Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 419 - Our First Night

Chapter 419 Our First Night

“Hello? Zhu Ting?” She calls Zhu Ting again, but she is told that the subscriber she has dialed is powered off. She calls Yang Tao immediately and updates him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll send someone to check what happened.” Yang Tao hangs up the phone in a hurry.

Fu Zhengzheng stands up and paces up and down anxiously.

“Zhengzheng, time for dinner.” Tian Xin calls her in the dining room.

“Coming.” She responds and goes over restlessly.

While Zhu Ting is talking with Fu Zhengzheng on phone, she sees sparks flying from the socket at the bed head. Her clothes put nearby get burnt instantly. She screams and loosens her hand. As a result, her cellphone drops on the ground. With no time to pick it up, she rushes to turn off the power and fetches water to fight the fire. But her bed, quilt and mattress have been on fire.

Finding she can’t put out the fire, she covers her nose and runs out to ask for help.

After firefighters arrive and put out the fire, the room is in a big mess.

The firefighters find out the reason quickly. The fire is caused by wire aging.

Looking at the messy room, Zhu Ting is down.

Is the God signaling her to move to Tang Feng’s house as soon as possible?

She squats down to tidy up the room helplessly. At this moment, someone rushes inside from the door that has been out of shape, “Ting, what happened? How can it be like this?”

She looks up. Who else he would be except Tang Feng?

“The wire’s aged and set clothes on fire. That’s it.”

“Are you OK?” Tang Feng lifts her up and looks at her worriedly.

“I’m fine. But it has been burnt like this. The landlord is sure to pick on me.”

“He won’t dare!” Meeting Zhu Ting’s glare, Tang Feng lowers his voice, “I’ll handle it. Move to my house. Your room has been prepared.”

“But you…”

Tang Feng grins, “Will I eat you alive? Let’s go.”

Zhu Ting glances at the room and then goes out with Tang Feng helplessly.

Tang Feng appears to be excited. After dinner, he buys her a new cellphone and many clothes in the mall. When they return to his house, it’s past 10: 00 p.m.

Tang Feng orders his men to carry Zhu Ting’s things upstairs and then pours a glass of water for her.

“Are you tired?”

“Not very tired.” Zhu Ting sits on the sofa.

Tang Feng sits by her, puts one hand on the sofa back behind Zhu Ting and moves close to her with a grin, “It’s our first night. Should we say something?”

“First night is bullshit!” She moves away from him.

At this moment, Xiaolong walks downstairs. Tang Feng glances at him, “Move to Qiangzi’s house.”

“Yes, boss.” Xiaolong and Xiaohu close the door and go out instantly.

Seeing Tang Feng move closer to her, Zhu Ting props her hands against his chest, “Keep away from me!”

“Please. You are my girlfriend. I just sit by you. Am I wrong?” Tang Feng holds Zhu Ting’s hands and strokes them.

Zhu Ting wants to pull back her hands, but he draws her into his arms.


Her lips are blocked by his.

She wants to break free from his lips, but he sticks to her more tightly and seems to integrate her into his body so that she can’t push him away.

Zhu Ting is furious about Tang Feng’s barbaric kiss. She catches a chance and bites him hard on his lips. He feels painful and loosens his kiss. Unexpectedly, he holds her into his arms again when she intends to rise.

“Tang Feng!”

“Don’t move!” He whispers in her ear without his usual grin.


“Someone is watching us.”

“Who?” Zhu Ting doesn’t dare to move. She knows she can’t look around now.

Tang Feng doesn’t answer her. After closing his eyes and holding her for quite a while, he pats her face and smiles tenderly, “We’re sweaty all over. Let’s go upstairs for a shower.”

Then he holds her hand and walks upstairs.

Let’s go upstairs for a shower? Zhu Ting feels nervous and racks her brains to turn Tang Feng down. Unexpectedly, when walking to the door of her room, Tang Feng stops his steps.

He kisses her forehead quickly and smiles, “Good night.”

“You…” Zhu Ting stares at him confusedly.

Tang Feng puts on his grin again, “Are you inviting me to your room?”

Zhu Ting enters her room and slams the door with a bang.

Tang Feng smiles and enters his room. After taking a shower, he lies on the bed with his hands as pillows, recollecting the kiss. A smile spreads around his eye corners.

Zhu Ting takes a shower, changes her pajamas and then lies on the bed, recollecting what just happened. But with a different mood from Tang Feng, she is sulking.

She has approached Tang Feng for over ten days, but she has found no useful clues. Instead, Tang Feng has made a pass at her for several times.

When will they take actions? She doesn’t know to what degree he will make a pass at her if she continues staying with him.

Of course, she doesn’t regret.

There will inevitably be someone that makes sacrifice.

When she tosses and turns on the bed, there is a knock at the door, “Ting, I will go to the dock and then bring night snack for you. What do you want to eat?”

Go to the dock?

Zhu Ting rises quickly and opens the door, “It’s so late. Why do you go to the dock?”

“Some cargo has arrived. I feel uneasy and am going to check it out.”

Cargo arriving so late must be problematic!

Zhu Ting pretends to be scared, “I will be alone at home, won’t I?”

“Then go with me. Change your clothes. You’re exposed.”

Zhu Ting looks down and finds a button of her pajamas undone. She doesn’t wear underwear after the shower. Her snow white skin can be seen faintly in the middle part. With a flush, she closes the door quickly to change her clothes. Tang Feng teases her behind, “But I like it.”


Zhu Ting’s cheeks are hot. She changes her clothes fast and then opens the door.

Once the door is opened, she hears Tang Feng whistle. He is still gazing at her chest. She is so raging that she wants to kick him. He walks downstairs while laughing loudly.

It’s nearly 12:00 at midnight. Though there are still many cars running on the street, it’s much quieter apparently than the daytime. Looking at the colorful neon lights on both sides of the street, Zhu Ting is struck by the more and more beautiful city.

“How long will you stay here?”

“Quite a while.”

“To check the cargo? Why not let your men do it?”

“The cargo is very important and mustn’t be wrong, so I have to supervise by myself. You can go to rest at my office, and I will go there after I finish my work, OK?”

Zhu Ting shakes her head, “I have never seen cargo unloaded on the dock. I’d like to have a look.”

Then she comes to the unloading spot with Tang Feng. Looking at workers unloading boxes of cargo carefully, she feels curious – They seem to be careful and Tang Feng is extraordinarily discreet, so what are inside the boxes?

There may be some shady things inside them. She decides to open one box and have a look with an excuse.

With such an idea, she covers her stomach intentionally. Tang Feng finds there is something wrong with her at once, “What’s up?”

“I want to go to the bathroom.”

Tang Feng sighs with relief and whispers to Xiaolong, “Take Miss Zhu to the bathroom.”

Xiaolong responds and then takes Zhu Ting to the bathroom not far from the warehouse.

“Thank you.” Zhu Ting enters the bathroom and then sticks out her head to look. Finding Xiaolong hurry back to the unloading spot, she creeps to the side door of the warehouse, opens a window and enters secretly.

Most of the warehouse has been occupied. She gropes for a box, taps it and feels it’s solid. Looking around, she finds a plank in a corner. She wants to lever the box open with it when someone says in a gruff voice at the warehouse door.

“Check everywhere inside it. If there is no problem, lock all doors and windows.”


Then Zhu Ting hears footsteps walking towards her. She is startled and climbs onto the window. But she finds two guys guarding near the window. She is panicky and knows she is sure to make a sound if she jumps down. She is in a dilemma now.

She can’t stay inside. She grits her teeth and is ready to gamble and see if she can escape to a dark place once she jumps down.

When she jumps down from the window, sure enough she makes a muffled sound.

“Who is there?” Someone hears the sound and runs over.

When Zhu Ting is about to move, someone holds her back. She intends to fight but the person embraces her, holds her face and kisses her.

It’s a familiar feeling. Is he…

Before she thinks more, the footsteps have stopped near her, and some beams of dazzling torchlight are shone to them.

“Brother…Brother Feng? Sorry, please…please go on.” They turn off the torches and then go away hurriedly.

Tang Feng loosens his hands immediately, licks his lips and praises, “You taste different after a shower.”

Zhu Ting wants to curse him, but she can’t open her mouth.

“Ting, let’s go to have night snack.” Tang Feng takes her hand and goes to his car.

After they have night snack, Tang Feng doesn’t ask her why she jumped down from the window, even when they get home. It makes Zhu Ting restless.

As soon as she jumped down, he held her. It means he watched her jump down. Why doesn’t he ask?

Has he found something?

Will he coerce her to obey his demand with this thing?

If he really has such a demand, she will satisfy him temporarily and then look for a chance to leave B City. Zhu Ting is determined.

But after she lies on the bed for a while, Tang Feng doesn’t come to knock at her door. At last, she can’t stand the sleepiness and falls asleep.

She keeps sleeping till she is woken up by Tang Feng’s call at 11:00 a.m.

“Ting, have you got up?”

“Not yet.”

“Hurry up. I’ll go back to pick you up. We’ll have lunch together.”

Have lunch together? Isn’t he supposed to welcome Xiao Jinchong and have lunch with him? Zhu Ting is confused.

While feeling confused, she gets up quickly and changes clothes. When she just goes downstairs, Tang Feng’s car arrives at the yard.

After getting into the car, she asks intentionally, “Where shall we have lunch?”

“Royal Hotel.” Tang Feng smiles mysteriously, “I’ll take you to see my boss.”

Xiao Jinchong? Zhu Ting is a little nervous suddenly, but she asks deliberately, “Your boss?”

“Yeah.” Tang Feng doesn’t explain more, “Don’t ask so much. You just need to go with me.”

“Can I not go there?”

According to Fu Zhengzheng, Xiao Jinchong is a lecher. Zhu Ting knows how pretty she is. She hasn’t been prepared.

“No. My boss insists on seeing my woman.”

What if Xiao Jinchong makes special demands on her? Zhu Ting is anxious in the heart, but she has no choice but to go with him.

Soon they come to Royal Hotel. Then Zhu Ting finds the whole hotel has been booked. She knows plenty of Brotherhood members are in B City, but she never thought there would be so many ones.

Seeing Tang Feng walk in with her, others all greet him. They walk to the innermost table. A fat man is sitting at the most important seat of the table. He looks up and down at Zhu Ting with his small eyes.

Zhu Ting once saw Xiao Jinchong’s picture, so she recognizes him at the first sight. His staring makes her nervous.

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