Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 414 - Become My Woman

Chapter 414 Become My Woman

Pretending not to notice it, she walks faster towards a corner ahead. Once turning the corner, she presses tightly against the wall. When feeling the approach of the person that tracks her, she lifts her leg and kicks the person in his underbelly.


Apparently, the person behind her didn’t expect she would act so quickly. With no time to dodge it, the person has to catch her leg.

Tang Feng?

Zhu Ting throws her leg with force and breaks free from Tang Feng’s hands. She takes two steps backward, steadies herself and stares at him coldly.

“Why do you follow me?!”

Tang Feng sighs with relief. He covers his underbelly with both hands, walks to her with his legs pressed together and looks at her with a grimace.

“Even if you like to touch ‘there’, please be gentle. If you use too much strength, it will be damaged.”

Zhu Ting blushes. She only knows she used great strength just now, but she isn’t sure if she touched the so-called “there”. She intended to kick the underbelly of the person behind her. Unexpectedly, the person behind her is Tang Feng who is almost 190cm tall.

“Why were you furtive? If it’s damaged by the touch, um… kick, you deserve it!”

Tang Feng grins, “Hey, it can’t be damaged. It is related to your lifelong ‘happiness’…”

“Bah! Bastard!” Zhu Ting spits and then walks forward.

Though Fu Zhengzheng insisted that Tang Feng had no time to kill Fu Wenhai, she still doesn’t believe. She thinks her feeling is right.

She won’t let the murderer remain at large.

“I want to act as a bastard, but you need to give me a chance.” Tang Feng walks fast to outstrip her. Then he turns around and walks backward while ogling her with a grin.

Zhu Ting snubs him, enters the restaurant, orders hot and sour rice noodles and begins to eat.

Tang Feng sits opposite her directly. Looking at the red dish, he whistles, “Strong taste. My type.”

“You…(cough)…” Zhu Ting is choked by chilies and bends over immediately to cough.

“Give me a bottle of water.” Tang Feng pulls out some napkins, bypasses the table to her, gives her the napkins and strokes her back.

Zhu Ting takes the napkins while coughing, but she pats his hand away with the other hand.

“Sir, your water.” A young waitress who is about 18 or 19 years old runs to Tang Feng with the water.

Without raising his head, Tang Feng takes the water, unscrews the lid and gives it to Zhu Ting.

“No one is scrambling for it with you, why do you eat so hurriedly? Drink the water and rinse your mouth.”

His voice is so soft that the young waitress stares with astonishment. Envy spreads gradually on her face.

Zhu Ting takes the water, drinks, wipes her mouth with a napkin and casts her ungrateful glares at him.

“Take it easy. I will wait for you.” Tang Feng sits down with a grin. Finding the young waitress is still looking at him, he whistles at her.

The young waitress runs away with a flush.

Zhu Ting grabs her bag and walks out.

“Ting, you haven’t eaten it. What if you are hungry? I will be heart-broken!” Tang Feng goes out after her.

Bothered by Tang Feng’s noise, Zhu Ting can’t choke back her anger, “Why do you follow me like a ghost every day?”

“I want you to become my woman.”

“You’re insane!”

“I have a health certificate.”

“You!” Zhu Ting is furious, “What if I don’t agree?”

Tang Feng looks patient, “I’ll move you with my tender love.”

Zhu Ting looks up and down at him and asks coldly, “Do you really want to be my man?”

“Of course.”


“You agree?” Tang Feng feels surprised.

“I have conditions.”


Zhu Ting clears her throat, “I don’t like a small apartment or a low-end car. Moreover, I don’t like poor and unfaithful men.”

“Only these conditions?”

“It’s not enough to satisfy these conditions. He must be absolutely nice to me. Of course, the most important one is that I have feelings for him.”

“The former ones are not problems. As for the condition that you have feelings, um, only after we stay together for some days, can you have feelings for me, right?” Tang Feng makes eyes at her with confidence as if saying that so long as you are with me, I will make you love me for sure.

“Only after you prove you satisfy the former conditions will I give you the chance.” Then Zhu Ting enters the law firm quickly.

She pours a glass of milk and then sits down before the desk.

Fu Zhengzheng has told her for several times not to involve in the case about Fu Wenhai again. However, it has been found that Brotherhood is related to Fu Wenhai’s death, and Tang Feng is a trusted subordinate of Brotherhood’s head. She is most likely to approach Tang Feng. How can she quit the chance?

“Tang Feng looks like a ruffian. You will suffer losses if you are with him.” She can expect that Fu Zhengzheng will say it immediately if knowing she is going to approach Tang Feng.

Suffer losses…


The tap at the door interrupts Zhu Ting’s thoughts. She raises her head and sees Tang Feng. Her face darkens instantly.

“Why do you still…”

“I’m afraid you’ll be hungry.” Tang Feng walks in, puts a bag before her and tells her softly, “Eat slowly. If you are choked again, no one will give you water or stroke the back for you.”

Finding Zhu Ting is looking at him, he whistles again, “Don’t be moved. If you’re so easily moved, you’ll be moved to tears every day, won’t you? See you later.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to prepare for your conditions. Wait to be my woman.” Tang Feng leaves while laughing loudly.

Soon after Tang Feng goes out, her colleague Yang Xiaoyu enters and runs to look out through the window.

“What are you looking at?” Zhu Ting walks over curiously. She looks in the direction of Yang Xiaoyu’s eyes and then sees Tang Feng’s car hit the road slowly.

“Do you know that handsome guy?”

“No…” At the thought of Tang Feng’s serious expression, Zhu Ting corrects herself instantly, “My friend.”

Perhaps she will have to deal with him frequently in the near future.

“Your boyfriend?” Yang Xiaoyu moves to her with a great interest.

When Fu Wenhai came to pick up Zhu Ting, he usually parked his car a little far from the law firm. Besides, she just came to work here at that time, and colleagues were not well acquainted with her, so they didn’t pay much attention to her personal affair.

“Not yet.”

“He will be, right? A typical Prince Charming. Zhu Ting, how great you are! You find such an excellent boyfriend.” Yang Xiaoyu admires her sincerely.

If you know what he is like, you won’t admire me. Zhu Ting wears a smile but murmurs in the heart.

If Fu Zhengzheng and other police officers know she has given Tang Feng a chance to develop their relationship, they may criticize them. After all, they are very concerned about her safety.

Fu Zhengzheng is still sitting in Yang Tao’s office. She sneezes loudly and suddenly.

“Who is talking about me behind my back?” She pulls out a tissue and blows her nose.

“You’ve got a cold?” Yang Tao casts his caring eyes at her.

He Menghuai looks at her with ambiguous eyes, “You must have caught a cold last night.”

Fu zhengzheng wads up the tissue she just used to blow her nose and throws it straight to He Menghuai.


He Menghuai waves his hand, hits the wad into the wastepaper basket accurately and then claps his hands complacently.

Yang Tao laughs, “Catching a cold means they exercised a lot. Menghuai, you have never made Qiubo catch a cold, right?”

He Menghuai retorts at once, “Captain Yang, what do you mean? You mean I’m not OK?”

“I have said nothing.” Yang Tao tidies up the materials on his desk.

Never expecting Yang Tao would play such a joke, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help laughing.

He Menghuai often plays such jokes with male colleagues. Yang Tao responds once in a while. But it’s the first time that he has done that in Fu Zhengzheng’s presence. Her laughter makes him embarrassed.

“We’re all adults and play jokes sometimes.”

“Adults?” He Menghuai picks a hole in Yang Tao’s sentence instantly, “Captain Yang, tell me the truth, when did you and Xiaoyue do that thing for the first time? Where? How many times at one night?”

Finding he has gone too far, Yang Tao pats his forehead heavily and embarrassedly, “Do I need to tell you the feeling at that time?”

“It couldn’t be better.” He Menghuai touches his painful forehead but still replies boldly.

“You want to know?”


Yang Tao bends his finger at him, and he cranes his neck obediently, “I won’t tell you.”

“Captain Yang, you fool me!”

“I fool a dog.”

Fu Zhengzheng bursts into laughter. He Menghuai throws the sofa cushion to her.

Yang Tao stops laughing and becomes serious quickly, “OK, let’s get down to business. Now that we have found Xiao Jinchong once cooperated with Fu Wenhai, and Fu Wenhai’s power has been completely replaced by Brotherhood of Xiao Jinchong, our investigation will focus on Brotherhood. But we have to investigate it secretly. Before we get evidence, we can’t alert them in case unnecessary trouble will be caused.”

“Xiao Jinchong can develop his power so smoothly and quickly. It must be closely related to the privacy of Angelic Music users collected by the fake Pu Xiangchen. Our investigation will be difficult for sure.” Fu Zhengzheng can’t help sighing.

He Menghuai becomes serious too, “We used to think that Fu Wenhai got these people’s privacy. As soon as Xiao Jinchong emerged, we should have thought of him. The fox not only made Fu Wenhai hold the bag for him but killed Fu Wenhai. He has reaped the benefits without doing anything.”

“but why didn’t he pocket the coffer together?” Fu Zhengzheng asks.

“I haven’t figured it out.” He Menghuai ponders and then says as if talking to himself, “Maybe frightened by us and Siqi’s men, they failed to take the treasures away, so they left them to the police as a favor. While we were busy with the coffer, he was engaged in taking over Fu Wenhai’s land.”

Fu Zhengzheng thinks He Menghuai has a point and sighs suddenly, “Fu Wenhai and his father Wen Jiyun were both clever all their lives but stupid this once.”

He Menghuai summaries, “They regarded themselves as infallible and thus became victims of their own cleverness.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods, “Evil is rewarded with evil. Perhaps it’s the time of retribution.”

“Zhengzheng.” Yang Tao looks at Fu Zhengzheng and says, “You and Zhu Ting don’t join in the investigation of Brotherhood. Your tasks have been finished. Zhu Ting should be sent away today originally, but it’s delayed because of Tang Feng. Deputy Chief Miao asked me to send her back to the army tomorrow morning.”

Fu Zhengzheng wants to tell him that Zhu Ting plans to infiltrate Brotherhood by means of Tang Feng, but after thinking twice, she doesn’t say finally. After all, she doesn’t want Zhu Ting to take the risk.

“You can send Zhu Ting back, but I…”

Fu Zhengzheng covers her mouth suddenly before she finishes talking…

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