Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 385 - A Narrow Escape from a Misfortune

Chapter 385 A Narrow Escape from a Misfortune

Fu Wenhai goes up fast to support her, lifts her up transversely and dashes downstairs. The two tall men, who intended to chase the thief, follow Fu Wenhai immediately.

They go downstairs. Unexpectedly the passageway is packed with people. The two tall men squeeze forward to make way for Fu Wenhai.

“Police officer!” A man in uniform flashes an official card in front of Fu Wenhai.

Fu Wenhai notices that a police car is parked outside. Perhaps the alarm was sounded when the police car ran in, so it’s crowded with people. He looks around and sees two policemen interrogating a man. It turns out that the escaping man has been caught by the police.

Looking at Zhu Ting who is still in a faint, Fu Wenhai explains anxiously, “This is the victim. She has passed out and needs to be rushed to the hospital.”

Hearing that, a leading policeman steps aside and gives an order to others, “Take the suspect to the police station for interrogation. I’ll send them to the hospital.”

“My car is at the gate.” Then Fu Wenhai strides to the gate. The leading policeman supports Zhu Ting and goes with him.

Fu Wenhai is familiar with the surroundings and rushes Zhu Ting to the nearest hospital soon. When they get to the hospital, she has come around. But she has a poor mental state and looks terrible. The doctor says that’s because she’s scared excessively and prescribes her some tranquilizers.

Fu Wenhai and his bodyguards have been asked by the police. After Zhu Ting’s mental state becomes better, a policeman comes to ask her questions.

Zhu Ting tells him what happened in the evening. When describing the horrible scene, she can’t help shuddering and casts her helpless eyes to Fu Wenhai from time to time. Fu Wenhai stands aside at first. Then he walks close to her immediately and comforts her softly.

The policeman who takes notes finds what Zhu Ting says is almost the same as the suspect’s confession. He doesn’t want to stimulate her anymore, so he closes his notebook, tells her to have a good rest and then goes out.

“OK, everything is fine now.” Fu Wenhai pours a glass of hot tea for Zhu Ting.

Zhu Ting takes the glass and cups it in her hands tightly. Her hands are stilling slightly trembling.

Her look makes Fu Wenhai’s heart broken. He can’t help reaching out to stroke her icy hands.

If Li Xiaomeng had showed her delicacy in front of him, he might have understood his mind earlier.

Maybe because he feels Zhu Ting shiver, he loosens his hand immediately.

“Sorry, I just…” He is usually good at speech, but now his tongue is tied.

But Zhu Ting doesn’t take it to heart. She just shakes her head.

“Be careful. It’s hot.” Fu Wenhai takes the glass from Zhu Ting and holds her hands. He sees her palms red because of the heat and blows them lightly.

Zhu Ting doesn’t withdraw her hands. She stares at him for a while and says, “Thank you.”

Fu Wenhai shakes his hand smilingly, “I’m glad that you could think of me when you were in danger.”

“If you had come later, I would have…” Zhu Ting chokes with sobs again.

Fu Wenhai laughs lightly, “You’re not destined to suffer the misfortune. I happened to go out. I received your call when I just drove out of the community. I realized you were in trouble, so I drove straight to your residence. You were smart and could call me in that case.”

Zhu Ting sighs and regards herself lucky, “When I was thrown onto the bed by the villain, I just groped for my cellphone, clicked on recent calls and then dialed casually. I didn’t know whose number I dialed. But I hoped it’s yours.”

Then Zhu Ting looks up at him.

Fu Wenhai laughs, “Because I’m nearest to you?”

Zhu Ting smiles and doesn’t respond.

“Don’t recollect what happened just now. Have a rest.” Fu Wenhai tucks her in.

Zhu Ting nods, lies down and then sits up suddenly, “You won’t leave, will you?”


Hearing Fu Wenhai’s answer, she lies down and then turns her back to him suddenly.

Fu Wenhai thinks she is used to sleeping on her side, so he doesn’t say anything. He pours a glass of tea for himself, carries a stool over, sits by her and drinks the tea slowly while watching her back.

Suddenly he finds her shuddering slightly. He puts down the glass at once and asks worriedly, “What’s up?”

Zhu Ting doesn’t respond, so he walks fast around the bed to look at her. Sure enough she is shedding tears silently.

“Are you sick? I’ll call the doctor.”

“No!” Zhu Ting sobs suddenly, “I…I miss my dad and mom. I want to go home.”

Fu Wenhai responds hurriedly, “You’d better not tell them in case they will be worried.”

“I know. I just have such an idea. I won’t tell them. I feel sad. I am so weak that I even can’t protect myself.”

Fu Wenhai relives with a sigh, gives her a pile of tissues and smiles, “Silly girl, why do you think in that way? It’s good for you to be able to ask me for help under such circumstances. Don’t think too much. Have a good sleep. When you wake up, everything will be fine.”

Zhu Ting is moved by his “silly girl”. She wipes her tears, takes a deep breath and forces a smile at him.

“Good girl.” Fu Wenhai tucks her in again. Then he realizes he was too tender when he spoke just now, so he looks a little unnatural, withdraws his hands and sits on the sofa slightly far away from the bed.

Zhu Ting just smiles at him. After he smiles back at her, she closes her eyes slowly.

While Zhu Ting is having a rest with her eyes closed, Fu Zhengzheng sits on the bed and changes the TV channels randomly with the remote controller.

The flashing TV screen distracts Han Siqi from his work. He pours a cup of tea and goes to the bed.

“It’s useless to be anxious. When it’s done, they will call you.”

Fu Zhengzheng sits up slightly, takes the cup and sips the tea, “I’m not anxious. I’m afraid that if it’s badly timed, the show will be in vain.”

“It doesn’t matter even if it’s in vain. No one will suffer losses. Are you afraid that the man will grope Zhu Ting?”

“I’m not worried about that. Even if there are three more men, it won’t be a problem, let alone only one.”

“Then what are you anxious about? Before they call and tell you how it is going, you’d better lie down and have a good sleep. They will…”

Before Han Siqi finishes, Fu Zhengzheng’s cellphone rings. She gives the cup to him instantly and picks up the cellphone while rising quickly. Seeing Yang Tao’s call, she connects it hurriedly.

Looking at the water splashed around, Han Siqi shakes his head. Then he turns around and takes some napkins to absorb the water.

Ignoring Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng asks anxiously, “How is it going?”

“Everything goes well as you planned. Now Fu Wenhai is accompanying Zhu Ting in the hospital.” For fear that Fu Zhengzheng are worried, Yang Tao adds instantly, “She’s only ‘scared’. Nothing else.”

“Fu Wenhai hasn’t suspected anything?”

“Not yet. What he heard in the dictograph is true. How can he not believe?”

“Great.” Fu Zhengzheng laughs happily, “Everything seems to go well.”

“Yu Dong is eager for the extenuation of his crime, so he spared no efforts for the show. Besides, Zhu Ting was responsive and cooperated perfectly. Luckily, she pretended to ‘pass out’ at the door, or Yu Dong might be caught by Fu Wenhai’s bodyguards. In that case, even if his arms and legs were not broken, his ribs would be broken.”

Yu Dong, who is mentioned by Yang Tao, is one of habitual burglars they caught today. When Fu Zhengzheng called Yang Tao this afternoon, he mentioned it casually. Unexpectedly, Fu Zhengzheng took it to heart and decided to meet trick with trick, that’s to ask Yu Dong to break into Zhu Ting’s house to “do evil”.

“Even if he was beaten, it served him right. After all, he has done so many evil things.” Fu Zhengzheng laughs. Thinking that Fu Wenhai won’t allow Zhu Ting to live in his house so easily, she ponders and says, “Yu Dong and his brother are usually close. Now others don’t know they have been arrested. Whether Fu Wenhai will take Zhu Ting to his house or not, I think you can release Yu Nan first so as to tell Fu Wenhai’s men that he hasn’t been caught.”

Yang Tao understands her meaning right away, “You want to tell Fu Wenhai that Yu Nan may take revenge on Zhu Ting, right?”

“I think he won’t let Zhu Ting be endangered again.”

“What if he just arranges two bodyguards for her?”

“Um…” Fu Zhengzheng thinks and says, “Zhu Ting lives in an apartment. According to Fu Wenhai’s personality, how can he allow two men to stay with Zhu Ting in a single room? Moreover, Zhu Ting can object to it.”

“That’s true. I will arrange for it.”

Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone. Meeting Han Siqi’s stare, she shows her cellphone to him complacently.

Han Siqi pats the back of her head smilingly, “You are more and more clever.”

Fu Zhengzheng pretends to be angry, “I told you not to hit my head. You will make me dull.”

“This is the hand of Buddha. The more you are hit, the smarter you will become.”

“Come on.” Fu Zhengzheng laughs, gives a huge stretch and half lies to imagine what happened in Zhu Ting’s house.

Han Siqi has turned off the computer. He puts on the pajamas and gets into the bed. Seeing her in a daze, he wants to pull her down.

She wiggles her body and doesn’t lie down, “I’m very excited now and can’t fall asleep. You sleep first.”

“Sleepless again? How about…”

“Don’t move! I’m thinking about the case. If I’m bothered, you are impeding a police officer from dealing with a case. You will be prosecuted for your criminal liability.”

Han Siqi doesn’t know whether to cry or laugh, “So serious? Then I won’t bother you. Let me give you a massage, OK?”

“Bribing a civil servant is a more serious crime.” Then Fu Zhengzheng says instead, “But all is quiet in the dead of night. Be light when you bribe me in case others will find it.”

Han Siqi laughs loudly, pulls Fu Zhengzheng and rides her quickly.

“Hey, it’s only a massage. What are you doing?”

“I seldom have the chance to bribe, so I’d like to give you a tough one.”

“Ah, bother!”

When they are playing, the ringtone goes off at an inappropriate time.

“My cellphone is ringing!”

Han Siqi wants to draw back Fu Zhengzheng’s hand, but he is late. She has got the cellphone. Seeing the call is from Yang Tao, she connects it instantly.

Han Siqi sees Yang Tao’s name too and can’t help cursing in his heart. He calls again after the last one just a moment ago. Does Yang Tao frustrate him intentionally? On your wedding night, I will ask some men to call you in turn to stop you from enjoying the special night.

Ignoring Han Siqi’s anger, Fu Zhengzheng shouts suddenly, “What? Fu Wenhai left the hospital alone?”

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