Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 353 - Show Excessive Attention at Midnight

Chapter 353 Show Excessive Attention at Midnight

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng amused, Han Siqi holds her suddenly and wants to do something. There are loud knocks at the door suddenly.

They are shocked and freeze at once. The first idea comes to their mind is that something happened outside, because no one will knock at the door so loudly.

Han Siqi climbs down her body quickly and slips on his clothes while rushing outward. Perhaps he remembers Fu Zhengzheng hasn’t put on her clothes, so when he rushes to the door, he stops and then looks back at her anxiously.

Fu Zhengzheng is panicked too. She picks up the clothes scattered on the bed edge and puts on them in a hurry. Without checking if she is dressed well, she rushes outward too with bare feet.

When Han Siqi is ready to open the door, the knocks stop suddenly.

Han Siqi puts his ear against the door to listen to what’s going on outside, but nothing can be heard.

“What’s up?” Fu Zhengzheng asks under her breath with a wary expression.

Han Siqi shakes his head and points to one side of the door. Fu Zhengzheng takes the hint, leaps aside fast, stands against the wall and stares at the door. Han Siqi holds the doorknob and opens the door suddenly.


Xiaoxiao and Fu Xing lie down on their backs at the door. Something that looks like a book is thrown to Fu Zhengzheng’s feet.

Who can expect it’s the two kids that knocked at the door outside just now? It’s more impossible to expect that they would sit against the door. Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi exchange their glances and can’t help laughing. Then they squat down to lift up the two kids.

“Mummy, don’t move!” Fu Xing rushes over to hold Fu Zhengzheng’s feet.

Fu Zhengzheng suspends her feet in the air and props herself against the wall instantly to maintain balance. She lowers her head and sees Fu Xing pick up an album like treasure.

“Mummy, what took you so long to open the door? You almost trampled on our album.” Fu Xing looks up at Fu Zhengzheng discontentedly.

“Yeah. Good photos. Show them to your mummy.” Han Siqi points at the nearby sofa towards Fu Xing.

Fu Xing becomes cheerful and walks to the sofa happily. Xiaoxiao trots gladly after him.

When Fu Zhengzheng is about to take a step. Han Siqi holds her back and reaches out to unbutton her outerwear.

Fu Zhengzheng pats his hands away while snapping in a low voice, “Stop! Kids are here!”

Han Siqi withdraws his hands with a wry smile, but he stands in her way again and points to her clothes.

She looks down and feels embarrassed immediately. It turns out she just put on clothes so hurriedly that they were buttoned in a wrong way. Luckily, the two kids know nothing, or she will be ashamed. She buttons the clothes correctly, adjusts them and then looks at Han Siqi. His clothes have been adjusted too. Then they enter the inner room.

Once entering, they hear Fu Xing and Xiaoxiao shouting simultaneously. It turns out when they watched the album together, they tore the album sheet, because they wanted to see different photos.

Finding the album is broken, Xiaoxiao curls her lips and looks at Fu Xing with teary eyes.

“Xiaoxiao, sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Fu Xing looks at Han Siqi for help.

“Don’t worry. The pieces can be glued together. Zhengzheng, fetch the glue.” Han Siqi walks over fast to comfort the two children.

But Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t go to fetch glue. Instead, she rushes to him and slips a photo behind another one into the album.

“It’s Miss Li’s photo!” Fu Xing has sharp eyes and has seen it. He takes it out quickly.

It’s a group photo of Li Xiaomeng, Fu Xing and Xiaoxiao. It’s shot against Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. Ji Yashu took the photo of them with a camera when Li Xiaomeng just moved into Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. The photos developed then just filled this album, so Ji Yashu put the last photo behind another one. Afterwards, Li Xiaomeng died. Ji Yashu destroyed all her photos, but she forgot this one.

Han Siqi sees it too. He takes the photo in a casual way and walks to the desk with the album.

He knows Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t hope that Fu Xing will recall those frightening days.

Seeing Fu Xing still deep in his thought, Fu Zhengzheng brings a box of candies and plans to tell them stories to distract them.

When she just begins, Fu Xing breaks in suddenly and asks an irrelevant question, “Mummy, is Miss Li Uncle Fu’s girlfriend?”

Fu Zhengzheng laughs and answers without hesitation, “No.”

“Then why did Uncle Fu kiss Miss Li?”

Fu Zhengzheng is surprised instantly. Han Siqi is gluing the album. Hearing that, he stops immediately and runs to ask Fu Xing, “You saw Uncle Fu kissing Miss Li?”

“Yes.” Fu Xing nods seriously, “One day, mummy didn’t pick me up after school. Only I was left in the kindergarten. I was bored, so I wanted to play with Miss Li. Then I saw Uncle Fu in the room too from the door crack. He kissed Miss Li. They also embraced each other.”

It comes to Han Siqi’s mind suddenly that when he went to Fu Zhengzheng’s residence for the first time, Fu Xing encouraged him to chase Fu Zhengzheng and dissuaded him from falling in love with Li Xiaomeng. He said she had a boyfriend and he had seen them kissing. At that time, he thought Fu Xing was joking.

It seems that Fu Wenhai is indeed the man behind Li Xiaomeng?!

Han Siqi turns around to look at Fu Zhengzheng. She looks shocked too, because it’s true that she picked up Fu Xing late one day.

But she still doesn’t believe, “Fu Xing, did you see clearly that the man kissing Miss Li was Uncle Fu?”

“Yes! After Uncle Fu kissed Miss Li, he wanted to leave, but Miss Li said she had a headache and prevented him from leaving. Then I wanted to pee, so I went to the bathroom. Later, mummy came.” Fu Xing says affirmatively.

Fu Zhengzheng looks up at Han Siqi again. He rises and takes the two kids to his parents’ room, “The album can’t be glued immediately. After it’s glued tomorrow, I will take it to you. You should go to bed now.”

Soon, Han Siqi returns.

After he closes the door, Fu Zhengzheng walks fast to him and asks hurriedly, “Do you believe what Fu Xing said?”

Actually, she knows Fu Xing is honest, but how dare she assert such an important clue?

Han Siqi thinks for a while and then says slowly, “Qiao Keren once saw the man’s figure and said he looked similar to me from the back. Fu Wenhai and I look alike indeed. But Fu Xing is a kid. We can only guess based on what he said.”

“Anyway, I will tell Yang Tao now.” Then Fu Zhengzheng goes to fetch her phone to call Yang Tao. Han Siqi doesn’t say anything.

In any case, it’s always good to be more mindful. If Fu Wenhai is really the man behind Li Xiaomeng, the coffer key is probably in his hand, and what happened recently is related to him.

After Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone, she doesn’t look relaxed at all.

Han Siqi knows what she is thinking, so he takes her to sit down, “Please believe the evidence rather than your feeling. Though we don’t have enough evidence, you should be warier later.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods.

“I think Fu Wenhai is probably the mysterious man.”

“But each time he appeared, he rescued me. In C City, he didn’t know I had the trap map.” Fu Zhengzheng still doubts.

Han Siqi thinks and says, “Perhaps each time he rescued you with his motives, but we don’t know. After all, he appeared coincidentally each time, such as when we found Qiao Keren in C City and the explosion on the ring hill road of C City, even if we don’t talk about what happened after we are back to B City.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods and frowns.

Han Siqi is sorry to see her look and pulls her to the bathroom, “Darling, leave these things to Muxian and Yang Tao. You need to get some rest.”

Some thoughts just flash through Fu Zhengzheng’s mind but are interrupted by Han Siqi, so she feels upset. When entering the bathroom, she is still busy sorting out her thoughts.

At this moment, Han Siqi’s phone rings. Fu Zhengzheng is going to wash her face. Hearing the ringtone, she runs out quickly. Seeing the call from Lin Yongcheng, she is surprised. When Han Siqi answers the call, she keeps close to the phone and listens for quite a while, but she is disappointed and then enters the bathroom, because Lin Yongcheng is just reporting the work.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Yongcheng finishes and waits for Han Siqi’s instruction. But Han Siqi doesn’t talk about work anymore and just asks when he will go back to B City with Qiao Keren.

“I’m going to return on the morning of the day after tomorrow if nothing happens. I… will go back alone.”


“Keren…I didn’t tell her.”

“Why not?”

“She…she won’t go back with me.” Lin Yongcheng is more and more stammering.

“You have asked her?”


“If you haven’t asked her, how do you she won’t come back with you?”


Han Siqi waits for quite a while, but Lin Yongcheng still can’t finish his words after “I”. Therefore, Han Siqi gets annoyed, hangs up the phone and calls Min Zhongxu.

“Where are you?”

“At the house of your parents-in-law.” From Min Zhongxu’s light voice, Han Siqi feels his easiness.

“You must enjoy yourself by freeloading at the house of my father-in-law. Have you forgotten your task?”

“Oh, please. To tell you the truth, though your parents-in-law treat me well, I’m not indolent in my duty at all. I haven’t delayed any task. I’m so busy every day that I even have no time to sit on a chair. I get up earlier than a cock and sleep later than…”

“Stop, don’t vent your grievances to me. Yongcheng will come back the day after tomorrow. What about Qiao Keren?”

“Oh, that’s the task you said? I was wondering what the big deal it was. The day after tomorrow, right? Qiao Keren will definitely go back with Yongcheng the day after tomorrow. Leave it to me, and don’t worry.”

“Yongcheng just said…”

“If he just said that, he won’t say it tomorrow. Tell Lin Yongcheng’s mother to prepare the bridal chamber.”

“If you fail, don’t attach any hope to your year-end bonus.”

“No problem. If I fail, I’ll quit my two year-end bonuses.”

Hearing that, Han Siqi knows Min Zhongxu is confident, so he doesn’t say more. When he is about to hang up the phone, he hears Min Zhongxu laughing and shouting, “If I succeed, double my two year-end bonuses!”

“Stop dreaming!” Han Siqi hangs up the phone.

Fu Zhengzheng has washed and hears the final part of the dialogue. She casts doubtful eyes to Han Siqi. Han Siqi washes quickly, changes his clothes and goes into bed with her. After their intimate moment, he tells her what Min Zhongxu said.

Now, it is drizzling in C City in the dark. The building of Bamboo Heaven Resort Project is quiet, except for the slight sounds in the manager office on the second floor.

“Manager Lin, I’ve bought a nigh snack for you. Please enjoy it before it gets cold.” A lady dressed sexily stands opposite to Lin Yongcheng and speaks softly. When Lin Yongcheng raises his head, she bends over deliberately so that his eyes can just fall on her ample bosom.

Lin Yongcheng drops his eyes immediately and asks confusedly, “Why are you here? Where is Yan?”

Yan Weixiao is his secretary, while Zhang Qian, the lady standing in front of him, is a clerk of the company.

“Yan is off. It’s past 11:00 p.m. now.” Zhang Qian bypasses the table, puts the night snack before Lin Yongcheng and says in an affectedly sweet voice, “Only two of us are working overtime now in the whole building.”

Listening to Zhang Qian’s hint and seeing her approach, Lin Yongcheng stands up quickly to take the night snack, “Thanks.”

“But I haven’t had night snack. Shall we eat together?” Zhang Qian nudges Lin Yongcheng with her arm and smiles enchantingly.

Lin Yongcheng didn’t expect Zhang Qian would be so active. He is startled and slips the night snack to her.

“I’m not hungry. Enjoy it alone.”

But after he slips it to Zhang Qian, she covers her hand and shouts, “Ouch! Manager Lin, how can you do that?”

Lin Yongcheng thinks she is burnt, so he puts down the bag at once to check her burn. Unexpectedly, she clings to him suddenly.

At this moment, the door is opened by someone.

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