But… It’s me! The real Spider-Man!

No more masks! Part 4


No one was obstructing me as I left the base, which couldn't have been happier. Not that I wasn't prepared for such a turn of events, but such an aggravation of relations with the most valuable of allies possible in the near future would be highly undesirable.

The Harley seized from the security of the complex was still waiting for me in the parking lot of the business center when I left the building. It would be a good idea to get the paperwork for it, since it was unlikely that the previous owner would need it any time soon.

On my way to Wanda's house I noticed the agents on my tail. To be expected. Fury couldn't help giving the appropriate orders, and in general I have no complaints against her. Another thing is that it is not in my plans to expose Wilson's secret hideout either. On the basis of such considerations, I chose a route that made it appear as if my own house were the final destination, but I stopped before I reached our old hideout two blocks away. The motorcycle had to be abandoned, but before I escaped I left a note on the handlebars for the pursuers, asking them to take care of my vehicle.

Even without the cobwebs, it only took me a couple of seconds to climb to the roof of the nearest building; the pursuers didn't even have a chance to spot my shadow. In fact, I felt as if I could have jumped twenty meters from the ground. The energy inside is just boiling, like it's begging to get out... it's kind of dizzying. It had happened before, right after I gained my powers, but now the thrill was stronger, much stronger. I have no idea where the limits of my new power are. I don't have to worry about the effects on my body if I need to, I'm not afraid of muscle and ligament tears... I need to properly study the interaction between regeneration and the spider's powers.

While my mind was immersed in thought, my feet brought me to Wilson's house. The only thing I didn't know was what that battered cab was doing here, or had Wilson stolen the car on her way home? I saw an open window on the first floor, which seemed to be the living room, and slipped inside.

"Damn it!" I landed to the sound of tearing fabric, "damn these office pants... how can anyone move in these clothes?"

"Oh, my goodness!" a strange-looking Indian-looking girl jumped up from the couch at my appearance. For a moment I thought I had the wrong address.

"Great," Wilson said sarcastically, assuaging my misgivings, "one climber wasn't enough, now the two of them will be soiling the walls with their spider excrement."

To illustrate her conclusions Wanda made a couple of indecipherable noises, which in her mind should indicate the work of spider secretions. Artiste, damn it.

"It's nice to see you, too..." Stacy didn't let me finish my sentence and ask about the stranger before she wrapped me in a bear hug. If she'd done that before, she would have broken my ribs!

She's not wearing a mask, I noted belatedly, realizing that Gwen wouldn't have been able to kiss me with a mask on.

What a nice turn of events. All it took was going through the captivity of a couple of top-secret organizations, not knowing what happened to each other, to take the right vector of movement.

After a few seconds, Gwen interrupts this confused kiss.

"Hi," Stacy says with a playful smile, "I'm Spiderwoman, by the way."

"I know," I pulled the girl to me this time. The second kiss was much more thoughtful and deep, "and I'm Spider-Man."

"And then they'll build a nest under the ceiling of my living room," Wilson said, with a hint of disgust in her voice, "and there'll be their little, disgusting offspring everywhere... insects..."

"Actually, arthropods," Gwen corrected Wanda by pulling away from me, "spiders are a separate group of arthropods in the class of spiders, they are not insects."

"And about the rest you have no objection?" Wilson couldn't stop sneering.

"Get off them," Bobby poked the mercenary in the side, "go get a beer."

"What's that?! Why do all the cream go to the others, and I have to get drunk with melancholy?!" Wilson was indignant.

Meanwhile, the stranger went toward the kitchen, I suspect she decided to carry out Bobby's proposal and went to get a beer.

"How long have you known?" Gwen asked, no longer paying attention to her friends' arguments.

"Since the beginning," I didn't want to lie.

"What?! That's not fair! You lied to me!" I remember in the past a similar tone from Gwen always accompanied by attempts to punch me in the chest. Fortunately, she refrained from such a thing now, "Why didn't you say?"

"Come on, it was fun," which probably wasn't the best thing I could have said in this situation.

"Fun? You were flirting with Gwen Stacy and Spider-Woman at the same time! I was afraid to say the wrong thing the whole time!" What am I supposed to say to something like that?

"That's all great, of course, but then what?" Wilson asked, getting sharply serious. My savior! "How did your rendezvous with the one-eyed mamba end?"

Not to embarrass others or ourselves any longer, Gwen and I moved to the couch. By this time the Indian woman had returned with a packet of cold beer in her hands, which she immediately opened and began to hand out to those present.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Parker," she introduced herself when it came to me, "my name is Gita."

I shook her outstretched hand, still perplexed as to what she was doing here, especially during a meeting without masks.

"Gita helped me on your quest," Wanda explained, reading my doubts, "without her I never would have found that door to shield base."

"I saw where they took you," she clarified, taking a seat on the couch at my side with Gwen, "when my cab was in an accident because of your spider web."

"So..." I stretched out. A passing yard, not a secret base! "Back to the issues at hand: Fury and I have reached a compromise. You will not be prosecuted."

"Really?" Wanda couldn't believe it. "How? Did you spend all this time under Fury's desk begging for forgiveness?"

She really knows Fury personally, since she's so skeptical about the very possibility of convincing the head of shield.

"I didn't have to... stoop to such methods. I simply shared with her the information obtained from the attackers on the school. That information was valuable enough to buy our freedom."

"What kind of information is that? Shit! Tell me everything in order, who it was, what they did to you, how you escaped, and how the hell do you have powers like Gwen?!" Bobby couldn't take it anymore, showering me with questions.

Another long conversation... and I still had to explain myself to MJ. It had been so good the first few days, when no one had even noticed that I'd been kidnapped.

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