Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 33 - Actually, You Didn’t Expose Anything

Chapter 33 Actually, You Didn’t Expose Anything

When Fu Zhengzheng looks down, she suddenly gets embarrassed and blushes, quickly putting on the loose coat and fastening the buttons.

Originally, she was wearing pajamas when she got up in the morning, and forgot to put on her clothes. Although the pajamas are not very thin, something can still be faintly seen. They are shaking especially when she walks, which look very strange.

God! No wonder the security guard blushed and avoided to look at her.

Hearing what Han Siqi said, Fu Xing looks back and strokes his face, saying with a grimace, “Mommy, how shameful. How shameful.”

Actually, he doesn’t know what Han Siqi meant by “cover body”.

Fu Zhengzheng blushes and is too embarrassed to speak anymore. Han Siqi threw the coat to her several times, which indicates that he has seen that already.

When they get home, Fu Zhengzheng changes her clothes and has some snacks before taking Fu Xing to kindergarten.

On her way to the company, she has thought about the embarrassing thing in the morning. Her face still can’t get natural, and she keeps her head down when walking, feeling ridiculous eyes around her.

A car stops next to her. Looking sideways, she finds it is Han Siqi. Fu Zhengzheng stops, curls her lips and makes a forced smile.

Han Siqi slightly bends his eyebrows. It is interesting to see her being shy.

“Actually, you didn’t expose anything. I didn’t see anything.”

Fu Zhengzheng feels relieved, but before she sends the grateful smile, she hears him adding, “There is nothing to look at. They are so small.”

“Han Siqi!”

Han Siqi laughs and drives away.

Fu Zhengzheng picks up a small stone and throws it at him, but the car has gone far.

Lady-killer! Hoodlum! Shame on you!

Fu Zhengzheng walks forward angrily.

“Zhengzheng, Zhengzheng.”

Yang Tao?

Fu Zhengzheng immediately looks around, finding Yang Tao waving at her behind a tree.

She looks around and pretends to walk naturally. When she comes to the place a foot away from Yang Tao, she quickly takes the bag that he hands over, and keeps walking slowly forward.

Yang Tao also walks leisurely. People who don’t know them would believe that they are two strangers.

“Why are you here again?” Fu Zhengzheng asks.

“Zhengzheng, did Han Siqi bully you?”

Although Yang Tao says in a low voice, Fu Zhengzheng recognizes his tension and care.

She knows that he must have seen she “smashing” Han Siqi’s car with a stone, and immediately shakes her head and comforts him, “No, don’t take me as a vulnerable woman. Is it so easy to take advantage of me?”

“Zhengzheng, do you really want to be a maid for Han Siqi for a month? How about I make up for the secretary’s deducted salary, and you can resign first?”

“No, if we give Xu Yan money, she will definitely not take it. I don’t want her to know it. We can’t affect the lives of unrelated people.

“But I am afraid there will be something wrong during the month.”

“You can take it as I am still investigating the case this month. I have held on for one month already. Am I afraid of another month? Perhaps in this month, we can reap some gains?”


“I know you care about me. I’ll handle it properly. If there is something wrong, I will contact you in time. You can rest assured.”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t stop. After saying that, she turns a corner. Walking past a square, she will arrive at Weihan Building. She knows that Yang Tao will not follow.

In fact, neither she nor Yang Tao has found anything wrong with Han Siqi. She is afraid that Yang Tao would report to the director to call her back, so she told Yang Tao the real reason why she would stay for a month, hoping that he could help her hide it.

Actually, she is quite willing to stay here to be Han Siqi’s maid for a month. Although she says that she hates, blames and resents Han Siqi, she is willing to accept it from the bottom of her heart. As for the reason, she doesn’t know.

But she keeps comforting herself that she just wants to investigate the case, at least she hasn’t found whether Han Siqi and Li Xiaomeng have any interest relationship.

At least according to her intuition, the relationship between Li Xiaomeng and Han Siqi is not so simple.

“Zhengzheng, here is a document. Please help me fax it later.” Xu Yan puts a paper bag in front of Fu Zhengzheng, interrupting her thoughts.

After Fu Zhengzheng takes the bag, Xu Yan whispers, “Zhengzheng, I have found a house for you. Would you like to see it after work?”

Fu Zhengzheng immediately remembers that she has been “sold” for a month, and them shakes her hands at once. “The landlord made peace with me yesterday and promised to reduce my rent. I think I’d better live there first.”

“That’s great. Okay, I will just decline it.” Xu Yan smiles and hurries back to her post.

As Fu Zhengzheng pushes the door in, she hears Han Siqi’s cellphone ring. After glancing at her, he picks up his phone and goes to the lounge to answer it.

Something wrong!

There must be something wrong!

Fu Zhengzheng quickly runs to Han Siqi’s desk to pick up his cup and rushes to the door of the lounge.

There is a cupboard in the corner of the lounge, where tea and other drinks are usually kept. She makes him a cup of tea every morning when she comes.

The door of the lounge is closed, and no sound can come out of it. Fu Zhengzheng goes disappointedly to fetch the tea.

Just as she gets up after taking the tea, Han Siqi comes out of the lounge with anger.

Although Han Siqi is usually serious, he is not a man who gets angry easily. She wonders who called him just now.

Is it Han Sixian?

Or… a woman?

Fu Zhengzheng immediately connects the phone call with the fact that Han Siqi didn’t return at midnight last night.

“What are you doing here? Does the company pay you for standing there in a daze?”

What’s wrong with you?

Fu Zhengzheng curls her lips and goes to make tea for him.

After going back to her seat, Fu Zhengzheng peeps at Han Siqi’s face while doing her work. She finds that there is something wrong with him today, because he even doesn’t taste his favorite tea.

After a while, Han Siqi’s cellphone rings again, but he hangs it up after it rings only a few times.

After being hung up, the phone rings again half a minute later.

Han Siqi, who seems to be impatient, answers that phone and says coldly, “I said I don’t have time tomorrow.” Then he hangs up the phone again.

Fu Zhengzheng is curious. These calls are clearly from the same person. She wonders who is so bold to get on his nerves again and again.

“Come here.”

“Come here!”

“Ah?” She thought that he was still on the phone, and didn’t expect that he was calling her. She immediately rushes over and says, “What can I do for you?”

He is in high dudgeon today, so she doesn’t want to offend him.

Han Siqi frowns, “Will you die if you don’t call me Mr. Han?”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked, saying with confusion, “I always call you Mr. Han, don’t I ?” (“You” here is a Chinese honorific.)

“You? Do you think I’m an old man of seventy or eighty?”

“No. Mr. Han is young, promising and handsome.” And also romantic, lustful, Fu Zhengzheng adds in her mind.

“Humph.” Han Siqi snorted coldly.

Fu Zhengzheng stands there with her head down, motionless, waiting for Han Siqi’s commands.

“Go to do your own work. Buy some food to cook after work.” Han Siqi throws out a stack of banknotes.

Fu Zhengzheng is not used to the sudden softened voice. When she picks up the money, she peeks at Han Siqi secretly, finding that his originally dark face becomes expressionless. She can’t tell whether he is happy or unhappy now.

From morning to afternoon, Han Siqi stays silently in front of the computer, except lunch time.

From time to time, he leans against his chair, closes his eyes and rubs his temples for a while, looking quite distressed.

Seeing that, Fu Zhengzheng feels terrible. Every time Han Siqi looks like this, he would turn to Li Xiaomeng. Maybe Li Xiaomeng’s massage can make him comfortable?

But Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t know whether Han Siqi massages Li Xiaomeng or Li Xiaomeng massages Han Siqi.

After work, Fu Zhengzheng is walking while dithering over whether to pick up Fu Xing or buy food first.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appears across the road and is about to turn into an alley.

It is the man who took the wrong clothes!

Fu Zhengzheng hastens to follow him.

When she crosses the road, a car drives by from behind, and a strong wind almost makes her turn around.

But she has no time to think about it and follows him into an alley.

She calls him with gasps, but the man is on the phone and doesn’t hear her.

Then she pats him on the shoulder. Before she says “Hey”, the man turns around to hit her on the shoulder with one hand.

Fortunately, Fu Zhengzheng is quick enough to bend down and dodges aside from under his arm.

The man has recognized Fu Zhengzheng. He is stunned for a moment and then takes back his hand, asking roughly, “What do you want to do?”

Fu Zhengzheng rolls her eyes and says, “What can a woman do to such a big man like you? Do you think I want to meet you if I don’t want to take back my clothes from you? Do you really think you are handsome?”

The man seems to think of the clothes now, so he softens his expression. “Where are my clothes?”

“Should I ask about my clothes?” Fu Zhengzheng answers impolitely.

“At my home.”

“Choose a time to send my clothes to me, and I will return your clothes to you.”

The man looks at Fu Zhengzheng and thinks for a while before replying, “Okay. Let us meet this time tomorrow at this place.”


After Fu Zhengzheng said that, the man turns to leave. She stops him, “Hey, what if you don’t come tomorrow?”

She can’t wear such an old-fashioned coat, and can’t give it to others. But he can give her beautiful clothes to his wife.

“Tomorrow I will come.”

“No. Tell me your phone number” If you don’t come, I will call you in the middle of the night. Then your wife will punish you to kneel on the washboard.

The man frowns. He first tells her his name, Ji Muxian, and then gives his phone number.

Fu Zhengzheng dials it at once. When Ji Muxian’s cellphone rings, she hangs up with relief.

Ji Muxian, who always keeps a straight face, now curves his lips while shaking his head. He turns around and leaves without saying anything.

Fu Zhengzheng suddenly finds that the man looks somewhat like Han Siqi when he smiles. She immediately pats her head, warning herself not to be addicted to Han Siqi.

Realizing that it is late, she quickly turns around and walks back. Probably because she is in a hurry, her thin heel steps into the hole of a manhole cover not far away.

She lifts her foot hard, but the heel, which seems determined to settle down here, doesn’t move at all. She has to take off her shoe, squats down with a bare foot, trying to pull out the high-heeled shoe.

However, since she pulls too violently, the heel and upper are separated. Because of inertia, she falls backwards with hands and legs in the air.

She hurries to pick herself up embarrassedly. At this moment, a man’s voice comes, “Woman, you are having a nip slip.”

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