Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 44 - Enemy! I Owed You in My Previous Life!

Chapter 44 Enemy! I Owed You in My Previous Life!

She suddenly opens her eyes and gets up to open the door. It is Chen Qiaolan who is coming in.

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng looks at her with such eyes, Chen Qiaolan is taken aback.

Fu Zhengzheng embarrassedly scratches her head and explains, “I, I thought it was a bad guy.”

“There is no bad guy.” Chen Qiaolan comes to Fu Xing with a smile and looks kindly at Fu Xing who is breathing rhythmically. “Xingxing said he wanted to eat black rice porridge yesterday. I have cooked it and come up to see if he gets up. The little lazybones has a really good sleep.”

Fu Zhengzheng looks at the watch and finds that it is seven o’clock, so she hurriedly wakes up Fu Xing.

“Just let him have more sleep.” Before Chen Qiaolan finishes her words, Fu Xing has opened his eyes.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Fu Xing greets sweetly, “Good morning, Grandma Chen.”

“Good morning, Xingxing is such a good boy.” Chen Qiaolan strokes Fu Xing’s little face and smiles happily.

When Fu Zhengzheng comes out of the bathroom, Chen Qiaolan has taken Fu Xing downstairs.

After changing her clothes, Fu Zhengzheng also goes downstairs with her handbag.

After breakfast, she takes Fu Xing to the kindergarten to quit school.

When they come to the kindergarten, they find that the kindergarten is not as noisy as usual, and there are only the head of the kindergarten and a uniformed police officer who are gesticulating in the small playground.

Fu Zhengzheng is terrified: What happened to the kindergarten?

“Mommy, there is a policeman!” Fu Xing screams happily.

Perhaps because of Fu Zhengzheng’s intentional or unintentional edification, Fu Xing is especially fond of policemen from an early age.

“Shh—” But before Fu Zhengzheng signs, the two persons in the playground have heard them and look back at them.

The head of the kindergarten asks curiously, “Fu Xing’s mother, why are you here today?”

Fu Zhengzheng now realizes that today is Sunday. No wonder no kid comes to kindergarten.

Seeing Fu Xing staring curiously at the man in uniform, the head of the kindergarten explains with a smile, “Officer Ji is responsible for the safety of our kindergarten. Today it is the routine inspection.”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles at Officer Ji, but she is stunned immediately.

Officer Ji turns out to be Ji Muxian. His uniform makes her memory clear instantly. He is the policeman who rescued her six years ago.

No wonder she felt familiar when she saw him for the first time. But the first few meetings took place in the wrong occasions, so that she has always taken him as a bad guy, and has never thought that he was a good person at all.

However, although he is her lifesaver, she doesn’t like him.

She has been blaming Ji Muxian for so many years. He kept her away from the outside world on the grounds of protecting her, therefore she missed Nian Xi.

She has thought more than a hundred times that if she had come out earlier to look for Nian Xi, she would not have been in the same situation as she is now.

At that time, she tearfully begged him for many times, but was refused by each time.

When she couldn’t find Nian Xi after coming back, she was annoyed and vented her anger on Ji Muxian, and she also lodged a complaint against him with the director of the public security bureau.

However, he was so vigorous and triumphant six years ago, but is now reduced to a mere community policeman. Thinking of that, Fu Zhengzheng feels happy.

Ji Muxian doesn’t recognize Fu Zhengzheng, but he is confused at her instantly changing expression. When he sees Fu Xing, he asks with a very complicated expression, “Is he your son?”

Before Fu Zhengzheng answers, Fu Xing says, “Hello, officer. My name is Fu Xing, and this is my mother.”

Ji Muxian comes to Fu Xing and squats down in front of him. He looks at Fu Xing carefully and then asks seriously, “Fu Xing, how old are you?”

“I will be six right away.” In fact, he is merely more than five years old, but he never likes others to treat him as a child.

Ji Muxian thinks for a while and murmurs, “Six years old… That’s impossible.”

“That is possible. I am really six years old right now! If you don’t believe me, you can ask my mom.” Fu Xing suddenly pulls Fu Zhengzheng’s clothes, interrupting her thought.

Fu Zhengzheng nods absent-mindedly.

Ji Muxian doesn’t look at Fu Zhengzheng, and he just touches Fu Xing’s head, saying smilingly, “I believe you.”

When the head of the kindergarten sees Ji Muxian’s gentle manner, she says with a smile, “Officer Ji, it seems that you also like children very much.”

Fu Xing immediately disagrees with her. “Officer doesn’t like all the children, but only likes lovely children like Fu Xing. Right? Officer?”

“Ha-ha, right.” Ji Muxian bursts into laughter again.

Fu Xing becomes more proud now. He takes off his mom’s hand and runs to Ji Muxian to ask him a string of questions.

As Fu Zhengzheng thinks of her business, she leaves Fu Xing alone and calls the head of the kindergarten aside, saying, “I want to quit school for Fu Xing. Could you help us go through formalities today?”

The head of the kindergarten asks nervously, “Why do you want to quit school? Is there something wrong with kindergarten?”

“No, no.” Fu Zhengzheng immediately shakes her hands and explains, “It is out of my personal reason. The kindergarten is good, really.”

The head of the kindergarten is relieved, but she says apologetically, “We don’t go through the formalities of dropping out at weekends. Will tomorrow be OK? I’ll have it done for you early tomorrow morning.”

“But I am in a hurry to leave now. Could you please help us?”

Seeing that Fu Zhengzheng is in such a hurry, the head of the kindergarten thinks for a while and says, “Xingxing is in Miss Li’s class. I will ask her to come over and give me a summary.”

“Thank you.” Fu Zhengzheng is happy. As the head of the kindergarten makes a phone call, Fu Zhengzheng comes up to Fu Xing.

“Mommy, the officer is so great.” Fu Xing says cheerfully.

Fu Zhengzheng coldly glances at Ji Muxian.

“Miss Fu, have we met before somewhere?” Ji Muxian summons up the courage to ask this question, because it has been puzzling him for a long time.

Fu Zhengzheng knows that the “before” he just mentioned refers to the time before she met him at the amusement park. But she pretends not to understand him, “Officer Ji is really forgetful.”

Hearing Fu Zhengzheng’s cold tone, Ji Muxian doesn’t ask anymore. He waves at Fu Xing and then leaves.

“Goodbye Officer.”

Fu Zhengzheng looks at Ji Muxian’s back thoughtfully. She has a faint feeling that the reason why he chased after Zhou Bing was not just to collect debts.

“Has Officer Ji gone? He always comes and goes like a shadow.” The head of the kindergarten, who just came out of the office, says to herself, and then she turns around and says to Fu Zhengzheng, “Miss Li will be here in a minute. Please wait for a moment.”

“OK, thank you.” When she can’t see Ji Muxian’s back, she takes back her eyes and smiles lightly.

In a few minutes, Li Xiaomeng does come in a hurry and helps Fu Xing go through formalities with the head of the kindergarten.

When Fu Zhengzheng and Fu Xing come back to Han Siqi’s home, it is nearly ten o’clock.

Just as she steps into the door of the yard, she sees that Han Siqi’s car is parked in the middle of the yard.

This fellow is getting lazier and lazier. He even doesn’t park the car in the garage.

After she criticizes him inwardly, she immediately has a bad feeling.

Sure enough, as soon as she enters the door, she sees Han Siqi standing in the living room.

“Are you coming back?” Chen Qiaolan comes up with a smile.

“Um.” Fu Zhengzheng answers, but she can’t help glancing at the living room.

Fu Xing also notices Han Siqi and immediately jumps for joy. But when he is about to call “Daddy”, he changes “Daddy” to “Mr. Han” with frustration.

The “Mr. Han” makes Han Siqi, who is gloomy already, becomes more furious. He looks at Fu Zhengzheng in high dudgeon.

Chen Qiaolan finds that something is wrong, so she immediately takes Fu Xing upstairs.

Then there are only two persons left in the large living room. Apart from the ticking of the bell, there is only horrible silence.

“Do you want to move out?” the cold voice echoes in the room, causing the temperature of the living room to drop several degrees.

Half an hour ago, he received phone calls from Chen Qiaolan and Li Xiaomeng. One said that Fu Zhengzheng packed a suitcase of clothes and seemed to move, the other said that Fu Zhengzheng helped Fu Xing drop out of the kindergarten.

Her cellphone has been turned off.

He came back home nonstop, and saw her cellphone, bank card and cash on the bedside table.

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng keep silence, Han Siqi comes up to her and drops the words one by one, “How dare you go without my permission?”

Fu Zhengzheng was originally upset, but when she sees his tough attitude, she gets annoyed, “I have my own feet. It is my own business whether to go or not.”

“Your business?” Han Siqi sneers, “Don’t forget that you are all mine this month.”

“Maid!” As soon as Fu Zhengzheng corrects him, she regrets it.

“Very good. You count how many days are left this month.”

“I have been fired. Why should I be your maid? I am free now.”

Han Siqi slightly lowers his eyes and looks at her, saying with disdain, “Have you paid off the debts you owed Weihan? And Xu Yan’s debts.”

Fu Zhengzheng is frustrated and annoyed. “You fired me and don’t let me leave. What do you want to do?”

“In this month, whether you can leave or not depends on me.”


“Because it is justified to pay off debts. I am your creditor, and you must do what I ask you to do.”

“This is unfair!” Fu Zhengzheng tries to shake off his arm furiously.

Enemy! I owed you in my previous life!

“Besides,” Han Siqi doesn’t loosen his grip and ignores her look, “The agreement between me and Fu Xing is always valid. You have no right to ask him to call me Mr. Han.”

At the mention of Fu Xing, Fu Zhengzheng remembers her son’s grievance last night, and then she bursts out angrily, “Han Siqi, I never thought you were such a selfish person! You just want to make yourself happy. Have you ever thought about other people’s feelings? Do you know how sad Fu Xing was when you were indifferent to him? Do you know how long he cried?”

There is complexity in Han Siqi’s cold eyes, but it disappears instantly. He doesn’t speak anymore and goes upstairs.

“Why don’t you explain it to me?” Fu Zhengzheng follows up.

The room is quiet again.

At this time, the figure of a woman appears at the door.

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