Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 35 - He is Not Your Daddy

Chapter 35 He is Not Your Daddy

Fu Zhengzheng asks her son to enter the room, and then walks down several sets of stairs, listening intently to what is happening downstairs.

“Why did you power down your phone?” Han Sixian asks.

“It was too disturbing.”

“Disturbing? You don’t promise me, so of course I will disturb you.”

“I have no time tomorrow.”

“You must go tomorrow!”

“I will see her when I finish my work tomorrow.”

“Siqi…”Han Sixian is just about to say something when he is interrupted by the ringtone of his mobile phone.

“What? Ok, we will go there immediately.” Han Sixian’s voice changes obviously. After hanging up the phone, he hurries out.

“What happened, brother?” Han Siqi also follows his brother out.

“Your sister-in-law called and said…” The following words fade with the bang of the gate.

When Fu Zhengzheng rushes to the rooftop, she finds Han Siqi jumps onto Han Sixian’s car and leaves.

Why do they leave in such a hurry? She wonders what has happened.

She is a little confused.

After cleaning the dining room and the kitchen, Fu Zhengzheng finds that Han Siqi’s phone is left on the chair. She picks it up but finds it doesn’t work. Then she remembers that he has turned it off.

She tries to turn on the phone out of curiosity, but finds that it needs a password. Then she has to turn it off again and puts it on his bedside.

Back in her room, she lies in bed, thinking about what has happened to Han Siqi these days, and why Han Sixian has not left B City yet.

But she can’t figure it out. She gets up and hides in the bathroom. Using her small cellphone to call Yang Tao, she tells him what has happened.

Then she tosses and turns in bed for a long time before falling asleep.

“Mommy, mommy, the day breaks.” Fu Xing cries, lying on Fu Zhengzheng’s body and holding her face.

Fu Zhengzheng opens her heavy eyelids, yawns and then gets up lazily.

Fu Xing pulls Fu Zhengzheng’s clothes and says in puzzlement, “Mommy, I don’t know where Daddy has gone in the morning. I didn’t get through to him.”

Fu Zhengzheng is surprised. Didn’t he come back last night?

“Have you searched his room?”

“Yes, I have searched everywhere, and have also asked the security guard, but I haven’t seen him.” Fu Xing is a little worried, “Daddy has promised to participate in the activities in our kindergarten!”

“Come on, you have got Mommy, haven’t you?” Having tided up herself, Fu Zhengzheng leads Fu Xing downstairs with things in her hands.

Fu Xing looks into Han Siqi’s room while pouting unhappily.

“Maybe he will come when you are about to start.” Fu Zhengzheng comforts him, because she can’t bear to see his disappointed eyes. In fact, she is also not sure whether Han Siqi will come or not, but she thinks that he won’t stand Fu Xing up.

After breakfast, Fu Zhengzheng and her son come to kindergarten.

In the kindergarten, there are lots of colorful balls and a big banner with welcoming words on it. The roads in front of the kindergarten are full of parked cars of parents accompanying their children to participate in the activities.

Other children are all happy, but Fu Xing is anxious. There is no smile on his face at all.

“Mommy, will Daddy come?” It is unknown how many times Fu Xing has asked this question, but his tone of each question is lower than that of the last one.

“I think so.” Somehow, Fu Zhengzheng also has some expectations in her heart. She looks at the door from time to time, but what she gets every time is disappointment.

Fu Zhengzheng feels that it is too passive for them. She thinks for a while, and then calls Min Zhongxu on the grounds of asking for a leave.

“Manager Min, I want to take a half-day off, but I can’t get through to Mr. Han.”

Everyone in Weihan knows that Fu Zhengzheng is directly subordinate to Han Siqi, so it is normal for her to call Han Siqi for a leave.

But Min Zhongxu’s reply disappoints her, “Zhengzheng, I’m also looking for Siqi, and I can’t contact him either.”

Hanging up the phone, Fu Zhengzheng once again meets Fu Xing’s hopeful look in his eyes. Seeing Fu Zhengzheng shaking her head, Fu Xing instantly dims his eyes and droops his eyelids in disappointment. He silently sits on a stone beside the iron door, looking out while holding his chin.

“Xingxing, don’t be sad. You have got Mommy, haven’t you?” Fu Zhengzheng feels sorry for her son, so she hurries to comfort him.

“Xingxing, the game has started. Why don’t you come in yet? Where is your daddy?” Li Xiaomeng, who comes out to take things, sees Fu Xing and his mother and rushes over to ask.

Fu Zhengzheng smiles embarrassedly and finds an excuse for her son, “Fu Xing said he had a headache and needed to rest for a while. We will come in later.”

Li Xiaomeng quickly runs over and squats down to touch Fu Xing’s head, saying, “Fu Xing’s mother, has he caught a cold? Does he need to see a doctor?”

“He is all right. Don’t worry about him.” Fu Zhengzheng immediately shakes her hands.

“Miss Li, come and help me.” A teacher yells. Li Xiaomeng answers the teacher, tells Fu Xing to take care and then rushes away.

Fu Zhengzheng squats down in front of her son, holds his face and says with a forced smile, “Xingxing, there are many children who are just accompanied by one parent. Anyway, what matters is our participation.”

“No! I want Daddy to accompany me! He said he would accompany me!” Fu Xing suddenly stands up and shouts.

“Why do you become so unreasonable? What has Mommy taught you before?” After comforting him patiently, Fu Zhengzheng now gets a little annoyed.

“Other children are all accompanied by their daddy, but I am not!” Tears sparkle in Fu Xing’s clear eyes. He raises his head slightly, trying not to let tears fall down.

“You!” Fu Zhengzheng is angry but heartbroken, and finally she holds her son in her arms.

In fact, the kindergarten in A City also organized activities frequently. Usually it was Fu Zhengzheng or her elder brother who accompanied Fu Xing to participate in, and Fu Xing was happy every time.

It is the hope that results in such disappointment. Fu Zhengzheng sighs in her mind.

She suddenly realizes that Han Siqi has secretly infiltrated into their life, so she needs to clear up their relationship in a proper time. Anyway, she and Fu Xing will leave B City and Han Siqi in the near future, and their normal life can’t be disturbed by Han Siqi.

“Mommy, your cellphone is ringing.” Fu Xing suddenly pushes Fu Zhengzheng away and says to her with great hope.

Fu Zhengzheng immediately takes the phone out but finds that it is a strange phone number. As soon as she gets through, she hears a familiar voice of Han Siqi, “Zhengzheng, I can’t participate in the activities with Fu Xing due to some urgent business. Please explain to him. I am afraid he will be unhappy because I promised him before.”

“Thank you for your concern. We are having a good time.” Fu Zhengzheng pretends to be calm, and then hangs up the phone.

“Is that Daddy?” Fu Xing raises his little face.

“Yes. He has some important things to deal with, so he can’t come.” Fu Zhengzheng really does not want to see her son’s pitiful appearance, so she deceives him once again.

Fu Xing walks into the classroom in disappointment and sits at the back of the classroom. No matter what Fu Zhengzheng says, he refuses to participate in the activities, which makes Fu Zhengzheng feel helpless.

After the activities, Fu Zhengzheng comforts her son again, and then rushes to work.

Back to the company, finding that Han Siqi still doesn’t come, Fu Zhengzheng feels an indescribable feeling. She approaches Min Zhongxu and indirectly asks him about Han Siqi. Min Zhongxu’s evasive reply makes her confused, and she vaguely feels that he seems to know something.

When it is time to get off work, Fu Zhengzheng clears her mind, ready to exchange clothes with that man, and then goes to pick up Fu Xing.

Just as she takes the bag out of the cabinet, a phone call from Li Xiaomeng suddenly makes her heart sink. “Fu Xing’s mother, Fu Xing is fighting with a child in kindergarten. We can’t pull them apart.”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked. Thinking of Lin Jiao, she hurries to run to the kindergarten.

When she arrives at the office in the kindergarten, she sees Fu Xing grabbing a child’s clothes while glaring at him. The child, who is apparently very frightened, is crying while apologizing to Fu Xing. The head of the kindergarten and Li Xiaomeng each holds a child, trying to stop them.

Fu Zhengzheng hurries to pull them apart. Fu Xing finally loosens his grip, but still looks at the child angrily.

Seeing that the two children are pulled apart, the head of the kindergarten says in relief, “Fu Xing’s mother, thankfully you are here. I have never seen such a stubborn kid before.

Li Xiaomeng takes the child away with a sign of the head of the kindergarten.

Fu Zhengzheng nods to the head of the kindergarten, but asks Fu Xing, “Why did you fight with that child?”

“He swore at me.”

“Shall you fight because he swore at you? Can violence solve the problem?” Seeing Fu Xing standing still, Fu Zhengzheng gets furious. She pulls him over and says, “Go and apologize to that child.”

“They swore at me first.”

“So you can fight with them? What does Mommy usually teach you? How can you learn to fight with people at such a young age?”

“Well, Fu Xing’s mother, it was not his own fault. Besides, Fu Xing is just a child. Go back and teach him a lesson.” The head of the kindergarten puts Fu Xing’s hand in Fu Zhengzheng’s, and patiently says to Fu Xing, “Go back and remember what your mother teaches you. Children who fight are not good children. You have always been the best child.”

After apologizing to the head of the kindergarten, Fu Zhengzheng takes Fu Xing home.

On their way home, no matter what Fu Zhengzheng says, Fu Xing just doesn’t agree to apologize to that child, which makes Fu Zhengzheng very angry. Finally she loses her last patience, pokes Fu Xing’s head with her finger and asks angrily, “Mommy is talking to you. Are you listening?”

Fu Xing dodges Fu Zhengzheng’s finger and shouts abruptly, “They called me a liar. They don’t believe that I have a daddy!”

Fu Zhengzheng’s heart hurts, but she says determinedly, “You don’t have a daddy. I have told you before that you don’t have a daddy!”

“I do! I have a daddy! My daddy is very handsome, and he can drive a car!” After Fu Xing shouts these words with a red face, he bursts into tears. There seems to be indescribable grievance and indignation in his tears.

It turns out that Fu Xing showed the children how handsome and good his father was a few days ago, but children didn’t believe him. He hoped to show off his daddy at the parent-child activities, but Han Siqi missed the appointment.

Fu Zhengzheng, who originally feels sorry for her son, knows that the daddy Fu Xing mentioned is Han Siqi instead of Nian Xi, so she becomes furious again, waring him, “Han Siqi is not your daddy!”

She has reminded her son many times that he shall not regard Han Siqi as his daddy. Now she is grieved since her son gets hurt because of this daddy.

“Yes! He is!” Fu Xing shouts hysterically.

“You dare to contradict your mother. Haven’t you been beaten for a long time?” Looking at her stubborn son, Fu Zhengzheng raises her hand in anger.

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