Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 11 - I Don’t Want to Fail for Lack of a Final Effort

Chapter 11 I Don’t Want to Fail for Lack of a Final Effort

As soon as she enters, Yang Tao comes up and says, “Zhengzheng! Don’t you take a rest on Sunday? Why are you not at home? I’m worried.”

“Fu Xing said it was boring to stay at home, so I took him out for a walk.” Fu Zhengzheng leaves out Han Siqi and asks, “Why do you meet me in such a hurry? What’s the matter?”

“I’m just worried about you.”

Fu Zhengzheng is a little unhappy. “Han Siqi has come across you last time. If he does again, he will certainly be suspicious. I don’t want to fail for lack of a final effort.”

“I, I’m just worried about you. Zhengzheng, please go back to A city. I’ll ask the director to have another one to replace you.”

“No. It is the first time that I perform my task alone. How can I finish it before I start?”

“But… Zhengzheng…” At first, he just wanted to put her closer to him, but he didn’t expect that Han Siqi was a wolf!

Looking at Yang Tao’s eyes full of regret, Fu Zhengzheng softens her voice. “I’ll handle it properly. Believe me.”

That firm tone makes Yang Tao unsure what to do. He just sighs and tells Fu Zhengzheng the information about Li Xiaomeng.

Li Xiaomeng, 22 years old, came back to B City half a year ago. Since then, she has been teaching in the Little Sun Kindergarten. She is gentle, enthusiastic and responsible, for which she has been popular among colleagues and kids. It is said that she had a boyfriend two years ago, and then they broke up. Not long ago, since she got to know Han Siqi, there have been rumors about their ambiguous relationship.

Then Yang Tao pauses and adds something that shocks Fu Zhengzheng: Li Xiaomeng is the daughter of Li Ming, a drug lord who was executed six years ago!

Six years ago! Six years ago!

Six years ago, she came across Nian Xi in the dog-eat-dog case where she witnessed Li Ming killing people, and because of her testimony, Li Ming died under the gun of the police.

It is said that the reason that drug traffickers gather in B City is the key to the vault that was lost by Li Ming six years ago.

She has always thought that she had nothing to do with what happened six years ago except Nian Xi, but now she feels they are like a net trapping her in again!

Yang Tao doesn’t know her mind. He is puzzled and asks, “Li Xiaomeng’s appearance must have something to do with the rumor of the key, but Han Siqi seems to have nothing to do with the key. Now they link with each other. Do you think the recent drug trafficking case will be related to them?”

Fu Zhengzheng’s heart beats violently, and seems to be at a loss.

Although the superior appointed her to investigate the relationship between Weihan and the last drug trafficking case, now she sincerely hopes that Han Siqi and Weihan are not related to the case.

As for the reason, she can’t explain.


“Fu Xing is at home alone. I have to go back and cook for him.” Thinking that Han Siqi is still at her home, she feels a little uneasy somehow and leaves in a hurry before Yang Tao replies.

She randomly buys some food and walks home. She isn’t in good condition even when she nears the door of her home.

She has always thought she disliked Han Siqi, but now…

With a silent sigh, she is ready to ring the doorbell. Suddenly, from inside the room comes the scream of Fu Xing, “Ah! No! Help!”

Her heart suddenly sinks. The bag in her hand has fallen to the ground. She pounds on the door and shouts “Open the door! Open the door!”

The scream inside stops abruptly. Fu Zhengzheng dodges aside quickly, lifting her bag over her head.

As soon as the door opens, she throws her bag over and then gives a kick.

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