Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 20 - Want to Burn Her to Death!

Chapter 20 Want to Burn Her to Death!

“What are you doing, Mommy?” Asks Fu Xing vaguely, lying on the clothes.

“Shh.” Fu Zhengzheng gestures for her son to keep silent.

She has just vaguely heard the sound of the door being unlocked.

“Fu Xing, you hide in it and don’t get out no matter what may happen in the room. Do you hear that?” Fu Zhengzheng commands in a low voice.


Before Fu Xing finishes, Fu Zhengzheng has closed the door of the wardrobe and runs outside quickly.

As soon as she comes out of the door, she sees four or five masked men pouring in.

“Who are you?” Fu Zhengzheng shouts.

The masked men say nothing and come directly to hit her.

Fu Zhengzheng originally thought it was only one or two thieves who came in to steal things, but now she realizes that there is something wrong, so she doesn’t dare to treat them lightly and bravely fight with them.

But even though she is a policewoman, she can hardly match these strong men with bare hands. Soon she is at a disadvantage.

“Hiss”, when one man grips her hands, another man has torn her pajamas.

“What are you doing, son of a bitch?” Fu Zhengzheng has never been insulted like this for so many years. When she sees her torn clothes and thinks of her son who is still in the wardrobe, she gets extremely furious.

She lifts her feet to kick the man in front of her!

“Yo, this woman is so hot. Hurry to catch her. We can’t let her go!” Having avoided Fu Zhengzheng’s kicks, the man winks an eye at another man beside him.

Several men laugh ferociously.

With her hands being tied and legs being pressed by the man in front of her, Fu Zhengzheng can’t exert her strength. Seeing the man’s mouth moving towards her, she is almost nauseated by the unpleasant breath coming from his mouth and nose.

She wants to scream for help, but worry that her voice will attract Fu Xing to run out.

No! She can’t let Fu Xing come out!

As Fu Zhengzheng bites her lips and closes her eyes to accept her fate, she hears “ouch” coming from the man, who is putting a hand over his eyes and shrinking aside.

Then there is another scream.

Fu Zhengzheng turns around and finds that Fu Xing is standing at the door of his room, attacking the “bad guys” in his eyes with his beloved slingshot equipped with Go pieces.

“Damn it! Little bastard. You dare to attack me! I will kill you!” A man rushes towards the room ferociously.

Fu Zhengzheng takes the opportunity to get loose. She immediately blocks in front of the man, kicking at him.

The man tilts his body to avoid her attack and kicks back. Then Fu Zhengzheng kicks him right in the ankle, causing him scream and roll on the ground with his legs in his arms.

Fu Xing makes a victory gesture at Fu Zhengzheng and smiles proudly.

But Fu Zhengzheng has no time to respond to her son. She grabs the mop by the door and strikes the other two men’s legs.


These men fall on the ground in pain, but soon they get up and look at one another, each taking out a lighter and jumping away.

“Hey, what do you want to do?” Fu Zhengzheng gets panicked.

One man rolls up the sofa towel and lights it, and then throws it at Fu Xing.

“Fu Xing!” Fu Zhengzheng screams.

Seeing Fu Xing nimbly jumps away, she is relieved and then rushes to the room.

By the time she comes out with Fu Xing in her arms, the fire has spread, and the people who set the fire have gone. Her first reaction is to rush out with her son, but when she rushes to the door, she finds that she can’t open the door. It seems that the door handle is locked by something outside.

She has no choice but to return to the bedroom with her son in her arms. The thick smoke chokes them and they cough up tears. Fu Zhengzheng kicks the door to close it.

Putting down her son by the window, she shakes the burglar-proof window hard. For the first time, she finds that it is so firm. Opening the window, she shouts at the outside, “Help! Help!”

But her shout doesn’t get any response.

“Don’t be afraid, Mommy. Daddy will come to save us.” Wiping his tears, Fu Xing pulls Fu Zhengzheng’s clothes and comforts her while coughing violently.

The smoke in the house gets thicker and thicker. Fu Zhengzheng holds her son and covers his mouth. But she feels a little desperate, “How could he possibly come? Even if he comes here, it will be too late!”

“Fu Zhengzheng! Fu Xing!”

Who is calling her?

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