Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 317 - A Happy Dinner

Chapter 317 A Happy Dinner

Yang Tao takes a sip of tea, and then something occurs to him. He says, “Zhengzheng, I forgot to tell you something.”

Seeing Yang Tao become serious, Fu Zhengzheng asks immediately, “What?”

“Last night, Menghuai operated a task and caught two hooligans coming from D City. They said they came to B City for fun. But we don’t think their intention is that simple. We suspect that they come for the trap map for the moment. We can’t let down our guard in any case. I’ll send you their photos tonight. If they appear around you, be cautious.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods, “OK. If they really come for the trap map, that means the calm we felt before was not real. It was actually the prelude to a storm.”

“So I’ve told you repeatedly that you must be cautious. Although we’re prepared, the enemies are in the dark and we are passive.”

“I know. I will be cautious.”

While they are talking, Han Siqi comes too.

Finding he is sitting close to Fu Zhengzheng, Yang Tao rises quickly, moves a step away and then greets Han Siqi.

Fu Zhengzheng is embarrassed by Yang Tao’s action and can’t help glaring at Han Siqi.

In the final analysis, Yang Tao is too afraid now because Han Siqi used to get jealous easily.

Obviously, Han Siqi can see through Yang Tao’s thought. He doesn’t care. He sits by Fu Zhengzheng and says smilingly, “You don’t need to be so polite. Let’s sit down and talk.”

Seeing Han Siqi’s calm expression, Yang Tao smiles embarrassedly and sits down on the sofa aside.

Fu Zhengzheng feels the atmosphere is a little embarrassing so she breaks in smilingly, “Siqi, Yang Tao just told me some hooligans coming from another city. They are suspected of coming here for the trap map of the coffer. He told us to be more cautious.”

Han Siqi nods.

Yang Tao looks at Han Siqi and says, “Mr. Han, thanks for your cooperation in advance.”

Han Siqi says slowly, “You are welcome. The guys you talk about from D City are the two ones taken back by He Menghuai after a task?”

Yang Tao nods.

Han Siqi asks again, “Have you identified their background?”

Yang Tao is surprised and asks tentatively, “Do you know them too?”

Han Siqi nods, “We met them.”

“We?” Fu Zhengzheng is puzzled, but she realizes it soon, “Are they the ones that we saw in the hospital last night? Yao Tao, does one of them have a scorpion tattoo on his wrist?”

“Yes.” Yang Tao answers her and then asks worriedly at once, “What does it mean that you met them?”

Fu Zhengzheng told him what happened in the VIP ward last night.

“It seems that I don’t need to send you photos.” Then Yang Tao asks Han Siqi, “Were the two guys punched because…”

Han Siqi doesn’t respond and just takes a sip of tea casually.

Yang Tao takes the hint and stops asking. He says slowly, “These triflers only fight and make trouble every day. They trouble us a lot.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng guesses what happened instantly, but she doesn’t ask anything. Lin Xiaoyue comes out to call them for dinner. They don’t mention it again tacitly. Then they stand up and go to the dining room.

Smelling the taste of the boiled fish head with pickled cabbage and chili, Fu Zhengzheng feels her mouth water. While praising the dish, she picks up a bowl to scoop it, but Han Siqi stops her.

“Your intestines and stomach haven’t recovered, so you can’t eat stimulating food.”

Then he scoops the tofu soup with green vegetables and gives it to her.

Looking at the tofu soup with green vegetables, Fu Zhengzheng feels insipid instantly and pushes it away.

Lin Xiaoyue smiles, “Sister Zhengzheng, Mr. Han told my mom specially to cook the tofu soup for you. You can’t let Mr. Han down.”

Pointing to the soup of boiled fish head with pickled cabbage and chili, Fu Zhengzheng curls her lips and says, “I want to eat that.”

Han Siqi ignores her. He hands the tofu soup with green vegetables to her again and says softly, “Eat this first. When your intestines and stomach have recovered, I’ll ask Aunt Lin to cook the boiled fish head with pickled cabbage and chili for you again.”

Hearing the resoluteness in Han Siqi’s tone, Fu Zhengzheng knows she can’t change his mind, so she takes the tofu soup with green vegetables.

Then Han Siqi wears a beam of satisfaction.

Looking at the scene, Mrs. Lin says to Yang Tao smilingly, “Yang, look, what good care Mr. Han takes of his wife!”

Yang Tao smiles embarrassedly and scoops a bowl of tofu soup with green vegetables for Lin Xiaoyue too.

Lin Xiaoyue takes it quickly and happily. Fu Zhengzheng teases smilingly, “Yang Tao, aunt tells you to take good care of Xiaoyue instead of scooping the tofu soup with green vegetables. Xiaoyue loves the soup of boiled fish head with pickled cabbage and chili too.”

Yang Tao smiles embarrassedly. Lin Xiaoyue defends him at once, “Sister Zhengzheng, I have internal heat recently and need a light diet to decrease it.”

Seeing Han Siqi scoop the tofu soup with green vegetables, Fu Zhengzheng asks confusedly, “Why do you eat it too?”

Han Siqi answers, “I also have internal heat.”

Looking at the boiled fish head with pickled cabbage and chili that has never been touched, Fu Zhengzheng says regretfully, “Aunt cooked it specially. How can we not appreciate her kindness? Who has internal heat can still eat a little. We can’t leave it untouched at all.”

Mrs. Lin stops her smilingly, “Zhengzheng, it doesn’t matter. It’s only a dish. I will cook it again for you next time. But from the dish, I can see you love each other deeply. I feel very happy.”

Fu Zhengzheng looks at Lin Xiaoyue and Yang Tao and winks with a smile, “Of course, they love each other deeply.”

Hearing her tease, Lin Xiaoyue doesn’t respond. She just peeks at Yang Tao and then lowers her head, pretending to drink the soup.

Yang Tao just looks at Lin Xiaoyue smilingly, without a word.

Mrs. Lin sighs suddenly, “I feel relieved to hand Xiaoyue to Yang. But I’m worried about Yongcheng. He is about 30 but still single.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng says immediately, “Aunt, don’t worry about Yongcheng. I promise he will take a beautiful and competent girlfriend home during the Spring Festival.”

“Really?” Mrs. Lin’s eyes light up. But soon she thinks Fu Zhengzheng is pleasing her, so she says smilingly, “Thanks for your lucky words.”

“It’s true!” Fu Zhengzheng wants to tell her Qiao Keren, but when she sees Han Siqi winking at her, she holds the name back and says, “Yongcheng used to follow Siqi and had no chances to contact girls. Now he helps Siqi with the resort project in C City. With more interpersonal relationships, he will contact more girls. It’s not a problem to find a girlfriend. But Yongcheng must choose the best and most suitable one.”

Listening to her explanation, Mrs. Lin puts her palms together devoutly and happily, “I hope Yongcheng’s dad can bless him. We’re not picky about the girl’s appearance. So long as she is willing to live a down-to-earth life and treats Yongcheng well, that’s enough.”

Fu Zhengzheng laughs, “Aunt, no problem. You can wait for your grandson.”

Her words crack Mrs. Lin up. The atmosphere at the table becomes cheerful instantly.

After dinner, they continue to talk for a while. Then Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi leave.

On the way, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help asking, “It seems that Lin Yongcheng hasn’t mentioned Qiao Keren to Aunt Lin and Xiaoyue. Now that he hasn’t mentioned her, why didn’t you allow me to do it?”

Han Siqi replies while driving, “Others’ business should be done by themselves.”

Fu Zhengzheng sighs, “Alas, it’s a pity that I’m not in C City, or I can give them a boost to improve their relationship. I’m not confident about Lin Yongcheng’s phlegmatic temperament.”

Han Siqi doesn’t respond to her. She can’t help asking again, “Will you leave Yongcheng in C City forever?”

Han Siqi asks in reply, “Isn’t it good to leave him in C City?”

“It’s good. Qiao Keren used to be well-known in B City. If she moves back to B City and is recognized, it’ll be bad for the development of their relationship. But Aunt Lin only has one son. How can he not be back to B City?”

Han Siqi holds Fu Zhengzheng’s hand and says smilingly, “You rack your brains for others’ business all day long. Why don’t you think about your own business?”

Fu Zhengzheng is confused, “What business do I have?”

“It’s a special time now. You must be vigilant about all people in contact with you.”

Thinking of those guys from D City mentioned by Yang Tao, Fu Zhengzheng asks at once, “Scorpion was only rude in speech, but he didn’t harm us. Why did you arrange for Lu Song to fight against him?”

“This is the fastest way to let him confess where he is from.”

Then Fu Zhengzheng understands his intention. But then she complains, “Apparently, your purpose is to revenge Scorpion and his buddies. But you gave a high-sounding reason to Yang Tao. You are really a cunning fox.”

Han Siqi laughs, “Thanks for your praise.”

“You are garrulous.” Fu Zhengzheng pats his hand away and asks, “Why do you have internal heat?”

“I don’t.”

“Then why didn’t you eat the boiled fish head with pickled cabbage and chili?”

“I was afraid you would want to kiss me because of the smell.”

“Oh, please.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles, but she feels warm in the heart. He must be afraid that she would covet when she saw him enjoying the dish, so he didn’t eat at all.

Han Siqi touches her hand again and says seriously, “Darling, so many things have happened to you recently. I’m worried about you very much.”

Thinking of Lingshan Nunnery mentioned by Fu Wenhai, Fu Zhengzheng laughs and says, “Yes, I’m unlucky recently. It’s said that talismans from Lingshan Nunnery in the north of the city are effective. I’ll spare time to pray for one.”

“Talisman?” Han Siqi seems to meditate and then says, “Let’s go to Lingshan Nunnery on Sunday.”

Fu Zhengzheng laughs at once, “It’s just throwaway. Do you believe it too?”

“I’d rather believe it’s so effective. If not, it doesn’t matter, and we can just take it as an outing for relaxation. I heard the north of the city has beautiful views.”

“How about inviting Qiubo and Tian? It’s good to have an outing in spring together.” Fu Zhengzheng feels excited and calls them immediately. But soon she is disappointed. Sunday is the birthday of He Menghuai’s mother, so Qiubo can’t make it. Ji Muxian will be on duty, so Tian Xin doesn’t want to go there singly with the couple.

Han Siqi comforts her, “It doesn’t matter. Let’s go there to enjoy our own world.”

“Let’s take Fu Xing for a family outing.”

Han Siqi objects at once, “We’d better not take Xingxing. Now it’s a special time. He is safer to stay at home.”

“Then we’d better not go either.”

Han Siqi smiles, “If you don’t go out, how can those people have chances to approach you?”

Fu Zhengzheng thinks his words make sense. She smiles and doesn’t say anything else.

In the following days, she watches the strangers around her warily, but nothing happens, and everything seems calm.

Soon it’s Sunday. Han Siqi drives Fu Zhengzheng to Lingshan Nunnery in the north of the city after 8:00 a.m.

On the way, Fu Zhengzheng pats her forehead suddenly and shouts, “Gosh!”

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