Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 335 - Infatuated with Him in Vain

Chapter 335 Infatuated with Him in Vain

Taught by Tian Xin, Nie Wan puts on “beautiful clothes” and speaks sweetly to Han Sixian. She’s got an unexpected result. They remain passionate until midnight. Of course, they don’t expect someone else is experiencing something horrible at this time.

Lin Jiao has just escaped from the police’s manhunt. She runs into a lane panickily and enters Bafang Teahouse.

Finding that there are many people in the teahouse, she forces herself to calm down. Pretending to adjust her hair, she lowers her head and walks quickly to the manager’s office at the westernmost end. When she is about to open the door, a middle-aged man runs over to drive her away.

“This is the manager’s room. No entry.”

Lin Jiao puts one hand on the doorknob while talking to the man in a low voice, “Huang, it’s me.”

“Sister Lin?” The man recognizes Lin Jiao and opens the door for her immediately, “Brother Jiang is inside it.”

Lin Jiao nods, enters quickly and then closes the door at once.

Jiang San is doing accounts. Hearing the sound, he raises his head instantly. He sees Lin Jiao and goes to greet her at once.

“Sister Lin? What happened? Gee, why do you disguise yourself in this way?”

Now Lin Jiao is wearing a suit of grey clothes for an old woman. Her long wavy hair is bundled with a piece of kerchief. Her face wore exquisite makeup originally, but now the makeup has been spoiled and her face becomes dirty. Also, her face is very pale. How can Jiang San not feel strange?

Without answering, Lin Jiao reaches her hand to him, “Give me the phone.”

Jiang San takes out his phone and hands it to her respectfully.

She takes the phone and dials a number. The call is connected soon. A man’s lazy voice comes, “Hello?”

“Wenhai, it’s me.” Lin Jiao’s nose twitches and says in a tearful tone.

“Jiaojiao? You are in Bafang Teahouse?”

“Yeah. Wenhai, I want to see you!”

“What’s up?”

“Nothing. I…just want to see you.”

“I’m not free now.”

“Hold on! Wenhai, I need your help.”

“What happened?”

“The police are arresting me. Could you help me leave B City?”

Hearing that, Jiang San is shocked. But he doesn’t move and still stands aside.

Fu Wenhai hesitates for a few seconds on the phone and then asks slowly, “Why?”

“They suspect me related to an explosion case and want to arrest me for interrogation. Actually, I didn’t do anything…”

“Now that you didn’t do anything, explain clearly to the police. Evidence is necessary for the police to arrest someone. Without evidence, they don’t dare to arrest you.”

“But I…they won’t believe me. Wenhai, I don’t want to be prisoned. Please help me, OK? I know you will figure out how to do.”

Apparently, Fu Wenhai isn’t anxious at all. He says lightly, “If you had expected the consequence, why would you have done that before?”

Hearing Fu Wenhai’s cold voice, Lin Jiao’s heart sinks. No matter what she asked Fu Wenhai to do in the past, he would try his best to satisfy her. It’s the first time that he has refused her ask for help.

“You should take responsibility for your mistake.” Then Fu Wenhai hangs up the phone.

Listening to the beeps on the phone, Lin Jiao, only whose body felt cold just now, also feels chilly in the heart now.

“Sister Lin, please sit down and have a cup of tea.” Jiang San gives her a cup of hot tea and takes the phone from her.

Lin Jiao takes the cup in a daze. But she doesn’t drink the tea and just holds the cup in her hands.

Although it’s already April, she feels extraordinarily chilly. With the hot cup in her hands, she still can’t get enough heat.

Jiang San reminds her immediately, “Sister Lin, it’s hot.”

Suddenly, Lin Jiao slaps the cup on the table, picks up Jiang San’s phone again and calls Fu Wenhai once more, counting on luck.

“Wenhai, we’ve been together for such a long time. Don’t you love me at all?”

Fu Wenhai becomes impatient obviously, “Is there love between us?”

It makes Lin Jiao choke with sobs, “Wenhai, please don’t speak so ruthlessly. You should know how deeply I love you. I really…”

“Just because you love me, you can harm Fu Zhengzheng?”

Lin Jiao’s facial expression changes. Sure enough, he has known it!

But soon she pretends not to understand what he is talking about and keeps shaking her head, “How can I harm Miss Fu? She and Yin are good friends. I always take her as my good friend too!”


Lin Jiao answers seriously, “Yes!”

Fu Wenhai doesn’t continue to talk about it. He asks slowly, in a gentle tone, “Guess who incited the firework explosion when Unique Flavor was opened?”

Lin Jiao’s face turns pale. She shivers and opens her mouth slightly, but she doesn’t say anything.

“Guess who told Yu Xiaolong the news that Fu Zhengzheng would go to Lingshan Nunnery?”

Lin Jiao’s forehead becomes sweaty.

Fu Wenhai laughs coldly and continues, “Fu Zhengzheng’s talisman is really effective. She wasn’t killed by the explosive before the grave.”

Lin Jiao becomes faint. The phone almost drops from her hand. She grasps it instantly. After quite a while, she seems to come to her senses and a thrill runs through her.

“Wenhai, listen to me. I…” But she can’t continue.

“Do you want to tell me what you’ve done is for me?”

Lin Jiao repeats it anxiously, “What I’ve done is really for you!”

Fu Wenhai begins to laugh as if he has heard a funny joke, “I really don’t like such a reason.”

Perhaps his indifferent laughter stimulates Lin Jiao. She bursts into cry suddenly and shouts to the phone, “No, Wenhai, it’s true! Wenhai, Fu Zhengzheng is Han Siqi’s wife. You are clear about the power of the Han family in B City. How can you love his woman? If Han Siqi finds it, he won’t let you off! So I want to make you give up the idea forever before Han Siqi discovers that! Wenhai, I take risks to do so much really for your sake! You must believe no one else in the world loves you more deeply and cares about you more than I do!”

“Should I be grateful to you?” Fu Wenhai responds with disdain again.

“Wenhai, please don’t talk with me in such a tone, OK?” Lin Jiao implores, “I won’t ask you to help me leave B City. I only want you to see me, OK? If I don’t see you, I can’t die in peace!”

“I don’t want to see a dying person. I’ve helped you many times. I’m kind enough. Take care of yourself from now on.” Then Fu Wenhai hangs up the phone.

“Hello? Wenhai? Wenhai?”

Lin Jiao squats down on the ground with the phone in her hands and begins to wail desperately.

However, Jiang San is not touched because he has got an inkling of what’s going on from the conversation. He wants to take the phone from Lin Jiao, but she avoids his hand.

“Go away!”

“Miss Lin, please leave Bafang Teahouse now.”

“No! I won’t leave unless I see Wenhai!”

Jiang San says coldly, “You heard that my boss said he wouldn’t see you.”

“He won’t see me?” Lin Jiao wipes her tears. Fierceness flashes through her eyes. She sniffs, edits a message on the phone and then sends it to Fu Wenhai.

Soon Fu Wenhai calls back. She connects it immediately.


“Let Jiang San answer the call.” Fu Wenhai’s voice is still cold.

Lin Jiao gives the phone to Jiang San helplessly.

Jiang San takes the phone over at once and becomes respectful instantly, “Boss?”

“Make an arrangement and bring her here.”

“OK, I’ll go to do it now.”

Jiang San hangs up the phone and then speaks to Lin Jiao in a different voice, “Sister Lin, please sit for a while. I’ll arrange a car.”

Lin Jiao nods and then Jiang San goes out.

The door is closed with a bang. Lin Jiao can’t help shivering.

Wenhai, why does our relationship end in this way?

Her heart is broken.

When they were together, she thought she coveted his money. But after they separated, she found she loved him really and deeply.

She knew he didn’t love her sincerely. Even when they were together before, she didn’t expect he would really marry her. But after they separated, he used to satisfy all her demands each time she went to ask him for help. It gave her illusions—he had some feelings for her actually.

She still didn’t desire to gain his true love. So long as he allowed her to stay with him and she could often see him, she would be satisfied.

She knew there was always a woman in his heart, but she didn’t know who she was, until she heard him calling someone’s name in his dream some days ago. Then she came to understand suddenly, but she wasn’t jealous. However, when she found he cared for Fu Zhengzheng specially, she began to worry about him.

How could he love Fu Zhengzheng—Han Siqi’s woman?

It would destroy him!

She must stop him!

She thought he loved Fu Zhengzheng’s beauty only. So long as Fu Zhengzheng’s appearance was destroyed, he would stop loving her. Unexpectedly, she found he would sacrifice himself to protect Fu Zhengzheng in the process. She never thought he would love Fu Zhengzheng so deeply!

Therefore, only if Fu Zhengzheng dies, can all problems be solved.

“Sister Lin, the car is ready. Let’s go.” Jiang San enters and interrupts Lin Jiao’s thoughts. He takes her out through a small door that’s hardly accessible to others.

Lin Jiao puts on her kerchief again and gets into a car with Jiang San.

Inside the police office.

Ji Muxian is roaring to the phone, “If Lin Jiao isn’t found tonight, no one can go to bed!”

Then he hangs up the phone. He grasps the phone so tightly that he nearly breaks it into pieces.

Yang Tao looks anxious too, but he still comforts Ji Muxian, “It’s useless to be anxious. Let’s search slowly.”

Ji Muxian still looks furious, “Damn! The way of escape is so outdated that even TV plays will scorn it, but the suspect could escape from police’s supervision in that way! I really want to cut down their heads and see if their heads are filled with sawdust!”

Actually, Yang Tao wants to curse the two policemen too, but he refrains from doing that and continues to comfort Ji Muxian, “It’s useless to say this now. Let’s think about where Lin Jiao may go. Will she turn to Fu Wenhai for help?”

“Have you got a reply?”

Yang Tao shakes his head, “I have sent someone to guard Fu Wenhai’s residence, but he hasn’t been seen to go out. Nor have suspectable ones been seen to enter his residence.”

Ji Muxian frowns and doesn’t say more.

At this moment, the landline phone rings. Ji Muxian picks it up quickly.


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