Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 81 - Xingxing Is Missing

Chapter 81 Xingxing Is Missing

“Yes, focus on her experience in B City six years ago.”

Hanging up the phone, Han Siqi quietly looks at the number on the elevator while his expression becomes more and more complicate…

He recalls the previous conversation with his second brother.

“Why did you do that?” When he caught up with his second brother, he asked directly.

“Siqi, don’t you think there is anything suspicious about Fu Zhengzheng?” Ji Muxian did not answer him directly, but asked him instead.

“What is suspicious?” He was confused.

“I found that she intentionally approached the old house several times, and I deliberately made it convenient for her to enter the house until she found the chamber.”

“Because I used to live in that chamber.”

“Was it she who told you about the night six years ago? You have already believed in her in the first place. Siqi, you had better keep an eye on her.”

It seems that his second brother’s reminder is not unreasonable.

Han Siqi’s head suddenly aches again.


The next day, in the café of the Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.

Han Siqi and Han Sixian sit face to face.

Han Sixian looks worried, contrary to his usual image as a calm chairman. They keep silent for a long time until Han Sixian says sincerely and earnestly, “Siqi, you should know well that I always love you.”

Han Siqi sips his unsweetened coffee without looking up.

Han Sixian seems to be helpless and he sighs, “Well, now that you want to know, I will tell you. But that is a long story, and I will start with our late aunt…”

Sixteen years ago, Ji Yashan, Ji Yashu’s sister who was more than ten years younger than Ji Yashu, had an affair with Han Tengyue, a well-known businessman.

Later, Han Tengyue was tired of Ji Yashan and gave her the cold shoulder. Ji Yashan hated him so much that she secretly took Han Siqi away, who was only twelve years old. She hid Han Siqi in a chamber of her home and renamed him Nian Xi.

Han Tengyue did not find out his son’s whereabouts by any means. Ji Yashu, who had always been suppressing her anger, finally burst out and left home with her second son, Han Muxian, and changed his surname to Ji.

Ten years later, Ji Yashan was seriously ill. Before she died, she contacted Han Sixian, who had taken over Weihan, and asked him to take back his third brother, Han Siqi, who had stayed in the chamber for ten years.

After taking back Han Siqi, Han Sixian found that he was well-read and intelligent, but he was less able to take care of himself and communicate with others, which was commonly known as low EQ. Therefore, Han Sixian arranged a place for him to live in and hired a teacher to teach him.

Unexpectedly, Han Siqi had a car accident. Consequently, his brain was damaged and he lost part of his memories. The doctor said that he could recover if he was well guided, but Han Sixian made a choice for his brother not to restore that painful memory.

“That was the whole story. When you recovered, Mom came back with Muxian. As for the things after that, you have already known.” Noticing his brother’s expression full of doubts, Han Sixian adds, “I didn’t tell any lie.”

“Didn’t I mention Fu Zhengzheng’s name?”

“No! Don’t you believe me?”

Han Siqi remains silent. At this time, his phone rings. Seeing the name on the phone, he motions to his brother and then goes straight out of the café. Listening to the phone, he doesn’t notice his brother’s look full of meaning from behind.

He doesn’t answer the phone until he comes to a secluded place.

“Mr. Han, I found that Fu Zhengzheng’s school files were false!”


“Yes! Another strange thing was that I found the local police station according to the address on her ID card you provided, and I tried my best to find that there were only her name and Fu Xing’s name in her household registration file while all the other information was blank. As for her experience in B City six years ago, I really don’t have any clue.”

“Find out the details of the dog-eat-dog case about Li Ming six years ago.”


Hanging up the phone, Han Siqi’s head suddenly aches again.

Does he have to ask Xiaomeng to massage for him again?

As he pats his head lightly and is about to leave Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, Fu Zhengzheng calls him.

As soon as he answers the phone, he hears Fu Zhengzheng’s hoarse and tearful voice, “Siqi, Fu Xing is missing!”

Han Siqi is shocked, asking, “Where are you now?”

“I am at the entrance of the mall in front of Yuri Square.”

Han Siqi hangs up and runs to the parking lot.

He drives fast to the street in front of the supermarket and gets out of the car without even finding a parking space. Then he rushes to Fu Zhengzheng who is standing anxiously in front of the front door of the shopping mall.

Seeing Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng feels like seeing a savior. She grabs his hand and cries, “Siqi! Fu Xing is missing!”

“Don’t worry. Speak slowly.” For the first time, Han Siqi sees Fu Zhengzheng in such a panic. He pats her on the back to comfort her.

He knows well Fu Xing’s intelligence and sensibility. Looking at so many people and security guards at the entrance of the shopping mall, he doesn’t think Fu Xing will be in big trouble. At most, he is playing at some corner for a while.

Fu Zhengzheng tries to take several deep breaths to calm down, but her voice is still trembling, “Half an hour ago, I took Fu Xing here to shop and bought his favorite snacks. When we came out, I accidentally broke the bag, so I let him stay here with the snacks and I went to buy a bag. Two or three minutes later, when I came out, I found that Fu Xing had disappeared. I searched all around but didn’t find him!”

Han Siqi looks around while asking, “Have you asked people around here?”

“I asked a lot of people but they said they didn’t notice him.”

“Don’t worry, Xingxing is very smart and it is downtown, so he won’t be in trouble. Let’s look for him again.”

Han Siqi takes a few steps and suddenly turns around. Fu Zhengzheng almost bumps against him.

Han Siqi takes her to the mall.

“I’ve looked inside and outside the mall several times.” Fu Zhengzheng reminds him hurriedly.

Han Siqi doesn’t stop and comes straight to the monitoring room of the shopping mall.

“My son was lost half an hour ago at the south entrance of the mall. Please check the surveillance video at that time.”

Hearing that, the two staff members check the surveillance video immediately.

Fu Zhengzheng closes her eyes and pats her head hard. She was so panicked that she didn’t think of checking the surveillance video at all.

The picture of the video soon stops at the time half an hour ago.

“That is him! That is him!” Seeing the picture of her and Fu Xing standing at the entrance of the shopping mall talking, Fu Zhengzheng shouts.

The video is still playing, but Fu Zhengzheng shouts again, “It is your parents!”

In the picture, Han Tengyue and Ji Yashu put snacks in a bag while talking to Fu Xing. Fu Xing looked into the mall and hesitated for a while before leaving with them.

“Now that it was they who took away Xingxing, you don’t need to worry too much.” Then Han Siqi takes out his mobile phone and makes a phone call.

After being relieved, Fu Zhengzheng shouts angrily, “How could they do that? They took Fu Xing away without telling me! Didn’t they worry that I would be afraid?”

Han Siqi calls his parents several times, but no one answers the phone. He is also annoyed and calls the front desk of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. Knowing that his parents went out in the morning and haven’t come back yet, he thinks for a while and takes Fu Zhengzheng to go out.

“Where are we going?” Fu Zhengzheng asks.

“They probably took Xingxing out to play. Let’s wait for them at Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.”

When they come to Han Siqi’s car, they find that his car has been ticketed. Han Siqi removes the ticket and heads for Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.

At noon, they have a brief meal at the resort. Fu Zhengzheng is not in the mood to move, so she sits in the front hall and waits. Han Siqi is also waiting beside her.

It is not until the dusk that Han Tengyue and Ji Yashu smilingly come in with Fu Xing.

As soon as Fu Zhengzheng sees Fu Xing, she rushes over and pulls him into her arms. Then she pokes her finger on his forehead while shouting angrily, “Fu Xing! You ran around without telling Mommy! Do you know that Mommy will be worried about you? Why are you becoming more and more disobedient?”

Fu Xing puckers his mouth and says with a grievance, “Mommy, I said I would wait for you, but grandparents said you agreed to let them take me out to play.”

Han Siqi pulls Fu Xing over and blames his parents, “Dad, Mom, how could you take Xingxing away without permission?”

“We are afraid that if we told Miss Fu, she wouldn’t allow us to take Xingxing to take…”

“To play!” Han Tengyue interrupts his wife.

“Well, yes, take him to play.” Ji Yashu quickly corrects herself.

Take? Take what? Fu Zhengzheng feels strange to look at their dodgy eyes, but she doesn’t think much about it. It is a blessing for her son to be back. Although she scolded him severely, it was the result of urgency. She has a bad feeling, so she holds Fu Xing’s hand and says, “I will take Fu Xing back.”

“It is so late. Why not leave after dinner?” Ji Yashu probably feels that she has gone too far, so she is smiling to Fu Zhengzheng.

“No, thank you.” Fu Zhengzheng picks up Fu Xing and is ready to leave.

“Xingxing…”Ji Yashu is reluctant to let him go.

“I will drive you back.” Han Siqi walks ahead of them.

Ji Yashu grabs Han Siqi, saying, “Siqi! Let Mr. Li drive them back. Your father has something to tell you.”

Then she yells at the front desk, “Ask Mr. Li to drive here.”

Looking at Ji Yashu, who seems strange, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t say anything and goes out with Fu Xing in her arms.

After Fu Zhengzheng and Fu Xing go out, Han Tengyue says, “Siqi, the day after tomorrow is Keren’s birthday. We plan to celebrate her birthday at the Oriental Haojing Hotel. We will invite her parents, relatives, and friends to come and officially announce your marriage by the way.”

“No!” Han Siqi immediately objects.

“That is settled. You accompany Keren to buy an engagement ring tomorrow.” Han Tengyue’s attitude is tough. Before Han Siqi says more, he has turned to go back.

“Siqi, it is sooner or later for you to marry Keren.” Ji Yashu says softly, but her tone is the same as Han Tengyue’s. “Go to bed early. You will be busy these days.”

Then she puts the snack bag into Han Siqi’s hand and then goes in.

Looking at his parents who leave in a hurry, Han Siqi’s face darkens. How can he not understand their thoughts?

They are undoubtedly afraid that a long delay may cause trouble!


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