Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 64 - Unbearable Controlling Desire

Chapter 64 Unbearable Controlling Desire

Fu Zhengzheng is very nervous because she knows Han Siqi’s uncompromising personality. She thinks quickly about how to properly handle the mobile phone.

Just as Han Siqi is about to take another step forward, Chen Qiaolan knocks gently at the door and says, “Master Siqi, the elder master is calling and he asks you to answer it.”

Han Siqi pauses and glances coldly at Fu Zhengzheng before he rushes downstairs.

With a sigh of relief, Fu Zhengzheng quickly takes out her small mobile phone, turns it off and takes the SIM card out. She runs to the balcony and wants to throw the card away, but after thinking for a while, she wraps it up in a piece of paper and puts it in the makeup mirror and then closes it.

When she finishes doing all these, Han Siqi enters the room again.

Fu Zhengzheng stands there while bowing her head in silence.

Han Siqi stares at her for a long time and then says tonelessly, “Stay with Xingixing at home.”

Fu Zhengzheng, who is ready for a storm of interrogation, is shocked and nods immediately.

However, her chin is pinched. “Dare to go out to date a man again?”

Is he threatening her?

Fu Zhengzheng says with disdain, “I don’t want to do that, don’t dare to.”

“Don’t want to. Very good.”

After saying that, Han Siqi turns and leaves.

Does it matter to you if I go out to date a man?

You are going to date a woman, aren’t you?


Fu Zhengzheng goes to the balcony and watches Han Siqi’s car slowly drive to the entrance of the community. Then she bows her head, sunk in thought.

As soon as she comes downstairs, Fu Xing, who is playing with building blocks, hears the sound and yells, “Mommy, I’ve eaten up my biscuits!”

Fu Zhengzheng’s eyes light up, and answers immediately, “Okay, Mommy will buy some for you right now.”

“I am going, too!” Fu Xing has put down the building blocks in his hands.

“No!” Seeing her son pout, she makes Han Siqi as an excuse, “When your daddy left, he warned me not to let you go out. It’s cold outside. If you catch a cold, you will be injected and have to take medicine.”

Hearing that, Fu Xing pouts unhappily. But he sits down and picks up a building block and continues to build it.

Fu Zhengzheng knows that her son has given in, so she says with a smile, “No wonder your daddy always says that Xingxing is the best kid. Mommy will buy you delicious food, okay?”

“OK.” Fu Xing nods. Obviously, Han Siqi’s praise works well for him.

Fu Zhengzheng now sets her mind at ease. She takes her handbag upstairs, comes downstairs to greet Aunt Chen, and then opens the door.

“Mommy, come back early. Don’t let me wait too long.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng waves at her son with a smile and then goes out.

She takes a taxi and comes directly to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. Standing at the entrance, Fu Zhengzheng suddenly feels nervous. She adjusts her mood and then calmly goes to the resort while pretending to answer the phone.

She slowly looks for the house along the way according to her memory.

After all, she has only been here only once, and the resort is so big that she does not find the old house after walking around the house twice.

She stops under a tree and tries to recall the scene where she met Ji Muxian that day. She remembers that there was a small pavilion in front of the house that Ji Muxian lived in that day.

Yes! Find that small pavilion first!

She goes forward again and when the small pavilion appears in front of her, she is secretly delighted and runs over quickly.

At this time, a man comes out of the house on the right, but she does not pay attention to him, because she is only thinking about the old house.

“Are you looking for me?” Han Siqi’s voice seems to come from the ground. Fu Zhengzheng is so startled that her legs become weak.

She turns her head and finds it is really Han Siqi!

Why is he here?

Fu Zhengzheng bites her lips secretly, and wants to cry but has no tears. Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort belongs to the Han family, so it is not surprising for him to meet his eldest brother here. She should blame herself for coming here without thinking much about it.

“Right? Or are you looking for someone else?”

“I, I am not looking for anyone. I heard the scenery here is beautiful, so I come to have a look.”

How can Han Siqi believe this terrible excuse?

He stares at her and his eyes seem to penetrate her heart. Then he asks in a loud voice, “Woman, why are you so disobedient?”

“Is there no freedom for me to walk out at will?” His questioning annoys her.

“Go back!”

Fu Zhengzheng turns her head and looks ahead. The old house is ahead of her!

Fu Zhengzheng’s hesitation irritates Han Siqi, “It seems that the lesson I gave you last night is not profound enough!”

Fu Zhengzheng is also angry. “Han Siqi, you have no right to do this to me!”

“Very good. You dare to answer back!”

Fu Zhengzheng really doesn’t want to answer back, but she can’t stand his strong controlling desire.

She involuntarily throws out her chest, trying to ignore his fury.

Dare he do anything to her in public? She doesn’t believe it.

Of course, she just forgets for a moment what consequences she might face in the evening.

As Han Siqi is about to say something, his mobile phone rings again.

She thinks he is going to answer the phone, so she walks away, but she is grabbed by him.

“Fu Zhengzheng, go back home in half an hour. Otherwise, don’t go back anymore!”

“I am eager to…”

“Do you think Xingxing will be willing to go with you?”

“You! Please make clear that Xingxing is my son!”

“Mr. Han, Miss Qiao and Chairman Han have been waiting for you at the door.” A security guard runs over and gasps.

“I see.”

Han Siqi’s rough voice makes the security guard tremble, but he adds boldly, “Chairman Han asked you to hurry up, and he said it was a long way to go.”

Seeing Han Siqi glaring at him, the security guard wipes his sweat and runs away quickly.

“Did you hear me?”

“Yes, yes. I will go back as soon as you leave.” Fu Zhengzheng pretends to be submissive and nods her head like a chicken pecking rice.

Since Qiao Keren and his elder brother are both outside, it is indeed improper for Han Siqi to ask Fu Zhengzheng to go out with him. He casts a glance into the distance and warns Fu Zhengzheng again with his eyes before turning and leaving.

His eyes, which seem to slice her into pieces, make Fu Zhengzheng feel cold. But when she looks askance at his back which leaves in a hurry, she looks scornful again.

Han Sixian is creating opportunities to match them up. Humph.

In that case, why should I listen to you?

When Fu Zhengzheng turns around and is ready to take a step, she finds Ji Muxian, standing not far away from her, is looking at her.


After a difficult man leaves, here comes another one!

It seems impossible to investigate the old house today.

Fu Zhengzheng hesitates for a while and then greets him with a smile, “Officer Ji, what a coincidence.”

Seeing that he is still dressed in old-fashioned clothes when he doesn’t wear a uniform, she doubts whether he works here as a part-time security guard in his spare time, and whether the graceful lady she saw last time was his biological mother.

“Appreciating the scenery again?”

“Well, ha-ha, yes. What about you?” Fu Zhengzheng smiles unnaturally for fear of revealing something in front of him.

Ji Muxian stares at her and suddenly asks, “That man who just left is your friend?”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked and prevaricates, “Uh, my friend. Thank you for helping me that night.”

“It’s all right.”

“It seems that you have done me a lot of favors. I can’t thank you enough.”

“You are welcome.”

“Officer Ji, next time I will invite you to dinner to show my gratitude.”


“Ah?” She was just being polite and didn’t expect that he should agree. She immediately hides her embarrassment with a smile, saying, “I will call you when it is convenient. I need to come back. Xingxing is still waiting for me at home.”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles while saying that. When she turns around, she curls her lips and walks quickly to the entrance of the resort.

It seems that she can’t enter the resort rashly, because it is easy for her to betray her intentions. She needs to find a way to come in fairly and honestly.

After coming out, she goes to Anju Community to ask the shopkeeper, Grandma Liu, about Nian Xi’s house. Anyway, she just wants to try her luck.

But she soon returns disappointedly, because Grandma Liu knows nothing about the house, either.

She wonders if Bald Liu knows some information about the house.

Looking at the time, she finds it is already more than seven o’clock in the evening. She guesses that Han Siqi is with Qiao Keren and won’t come back soon, so she goes directly to Qixing Teahouse.

When she walks into Qixing Teahouse, she finds there are obviously fewer guests.

Bald Liu’s eyes light up when he sees Fu Zhengzheng. Fu Zhengzheng slightly shakes her head and tells him with her eyes that things are not going smoothly.

Bald Liu is obviously disappointed, but he can’t ask her anything since there are lots of people there.

Fu Zhengzheng pouts her lips at the backyard and comes there first.

Ms. Li, who is boiling water, is stunned to see Fu Zhengzheng, and she tentatively asks, “Zhengzheng, were you all right last night?”

Fu Zhengzheng knows what she means, and she shakes her head, saying, “I am all right. It was not as bad as you think.”

“That is good.” Ms. Li sighs with relief, “Otherwise, I will be really sorry for you.”

Fu Zhengzheng knows that Li Yin is Ms. Li’s niece, so she shakes her hands with a smile and then goes to boil water.

Bald Liu comes in for several times, but since Ms. Li is here, he doesn’t say much and just jokes that he will invite Fu Zhengzheng to have a midnight snack.

Fu Zhengzheng understands what he means, so she nods with a smile.

At more than eleven o’clock, many of the guests have left. Bald Liu comes to the backyard again. He greets Ms. Li and is ready to leave with Fu Zhengzheng.

However, Li Yin comes in at this time. She pulls Fu Zhengzheng and apologizes to her, insisting on inviting her to have a midnight snack tonight.

It reminds Fu Zhengzheng of Ms. Li’s hint that Li Yin loves Bald Liu. She guesses that Li Yin has probably misunderstood her.

Bald Liu probably realizes it too, so he prepares to leave with Fu Zhengzheng and Li Yin.

When they come to the door, Wang Xin, who is on duty with Bald Liu, wants to join them too.

When Bald Liu refuses, Wang Xin blinks his eyes and whispers to Bald Liu, “Brother Liu, you refuse to take me with you. Do you dislike me, or do you want to have fun with these two women?”’

Hearing that, Bald Liu doesn’t say much. He looks at Fu Zhengzheng helplessly and asks Wang Xin to lead the way.

Fu Zhengzheng is depressed. Why things become so complicated while they just want to have a midnight snack. However, she is too embarrassed to leave and has to go with them.

When they arrive at a small restaurant, Wang Xin generously orders a table of dishes and places a bottle of beer in front of him.

Neither Fu Zhengzheng nor Li Yin can drink beer, so they drink some soft beverage and eat some food.

Wang Xin is a sweet talker. He doesn’t force the two women to drink, but he coaxes Bald Liu to drink cups after cups.

Seeing that Bald Liu drinks a lot, Fu Zhengzheng kicks him under the table. Bald Liu understands it, so he doesn’t drink anymore.

Wang Xin doesn’t force him to drink. He says that he needs to go back to work, so he leaves first.

As Bald Liu is about to send Li Yin away with an excuse, he finds her face reddish and her feet and legs soft. There is something wrong with her.

“Brother Liu, I am afraid Li Yin has drunk too much.”

Bald Liu pushes away Fu Zhengzheng, who is going to help Li Yin, saying, “You go back first. Let’s contact when we have time, and I will take Li Yin back.”

Then Bald Liu takes Li Yin outside. Looking at their backs, Fu Zhengzheng has an inexplicably strange feeling. Looking at her watch, she is shocked: It is early in the morning!

Gosh! Why is it so late?

She is anxious at the thought of Han Siqi. Then she rushes home in a panic.

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