Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 394 - A Calm Night

Chapter 394 A Calm Night

She casts her alert eyes to the door instantly.

Sun Meifeng’s both hands are occupied. When she sees Fu Zhengzheng, her eyes light up, and she runs over fawningly.

“Miss Fu, nice to see you here. Sorry, my hands are occupied, and I can’t knock at the door, so I kick it.” When she sees Li Yin staring at her, she explains, “Are you scared? I planned to push the door lightly with my foot.”

While speaking, Sun Meifeng puts all the things on the desk.

Fu Zhengzheng finds they are various tonics.

Li Yin manages to sit up and looks at Sun Meifeng, feeling overwhelmingly flattered, as she isn’t acquainted with Sun Meifeng.

“Excuse me, who are…”

“I am the cousin of Liu Yun’s wife. Do you feel better? You and your baby are so lucky. Thanks to your friend and her husband. Oh, you don’t know how dangerous it was yesterday. It’s really…” Sun Meifeng keeps talking after she enters the ward.

Sun Meifeng screeches loudly. Fu Zhengzheng has a headache and can’t help interrupting her, “Doctor Sun, the doctor says Li Yin needs to rest.”

“Oh, oh. She needs to rest. Right. she should have a good rest. Only in this way can she recover quickly.” Sun Meifeng goes forward and helps Li Yin lie down instantly.


“Have a rest. I have something to do. when I’m free, I will come to see you again.” Fu Zhengzheng is afraid that Sun Meifeng will ask her for help again, so she goes out quickly with the thermos.

“Hey, um…” Sun Meifeng runs out fast. But she doesn’t know Fu Zhengzheng’s name and just calling her by saying “hey”. After Fu Zhengzheng enters the lift, she has to give up.

Fu Zhengzheng returns to her car. Thinking of Sun Meifeng’s enthusiasm, she can’t help shaking the head.

Out of the hospital, she doesn’t go back to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. Instead she goes to Weihan Building to see Han Siqi. Though it’s the weekend, Weihan’s staff generally work as usual.

She wants to ask Han Siqi how Lu Song’s arrangement is going.

Xu Yan feels glad to see Fu Zhengzheng, holding her hands and asking many questions.

Fu Zhengzheng pretends to be serious, “Secretary Xu, you are bolder and bolder now. You even dare to chat at work time. Aren’t you afraid that your salary will be deducted?”

Xu Yan looks inside panickily and doesn’t see Han Siqi. Then she sighs with relief and grins, “I haven’t seen you for ages. Um…”

Seeing Xu Yan’s embarrassment, Fu Zhengzheng bursts out laughing and pokes her forehead with a finger.

“I just praised you were bold. Unexpectedly you are still as timid as a mouse.”

“Bother. You make fun of me.” Xu Yan pretends to be unhappy and turns her face away.

“I’m joking.” Fu Zhengzheng moves closer to Xu Yan, points to her belly and winks, “After a long preparation, are you successful?”

“Skip it. I’m upset by his parents every day.” Xu Yan complains.

“Your parents-in-law are doctors and know a lot. Certainly, they demand more. Anyway, they do it for your sake. Don’t feel upset, or it’s not good for your relationship with them.”

“I know. But sometimes I can’t help feeling upset. I have no opinions about their demands about food, but I can’t stand the so-called regimen. They even interfere in my sitting posture in daytime and sleeping posture at night. Though it’s tiring to work, I am eager to come out for work every day. I hate to go home to live the puppet life.”

Fu Zhengzheng is worried, “Now that you live with them, you have to integrate yourself into the atmosphere, or you will have a tough life. If Yicheng finds it, he is sure to feel sad for you.”

“Yicheng has known it long before. But he can’t change her parents. Alas, I’m extremely tired now and often sleepless.”

Fu Zhengzheng sees blood streaks in Xu Yan’s eyes. Thinking of Angelic Music recommended by Li Yin, Fu Zhengzheng recommends it to her, “Stop feeling upset. Get used to their life habit slowly. Then you will feel better. I’ll go inside and send you the website link of Angelic Music. You can download the audio file that’s good for sleep and listen as a try. It’s said to be effective.”

“Angelic Music? My friend once mentioned it to me, but I haven’t listened to it. Is it really effective?”

“It’s said that the effect varies with each individual. My friend thinks it effective. You can have a try. If it’s not effective for you, just stop listening. Don’t be upset anymore. I come to talk about something with Siqi. I’ll go inside and send the link to you later.”


Fu Zhengzheng smiles at Xu Yan. Then she stands up, pushes the door and enters Han Siqi’s office.

Han Siqi is making a call with his back to her. She moves gingerly, closes the door quietly, creeps to his back and reaches out her hand to scare him by patting his shoulder after he hangs up the phone.

“A person will be scared to death in this way!”

Be scared to death? Who?

Is that Lu Song…


While Fu Zhengzheng’s thought is wandering, she is startled to take a step back by Han Siqi’s sudden turning.

She looks as if confronted with a powerful enemy, and Han Siqi can’t help laughing, “Why do you say what I wanted to speak?”


“You wanted to scare me, didn’t you? I’m supposed to shout in surprise, right?”

Then Fu Zhengzheng realizes “A person will be scared to death in this way!” was spoken to her. She glares at him with pretended anger.

“How is Lu Song’s arrangement going?”

“Everything is ready.”

“That’s good.”

Han Siqi pulls her into his arms and teases, “You are more and more like the hostess when you speak.”


Han Siqi clears his throat and imitates her tone, “Secretary Xu, you are bolder and bolder now. You even dare to chat at work time. Aren’t you afraid that your salary will be deducted?”

“I was joking with Yan.” Talking of Xu Yan, Fu Zhengzheng pushes him away instantly and sits down before his computer, “Give me a glass of water.”

Han Siqi turns around to pour water for her instantly. She turns on his computer and is ready to log into her e-mail box.

“Don’t touch my computer!”

She feels injured and throws the mouse, “I just want to send an e-mail. Why are you so fierce?”

“You can’t use the computer. It’s full of important files of the company. What if…”

“I just send an e-mail. What will happen?”

“It never hurts to be cautious.” Han Siqi takes out a laptop from the drawer, puts it on the desk, plugs it in and then turns it on, “You can send the e-mail with this one.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng sits down before it.

“Manager Fu, please drink water.” Afraid that she will be unhappy, Han Siqi puts the glass close to her hand fawningly.

Fu Zhengzheng snaps, “Don’t bother me. Go about your business.”

Han Siqi grins, returns to his seat and continues to work.

After sending the e-mail to Xu Yan, Fu Zhengzheng wants to talk with Han Siqi about Li Yin. Finding he gives himself fully to his work, she doesn’t bother him and begins to browse through the webpages.

There is much news about Rongsheng Group online. Most news is about Tong Lean. The latest one is that he was besieged by some shareholders and was required to resign as Chairman of Rongsheng.

She remembers the massage from Zhu Ting last night and becomes worried. She hopes it’s only Fu Wenhai’s false information.

After work, she goes home with Han Siqi. She rushes the dinner and goes upstairs. Then she begins to wait for the information from Lu Song and Yang Tao. But when it’s past 11:00 p.m., she still receives no calls, so she becomes anxious.

A prompt sound of message.

Zhu Ting: “The software has been installed into his computer.”

Fu Zhengzheng’s anxiety is replaced by joy at once, “Cool!”

Zhu Ting’s message is brief, but Fu Zhengzheng understands her meaning: she has installed the file with a virus from Pu Xiangchen into Fu Wenhai’s computer. It means whatever Fu Wenhai will do on the computer can’t escape Pu Xiangchen’s eyes.

“What’s up?” Han Siqi hangs up the phone and comes over.

Fu Zhengzheng shows Zhu Ting’s message to him and explains.

He is suspicious, “So smoothly?”

“Only Zhu Ting knows if it went smoothly or not. We only see the result.”

Han Siqi thinks what she says is reasonable, so he doesn’t ask more. He tells her, “Lu Song said nothing unusual had been found. Another group of men just began to work in shifts.”

“Maybe the information is really false?”

“Maybe. But it’s only 11:00 p.m. and the night hasn’t passed.”

“Tell Lu Song not to let down their guard in any case.”


“By the way, can you arrange a doctor secretly to make a mental test for Li Yin?” Fu Zhengzheng tells him that Li Yin said she didn’t know why she fell from upstairs.

“It seems that there is something wrong with her mental state.”

“I think so. I think she should have a test as soon as possible. If her mental state has problems, she can be treated earlier.”

“I’ll arrange tomorrow. It’s getting late. Shall we go to bed?”

Fu Zhengzheng stretches herself and says slowly, “I am not sleepy. Let’s watch TV.”

“It’s so late, but you’re still not sleepy?” Han Siqi yawns, “I’m sleepy.”

Knowing he has an implication, Fu Zhengzheng rolls her eyes at him and enters the bathroom.

After washing, they enjoy their intimate moment. Soon it’s almost 2:00 a.m. Han Siqi has fallen asleep, but Fu Zhengzheng remains sleepless in his arms. For fear that Han Siqi will be woken up, she doesn’t dare to move and feels uncomfortable.

She doesn’t fall asleep barely until about 4:00 a.m. She sleeps till 11:00 a.m. When she gets up, she feels lucky that it’s Sunday today, or she couldn’t get up at 7:00 a.m.

Han Siqi has gone to the company. Once getting up, she calls him to ask about Lu Song’s task. Han Siqi tells her that nothing happened last night. She praises herself for not being fooled by Fu Wenhai due to her cleverness. In a good mood, she changes clothes and washes while humming a tune. Then she goes downstairs.

Chen Xiaoxiang sees her come down and brings her a bowl of ginseng porridge instantly.

The other day, Ji Yashu said Fu Zhengzheng became thin and told Chen Xiaoxiang to cook a bowl of ginseng porridge for her every day. Perhaps because it’s Sunday, it’s cooked in daytime.

Fu Zhengzheng eats the ginseng porridge. After Chen Xiaoxiang puts Li Yin’s soup in the container, she is ready to go out. At this moment, her cellphone rings.

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