Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 62 - I Have Nothing to Do with You!

Chapter 62 I Have Nothing to Do with You!

When Fu Zhengzheng looks up, she is shocked. It is Han Siqi!

Gosh, why does he come to such a place?

She feels a boom in her brain and cold sweat appears on her nose.

“Who are you? Get out of here!” A man in black shouts out.

“Get out!” Han Siqi says through gritted teeth, frightening the man in black.

Everyone looks at each other and then looks the unexpected visitor up and down.

“Get out of here!” He shouts again, making people’s legs and feet become weak.

At this time, Zhou Bing shouts behind Han Siqi, “Mr. Han asked you to get out. Dare you stay here and bear all the consequences?”

As soon as they hear “Mr. Han”, all the people bump against each other while rushing out.

Then there are only three people left in the room: Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng and Zhou Bing.

As Zhou Bing is about to say something, Han Siqi’s “get out” frightens him to go out and close the door in a hurry.

Fu Zhengzheng bows her head and wants to go out with Zhou Bing with guilt, but is grabbed by Han Siqi.

When she looks up, her eyes meet Han Siqi’s burning eyes.

“Fu Zhengzheng, you sneaked out in the middle of the night just to date a man?”

She thought he didn’t know what she was doing as he left home.

Were it not for the inadvertent discovery of the stalker he sent last night, would he come back to keep watch on her in person in such a hurry?

Fu Zhengzheng, who is originally very nervous, is irritated by his words. Is she such a woman in his eyes?

She gets rid of his hand and retorts, “Do you think all men who come out like to take delight in flirting with woman like you? Besides, does it matter if I date anyone?”

“Well, very well, it seems that I didn’t take good care of you, so you want to date someone else in the middle of the night.”

“The woman you need to take good care of is your fiancée at your home! Not other woman outside.”

As soon as she says that, she feels Han Siqi’s face darken and his eyes dodge. She begins to regret what she has just said, because she finds that every time she mentions “fiancée” in front of him, his mood always swings greatly.

Sure enough, Han Siqi grabs and pulls her, pushing her down on the sofa. “You’ve always been the woman at my home. It seems necessary for me to let you understand it.”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked and struggles to get up. “What are you doing, Han Siqi? Get out!”

However, Han Siqi presses her and grabs her hands that are waving randomly, snorting, “What am I going to do? Hum, you will know in a minute.”

“Han Siqi, let me go!” Fu Zhengzheng tries to twist her body and kicks her legs, trying to throw Han Siqi off her.

However, Han Siqi steadily contains her like a heavy stone and his lips directly cover her lips.

Fu Zhengzheng desperately shakes her head to get rid of the attack of Han Siqi’s lips, but can’t get rid of his attack.

She is so shy and annoyed that she struggles so hard, but she can’t move her body at all and has to stare at him hatefully.

“Han Siqi, let me go! Otherwise I will call for help!” Her voice is full of anger.

Han Siqi stops suddenly and smiles wickedly. “Go ahead. People outside would like to hear your loud cry. The louder you cry, the happier they will be.”

Seeing that the threat doesn’t work, she curses, “Han Siqi! You are really shameless! Shameless!”

“Yes, I am shameless, so I will do something shameless.”

Looking at the craze in Han Siqi’s red eyes, Fu Zhengzheng is afraid. She has never seen such a look of Han Siqi, which is not like Han Siqi’s habitual style.

She doesn’t know that Han Siqi has already seen the scene where she and Bald Liu “cast amorous glances at each other”. Besides, when she entered the room and saw the obscene actions of the men and women inside the room, his limits were broken, and his anger as well as jealousy were aroused. How can he not be mad?

Fu Zhengzheng feels like crying but has no tears. She feels her shoulders moved by Han Siqi, and then she sits upright against the back of the sofa. She is so frightened that she shakes her arms desperately and tries hard to beat his chest with both hands.

She looks around and finds a stool not far from her. She is ready to use all her strength to grab it and smash it on his head.

It is he who asks for it, and it is not her original intention. If there will be any grave consequence, he can’t blame her!

The moment Han Siqi is about to take further actions crazily, his cellphone rings.

The call is from the fixed-line telephone of his private residence!

The ringtone was especially set by him.

Han Siqi is shocked. He loosens his grip and quickly takes out his phone and answers it.

Fu Zhengzheng pushes him away, puts on her clothes in a hurry and runs out while covering her face with her hands like a drowned rat.

She thought there would be a lot of people outside, but finds that there is no one outside, and it is frighteningly quiet. But she has no time to think about it and just wants to run away from here quickly.

When she rushes to the door, she is grabbed by Ms. Li, who hands over her coat and handbag and looks at her sympathetically. “Zhengzheng, here is your handbag. Put on your coat quickly.”

Only then does she find that her work clothes have been torn by Han Siqi. She takes her coat and puts it on. Then she grabs her handbag and runs outside.

As soon as Han Siqi answers the phone, he hears Fu Xing crying, “Daddy, Mommy, where are you? I am afraid!”

“Don’t be afraid, Xingxing. Daddy is here.”

Hearing Han Siqi’s voice, Fu Xing cries louder, “Daddy, come back soon. Mommy has gone, and I am terrified.”

Then Chen Qiaolan takes the phone and says, “Master Siqi, quickly come back. Xingxing is frightened.”

Hanging up the phone, Han Siqi tidies up his clothes and runs outside quickly.

When Fu Zhengzheng runs out of the door, she is grabbed by Han Siqi, who drags her to his car and jams her in.

His words shock her, who wants to jump out of the car. “There is something wrong with Xingxing.”

Fu Zhengzheng’s heart sinks and her voice changes, “What’s wrong with Xingxing?”

But he doesn’t reply to her. He sits in the driver’s seat and drives the car at breakneck speed.

As soon as the car arrives home, they hear Fu Xing’s loud cry, “Daddy, Mommy, come back soon. I am afraid.”

Chen Qiaolan comforts him, “Don’t be afraid, Xingxing. Grandma is here. Don’t be afraid. Xingxing is the bravest.”

The car stops at the middle of the courtyard. Fu Zhengzheng gets off the car first and rushes to the room. As soon as she enters the room, she sees Fu Xing crying his heart out. She rushes over and holds him in her arms, asking, “What happened, Aunt Chen? Don’t be afraid, Xingxing. Mommy is here.”

Han Siqi also rushes in. Seeing the scene, he looks at Chen Qiaolan and asks, “What happened, Aunt Chen?”

Chen Qiaolan wipes her sweat while explaining, “It seems that some villa has been stolen, which startled the police. The sound of the police car woke Xingxing up, and he wanted to go upstairs to see you. But you were not there, so he cried and insisted on calling you back.”

When Fu Xing sees that both his daddy and mommy are back, he chokes with sobs and says, “Where have you been, Daddy and Mommy? Why did you leave me behind? I am so afraid.”

Fu Zhengzheng now relaxes a little and she explains gently, “Mommy had something to do temporarily.”

“Daddy went out to find your mommy.”

Two voices sound at the same time. Fu Xing stares at Fu Zhengzheng and pushes her away, saying, “I don’t want Mommy to hug me. Mommy is bad. You left me behind.”

“Xingxing, Mommy didn’t mean it. Mammy won’t do it again, okay? Come on, let Mommy hug you.”

But Fu Xing ignores her. Han Siqi bends down and picks him up, comforting him gently, “Good boy, Daddy will take care of you. Daddy won’t leave you behind.”

“OK. Daddy is better.” Fu Xing says while puckering his mouth, ready to cry again.

“Good boy, don’t cry. Daddy takes you to bed, okay?”


Seeing the scene, Fu Zhengzheng is very upset. She glares at Han Siqi hatefully and wants to pull her son over.

However, Fu Xing waves his arms to take her hand off, yelling resolutely, “Don’t pull me! I don’t want to sleep with you!”

“Xingxing!” Fu Zhengzheng watches them go upstairs sadly. She didn’t expect that her son would have such big mood swing because she sneaked out at night.

Chen Qiaolan takes out Fu Xing’s milk bottle and gives it to Fu Zhengzheng, comforting her, “It is good for you to come back. He is just a little kid who throws a tantrum for a while. Tomorrow he will forget what happened today.”

Looking at the milk that has been prepared, Fu Zhengzheng smiles gratefully at Chen Qiaolan, and then rushes upstairs to Han Siqi’s room.

She sees that Fu Xing is standing at the bedside while Han Siqi is carefully laying a small pillow flat, and then he picks Fu Xing up to the bed.

“Xingxing, Mommy brings you the milk.” Fu Zhengzheng comes over and smiles at her son. Her voice is as soft as glutinous rice.

However, Fu Xing, who is sitting on the bed, turns his face to avoid looking at her.

Seeing that Han Siqi is somewhat proud, Fu Zhengzheng gets angry, but she still smiles brilliantly while walking to the bed, saying gently, “Xingxing, drink some milk, and you can sleep soundly. Would you like Mommy to sing you a lullaby?”

Fu Xing grabs the milk but still doesn’t look at her. “I don’t want to hear you sing lullabies. Daddy will put me to bed.”

Hearing that, Han Siqi immediately sits down beside Fu Xing and makes a comfortable position for Fu Xing to drink milk, and then he pats Fu Xing’s back while telling stories to him.

Fu Zhengzheng stands aside and looks at her son embarrassedly with guilt on her face.

Fu Xing is satisfied. He drinks the milk and falls asleep slowly.

Seeing that her son is asleep, Fu Zhengzheng wants to make her son lie down. However, Han Siqi takes her hands off and helps Fu Xing lie down by himself. Then he hurriedly washes his face, comes back to sleep beside Fu Xing and turns off the light, treating Fu Zhengzheng as an invisible person.

Fu Zhengzheng returns to her room, sad and angry.

She sits for a long time before taking off her coat. Looking at the torn uniform hasn’t been taken off and thinking of the scene, she feels very resentful.

What does Han Siqi take her as? A little white rabbit at his home?

She should have smashed the stool on him and let him know that it is not easy to bully her!

She angrily takes off her torn uniform and accidentally touches a paper bag. Then she realizes that it is her purpose to sneak out tonight. She holds back her excitement and carefully takes it out to watch.

One layer, two layers, three layers. She slowly unfolds the innermost paper, and a hand-drawn drawing appears in front of her.

Although it is not well drawn, it has a basic shape.

But when Fu Zhengzheng sees the drawing clearly, she is shocked!

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