Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 201 - Interrogate Zhou Bing

Chapter 201 Interrogate Zhou Bing

Fu Zhengzheng hears no voice of Zhou Bing in the restroom. She feels something is wrong, so she cranes her neck to peek, only to see a wooden stick poking straight towards her eyes. She is so surprised as to grab and drag one end of the stick with force, and then she hears a cry of “Ouch”. She looks carefully and finds it’s one end of the cleaner’s mop.

“Miss, what do you want to do? That the tap doesn’t work has been written down over there. You didn’t notice it!” The cleaner thinks Fu Zhengzheng comes to make trouble, so she leans against the wall and glares at her.

Fu Zhengzheng supports the cleaner quickly and explains, “I’m sorry. I come to ask for the plumber to fix the tap. Does he offer house service?”

Then the cleaner wears a smile and points to the back door, saying “He just went out. Hey, Miss…”

Before the cleaner finishes, Fu Zhengzheng has dashed towards the back door.

The back door leads to a small community.

After coming out of the back door, Fu Zhengzheng sees Zhou Bing turn into the left lane quickly at a distance. She follows fast and stands against the wall to crane left.

Just at the moment, Zhou Bing turns around suddenly. She retracts her head in panic. After a while, she cranes again and finds Zhou Bing has disappeared!

She guesses Zhou Bing might be conscious of something. She looks back at the back door of SensBund anxiously, praying Sun Qiubo or Tian can get through to He Menghuai or Muxian earlier so that they can arrive as soon as possible.

Forget it. Just follow him!

“Zhengzheng, be cautious!”


When Fu Zhengzheng is about to move, she hears Tian’s cry and turns around promptly, only to see a wooden stick hitting towards her. She slips down against the wall and the wooden stick smashes against the wall with a bang.

Before she fights back, another one pops up and gives her a fist. She turns her head sideways and avoids it again. Then she kicks over.

Her rivalry steps back quickly and Fu Zhengzheng misses.

“Wow, chick, you have real skill.” The thin man with a wooden stick in his hand leers at her.

Fu Zhengzheng immediately recognizes both men are under Zhou Bing, who has found her really. She shouts, “Fold your hands for capture!”

The fat man shuts his ears to what Fu Zhengzheng says and begins to attack Fu Zhengzheng while cursing, “Scrag, control your lust. Catch the bitch!”

The thin man then stops his obscene laughing and comes up to help him.

Tian Xin stands nearby and watches Fu Zhengzheng fighting with the two men, feeling extremely worried. She looks around, grabs a broom and wields towards the thin guy.

Fu Zhengzheng sees Tian Xin and shouts quickly, “Tian, run!”


The thin guy is off guard and hit by Tian Xin. Then he turns around quickly.

Tian Xin sees his vicious look, throws away the broom and runs away quickly.

Fu Zhengzheng kicks away the fat man, rushes to grab the thin one who is about to run after Tian Xin and fights with him.

At this moment, car-starting sound comes from nearby.

The two guys leap left suddenly. Fu Zhengzheng feels something is wrong. She turns around and sees a gray Hyundai car roaring towards her.

Her face turns pale with fright. Seeing a flower bed on her right, she leaps onto it in a big stride and hears the wind roar by her ears, blowing her hair in a mess.

“Boss! Boss!”

The two guys think Zhou Bing will stop the car. Unexpectedly, they follow a few steps, but the car doesn’t stop and dashes forward straight. They become panicky, look at each other and then run forward with all strength.

Fu Zhengzheng jumps off the flower bed and grabs the thin guy running back. He takes out a sharp knife suddenly and stabs towards Fu Zhengzheng. She is off guard and the knife almost stabs her. Suddenly someone is snapping aloud behind.


The thin man’s hand shivers. Seeing the guys coming from behind, he throws the knife and rushes forward madly.

Fu Zhengzheng just turns around and a few figures dash past her quickly. It turns out that the special policemen have arrived! They press the two guys on the ground effortlessly.

“Zhengzheng, are you all right?” Yang Tao and He Menghuai rush after them and ask worriedly.

Fu Zhengzheng points to the direction in which Zhou Bing escapes and says quickly, “I’m fine! Zhou Bing escapes in that direction!”

“I’m glad that you are fine!” Seeing Fu Zhengzheng is all right, Yang Tao sighs with relief and says, “We have blocked all intersections around to arrest them. No one can escape.”

He Menghuai shouts, “Zhengzheng, do you want to be killed? You know Zhou Bing is like a stray dog. How dared you fight with him face to face?”

After Fu Zhengzheng sees them, she comes to herself. She pats the dust on her body, combs the untidy hair and smiles in a pretending lightness, “Don’t you see I’m fine?”

“How fine you are! If Zhou Bing hadn’t found something was wrong and been eager to escape, you would be chopped up by him!”

“Menghuai! Shut up!” Yang Tao stops him.

“Captain Yang, you will think what I say is ominous, but it’s true!” He Menghuai turns around and continues to tell Fu Zhengzheng, “Zhou Bing is notorious for his cruelty.”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles lightly, “Even if I’m chopped up, it can be seen as death in line of duty.”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Yang Tao stops her instantly.

At this time, someone speaks in his intercom, “Captain Yang, everything goes well. Zhou Bing has been arrested.”

“Great!” He Menghuai cheers, clenching his fists.

Yang Tao looks excited too. He walks back quickly as responding immediately, “OK. Take him to the police station and interrogate him right away.”

Fu Zhengzheng runs to keep up with Yang Tao, “I’ll go with you.”

“OK, let’s go.” Yang Tao slows down and turns around to smile at Fu Zhengzheng.

He Menghuai teases behind, “Wow, Captain Yang, it’s enchanting of you to look back and smile. Even I as a man am almost enchanted.”

“Do you want to be beaten?” Yang Tao raises the intercom and pretends to smash into He Menghuai.

He Menghuai pauses his step with fright, retracts his neck, raises his hand and smiles embarrassedly, “Captain Yang, I’m praising you!”

Without turning around, Yang Tao says, “Go to praise your lovely girl if you are free. If she is happy, maybe she’ll allow you to kiss her—don’t you want to kiss her in your dream?”

Fu Zhengzheng listens to Yang Tao’s tease and feels astonished. She remembers Yang Tao has never played such a joke.

He Menghuai stares at him at once, “Captain Yang! Boss! If you dare say more about it, I’ll fall out with you!”

Yang Tao doesn’t care about his threatening at all. He opens the car door for Fu Zhengzheng while explains laughingly, “One night of the other day, this guy was on duty with some colleagues. When others were talking about Zhou Bing, he fell asleep on the table, held a cup and kept kissing, slobbering a lot.”

“Almost an obscene man! I have to tell Qiubo.”

Fu Zhengzheng laughs so much that her tears almost come out.

He Menghuai can do nothing about Yang Tao. He implores Fu Zhengzheng with a bitter face, “Don’t tell it to crazy Qiubo, OK? Otherwise I can’t stand in front of her in the future.”

Fu Zhengzheng stops laughing after a while, but she feigns ignorance, “What can’t be told to Qiubo? I forget.”

Looking at He Menghuai’s pitiful look, she can’t bear teasing him anymore and smiles, “it’s OK not to tell Qiubo, but you have to do what I tell you in the future.”

He Menghuai pats his chest and promises, “No problem! So long as you need me, just tell me.”

When it comes to Sun Qiubo, Fu Zhengzheng recalls what she talked about with Sun Qiubo, so she asks, “Menghuai, Qiubo is being urged by her family to go back. Don’t you plan to pay a visit to A City with her?”

“I’d like to, but I’m so busy now and don’t have leave.” Then He Menghuai casts a whiny glance at Yang Tao.

Fu Zhengzheng can understand how busy they are recently and says with a smile, “After you finish the business at hand, you can go to Qiubo’s home with your captain to propose.”

He Menghuai becomes happy at once and asks brazenly, “Captain Yang, what do you think of Zhengzheng’s suggestion?”

Yang Tao replies smilingly, “Finish the case at hand and then see.”

He Menghuai holds his fist in the other hand to Yang Tao excitedly, “Thanks for your help, Zhengzheng and Captain Yang. I will thank you sincerely after I propose successfully.”

Then the car arrives at the gate of the police station. They withdraw playful expression and walk towards the interrogation room quickly.

In the interrogation room sit Ji Muxian and other two policemen. Opposite them sits Zhou Bing slouching on the chair with his hands and feet bound by chains.

Yang Tao walks close to Ji Muxian, sits down and asks quietly, “How is it going?”

Ji Muxian passes the record to Yang Tao, “Leave the interrogation to you.”

Then he rises in a hurry. When he walks to the door, he turns around and says to Zhengzheng, “Siqi is worried about you. Give him a call.”

Fu Zhengzheng wants to take out her phone and then she recalls her phone is broken.

Yang Tao gives his phone to her.

When Fu Zhengzheng is calling Han Siqi, she hears He Menghuai asking curiously, “Captain Ji is very concerned about the case, isn’t he?”

“His girlfriend is hurt.” The policeman taking note explains in a low voice.

Fu Zhengzheng is telling Han Siqi her phone is broken and she is fine. When she hears that, she is startled, hangs up the phone and asks worriedly, “Hurt? Why is she hurt? Which part is hurt?”

“It’s said her ankle is sprained.”

He Menghuai replies immediately, “She only sprained her ankle. Qiubo said it’s not serious. Why is Captain Ji so restless? Haha, it seems that cold Captain Ji has been transformed successfully by his woman.”

“So much nonsense! Get down to business.” Yang Tao throws a pen onto He Menghuai’s head.

Hearing Tian is fine, Fu Zhengzheng sighs with relief and turns around to look at Zhou Bing.

Yang Tao asks in a deep voice, “Zhou Bing, do you know why we arrest you?”

Zhou Bing answers with pretended composure, “No.”

“No?” Yang Tao smiles coldly. He grabs a notebook, turns to the first page and shows it to Zhou Bing, “It’s their testimony. Can’t you guess what they have confessed?”

Zhou Bing glimpses the names on it and becomes panicky, but he keeps silent.

Yang Tao is not worried. He walks to Zhou Bing and stares at him for a while. Suddenly his facial expression changes and he interrogates Zhou Bing, “How did you kill Li Xiaomeng?”

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