Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 358 - Comfort Her Husband

Chapter 358 Comfort Her Husband

While speaking, Fu Zhengzheng has got through to Yang Tao, “Please ask Menghuai to check the guys in the surveillance video. He must know the one that looks familiar to me.”

She puts down the phone and sees Han Siqi’s questioning eyes. She explains instantly, “When I went to the hospital because of injury, some men broke into my ward. Do you still remember the fiercest one? He was among the guys that attacked Fu Wenhai tonight.”

Reminded by Fu Zhengzheng, Han Siqi remembers that one, “That guy? I remember that Lu Song said he didn’t seem to be local.”

“Yang Tao also mentioned it too. Now that they are not local, it’s impossible to start a feud with Fu Wenhai, isn’t it? Do they really covet the coffer, see through Fu Wenhai’s identity and want to rob him of the key?”

Han Siqi thinks, holds Fu Zhengzheng and looks serious, “You must be more cautious when you go out.”

If they attacked Fu Wenhai for the coffer key, they would definitely come to Fu Zhengzheng who has the trap map.

Seeing Han Siqi’s nervousness, Fu Zhengzheng smiles, “It’s only our speculation, isn’t it? Fu Wenhai’s identity hasn’t been confirmed. It’s unknown if he has the coffer key.”

“It’s not wrong to be cautious.” Han Siqi is unhappy because she doesn’t think so.

Afraid that he will be unhappy, Fu Zhengzheng explains with a smile at once, “I’m cautious every day. Look, I’m all right without a scratch.”

Seeing him frown, she hooks her arms around his neck and grins, “Don’t worry. I will be cautious. Besides, I am protected by both you and the policemen. I think I’m almost a national treasure.”

“I’m worried about you…”

“I know. I know.” Fu Zhengzheng kisses him on his lips.

“Where shall we treat Lin Yongcheng and Qiao Keren to dinner on their arrival tomorrow evening?” She tries to change the topic, grinning and managing to curve her eyes into pretty crescent moons.

Han Siqi cups her face in his hands with a resigned expression.

“Where do you want to go?”

“How about eating in our restaurant?”

Han Siqi thinks and shakes his head, “Tian will be in the restaurant. She doesn’t have a good impression of Qiao Keren. We’d better have dinner in another place to avoid unnecessary trouble. Moreover, according to Qiao Keren’s personality, she won’t disdain to eat in your small restaurant.”

Fu Zhengzheng praises him secretly for being thoughtful, but she curls up her lips at him deliberately, “You’re so clear about Qiao Keren’s personality.”

A hint of embarrassment flashes through Han Siqi’s eyes. He wants to say something, and Fu Zhengzheng bursts into laughter, “I’m joking. I’m not so petty as you.”

Knowing she is making fun of him, he pretends to be unhappy and reaches out his hand to pat her. She leaps away and walks into the bathroom with a grin. When she just enters, she sticks out her head and says, “Suppose you book a small private room in Dongfang Haojing Restaurant? Only seven people will have dinner. Aunt Lin doesn’t like extravagance and waste.”

Han Siqi nods.

Listening to the sound of water in the bathroom, Han Siqi frowns slightly. Then he calls Lu Song again.

Lu Song is 28 years old. He entered the underworld at 16. He is bold and has done many evil things. He has gone in and out of the prison several times and is well-known in the underworld. But he was addicted to drugs later. Once the drug addiction recurred, he had hallucinations and fought with Zhou Bing’s men. As a result, he was injured badly. Han Siqi passed by him accidentally, saved him and sent him to the drug rehabilitation center.

After coming out of the drug rehabilitation center, Lu Song wanted to repay Han Siqi. Han Siqi thought he was skilled in Kung Fu and smart and thus arranged for him to work under Lin Yongcheng.

Later, Lin Yongcheng works in C City. He gradually replaces Lin Yongcheng’s position and works under Han Siqi directly.

It proves that Han Siqi is right. Lu Song has been involved in the underworld for a long time, so he is well-informed. Besides, he is competent and deals with many things faster than Lin Yongcheng. Above all, he is very loyal to Han Siqi just like Lin Yongcheng. Han Siqi trusts him very much and assigns many tasks to him.

Han Siqi calls Lu Song and tells him to investigate the true purpose of those guys attacking Fu Wenhai. Last time, those men didn’t make big trouble, so through investigation, it’s only known that they were from D City and came to B City just for fun. According to what just happened, the purpose of their coming to B City isn’t so simple.

When Fu Zhengzheng comes out of the bathroom, Han Siqi is deep in thought. Knowing he is worried about something, she goes over immediately to rub temples for him.

Han Siqi holds her hands, puts them in his palms and pulls. Then she leans on his back.

Taking advantage of the chance, Fu Zhengzheng turns her head sideways, puts her lips against his face, gives him a big kiss and presses her body against his back deliberately.

Han Siqi wants to reach out his hand to stroke her face. Feeling the elasticity on his back, he feels excited all over. Then he turns around slightly, holds her arm and drags her with strength.


Fu Zhengzheng loses her balance and reaches out to hold something. But she finds she has fallen into Han Siqi’s arms and puts her arms around his back subconsciously.

She wants to complain, but she is late because her lips have been conquered by his.

She just took a bath and is wearing a loose nightgown. Her belt is tied casually. Now it has loosened. Han Siqi moves his lips down immediately and enjoys her smooth skin.

Fu Zhengzheng wants to comfort Han Siqi, so she follows his desire and responds to him warmly. Han Siqi lifts her up and walks to the bed.

In the blink of an eye, it’s wee hours. Han Siqi lifts Fu Zhengzheng to the bathroom. Fu Zhengzheng bathed before, so this time she only takes a shower. Then she comes out and lies on the bed. Han Siqi is still bathing, so she turns on the TV.

“…According to citizens, several similar cases have happened in this city. The police are investigating…”

“What happened?” Han Siqi comes out of the bathroom and only hears the last sentence, so he can’t help asking Fu Zhengzheng who is staring at the TV.

“A pedestrian was robbed. It’s not peaceful recently. Li Yin told me yesterday that someone went to her shop to extort protection fees.”

“Extort protection fee?”

“Yeah. I was afraid those persons would put her in a tough spot because she was a woman. Thus, I called Lu Song and told him to deal with it. Didn’t he tell you?”

Han Siqi laughs, “He won’t come to claim credit for such a trifle.”

“You are right. Do you think these are related to Rongsheng’s gradual decline?”

Gu Yang and Tong Lean are influential in the underworld of B City. Ordinary men don’t dare to provoke them. But now Gu Yang has been arrested by the police, and the police are busy investigating Rongsheng. Tong Lean is in a hurry-scurry. Rongsheng can hardly look after itself. Normally, many hooligans take advantage of the mess to scramble for their control areas.

“Maybe. It’s getting late. Let’s sleep.” Han Siqi isn’t interested in these things. He gets into bed and embraces Fu Zhengzheng.

“So many things happened. I can’t help feeling worried.”

“You can’t control the situation alone. Sleep right now.” Han Siqi turns off the light, tucks themselves in and holds Fu Zhengzheng tightly.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t say more. It takes her a long time to fall asleep.


In Room 208 of Dongfang Haojing Restaurant.

Fu Zhengzheng is handing the menu to Mrs. Lin with a smile. Lin Xiaoyue cranes her neck to look.

“Sister Zhengzheng, the dishes are so expensive here!”

Mrs. Lin has noticed that too and closes the menu at once, “The cost of one dish here is enough for me to cook a table of dishes for you.”

Fu Zhengzheng stops Mrs. Lin and smiles, “Aunt, Siqi and I often have dinners at your house. It’s our treat today. Please make yourself at home.”

Mrs. Lin waves, “Even though it’s your treat, you shouldn’t waste money in this way. We can just eat in a small restaurant.”

Lin Xiaoyue looks at Yang Tao and wants to stand up with her mother.

Finding Fu Zhengzheng can’t hold back Mrs. Lin and Xiaoyue, Han Siqi laughs and breaks in, “Aunt, please don’t mind. We treat you together with two other important guests, but they haven’t arrived.”


Fu Zhengzheng echoes quickly, “Right. Right. Even the smallest private room here is so big. It’s wasteful for four people to eat in such a big room, so we invite you, Xiaoyue and Yang Tao here to share the room. If you are not here, that’s wasteful.”

Hearing that, Mrs. Lin looks less restless, but she pushes the menu to Han Siqi, “Let your friends order. I’m an old lady from the countryside and know nothing.”

Fu Zhengzheng shrugs at Han Siqi. Han Siqi smiles, takes the menu and begins to order.

Dishes are served one by one, but Lin Yongcheng still hasn’t come with Qiao Keren. Fu Zhengzheng becomes anxious. Seeing her expression, Han Siqi looks at the watch and smiles, “They’re coming any minute.”

Just at this moment, the door is opened. All eyes are cast to the two comers.



Mrs. Lin and Lin Xiaoyue stand up simultaneously and look surprisedly at Lin Yongcheng and Qiao Keren who are standing at the door.

How could they expect the important guests that Han Siqi said would be them?

“Mom, Xiaoyue, I’m back.” Lin Yongcheng walks in smilingly.

“Yongcheng, the girl is…” Looking at Lin Yongcheng and Qiao Keren enter hand in hand, Mrs. Lin guesses their relationship, but she doesn’t dare to believe.

“Mom, this is my…my girlfriend, Qiao Keren.” Lin Yongcheng introduces Qiao Keren shyly. Then he twists his head and introduces to Qiao Keren one by one, “Keren, this is my mom. This is my sister Xiaoyue. That is my sister’s boyfriend, Yang Tao.”

“Aunt, how do you do? Xiaoyue, hi.” Qiao Keren smiles at them and nods at Yang Tao smilingly.

Yang Tao smiles back at her. Lin Xiaoyue doesn’t smile and just stares at Qiao Keren. But Mrs. Lin can’t restrain herself anymore. She bypasses the table, walks to Qiao Keren quickly and holds her hands joyfully.

“Are you Yongcheng’s girlfriend? Oh, Yongcheng’s father blesses him finally.”

Without noticing Lin Xiaoyue’s expression, Fu Zhengzheng smiles at Mrs. Lin, “Aunt, I’m reliable, right? I told you Yongcheng would bring back a beautiful girlfriend. Please wait for your grandson.”

Teased by Fu Zhengzheng, Qiao Keren peeks at Lin Yongcheng and just meets his smiling eyes. Thinking of the romantic nights recently, a flush spreads on her face instantly.

Mrs. Lin beams with pleasure, “Wow, Zhengzheng makes a good point. I’ve been looking forward to my grandson for many years.”

Seeing them cast amorous glances at each other, Fu Zhengzheng makes fun of them more uninhibitedly, “It won’t be long before your dream come true. You may have three grandsons within two years.”

Mrs. Lin is more excited. While patting Qiao Keren’s hand, she laughs, “I have prepared a name for my grandson long before. He will be named Niuniu, a girl’s name…”

Suddenly, Qiao Keren’s face darkens, and she interrupts Mrs. Lin loudly, “The kid can’t be called Niuniu. It’s ominous!”

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