freed Lizard thrusts his muzzle upward and lets out a triumphant, jubilant roar, asserting his rights to the place. The sound of his voice causes the insides to clench in fear, the way a doe feels when it hears the roar of a tiger. Human reflexes and subconsciousness instantly determine in the owner of the voice a natural enemy of his species.

"Get him!" commanded the girl, "shoot at his feet!"

She does not seem at all surprised by what is happening. The soldiers at the gate, too, if frightened, make no sign of it and obey the order. Daisy herself, meanwhile, calls for reinforcements, sidestepping the Lizard and trying to take a position so that between her and the monster there was a buffer in the form of two armed soldiers.

Machine guns blare contemptuously, tearing apart the unyielding flesh on the Lizard's legs. The monster doesn't like it and, growling furiously, rushes away from the fire. For its size and mass, it displays remarkable agility, darting across the hall like a nimble little lizard in the grass.

But it's no prey's business to hunt a predator, the Lizard doesn't intend to run forever, even waiting for his enemies to run out of ammo in the magazines is not in his plans. Having escaped from the fire, the Lizard suddenly jumps several meters upwards, easily reaching the ceiling of the room. The decorative panels do not stop his leap and soon he is already running his paws over the concrete, grinding it into fine crumbs with his claws.

Even after losing sight of the enemy, the fighters do not hesitate and continue shooting at random, to where the panels shudder from the debris of the ceiling falling on them.

Realizing what's about to happen, Daisy hurries away from her subordinates, and gets it just in time. Within seconds, the lizard falls directly on the shooters, crushing their bodies with its mighty hind paws. Two human lives are snuffed out with a wet chugging sound. Neither weapon nor armor could balance the predator and the victim.

Nervously licking her lips, Daisy keeps her eyes on the creature. It was time to test what all her skills were worth in confronting the monster! As if reading her thoughts, the lizard attacked himself.

He ignores pistol shots, bullets are barely able to penetrate his tough hide, they can't even distract the monster, so it' left to rely on training, dexterity, and a vibroblade.

Daisy is saved by the fact that from the beginning Lizard did not take her seriously, did not see the girl as a dangerous enemy. Hateful, yes; dangerous, no. His attack is as simple and straightforward as possible, allowing the girl to avoid meeting her mighty paw by slipping under death's noses. But she is not satisfied with her success and strikes back at the monster's arm, cutting off the creature's hand for good.

But Daisy has no time to rejoice in her success, for the next second she is swept away by a blow from its massive tail, which turns out to be a very effective weapon.

The lizard looks at the stump of his hand with bewilderment... but the cost of the mistake is low - right before eyes, the limb begins to regenerate.

Seeing that things are bad, Daisy tries to get up with a heavy groan, but her broken ribs and battered insides do not contribute much to her mobility. She wrinkles, not so much in pain as in frustration.

Just then, the doors, which had previously been guarded by two female automatic riflemen, swing open and another group of soldiers bursts into the room. From the move they open fire on Yasher, pushing him away from his wounded commander.

Under heavy fire, the monster is forced to retreat. Covering his head with his hands, he rushes into the laboratory, where the bound Peter woke up a few minutes ago.

"Ma'am, don't move!" A woman in uniform appears beside the wounded woman, but she has no weapon in her hands, apparently about to attend to her injuries.

Ignoring the medic's fuss, Daisy begins to give orders:

"Don't let him damage the rig! Get him to Zone 3!"

"Yes!" the platoon leader reports and immediately leads his men off in pursuit of the monster, leaving Daisy alone with the medic.

"Did you have to take that risk? We could have just given him his own antiserum, couldn't we?" The doctor wails as she cuts through the sturdy corset that's hidden beneath Daisy's clothing-it's the only reason she got off so lightly after her encounter with the Lizard.

"The real despair is when there is hope of salvation," the wounded woman smirked back, "and when that hope is dashed, he will be broken... now help me up, I have to check everything."

The pursuit dragged on. The lizard, as Daisy had hoped, was not a mindless monster, driven only by instinct. On the one hand, it delighted her - to think that under the guise of a perfect killing machine there was a living and flexible mind - admirable... but, no matter how much she admired Parker's creation, if he continued with such efficiency to exterminate people and destroy equipment...

Daisy swallowed nervously, a lump in her throat. It had been a hard month, filled with long and meticulous work - meticulous scrutiny of Parker's every move, every action since that ill-fated kidnapping by the Cindy Shaw gang, may the Hudson crayfish choke on her stinking bodies. A tough job, though, but a very interesting one. Parker had changed a lot that day, like a silly cartoon character who had lost his memory from a blow to the head.

One man was loaded into the car of a criminal gang - an apathetic, though intelligent boy - but someone else got out of the van. This man, having nothing at his disposal but his own flexible mind, managed not only to get out of a difficult situation, but to turn it to his advantage. And in a few days he had already formed his own gang of either heroes or criminals.

The more Daisy learned, the less she understood what was going on. A secret laboratory, to penetrate inside which never managed, so still judged by overheard conversations in Parker's house, and the data from the phones of teenagers, a serum, turning a man into a monster and back and, finally, Spiderwoman and Venom almost not on the run from a schoolboy ... and then, in that miserable morning Norma fucking Osborne announces the creation of a company with the name of the boy in the name!

It was like a bomb going off. Only thanks to Daisy's meticulousness were they able to react in time - to organize a capture, using whatever was at hand. A few more days and Parker would have been as easy a target as Tony Stark. And still, they almost fucked up, not helped by bugs and virus in the phone of Gwen Stacy, who was hiding under the guise of Spider-Woman, nor a clever attempt to divert attention with a lead on the drug cartel den - the girl was still at the scene in record time. Probably got the information through her mother, a police captain. Well, she dug her own grave.

And Daisy, in spite of all the obstacles, like Osborne's utterly surprising statement, still managed to capture Parker. This success contributed to her rapid ascent up the career ladder - the apostles appreciated the talents of an enterprising operative and issued a carte blanche for all further actions on the project ... but everything has a limit, including the number of damages and losses of personnel, which the high command can forgive her.

At this moment Parker, or should I say Lizard, had just dealt with another platoon of soldiers. With each new skirmish he became more dangerous, more sophisticated and more decisive in his actions. And these idiots, for some reason, decided that jamming the Lizard in a cramped room would be a great idea. Unable to retreat, the monster naturally engaged in combat with overconfident opponents. The result was logical - five fresh corpses against several gunshot wounds on the Lizard's body. Which, given his monstrous regeneration, doesn't seem like an equal exchange.

"Keep leading him to the third zone, try not to engage in open confrontation, keep your distance," Daisy said over the radio the seemingly obvious instructions. Which, nevertheless, some people managed not to understand.

Disconnected from the general communication channel, Daisy irritably asked the woman who was dealing with her bruises:

"Can I go now, Doc?"

"I would strongly advise against it, but yes, you can walk, at least until the stimulants wear off."

"Fine," the girl stood up with a jerk from the crate, which the private at hand thought would be an excellent alternative to the operating table for her commander.

"I want to hear everything ready for our party!" Daisy shouted into the radio, turning on the control room link.

"Yes, ma'am," the boy operator told her in an exemplary young voice, "not even time to flip his tail."

"This boy, though he hasn't smelled gunpowder, but he understands how to talk to the bosses," Daisy noted to herself with satisfaction.

"Fine, then turn on the decoy as soon as the target is in position," she ordered.

"I'll do my best, ma'am!"

Making her way through the rubble left by the rampaging Lizard, Daisy continued to coordinate her men on the radio. Unfortunately, with her body unresponsive to brain commands, the fault being the damn painkillers, she wasn't able to get to the control room in time.

Throwing her leg over the overturned and broken table in the midst of chasing the Lizard, Daisy thought about how much nicer it would be now to throw her leg over Aron from the control room - god knows, the real one, not the one the local fanatics try to create, this boy is the only really useful addition to the base staff since she got here. Then the pleasant memories of spending the night with the boy were interrupted by a sharp flash of pain in her side, when Daisy, forgetting herself, tried to shift her body weight to the side from which the Lizard's tail had struck. Great. Not only do these stimulants limit her mobility, they can't help the pain, either.

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