Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 186 - She Turns Out to Be a Chessman Too

Chapter 186 She Turns Out to Be a Chessman Too
Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi gasp at the time bomb behind Fu Xing’s feet.

“What can we do?”

Han Siqi’s forehead is covered with beads of sweat. He feels panicky for the first time.

Fu Zhengzheng keeps silent, holds the chair and turns around, half squatting. Li Xiaomeng and Beardman have faded into the darkness.

It’s extremely quiet around. Only the tick of the time bomb is reverberating in the air and beating their hearts again and again, as if to crush their hearts which are already not powerful.

Fondling Fu Xing who is lying on the chair with one hand and hugging Fu Zhengzheng who is shivering with the other, Han Siqi says in a hoarse but powerful voice: “Zhengzheng, anyway, we get together as a family. With both of you around me, I have no regret.”

Fu Zhengzheng looks up tearfully at the determination and composure on Han Siqi’s face and bursts into tears. Glancing at the time bomb that is still ticking, she hugs Han Siqi backhand.

Li Xiaomeng slips the necklace into her pocket and dashes out of the deserted plant with Beardman. Standing beside a car parked in a remote corner and raising the bear in her hand, she laughs excitedly: “See you next lifetime, darling.”

“Miss Li, have you got the necklace?” A man with a scar on the face comes over.

Li Xiaomeng pats her pocket and says complacently: “Of course.”

Scarman responds immediately: “Let’s leave here quickly. It’s very dangerous here.”

Then he rushes to the car and opens the door to the backseats politely.

Some footsteps come from the distance suddenly, and someone shouts: “Stop!”

Their faces change sharply. Scarman is frightened, pushes Li Xiaomeng into the car and says hurriedly: “Miss Li, go now. I’ll distract them!”

Beardman gets into the car in a flurry and starts the car quickly.

Scarman closes the door and shouts: “Never mind me. Go, Beardman! I’ll distract them!”

Beardman has no time to attend Scarman. He slams on the accelerator and the car dashes far with a boom.

Seeing they leave, Scarman runs into the other car hurriedly.

“Miss, hold on to your seat!”

Pale-faced Li Xiaomeng holds the back of the front seat tightly, bears her stomach’s churning and says with her teeth gritted: “Go!”

While shouting, Beardman floors the accelerator.

She has no time to turn around for the long-anticipated explosion, just closes her eyes and lets the car dash.

“Miss, are you all right?”

“I’m OK.” Li Xiaomeng swallows hard and manages to reply.

The car swerves and throws her sideways. She collides with the door and aches all over. She hurries to hold the handle above the door, grasps the bear under her feet into her arms, closes eyes and take several deep breaths.

After she manages to calm down with efforts, she says seriously: “Uncle Beardman, thank you. Without you, my dad couldn’t be laid to rest.”

Beardman is struck by a trance and then says with a simple and honest smile: “Miss, why do you still say that?”

“Uncle Beardman, I have to say. Thanks for your hard work these years. Without your caring and protection, my mom and I must have lived a tougher life.” Li Xiaomeng touches her pocket with a smile. “After my dad’s death, only you stayed and looked after us. I will remember your favor forever!”

Beardman laughs: “Miss, I’ve never thought so much. My wish in this lifetime is to take good care of and protect my boss’s daughter—you.”

Li Xiaomeng says quickly: “How can you not think about it? You wish me happiness, and I hope you can be happy too.” Then she holds the bear tightly, continuing: “Our happy life is around the corner! Uncle Beardman, I’ll buy you a big villa and then give you a bid sum of money. You can spend it as you like!”

Beardman laughs happily and rubs the back of his head, saying: “Ok. What you say is enough for me. I have lived up to my boss.”

“Don’t say that. I always treat you as my uncle and will be filial to you. I remember Aunt Wang is always interested in you. It’s time for you to find a wife. With her around you, I won’t worry.”

Then Li Xiaomeng fondles her belly. She is pregnant and will have a baby with that man. Now she has got the key, and after they get the treasure in the coffer, they will have nothing to worry about in this lifetime.

When they are talking, Beardman shouts suddenly: “Damn it!”

Li Xiaomeng is surprised: “What’s wrong, Uncle Beardman?”

“Miss, the brakes don’t work!”

“What? Why?”

“I remember clearly when I came out, I checked the car!” Beardman slams on the brakes more times, and pulls the handbrake, but it makes no difference, so he shouts anxiously: “Miss, the car was adjusted dishonestly.”

Li Xiaomeng is in a panic too, asking anxiously: “Uncle Beardman, what can we do?”

Beardman bursts foul language, manages to stabilize the steering wheel and says quickly: “It’s a sharp turn ahead, and after several meters there is an increasingly steep slope. The car drives at such a fast speed that we will die certainly if it dives. On the right of the sharp turn, there is a sward plantation base. You open the door and jump down at the turn, and it might not be fatal.”

“What about you?”

“My life was saved by my boss, and now I return it to his daughter. We’ll be even.”

“Uncle Beardman!”

“No time left! Protect your head with the doll and get ready! Quickly!” Beardman shouts.

It’s near the sharp turn. With no choice, Li Xiaomeng grasps the bear, opens the door tearfully and jumps with a rush, drawing an arc in the air and falling in a heap of soft sward.

It’s a heap of packed sward which seems to be ready for transportation. It saves Li Xiaomeng’s life. She rises quickly. But her belly aches badly and a stream of sticky liquid flows from her body, making her cover her belly and groan on the sward.

Her baby!

How could this be?

Her baby is gone before she shares the good news with its dad!

At the moment, a bang comes from a short distance. Li Xiaomeng’s heart is broken again: “Uncle Beardman!”

With such a bang, Uncle Beardman must be more ominous than propitious. Li Xiaomeng begins to wail, bending over the sward.

She doesn’t understand. Just now she was longing for the happy future, how could everything change during just a few minutes?

How could the car be adjusted dishonestly?

Is it possible that…


The necklace is still in her hand, and the key…

She takes out of the necklace box from her pocket quickly and it feels different. After she opens it, her brain goes blank instantly—the box is empty and the necklace has disappeared!

She recalls that when they fled from the deserted factory, Scarman pushes her. Right, he was originally a thief!

It turns out that the so-called “saving others at the cost of his own life” is just a show directed by anther one, and the car accident is planned by them!

Scarman is under him!

Li Xiaomeng feels her heart is pierced by innumerable knives, and she is too painful to breathe.

She swallows humiliation, bears a heavy burden and becomes extremely cruel, just for the happy future planned by him. She gives up everything and takes risks for him but has never thought that she turns out to be his chessman!

Get the key to the coffer by means of her and then kill her—does he want to pocket the great treasure in the coffer without sharing with her?

Hum, he thinks it’s a piece of cake! Does he think the treasure in the coffer can be got so easily?

What her mom said before death is always imprinted in her mind: you can’t completely believe what others say in any case.

Li Xiaomeng laughs grimly and desperately.

She grits her teeth, cover her belly with hands and is about to leave when she steps on something soft. With the faint light, she identifies it’s Fu Xing’s bear. It seems that the bear has brought her good luck. She holds it and looks around.

A pickup is parked in front of a nearby work shed. She staggers over and finds in surprise that the door is unlocked and the key is on it. She struggles to climb into the pickup, throws the bear to the front passenger seat, starts the pickup and drives out.

She is still bleeding, and the cushion is dyed red. However, she has no time to care about it. She knows he must be there now, and she must see him, asking why he treated her like this and whether he thinks her love is still not enough.

After driving for one kilometer, suddenly she brakes, unties the watch from her wrist, opens the watch lid, takes out a small piece of well-folded brown paper, tears off a patch of scarf to wrap it up, unzips the bear, puts the scarf into it, zips the bear and then puts it aside.

When she is about to start the pickup again, the doors on both sides are opened suddenly, and a big hand holds her clothes: “Carnapper, get out!”

Feeling startled, she has no time to look carefully and slams on the accelerator. The pickup dashes away like an arrow flying from the bowstring, and people on both sides are throw off. Unfortunately, so is the bear.

She turns around to pick up the bear, but a group of workers with torches and self-defense tools rush over from the short distance. She has to floor the accelerator and rush out of the crowd, leaving the bear with the brown paper farther and farther.

It’s almost dawn, pale-faced Li Xiaomeng drives to a grove, jumps out of the pickup, staggeringly runs into the grove with her hands covering her painful belly.

It’s still cold in the early spring. The quiet grove is shrouded in mist, and only Li Xiaomeng’s footsteps reverberate in it. Crystal dews glitter on the laurel-green grass and wet Li Xiaomeng’s trouser legs. She ignores it and continues running forward.

Under a big tree, a tall and straight man is standing before a tombstone, lost in thought.

He is really here—she is so familiar with his figure!

“Why don’t you enter? A huge sum of treasure is buried there!” Li Xiaomeng approaches with a grim smile.

The man turns around quickly. He looks numb when he sees Li Xiaomeng but then comes over excitedly: “Darling, you are all right? That’s great!”

But he stops before he gets close to Li Xiaomeng, because a sharp knife is pushed against his chest.

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