Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 194 - I Come Here for Confession

Chapter 194 I Come Here for Confession

Yang Tao knows Han Siqi is hostile towards him, so he ignores Han Siqi’s sarcasm, and gives the bear to Fu Xing while turning his face to Fu Zhengzheng and saying, “Zhengzheng, I bring someone to see you. You must be unable to guess who the person is.”

Is it her brother?

Fu Zhengzheng sits up excitedly and stares at the door expectantly with wide-open eyes.

A woman in loose thick coat steps into the ward quickly.


“Ah, Li Yin?”

It’s not her brother. Fu Zhengzheng feels disappointed inevitably, but she is surprised to see Li Yin.

“Zhengzheng, be careful!”

Han Siqi who has put down Fu Xing quickly supports Fu Zhengzheng that has jumped down the bed.

“Siqi, I’m fine.”

When Fu Zhengzheng waves her hand to Han Siqi, Li Yin whose face is full of guilt has come to her, sobbing, “Zhengzheng, sorry. I did much wrong against you. Please curse me if you want to.”

Li Yin has left Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort for only half a month, but she has become gaunt obviously and her eye sockets sink deeply. Fu Zhengzheng feels distressed and sad.

She shakes her head, “You are not entirely to blame. You must have suffered a lot outside recently, right? By the way, how is the baby?”

“The baby is fine. I haven’t suffered much hardships, but I always feel guilty. I can’t sleep well and always have nightmares, dreaming about you and the sister-in-law’s baby. I’m really…”

Fu Zhengzheng holds her hand tightly and shakes her head again, “I know you were forced and had no choice. Actually, you didn’t want to harm us. It has passed. Don’t think about it any longer. I heard if mom is not happy, the baby in her belly won’t be fine.”

Looking at her own belly, Li Yin can’t help touching it gently and says happily, “I’ll pay attention to that.”

Fu Zhengzheng touches her belly too and asks smilingly, “Is the baby good? Does he kick you?”

“He can’t kick yet, but he is good. I don’t vomit now.”

Fu Zhengzheng pats her forehead and laugh, “You’ve been pregnant for just three months and it’s not the time of fetal movement yet. I remember when I was pregnant with Fu Xing, fetal movement happened after five or six months. He woke up earlier than me every day, moving around in my belly as if he was urging me to get up.”

“My baby will urge me to get up soon.” Li Yin smiles but then her face darkens, “I watched Li Xiaomeng’s news on TV and pluck up the courage to come back furtively to see what’s going on.”

Fu Zhengzheng tells her immediately, “By the way, Brother Liu is in the detention house now…”

“Sergeant Yang has taken me to see him and Liu Lin has told me everything. Zhengzheng, thanks a lot. Without you, Liu Lin would have made a big mistake and our family would have been destroyed.” Then Li Yin begins to cry again.

Fu Zhengzheng wipes tears for her, “Don’t cry. I heard a pregnant woman can’t cry too much, or her eyes will be harmed. In that case, how can the baby grow healthily?”

Then she changes their topic immediately, “So long as Brother Liu cooperates with the police actively, he will be released earlier.”

“I know. I threatened him when I saw him: if he doesn’t transform himself well, I’ll marry another man after our son is born.”

“Ah?” Fu Zhengzheng is surprised, “How did Brother Liu respond?”

Li Yin wipes the tears and can’t help laughing, “He promised me that he would transform himself well and try to come out earlier to see our son.”

Fu Zhengzheng also laughs, “He will.”

Yang Tao interrupts, “Liu Lin behaves well indeed. He took us to search several secret dens of Zhou Bing. We have accumulated many pieces of evidence and a special group has been established for the case in the police station. I heard yesterday my colleagues began to arrest Zhou Bing and his men.”

Hearing the name of Zhou Bing, Fu Zhengzheng thinks of Li Xiaomeng at once, “Is there news about Li Xiaomeng?”

Yang Tao shakes his head, “Not yet. The relation between Li Xiaomeng and Zhou Bing is not so close as we thought. After Zhou Bing is arrested, we’ll interrogate him.”

Finding the topic is back to the case, Han Siqi says discontentedly, “Zhengzheng, it’s getting late. Dad and mom have been waiting for Xingxing since the early morning. They might be impatient now.”

Fu Zhengzheng glares back at Han Siqi, with grievance flowing from her eyes.

Yang Tao is afraid they will be on bad terms, so he says immediately, “I have a lot of things to do in the police station. Zhengzheng, nurse your body well after you go home.”

Li Yin also says goodbye, “Zhengzheng, I have to go too. I’ll go to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort to see you when I’m free.”

Then she plans to go out with Yang Tao. Fu Zhengzheng shouts instantly, “Li Yin, where do you live now?”

Knowing Fu Zhengzheng is worried about her and her baby’s life, Li Yin answers smilingly, “I live with my cousin. She takes care of me. It’s OK.”

Fu Zhengzheng watches them out unworriedly.

“Mummy, look at my bear. It’s not dirty at all and even has pleasant smell.” Fu Xing lifts the bear to Fu Zhengzheng and blocks her sight.

Fu Zhengzheng bends down, takes over the bear and smells it. It really has a faint fragrance. She can’t help laughing, “Fu Xing, it’s washed by Uncle Yang. Did you thank him?”

Han Siqi corrects her, “He asked someone to wash it. He is a man, and can he wash it to be so fragrant?”

Fu Zhengzheng is about to rebut when Ji Muxian comes in.

“The discharge procedure has been finished. We can go. Yongcheng went to drive the car.”

Tian Xin and Sun Qiubo go to carry packages, and Ji Muxian and He Menghuai help them.

Han Siqi lifts Fu Xing and takes sulky Fu Zhengzheng to walk out.

Seeing so many people are here, Fu Zhengzheng can’t lose her temper and have no choice but to follow him.

Tian Xin and Sun Qiubo get on Ji Muxian’s car. He Menghuai leaves after sending them onto the car. Han Siqi gets on Li Yongcheng’s car with his wife and son.

Watching the car heading for Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, Fu Zhengzheng has an indescribable feeling.

Without Li Xiaomeng, but with Fu Xing’s naughtiness this time, the bad impression she left on Mr. and Mrs. Han won’t be removed in a short time, although they say they won’t meddle in the business between her and Han Siqi.

“Mummy, look, grandpa and grandma are waiting for you at the gate.”

Looking out of the window, Fu Zhengzheng really sees Mr. and Mrs. Han standing at the gate of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort on tiptoe of expectation.

She touches Fu Xing’s head and smiles, “Grandpa and grandma are waiting for you. They miss you. Say hello to grandpa and grandma when you see them, OK?”

Fu Xing pouts, “If they don’t smile at you, I’ll not call them.”

Fu Zhengzheng glares, “Fu Xing!”

Han Siqi defends his son immediately, “A kid knows nothing. Let him do what he wants.”

Fu Zhengzheng understands Han Siqi’s thought, but she thinks a kid should not be indulged like this, so she says, “A kid can’t get into the bad habit of being impolite.”

“Yes, yes. Let’s teach him slowly after we go home.” Han Siqi embraces Fu Zhengzheng and says smilingly.

Then the car stops at the gate of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.

Mr. and Mrs. Han rush to open the door of the car. They look excited but dare not say much when they see Fu Xing, so they just stand aside, half bending over and watching him with smiles.

It’s the first time for Fu Zhengzheng to see that Mr. and Mrs. Han is so fawning. She can’t bear it and pulls Fu Xing secretly, saying quietly, “Call grandpa and grandma.”

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng glaring at him, Fu Xing calls them reluctantly, “Grandpa, grandma.”

“Hey!” Fu Xing’s calling makes Mr. and Mrs. Han smile from ear to ear. They compete to hug Fu Xing.

Fu Xing avoids their hands, explaining, “Mummy says I’m a man and can’t be hugged.”

Then Mr. and Mrs. Han stand at Fu Xing’s both sides and each of them holds a hand of Fu Xing.

Fu Xing wants to withdraw his hands, but when he sees Fu Zhengzheng winking at him, he has no choice but to follow them reluctantly.

Han Siqi ignores his son and just holds Fu Zhengzheng’s hand and ushers her in.

Fu Zhengzheng complains quietly, “Why don’t you criticize Xingxing? They are your parents. I really doubt whether you’re their natural son.”

“Why will I criticize him? He behaves well! Don’t think about that. They will deal with it.” Han Siqi says smilingly.

Ji Yashu walking in front of them turns around suddenly and says, “Zhengzheng, you and Siqi’s room has been cleaned, and the bedding is new. Besides, I’ve asked someone to fetch your luggage in Mansion Qin.”

Fu Zhengzheng feels extremely flattered, “Ah? Thank you, aunt!”

Ji Yashu smiles kindly: “Why do you still call me aunt? You and Siqi have got the marriage certificate!”

Fu Zhengzheng is astonished and freezes there.

Ji Yashu says nothing more and just takes Fu Xing forward with a smile.

Han Siqi gets close to Fu Zhengzheng’s ear and teases her, “Darling, is it so difficult for you to call mom?”

Fu Zhengzheng feels embarrassed.

She wanted to call her mom in the past, but they refused. Now she has accepted the fact that they disapprove of her, but they change their minds.

After lunch, the family members get down to their own businesses. Mr. and Mrs. Han take Fu Xing to Han Sixian’s house with the excuse of playing with Xiaoxiao.

Although Fu Zhengzheng’s wound doesn’t hurt, she hasn’t recovered completely and can’t move around, so she just watches TV on the bed.

“Darling, it’s time to take medicine.” Han Siqi gives medicine and a glass of water to Fu Zhengzheng.

After Fu Zhengzheng takes medicine, Han Siqi puts down the glass and lies on the bed too. Fu Zhengzheng feels surprised.

“The company is very busy, isn’t it?”

“But your husband is very tired.”

Han Siqi embraces her, puts his face close to her waist and closes eyes.

Hearing what he says, Fu Zhengzheng feels distressed and pushes him, “Take off your clothes and cover yourself with the quilt, or you will catch a cold.”

Han Siqi takes off a coat randomly and gets into bed. He reaches out to hug her and she tucks him in.

Fu Zhengzheng pulls the quilt on his back and then sees his hands out, so she puts them inside the quilt.

“Sleep for a while if you’re sleepy.” She says softly. When she is about to close eyes, she finds Han Siqi’s eyelashes are moving…

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