Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 377 - An Anxious Night

Chapter 377 An Anxious Night

He grasps the wrinkle of the comer immediately with his left hand and reaches out his right hand to take the person by the throat.


Zhu Ting?

Fu Wenhai loosens his hands quickly.

Zhu Ting looks pale. She covers her neck and coughs.

Zhu Ting holds her at once while apologizing, “Sorry, I didn’t know it’s you.”

Zhu Ting closes her eyes. It takes her quite a while to get over it. She looks at Fu Wenhai with an upset expression.

“My cellphone is powered off. I just want to ask if you have a suitable recharger. I strived to come upstairs and was about to knock the door. Unluckily, you took me as a thief.”

“Sorry.” Fu Wenhai ushers Zhu Ting into his room, “Take care. I’ll fetch the recharger for you.”

Zhu Ting walks in slowly. While Fu Wenhai turns around to fetch the recharger, she casts a quick glance around his room and praises, “Your room is quite tidy.”

Fu Wenhai brings her a multi-purpose recharger and smiles, “It’s more comfortable to live in a tidy room.”

“That’s true.”

Zhu Ting wants to take the multi-purpose recharger, but Fu Wenhai doesn’t give her, “Let me take it for you. Be careful to go downstairs.”

Zhu Ting doesn’t decline. She nods and hobbles downstairs slowly.

When they come to the downstairs room, Fu Wenhai inserts the recharger for her, looks at her affectionately, smiles, closes the door for her and then goes upstairs.

Zhu Ting looks at the closed door, deep in thought.

Meanwhile, Fu Zhengzheng walks up and down in her room with her cellphone in the hand.

Han Siqi is working in front of the computer. He can’t help stopping finally. He stands up, takes her to the bed and sits down.

“Are you afraid that Fu Wenhai will eat Zhu Ting?”

Fu Zhengzheng looks restless, “According to the plan of me and Zhu Ting, it’s not yet the time to live in Fu Wenhai’s house. He is so shrewd. I’m afraid Zhu Ting can’t cope with it, because she hasn’t been well prepared.”

“Zhu Ting was trained. Don’t looked down on her. She looked composed at dusk today, didn’t she?”

“I’m not looking down on her. But it is Fu Wenhai that she is dealing with. You are very clear about how shrewd Fu Wenhai is.”

Han Siqi smiles, “It will happen sooner or later, won’t it? Go to bed with your mind eased. Zhu Ting is sure to give you good news tomorrow.”

Fu Zhengzheng looks at her silent cellphone again, lies down on the bed, wiggles her body in a pettishly charming manner, “Zhu Ting stays the night in Fu Wenhai’s house so soon. How can I fall asleep? What if something happens?”

“Everything will be all right. According to Fu Wenhai’s personality, even if he has intention to Zhu Ting, he won’t expose easily.” Seeing her still wiggling the body, Han Siqi bends over, strokes her face and grins, “If you can’t fall asleep, I’ll sleep with you.”

Fu Zhengzheng throws off his hand, “I’m in no mood.”

Finding her restless, something springs to Han Siqi’s mind. He says, “Hey, you told me Li Yin had a kind of music that’s good for sleep, right?”

“Angelic Music.”

“Listen to it now and test if it’s effective.”

Fu Zhengzheng thinks it’s a good idea and sits up immediately, “Download it for me. The website link is in my e-mail box.”

Han Siqi thinks, goes to fetch Fu Zhengzheng’s laptop and turns it on.

Fu Zhengzheng looks at him confusedly, “Your computer is on. Why do you bother to turn on my laptop?”

Han Siqi smiles, “There are many important things in my computer. What if the website link has a virus?”

“Virus? Is it possible?”

“Just in case.”

Han Siqi has turned on Fu Zhengzheng’s laptop. He clicks the link and reads the introduction carefully.

“Unexpectedly, it has so many functions!”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t take it seriously, “I guess it’s a little effective, but I’m sure it’s not so magic as they say. They are probably bragging.”

“Anyway, it’s free. Let’s have a try.” Han Siqi downloads a music file that’s good for sleep to the MP4 and then gives it to Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng takes it while grinning jokingly, “If it’s proved to be effective, I’ll download an aphrodisiac music for you.”

Han Siqi pounces on her at once, “Aren’t you satisfied with my performance?”

“No, no. I’m joking.” Fu Zhengzheng wraps herself up with the quilt instantly.

Han Siqi pats her face smilingly and rises, “When you listen, you must concentrate on it. Lie down and close your eyes. Listen to it attentively. If it’s really effective, you can recommend it to your friends. I’ll go back to work and then I’ll come to accompany you.”


Fu Zhengzheng lies down, covers herself with the quilt, adjusts the volume, closes her eyes and then listens to the music attentively.

The music sounds weird. It sounds OK in the beginning. But after five or six minutes, she has a headache, so she removes the earphones instantly.

“What’s up?” Han Siqi hears the sound and looks at her over his shoulder.

“It gives me a headache. It’s not so effective as Li Yin said.”

“It’s said on the website that the effect varies with each individual.”

“That’s because I have a strong resistance?” Fu Zhengzheng turns off the MP4, puts it aside and then turns on the TV with the remote controller, “I would rather watch TV. Please go to the study to work with your computer.”

“It doesn’t matter. Just enjoy yourself. I won’t be influenced.” Then Han Siqi twists his head back to the computer screen and continues to work.

He used to work in the study. Since Fu Zhengzheng moved to the room, he has begun to work with his computer in the bedroom. It’s most enjoyable for him to be able to turn around and see her when he misses her.

Then Fu Zhengzheng turns the TV volume to the minimum.

The night news of this city is broadcasting that several burglaries and wounding assaults were committed successively in a community.

Fu Zhengzheng can’t help shaking her head. The public security of the city becomes worse and worse recently.

There are not only more burglaries but also robberies and turf wars. The police are bothered by these cases. The house of detention is almost full.

Does the whole B City lose balance because Rongsheng is dissolved?

Of course, what they are most worried is that someone is distracting the police and their final target is her.

Since Yao Jun died, everything has seemed to become peaceful again. No more hooligans make trouble for her. The reason is unclear – Maybe they are deterred by Han Siqi, or the secret is let out and thus they know Fu Zhengzheng is heavily protected by the police.

Of course, they won’t lower the guard anytime so as not to expose loopholes. Maybe it is the temporary peace before a storm?

She doesn’t know how it is going with Zhu Ting now.

Fu Zhengzheng tosses and turns on the bed.

The next morning, once she opens the eyes, she checks her cellphone. There is still no text message from Zhu Ting. She can’t help feeling anxious. She gets up early, has breakfast, hurries to the police office and then calls Yang Tao to ask how it is going.

“They have left home and are having breakfast. They may go to work together soon. Our men can’t follow them too closely for fear that Fu Wenhai’s men will notice them. Are you afraid that it goes too smoothly?” Yang Tao asks.

“Yes. I’m restless.” Fu Zhengzheng is worried, “By the way, is there anything wrong with Zhu Ting’s family background?”

“Don’t worry. It has no loopholes. He can’t find any problems.”

They know Fu Wenhai is very suspicious, so Zhu Ting’s family background has been made flawless.

In fact, Fu Zhengzheng knows that, but she is still not relieved. Hearing Yang Tao’s reassurance, she becomes slightly easy, “OK. Then I will wait for Zhu Ting’s messages.”

“When you contact her, tell her to be cautious and not to let down guard anytime.”

“I know.” Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone. Then she opens the door, gets out of the car and enters the office.

Once she enters the office, she receives Li Yin’s call. Li Yin tells her that she is going to close the shop temporarily after she clears the stock.

“Close the shop?”

“Yeah. I’m not well recently. Aunt is superstitious. She says I’m not suited to the place and will take me back to the hometown to nourish the baby and wait for delivery.”

“Go back to the hometown to wait for delivery? Is it far?”

“In the countryside. Aunt says the air is fresh there and is suitable to calm the nerves and for miscarriage prevention. The point is there are relatives. Aunt is old. I have such a big belly. Neither of us can do things conveniently. They can help us. Don’t worry. I have asked. The condition in the countryside becomes better. The transportation is convenient, so we can go to the hospital conveniently.”

“Great. But it will be difficult for me to see you later.”

“Yes. But no matter whether aunt’s words are reasonable, I become lazy recently, so I decide to find an excuse to rest for two months. After the baby is born, I’ll consider it again. It’s a pity that the shop at such a good place should be transferred.”

“The shop is not a big deal. You can find another one in the future. When will you leave?”

“Fruit can sell quickly. It may just take one or two days. Aunt has contacted the relatives in the hometown. She is packing things up. We may leave soon.”

“I’ll go to see you this noon.”

“OK. Come here for lunch. I’ll ask aunt to cook more dishes.”


Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone. She is glad to find that Li Yin seems to have been out of the pain caused by Lin Jiao’s death.

When Fu Zhengzheng just knew Li Yin, she was a naive girl. After experiencing so much, she has become more mature obviously. Liu Lin will be released soon, and the baby will be born. Happiness comes to her finally.

Fu Zhengzheng smiles and is about to turn on the computer when Director Lu knocks at the door and enters.

“Fu, do me a favor.”

Seeing Director Lu’s embarrassed expression, Fu Zhengzheng stands up quickly and asks, “OK, Director Lu. What can I do for you?”

“I have an important material that needs to be taken to an affiliate. But a leader will come to check our work today. Everyone is busy. I have to wait for the leader. Could you…”

Chief Xiao and Deputy Chief Miao have told Director Lu secretly, so he always takes good care of Fu Zhengzheng. Besides, after he knows she is the third daughter-in-law of Han family, he is more respectful to her.

Fu Zhengzheng takes the material from him instantly, “No problem. I’ll go now. Which affiliate?”

Finding she agrees without hesitation, Director Lu sighs with relief and tells her the name at once.

Fu Zhengzheng packs things up, walks the stairs and goes to the parking lot through the side door. She looks around and sees a black car parked far. The license plate looks familiar. She thinks it’s the car of a colleague. Because she is in a hurry, she doesn’t think more and walks to her car faster. When she opens the door and is about to get into the car, someone calls her name behind her suddenly.

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