Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 66 - Who Picked up Xingxing?

Chapter 66 Who Picked up Xingxing?

Fu Zhengzheng is panicked. She avoids him desperately while shouting at him, “You are crazy! Let me go! I will be angry if you do that again!”

Seeing that Yang Tao’s lips are approaching her, Fu Zhengzheng pinches him violently. Yang Tao takes back his painful hand, and Fu Zhengzheng breaks away from him. Then she slaps Yang Tao across the face.

Fu Zhengzheng looks at her hand in amazement.

Yang Tao, who is covering his face with his hand, is also stunned.

“Sorry, Yang Tao…”

“Sorry, Zhengzheng…

Two voices of guilt are heard at the same time.

Yang Tao, who is awakened by this slap, turns away shamefully and dares not look at Fu Zhengzheng again.

“I know you are good to me, but do you know that relationships can’t be forced? You are always the best senior schoolmate in my heart.” After saying that, Fu Zhengzheng turns to leave.

“Wait a minute,” Yang Tao puts a toy mobile phone in her hand, which looks similar to the small mobile phone, “This is what you want.”

As Fu Zhengzheng takes it and is ready to leave, Yang Tao stops her again, saying slowly, “Zhengzheng, I am sorry. I won’t be so rude again. Don’t be angry with me, will you?”

Fu Zhengzheng sighs and nods with a smile, and then goes out.

She is in a bad mood when she comes out of the supermarket.

She always regards Yang Tao as her brother. She has reminded him several times and has expressed her feelings, but he did not listen.

She can only control her own heart. How can she control the heart of others?

For example, when thinking of Han Siqi, she feels heartbroken.

Find Nian Xi soon, or find the key soon. Then go back to A Ccity to stay away from Yang Tao and Han Siqi, and live a simple life with Fu Xing.

She looks at her watch and finds there is still some time before work. After calling Xu Yan to confirm that Han Siqi has not returned to Weihan, she calls Bald Liu, asking him to meet her at a cafe near Qixing Teahouse.

As soon as they meet, Fu Zhengzheng finds that Bald Liu is in a bad mood, so she immediately asks him what has happened.

Bald Liu shakes his head and asks directly about the key, “Have your parents found it?”

“I am afraid you are anxious, so I come to tell you that they are still looking for it.” Fu Zhengzheng leaves him a little hope and then sighs deliberately, “Brother Liu, these days when my parents look for the key for you, they always recall the past in the old house. I took them to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort for sightseeing yesterday.”

“There is nothing to visit at Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort because there is no sign of our old houses.”

“Hey, I saw an old house at Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, which seems like an old house that hasn’t been demolished.”

Bald Liu can’t believe it, and says, “How come? When Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort was built, they were all demolished.”

“Ha-ha, maybe I’ve misremembered it, and I don’t think it is possible, either.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles and gets up to leave. It seems that Bald Liu knows nothing about the old house.

“Lady,” Bald Liu suddenly stops her and tentatively asks, “Have you offended anyone lately?”

“I don’t think so. What’s wrong?” Fu Zhengzheng is confused.

Bald Liu hesitates for a long time before he speaks out his doubts.

It turns out that Li Yin was not drunk at all last night. The beer she drank was drugged.

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked because they only drank a glass of beer. She said she couldn’t drink beer, so Li Yin volunteered to take the excess beer in front of her and drank it.

“Did someone want to harm me?” Fu Zhengzheng stammers.

Bald Liu nods. “I suspect it was done by Wang Xin. I asked about him at the teahouse and found he had resigned. But I think he just took someone’s money and did that for someone.”

Fu Zhengzheng is depressed. She only offends Han Siqi every day. As for others, it seems that she has not offended anyone.

Who would harm her by such a dirty means?

“Lady, you detached yourself from it, but I was miserable.” Bald Liu finally makes a long face. “Originally, I had a good feeling for Li Yin, but since what happened last night, she has been forcing me to marry her now.”

“Li Yin is so beautiful and nice, and you like her. Brother Liu, it is a good thing.”

“How can it be good? After last night’s incident, I was thinking alone. She got up and asked me what I was thinking. I told her to stop making noise and said I wanted peace and quiet.” Then she slapped me, saying, “You are already mine, so don’t think about peace or quiet anymore.” Do you think I can marry such a woman?”

Fu Zhengzheng bursts into laughter and comforts him by saying, “It shows that Li Yin cares about you.”

“Forget it. I am upset when I mention her. Lady, you should take care when you look for the key for me. Don’t be hurt stealthily.”

“OK, I see.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles. Looking at the time, she immediately says good-bye to him and hurries to Weihan.

Back to the company, she finds that Han Siqi hasn’t come to work yet.

It is good that he doesn’t come. Otherwise, he would shout at her for being late.

Sitting down, she recalls the conversation with Bald Liu. If he guessed right, who hates her so much?

Why did the person harm her in such a vicious way?

“Zhengzheng! What are you thinking about?” Xu Yan, who pushes the door in, says with a smile.

Fu Zhengzheng is frightened. Seeing it is Xu Yan, she immediately looks at the door.

Xu Yan smiles proudly, “Mr. Han won’t come to work this afternoon. I just heard the phone conversation between Manager Min and Mr. Han. Otherwise, do you think I dare come in and talk to you?”

“Did you hear what he was doing?”

“He? Who?” Xu Yan asks intentionally.


Fu Zhengzheng pats Xu Yan’s forehead, saying, “Do you know now?”

“Who told you to call him so intimately? You can call him ‘Mr. Han’, but you called him ‘he’. Were you missing “him” just now?”

“No!” Fu Zhengzheng refuses to admit it.

“Good. Zhengzheng, I warn you again. Don’t fall in love with Mr. Han. You can’t afford it! Besides, there is Qiao Keren, so you can’t even think about it. Haven’t you talked to Mr. Han about moving out yet?”

When it comes to Qiao Keren, Fu Zhengzheng’s heart sinks. If Qiao Keren knows that she is living at Han Siqi’s home, Qiao Keren will be the one that hates her most, right?

Was Wang Xin, who put something into Li Yin’s beer, arranged by Qiao Keren?

Since her family is rich and powerful, it is not difficult for her to do that!

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng looks strange, Xu Yan immediately asks nervously, “Zhengzheng, has something happened already? Don’t scare me!”

“Nothing. I just think you are right.” Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head immediately. She knows that Xu Yan is timid.

“Zhengzheng, I always have a bad feeling. You had better move out soon, the sooner the better.”

“OK.” Watching Xu Yan go out, Fu Zhengzheng feels heavy-hearted.

It suddenly occurs to her that when they watched the rime that day, it was because of Qiao Keren that Fu Xing rolled down the river bank!

Besides, she feels the inexplicable cry of “There is a bomb” is ridiculous. Could it be Qiao Keren who shouted out that?

You know, that cry almost cost their lives, and almost involved Ji Muxian.

Fu Xing!

Fu Xing is the apple of her eye. Even if she is hurt, she can’t let her son be hurt!

Remembering that Fu Xing said “Where is the delicious food” in the morning, she suddenly feels uneasy. She stands up and turns around twice aimlessly. It still early to be off duty, but she can’t wait. She grabs her handbag and rushes out.

“Where are you going, Zhengzheng?” Xu Yan has come after her.

“I have something to do, so I get off work earlier.” Seeing Xu Yan worry about her, she immediately explains, “Fu Xing said he was a little uncomfortable in the morning. I have nothing to do now, so I want to go to the kindergarten to see him.”

“Ah? Then go quickly. I will do the work for you.” Xu Yan quickly pushes Fu Zhengzheng to the elevator.

Fu Zhengzheng smiles and then goes into the elevator.

Walking out of Weihan Building, she walks quickly to the kindergarten which is not far away.

Although it is cold in winter, she is sweating along the road.

Fu Zhengzheng comes to the door of Fu Xing’s classroom and sees that parents are making handicrafts with children.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t find Fu Xing at the place that he usually sits, and she looks around.

Li Xiaomeng has seen Fu Zhengzheng and she comes up with a smile, “Hello, Xingxing’s Mommy.”

Fu Zhengzheng has confirmed that her son is not in the classroom, so she asks in a hurry, “Miss Li, where is Fu Xing? Why isn’t he in the classroom?”

“Oh, Xingxing,” says Li Xiaomeng as if she just remembers something, “His Daddy took him out to lunch after making handicrafts with him in the morning, and they haven’t come back yet.”

“Oh.” It turns out that the reason why Han Siqi didn’t come to work all morning is that he was making handicrafts with Fu Xing. Fu Zhengzheng laughs at herself for thinking too much.

When she is about to leave, Li Xiaomeng smiles again and says, “Don’t worry. They will probably take Xingxing back soon.”

“They? Who else?” A bad feeling surges inside her again.

“Qiao Keren, a volunteer here.”

Qiao Keren?

Fu Zhengzheng’s head suddenly booms. She is indeed there!

It seems that it is not unreasonable for her to be anxious.

She immediately pulls Li Xiaomeng and asks, “Miss Li, did they say where to eat before they left?”

“They seem to have gone to SensBund for steak. But it is already over three o’clock and they must have finished lunch. With Mr. Han’s company, Xingxing will not run around, will he?” Li Xiaomeng thinks Fu Zhengzheng is afraid that Fu Xing will run around, so she hurriedly comforts her.

“Mr. Li, I’m going first.” Then Fu Zhengzheng rushes out of the kindergarten and takes out her mobile phone and calls Han Siqi, but she can’t get through to him.

She quickly stops a taxi and heads straight for SensBund Western Steak Shop.

When she arrives at the shop, she finds only waiters and there is no guest there.

Before a waitress speaks, Fu Zhengzheng asks first in a hurry, “Was there a man and a woman with a little boy over five who came to eat at noon?”

The waitress smiles sweetly and answers in a soft voice, “Sorry, there are many families like this in our shop every day. I don’t know which one you are talking about.”

When Fu Zhengzheng is hurriedly describing the two person’s features, a waiter comes up and whispers, “Will it be the family in which someone fell?”

Fu Zhengzheng catches the waiter’s hand in panic and asks, “Did Fu Xing fall? Did he hurt badly?”

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