Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 383 - Have Intimacy Here?

Chapter 383 Have Intimacy Here?

She seizes the person by the hand instantly, gives a wristlock and meanwhile kicking towards the person.

The person is a tall man and is swift. He turns his body aside and dodges her attack. Then he pulls her by the throat to himself and she falls into his arms.

Fu Zhengzheng loses her balance, so she clings to his clothes at once to regain it. Then she steps back to get away from the man. But because her throat is clamped, she has to stick her head forward slightly and thus is in an extremely awkward position. However, at that moment, she finds something unusual.

“You!” She struggles to break free from the man’s hand.

The man curls his lips in the dark and orders her in a low voice, “Remove.”

“Remove? Remove what?”


Fu Zhengzheng shouts instantly, “Wh…what?! Here? No!”

The man strengthens his grip, “Do you need me to remove them?”

Fu Zhengzheng protects her chest with hands at once and replies resolutely, “No!”

The man loosens his hand from her throat suddenly. Then he holds her, goes forward, pushes her down onto the sofa and lies prone on her immediately. While kissing her on the lips, he reaches out one hand into her clothes with abandon.

The actions are finished without a break. They are so quick that Fu Zhengzheng is too stunned to react. Knowing she can’t push his body away, she withdraws a hand to push his face hard and turns her face away immediately.

“Hey, hey! Enough is enough! If you want to do something, let’s go home!”

“Don’t you think it’s more interesting to do here?”

“No! Are you crazy?” Fu Zhengzheng stares at the figure that she is most familiar with, not knowing to cry or laugh.

The man turns out to be Han Siqi.

Han Siqi’s face is pushed away, but his hand doesn’t stop. He straightens his face on purpose and says, “I’m just teaching you how to improve your alertness. What if the one breaking in today is someone else? What if the comer has the same demand as me? I don’t want to see such a scene.”

Fu Zhengzheng presses his hand and wants to take it out, “Oh, come on. Bad guys are various. Not everyone is a lecher.”

“There are many lechers, let alone on such a poetic evening.”

“You mean you want to do that thing when you see a pretty girl in the evening? Hum! Hey, hey, stop removing my clothes!” Fu Zhengzheng intends to take the chance to give Han Siqi a lesson. Unexpectedly, his hand that is just withdrawn unbuttons her jacket.

Han Siqi holds her shoulders, biting lightly and murmuring, “At this time, shouldn’t you cooperate with your husband?”

“But…” Fu Zhengzheng twists her head to look around in the dark. She finds it’s quiet and then she feels less embarrassed.

She once wanted to take Han Siqi here to experience the past happiness again, but she didn’t plan to do that thing. Besides, she wanted to go to the closed basement instead of the big living room. The curtains on the huge French window are not drawn. She feels like being exposed in public.

Han Siqi seems to have no scruple. He rises suddenly, kneels on the sofa, separates her legs and then lifts her to sit on it.

Fu Zhengzheng can’t help becoming tense physically and stops him panickily, “Let’s go back. I have no sense of security here. What if…”

“Everything will be all right.” Han Siqi ignores her and continues to do it.

When he just says that, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help groaning with pleasure.

She knows his bodyguards are scattered in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, so she doesn’t worry about the danger. But if a resort visitor breaks in, it will not be good. However, it seems that she can’t stop him now. The high tense excitement brings her indescribable pleasure. She forces herself to close her eyes, thinks nothing and is completely immersed in the pleasure.

Han Siqi is satisfied with Fu Zhengzheng’s cooperation and strokes her face smilingly.

At this moment, a long beam of light flashes into the room suddenly. They stop with a start.

“Someone is here!”

Fu Zhengzheng wants to push Han Siqi away, but he stops her instantly and covers her mouth.

Fu Zhengzheng’s vision is blocked by Han Siqi, so she can’t see anything outside. She fears to make any sound and only stares at him with her eyes wide open.

A man says at the door, “The servants are lazier and lazier. They even don’t come to close the door!”

Another man smiles and says, “Take it easy. There is no treasure inside it. Even if the door is open, thieves won’t come in.”

“I’m not worried about thieves. If a mouse comes in and chews things, it will be not good.”

“OK, stop. You’re more garrulous than Tang Monk. Just close the door. We also have to patrol over there.”

“Where is the switch? Let me see if a mouse has come in.”

Fu Zhengzheng is already extremely nervous. When Fu Zhengzheng hears that, her heart almost jumps out of her mouth. If the light is turned on, …

She can’t help shuddering and wants to grope for her clothes. Even if she only wears one piece of clothing, it will be better than being naked.

Her hand is stopped by Han Siqi again. He presses her lightly with his fingertip, signaling her not to move.

If his wife weren’t naked now, Han Siqi would drive away the two unwelcome guys. But he doesn’t dare to make any sound either. He is not sure whether the two guards can recognize his voice. If they hear a sound, they will shine a flashlight to the room. He gropes for a corner of Fu Zhengzheng’s coat. If they really turn on the light, he will cover her with the coat.

“How can I know where the switch is? I have never come here at night. Can you stop being so womanish? We should mainly patrol the houses with guests, OK? If you want to check here, you do it. I can’t be bothered.” The voice becomes farther and farther.

“Wait for me.” The sound of closing the door and the man’s footsteps disappear together within a few seconds.

“Hu…” Fu Zhengzheng bends over Han Siqi feebly like a piece of boiled rice cake and heaves a long sigh.

Han Siqi sighs with relief too. He withdraws his hand that was groping for her coat and embraces her. Feeling her nervousness, he can’t help laughing.

“What are you laughing about? Isn’t it your fault? It’s made as if we had a love affair stealthily. So shameful!”

Finding Fu Zhengzheng wants to rise, he stops her again, grins cheekily and then continues their intimacy.

The moon high in the sky has moved outside the window, but they didn’t notice. Fu Zhengzheng gropes for her clothes, puts them on and meanwhile glares at Han Siqi. Thinking of that he can’t see her facial expression, she can’t help snoring heavily.

“Darling, do you call me?” Han Siqi sticks his head to her. He has been dressed.

Fu Zhengzheng pokes his face, “I can’t be bothered to call you. You told me to be more alert. You need to be more alert too, don’t you? You didn’t find the two guards until they walked to the door. Luckily, they didn’t turn on the light, or how shameful it would be!”

Talking of it, a hint of embarrassment flashes across Han Siqi’s face. He knew it when the two guards entered the yard, of course. They opened the gate so loudly. How could he not hear it? He just forgot to close the gate when he entered the yard after her.

Seeing him keep silent, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t have the heart to blame him and asks, “How did you know I came here?”

Han Siqi takes her hand and walks outward while answering slowly, “You didn’t go back after leaving to fetch fruit for a long time. Besides, you didn’t take your cellphone. I guessed you would take fruit to Tian. On my way, I saw you come here, so I followed you. Unexpectedly, you didn’t notice me all the way. You…”

Fu Zhengzheng knows he is worried about her and responds at once, “Not every bad guy is so good at following and fighting as you. Please believe my strength.”


“No but. I’m extra cautious outside definitely. I just let down my guard a little in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort sometimes. Who doesn’t know Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort has perfect security measures? Moreover, all people here are arranged by you.”

“You have so many excuses.” Han Siqi pats the back of Fu Zhengzheng’s head.

“You hit my head again. You will make me dull.”

“It’s better to be dull. If so, you will stay at home obediently rather than running around.”

Fu Zhengzheng rolls her eyes at him sulkily and says, “Stay at home obediently to wash clothes, cook, bear kids and warm the bed for you.”

“Good idea.”

“Why don’t you marry a silly girl?”

“Except you, I won’t marry anyone else even if she is a fairy.”

“You’re so garrulous. Hey, by the way, Tian is pregnant. Do you know?”


Fu Zhengzheng sighs sympathetically, “She is just pregnant, but she vomits terribly. She will suffer a lot during the following months.”

Han Siqi has never seen a woman vomit and doesn’t take it seriously, “All pregnant women are the same, aren’t they?”

“No. I didn’t vomit much when I was pregnant with Fu Xing. My appetite was quite good.” Thinking of Tian Xin’s punishment to Ji Muxian, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help laughing again and tells it to Han Siqi as a joke.

“It’s eye-opening. I never thought Muxian would be so tender.”

“That’s because the person in front of him is his beloved woman. I treat you in the same way, don’t I?”

Fu Zhengzheng twists her head, “Why didn’t you feed me?”

“Didn’t I satiate you in the old house? Let me feed you again when we are back to the room?”

Hearing “the old house”, Fu Zhengzheng understands his meaning at once. She flushes and complains: “Bother! What are you talking about?!”

Han Siqi laughs loudly. When they are close to the house, he holds her suddenly and tells her quietly, “You’d better not walk around in the evening, even if in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. When you are alone, I’m worried about you.”

Talking of being alone, Zhu Ting comes to Fu Zhengzheng’s mind, and an idea hits her instantly…

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