Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 380 - Another Unexpected Turn

Chapter 380 Another Unexpected Turn

Liu Lin’s aunt tells Fu Zhengzheng that Li Yin isn’t normal recently. Fu Zhengzheng feels strange and wants to ask more. At this moment, she hears a fierce quarrel outside the shop. She slips the bag to Liu Lin’s aunt and runs out quickly. About five men are standing at the door and arguing with Li Yin.

“What’s up?” Fu Zhengzheng squeezes close to Li Yin and asks.

Li Yin points to the men angrily, “I have promised to transfer the shop to my friend, but they force me to transfer it to them.”

Those men look fierce and don’t seem to be good guys. Fu Zhengzheng is afraid that Li Yin will be at a disadvantage, so she says softly and smilingly, “Big brothers, a businessman should keep his promise, right? My friend has transferred the shop to her…”

A man glares and walks forward to push Fu Zhengzheng away, “Who gives you the right to speak here?”

Fu Zhengzheng turns her body aside and dodges the man’s hands.

Li Yin holds Fu Zhengzheng immediately and swears, “Bark and no bite. If you use your fists, we will show no mercy!”

Some hooligans once came to the shop to extort protection fee, and Lu Song sent one of his men to solve it easily. Afterwards, other hooligans came to make trouble for her again, but so long as she told them she was Lu Song’s friend, the problem would be solved. Therefore, she has nothing to fear.

The man heading the gang laughs suddenly, “Did I tell you to show mercy?”

Then he changes his face, “Let me tell you again. The shop can only be transferred to me! Otherwise no one can keep a shop here!”

The man’s arrogant words make Fu Zhengzheng furious, “We’re living in a society ruled by law. You aren’t allowed to be so rampant!”

The man glimpses Fu Zhengzheng and then asks Li Yin, “I’m asking you again. Will you transfer it to me?”

“I will transfer it! But I will never transfer it to you!” Li Yin throws out her belly without the least sign of fear and points to Fu Zhengzheng, “Do you know who she is? She is…”

The man interrupts Li Yin while laughing coldly, “I don’t care who you are. You must transfer the shop to me today! Don’t think I fear to beat you as a pregnant woman. If you offend me, I will smash everything including you!”

Fu Zhengzheng stands in front of Li Yin instantly and snaps, “Don’t you dare! Don’t be so rampant!”

“I will show you how rampant I am today!” The man waves his hand, “Smash the shop.”

Li Yin shouts, “No smashing! My shop is protected by Lu Song. If you dare to smash it, Brother Song will not let you off!”

“Brother Song?” The man laughs with disdain, “Brother Song is engaged in big things. Can he be bothered to protect your small shop? Even if you want to find a backer, you need to have a clear mind. Smash!”

Li Yin didn’t expect someone would not be scared away by Lu Song’s fame, so she feels panicky and holds Fu Zhengzheng, not knowing what to do next.

Of course, Fu Zhengzheng looks down upon the hooligans. She pushes Li Yin lightly to the back, steps forward and stops the hooligans.

The man orders again, “Smash!”

Fu Zhengzheng gives a kick to each of them and easily knocks over the guys without practical martial arts.

“Zhengzheng, you are so awesome!” Li Yin praises her aside.

The man heading the gang curses, “Good for nothing! Get up and bring weapons!”

The hooligans pick themselves up from the ground instantly and run to the car. Then they rush back with some machetes.

Li Yin’s face becomes pale with horror immediately, and she pushes Fu Zhengzheng away with force, “Run!”

Fu Zhengzheng is also a little scared to see them rush over with machetes. But how can she leave Li Yin here alone? She casts a quick glance around and finds no one comes to help them. She twists her head and sees a broom by the shutter door. She grits her teeth and rushes to the door with the broom.

At this moment, a harsh sound of brake comes from the roadside, and a man snaps, “Stop!”

The hooligans are frightened by the powerful voice. They look back and then cast their eyes to the man heading them.

Fu Zhengzheng is startled. She looks towards the car instantly and sees Lu Song. She feels glad.

During the seconds when everyone is surprised, Lu Song and his men have rushed over. His men stand in front of Fu Zhengzheng in a line and stare at those hooligans coldly. Lu Song asks worriedly, “Are you OK?”

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head, “I’m all right. These guys are unreasonable. They force my friend to transfer the shop. She doesn’t agree, so they are going to smash it and beat us.”

Lu Song looks up and down at her. After making sure she is fine, he nods slightly and says, “Leave it to me.”

The man heading the gang is overwhelmed by the imposing manner of Lu Song and his men. He wipes sweat secretly, summons up his courage and asks, “Who…who are you?!”

One of Lu Song’s men goes forward and gives him two slaps across the face.

The man is astounded by the slaps. He covers his face with one hand and points to Lu Song tremblingly with the other one, unable to speak anything.

“You dare to point at Brother Song?” Lu Song’s subordinate kicks him. Then he beats up the hooligans behind the man. They groan on the ground.

“Brother…Brother Song?” The man is kicked and rolls on the ground. His face changes suddenly. Ignoring the blood stain on his mouth corners, he rolls back and kneels on the ground instantly. Large beads of sweat ooze from his forehead. His becomes tongue-tied, “Sorry…sorry, Brother Song. We didn’t recognize you. We didn’t know she is your woman. We will never…”

Lu Song’s subordinate gives him another slap, “This is the third madam of Han family.”

The man is close to tears. He is on hands and knees, begging for mercy.

“It serves you right. I told you that Brother Song protected us, but you didn’t believe.” Li Yin runs over and spits.

Lu Song asks coldly, “Who is your boss?”

The man raises his head and answers at once, “Brother Song, we just started. We heard the local big gun was arrested and someone was going to transfer a shop, so we came here for a profit. Brother Song, sorry. We’ll never do it again.”

“If I find you do evil again…”

“I will never. We’re sure to turn over a new leaf and become good men.”

“Go away.”

“Thank you, Brother Song.”

The man heading the gang staggers and runs away. His men follow him quickly.

Seeing the gang of hooligans run away, neighbors come out and clap their hands, “They bully the kind and fear the evil.”

“Yes. They extorted money at my shop yesterday.”

“They encounter a strong opponent today and probably don’t dare to make trouble here again!”

“Li Yin, I never thought you would have such a great backer.”

Li Yin laughs complacently.

Fu Zhengzheng turns around and asks Lu Song in a low voice, “Why did you come here?”

She thinks even if someone is needed to be sent here, protecting her Lu Song will dispatch some one in charge of protecting her secretly, since Lu Song himself always follows Han Siqi and waits for his instructions all the time.

Lu Song doesn’t respond and just smiles.

Fu Zhengzheng knows he thinks there are too many people and it’s inconvenient for him to explain. She doesn’t ask more. Then she looks at the watch and tells Li Yin, “I’m nearly late for work. Take care of yourself and the baby. Call me in time if something happens to you.”

“OK. Please drive slowly.”

“I will.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles and then walks to her car at a fast pace.

After Fu Zhengzheng gets into the car, Lu Song and his men drive off.

When Fu Zhengzheng returns to the police office, it’s almost 3:00 p.m. Luckily, the fingerprint punch-in machine of their department doesn’t work. She gets back to the office and sees Qi Juan who always asks for sick leave come to work unexpectedly. She is happy, because she can have a partner finally.

Seeing her come in, Qi Juan is surprised and then tells her, “Sister Fu, a lawyer surnamed Zhu just came to see you. She asked if you would come to work this afternoon. You weren’t here then, so I told her you wouldn’t. I didn’t expect you would come.”

Fu Zhengzheng knows it’s Zhu Ting. She looks back, “Oh? Has she gone?”


“Got it. How are you? Do you feel better?”

Qi Juan answers pitifully, “The inflammation has been diminished. I will choose time for an operation. My mom said I wouldn’t get better unless I had an operation.”

She suffered mild appendicitis in the beginning. She was afraid to have an operation. Thus, she had an intravenous drip to diminish inflammation whenever it hurt. She could feel better for some time and then relapsed finally.

Fu Zhengzheng laughs, “You dare to have an operation finally? Don’t be afraid. It’s only a minor operation.”

“I’m afraid of pain.”

Obviously, she has been spoiled by her family since the childhood. Fu Zhengzheng laughs and frightens her deliberately, “If you are afraid of the little pain, how can you give birth to a baby in the future?”

“My mom said a baby could be born by Caesarean and anesthetics could be injected. It’s not painful at all.”

“You mom told you that?”

“Yes. Sister Fu, was your baby born by Caesarean?” Though Qi Juan doesn’t often come to work, all colleagues in the police office have known Fu Zhengzheng’s identity and so has she.

“I had a natural labor.”

“Ah? My mom said natural labor was very painful. How could you withstand it?” Qi Juan opens her eyes wide.

“That’s all right. I considered nothing except how to make the bay born safely. When you become a mom one day, you will find that the pain isn’t a big deal compared with the baby’s safe birth.”

Qi Juan sighs, “Really? No wonder people say maternal love is very great. I will be filial to my mom.”

While they are talking, someone knocks at the door lightly. Fu Zhengzheng raises her head and sees Zhu Ting.

Because Qi Juan is in the office, when Fu Zhengzheng sees Zhu Ting, she doesn’t look happy at all. Instead, her face darkens. Then she lowers her head and continues to work.

“Sister Fu.” Zhu Ting walks to her smilingly, “My director asks me to consult you about something. Could you…”

“I’m busy.” Fu Zhengzheng interrupts her without raising her head.

“Sister Fu, please do me a favor, or I will be criticized by the director.”

Fu Zhengzheng ignores her and is still engaged in her work.

“Sister Fu, please do me a favor. It’s not easy for me as a newcomer.” No matter how cold Fu Zhengzheng is, Zhu Ting always wears a smile and looks reverent.

Ignoring Zhu Ting for quite a while, Fu Zhengzheng is bothered by her and gives her the material she needs finally.

Zhu Ting says thank you for several times, copies the materials she needs and then leaves happily.

After Zhu Ting leaves, Qi Juan asks Fu Zhengzheng confusedly, “Sister Fu, has the girl offended you?”

“I don’t like her.” Fu Zhengzheng responds vaguely. Then she stands up and enters the bathroom.

Zhu Ting walks out of Fu Zhengzheng’s office with the materials. She feels frustrated. She intended to report the latest situation to Fu Zhengzheng. Unexpectedly, Qi Juan comes to work. Forget about it. She might as well wait to report her at home this evening.

When it’s the time to be off duty, Fu Wenhai comes to pick her up for dinner. They talk enjoyably at the table. Fu Wenhai asks if she works happily in the law firm. She replies briefly that she doesn’t want to talk about the unhappy things during the meal.

Fu Wenhai doesn’t ask more. He just smiles. After dinner, he drives her home.

When Zhu Ting goes upstairs, she meets the warm-hearted old lay living across the hall. She greets the old lady at once.

The old lady sees her and responds joyfully, “Zhu, did you come back for rest at noon?”


“Grandma, hurry up, or the supermarket will be closed.” The little grandson of the old lady hurries her. She waves at Zhu Ting and goes downstairs with her grandson.

Zhu Ting waves too. After they go downstairs, she opens the door and enters. She closes the door, takes off her shoes and plans to take out her phone to update Fu Zhengzheng. When seeing the pair of slippers placed orderly before the entrance rug, she is astonished.

Someone broke in!

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