But… It’s me! The real Spider-Man!

The trust, part 3

"Just like that?" Letting emotion creep into her voice, Fury interrogated," He dropped the tail?"

"We did everything we could. He drove into a dead end, abandoned his motorcycle there, left a note on the handlebars, and just disappeared," Romanoff outlined the situation without yielding to pressure, "we found him twenty minutes later. He used the disguise again and... came to work."

"Parker Industries?" clarified Fury, examining the scrap of paper provided by the agent.

The director did not question the special agent's opinion. Nanomask is a great invention, and dangerous, but if Romanoff is sure that she identified Parker - so it is. Especially since the guy was pretty sloppy last time... well, he wasn't going to hide for long. For when he got to her office, he'd revealed himself.

"Yes, in the company of Venom and the woman who helped them escape," Natasha completed her report, "Spiderwoman was seen returning to her home."

Fury wondered. More keenly than ever, Nicole felt the weight weighing on her shoulders. There had always been responsibility, difficult decisions and their consequences, but not on this scale. And then there was the loneliness. There wasn't a single person in the world with whom to discuss a problem. The World Security Council, the people who are supposed to control the Shield and those to whom it is legally obligated to answer, have themselves turned out to be traitors. Not all, of course, but at least two members and the chairman. All decisions will have to be made by her... too much power in one hand. And the one who made all this mess... who knows if he's even human.

A few hours ago, Colson had put a detailed report on the events of the compound on her desk. There wasn't as much reliable data as she would have liked. On leaving the complex, Parker set the system to self-destruct. At the same time, he also deleted the video from the internal surveillance cameras. However, there were records of the experiments, as well as testimonies of captured agents and technicians.

There was some things the prisoners agreed on. For example, that Parker could not avoid the fate of the other "chosen ones", though he tried to escape by force, turning himself into a huge lizard-like monster... and this is confirmed, thanks to the surviving old records, incident. But in the end he was captured, disarmed, his brain removed from his body, and his remains burned. And then-and here's where the testimony begins to differ-Parker somehow rose from the dead and seized the entire complex before handing it over to The Shield. Some of the prisoners, a smaller number, are still convinced that he is the God they tried to create. There are many versions, one more impossible than the other. And if only the prisoners were talking this nonsense, the Shield's analysts are just as confused.

The least fantastic version of those voiced by the scientists involved in the analysis - the inseparable agents Fitz and Simmons - was the hypothesis that Parker had somehow deceived his captors and escaped the fate awaiting him. The most probable, if you leave aside its technical impossibility: that the man who appeared in her office as Phil Colson is just a clone of the original Peter Parker, and God only knows what goes on in the creature's head.

Everything, as always, comes down to the possible benefits and the risks involved. The benefits are obvious: Parker has significant influence over two promising candidates, which is highly relevant at the moment, not to mention his own talents. Risks - what risks would be considered acceptable in the current situation?

"Romanoff, there will be a new assignment for you..."


After asking Bobby and Wanda to wait for me in the car, accompanied by a pang of nostalgia, I snuck into Mary Jane's bedroom. Too bad my reasons for secrecy were not as innocent and romantic as before. I used to use the window as an entrance to keep out my girlfriend's parents, but now I am hiding from my enemies. The apostles showed by their actions and words that they did not know what they were dealing with - a lamb that refused to go to the slaughter, or a ruthless God who decided to get rid of a flock that had fulfilled its role - and I was not going to help them understand the situation. Too often my enemies have chosen to target not me, but my loved ones. But, of course, Mary Jane's safety cannot rest on mere speculation about the actions the apostles will take, which is why I am here now.

The window was ajar, and I entered the house unobstructed. The room was empty, but I know for a fact that M.J. is home. I hear Miss Anna trying to talk her into finishing her lunch. It's encouraging to see that Senior Watson has heeded my words and started paying more attention to her daughter. M.J. was not unsupported while I was away. Finally Anna gave up and let her daughter go upstairs, complaining towards the end that she was now alone all the time and wouldn't leave the room. Just in time, I was just in time to prepare for Mary Jane's arrival by getting rid of the listening devices under the lamp and behind the mirror. It wasn't the recording studio they'd turned my own house into - I'd seen the "surveillance material" the spies had collected - but it wasn't pleasant.

Mary Jane walked into the room. She didn't look the way I remembered her. The sparkling smile and cheerful disposition had given way to a wistful expression and a desolation in her eyes. It was as if she had all faded... it hurt to think of the pain I had caused her. As much as I boast, in this world and the old one, sometimes I get too close to the edge. I can't count the number of times my wife almost became a widow. Thanks to the healing factor, though, it'll be a lot harder to kill me now...

Finally, M.J. spotted me perched at ease on her bed.

"Peter," the girl exhaled in shock.

"Yes, honey, it's me," I answered, standing up to meet her.

"Peter!" Mary Jane shrieked, throwing herself on my neck, "You're alive!"

And yet it's nice to be waited on and loved. I take it back: coming back to an empty apartment after being kidnapped by Cindy's gang was much worse.

"Shh, shh," I tried to calm the girl down, but I couldn't help it.

M.J. was still huddled against my chest, as if she were afraid I'd disappear again.

"See, it's okay," I whispered softly stroking her back, "I told you I'd be back..."

"What are you talking about?" Watson instantly erupted, pulling away from me... like someone flipped the emotional switch, "I didn't know what happened to you! You! You were gone for so long, and everyone said you'd already been killed!"

Realizing that it would take me a long time to talk her down, I took extreme measures: the verbal flow was interrupted by the most failsafe means in such cases: a kiss.

Mary Jane was confused by this, frozen for a moment. She didn't want to break away, though, and soon she answered the kiss herself, pressing her body against mine as if she wanted to increase our contact.

"Peter," M.J. whispered as we broke the kiss, expressing in one word the storm of emotion that overwhelmed her, so much feeling in the word. Looks like Wanda and Bobby will have to stay in the car a little longer than planned...

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