Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 423 - Get Good Out of Misfortune

Chapter 423 Get Good Out of Misfortune

The comer is a thin and tall man with crew cut. His small eyes look shrewd. He stands before Mr. Han respectfully to introduce himself.

“Mr. Han, how do you do? I am Wu Zhenxing from Shengtian Trading Company. On behalf of Mr. Tang, I come to talk with you about the cooperation between Weihan and Shengtian.”

Wu Zhenxing? Hearing the name, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help paying more attention to him.

She remembers Wu Zhenxing is also listed as one of Xiao Jinchong’s trusted subordinates. She never thought she would meet him here.

It’s said that he and Tang Feng are friends only on the surface because of scrambling for power and land. How can Tang Feng send this guy to talk about cooperation with Siqi on behalf of him?

Does he intend to steal Tang Feng’s thunder while the latter is hospitalized?

When Fu Zhengzheng feels suspicious, Han Siqi raises his eyebrows at Wu Zhenxing, “On behalf of Mr. Tang?”

Wu Zhenxing nods, “The doctor said it would take Mr. Tang ten days at least to be discharged from hospital. For fear that Weihan’s business is delayed, the board of directors has decided that I will manage the company temporarily.”

“There is no rush. We won’t talk about the cooperation before Mr. Tang is discharged from hospital.” Han Siqi walks out with Fu Zhengzheng and leaves Wu Zhenxing there alone.

“Won’t you cooperate with Shengtian?” After getting into the car, Fu Zhengzheng expresses what confuses her.

“I’m just not going to cooperate with this guy.”

Fu Zhengzheng understands his meaning and shares her doubt.

Han Siqi smiles, “No matter whether he wants to steal Tang Feng’s thunder or not, it’s none of our business. About Shengtian Company, I only believe Tang Feng.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng becomes unhappy, “You’d better not believe him too much. I always think he has ulterior motives. We hope Zhu Ting can get some interior information of Brotherhood, or I won’t let her approach Tang Feng.”

“Tang Feng is nice in fact. You have prejudice against him.” Seeing Fu Zhengzheng’s face change, Han Siqi holds her shoulder with a smile, “I only deal with him for business and have no contact with him except that. Just as you say, I’m a businessman and work for profits. Now it’s profitable and the channel is legal, why not do it?”

She makes no comments about what he says, but she is always haunted with anxiety.

In the following days, Han Siqi doesn’t mention his cooperation with Tang Feng. She knows he is waiting for Tang Feng to be discharged from hospital, so she just pays attention to when Tang Feng will be discharged from hospital and doesn’t ask him anything.

It’s said that Tang Feng doesn’t find out who is to blame for tampering with his car, so the incident concludes without a conclusion.

About a week has passed quickly. Knowing Tang Feng will leave hospital in advance, Han Siqi gets up early in that morning. Fu Zhengzheng gets up immediately too.

“Let me go to pick Tang Feng up from the hospital with you. Anyway, he has been hospitalized for such a long time for you.”

Han Siqi is happy to hear that. They come to Tang Feng’s ward in Shuguang Hospital together.

Unexpectedly, lots of people have gathered outside the ward. Most of them don’t know Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng, but many know Lu Song. Seeing Lu Song walk from behind, they guess who the people walking ahead are, so someone enters the ward to tell Tang Feng.

Soon the ward door opens. Tang Feng, who just changed his hospital gown, walks out fast. Zhu Ting comes out after him and closes the door.

“It’s not yet the time to be discharged from hospital, but you are anxious to leave. Is it OK for your body?” Han Siqi looks up and down at Tang Feng.

“It’s just external injury. If I can act on my own, I would have left hospital long before. Hospital is a damn place. It is really boring. I am eager to go out and talk with Mr. Han about our cooperation.”

“There is no rush about our cooperation.”

“How can I not rush to talk about it?” Realizing many people are outside, Tang Feng pauses and says, “Mr. Han, I’m fine now. Shall we go to Shengtian Company directly to talk about it?”

“If you are well, it’s OK with me.” Han Siqi turns around and tells Lu Song, “Take Zhengzheng back home.”

Tang Feng says at once, “Mr. Han, the decoration of Ting’s store is almost finished. May I ask Mrs. Han to look and give some advice?”

Meeting Han Siqi’s eyes, Fu Zhengzheng smiles, “I’d like to visit it, but I’m not sure if I can give good advice.”

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng agree, Tang Feng is glad. He calls Xiaohu over, “Take Mrs. Han and Ting to the store. You must drive carefully, understand?”

“Yes, Brother Feng.” Xiaohu nods at once.

“The last accident won’t happen again.” Tang Feng promises Han Siqi smilingly.

Han Siqi pats Tang Feng’s shoulder and says nothing. He tells Fu Zhengzheng some points for attention and then nods at Lu Song. After that, he leaves with Tang Feng.

Fu Zhengzheng and Zhu Ting enter the lift with Xiaohu. The people outside the ward become fewer. At this time, the ward door opens again. Xiao Jinchong and Wu Zhenxing come out.

“Tang Feng is quite capable and can win Han Siqi’s confidence. Cool.”

Wu Zhenxing echoes smilingly, “Tang Feng is indeed capable. But in the final analysis, that’s because you are a talent scout. If you didn’t give him the chance to show himself, he couldn’t succeed even if he has great capability.”

“You are blaming me for not giving you the chance?”

Wu Zhenxing’s face changes sharply and explains hurriedly, “No. No. You have given me enough chances, but I didn’t seize them.”

“I’m glad that you’re clear about it.” Xiao Jinchong snorts and then walks forward.

Wu Zhenxing wipes sweat and then follows him.

Xiao Jinchong pauses his steps suddenly and then says sincerely, “It’s not easy to have a chance to show yourself, so you must seize it.”

“Yes, thanks for your instruction.”

Xiao Jinchong pats Wu Zhenxing’s shoulder and smiles, “You have followed me for the longest time. I have the highest opinion of you. But sometimes, you need to learn from others’ strong points. The process isn’t most important most of the time. The key is if the result is satisfying.”

Looking at Xiao Jinchong’s figure, Wu Zhenxing doesn’t catch up with him immediately. He digests his implication carefully.

Fu Zhengzheng and Zhu Ting come to the store selling products for moms and babies. The decoration has been finished and goods have almost been well prepared. It only took about a week. The store can be opened soon. Fu Zhengzheng can’t help praising their fast speed.

After Xiaohu leaves, Fu Zhengzheng and Zhu Ting are relieved.

“The car accident that happened to Tang Feng and Mr. Han might be caused by Wu Zhenxing’s man.”

“Wu Zhenxing?” Fu Zhengzheng recalls he came to the hospital to talk about the business with Han Siqi on behalf of Tang Feng. She thinks she knowns the reason, “He wanted to injure Tang Feng and then replaced Tang Feng to manage Shengtian Trading Company?”

“He mainly wanted to injure Mr. Han so that Weihan would cancel its cooperation with Shengtian.”

Fu Zhengzheng understands immediately, “If Siqi cancels the cooperation with Tang Feng, the latter can’t become second in command of Brotherhood as promised by Xiao Jinchong.”

Zhu Ting nods, “But Wu Zhenxing didn’t expect Tang Feng would protect Mr. Han at the risk of his own life. It’s also beyond his expectation that Mr. Han would appreciate Tang Feng because of it.”

“Siqi doesn’t believe Shengtian Company. He only trusts Tang Feng at present, so when Wu Zhenxing went to talk with him about the cooperation, he declined. Thus, he helps Tang Feng steady his position in Brotherhood. Tang Feng seems to get good out of misfortune.”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t know if it’s good or bad, but at least she knows she blamed Tang Feng wrongly before.

“Yeah. Because of it, Xiao Jinchong looks at Tang Feng with new eyes and often praises him before others. Thus Wu Zhenxing nurses more grievance against Tang Feng.”

“Then you have to be careful. After all, you are who Tang Feng cares about the most now.”

“I will. By the way, when Mr. Han went to the hospital to pick Tang Feng up, Xiao Jinchong and Wu Zhenxing were in the ward.”

“No wonder you walked out of the ward in a hurry.”

Zhu Ting picks up a suit of baby clothes casually and then throws it back, “I have been around Tang Feng for over ten days but found nothing. I almost become impatient.”

Fu Zhengzheng soothes her instantly, “Take it easy. At least you know the enmity between Tang Feng and Wu Zhenxing. It’s very important and may be utilized by us. Because Tang Feng was hospitalized, you didn’t have the chance to find anything. Now he has been discharged from hospital. He is sure to have more contact with Xiao Jinchong. We haven’t figured out why Xiao Jinchong comes to B City. It’s crucial. We just guess his arrival is related to smuggling. But if you contact Xiao Jinchong, I…”

“You said Xiao Jinchong wouldn’t touch his buddy’s woman, didn’t you? I mean I am with Tang Feng. Xiao Jinchong always thinks I’m…Tang Feng’s woman.” Zhu Ting looks unnatural when saying this.

“OK, but you must be aware of Tang Feng. I still don’t believe him.”

“I know. He is not bad actually.” For fear that Fu Zhengzheng will misunderstand, Zhu Ting explains instantly, “I mean though he doesn’t look like a good guy, he hasn’t forced me to do anything. He is not bad in this aspect.”

Fu Zhengzheng stands up, looks around and sighs slightly, “He doesn’t hope that you go out to look for a job, because he wants to protect you from being bullied outside. He opens the store for you, because he doesn’t want to see you bored. It’s moving that a man can treat a woman with such affection. But it’s a pity…”

“We’re not the same sort of people by nature.”

“It’s good that your open the store. Linglong lives close to my house. Two pregnant women often come here to buy something. It won’t draw others’ attention easily.”

“Then I need to open it as soon as possible.” Zhu Ting stands up smilingly to tidy up things.

Fu Zhengzheng tells her some points for attention and then leaves.

Zhu Ting keeps working in the store from morning to afternoon. During the process, Tang Feng calls her and asks if she has eaten lunch. He says he is very busy and may not go home for dinner. He tells her to take good care of herself.

She doesn’t take it to heart. After eating something outside at dusk, she goes home alone.

At about 8:00, when she was watching TV, she hears a sound in the yard. Knowing Tang Feng comes back, she stands up and goes out. When she just walks to the landing, she sees Xiaohu and Xiaoma help Tang Feng who is drunk go upstairs. She makes way for them at once.

“Ting, I’m back. Ting, you are so pretty.” Tang Feng is tongue-tied and speaks with a lisp while murmuring and pointing before Zhu Ting.

“Why did you drink so much?”

Tang Feng lies on the bed, talking wildly. Zhu Ting wants to fetch a towel to wipe his face. But he pulls her wrist with force and then she falls into his arms. He turns around and presses her under him. His hot lips press hers. His hand tears her clothes rudely and reaches inside her clothes soon…

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