Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 83 - Being Treacherous and Ruthless

Chapter 83 Being Treacherous and Ruthless
She even doesn’t want to speak after picking up the phone.

A man’s voice comes unhurriedly, “Hello, this is a call from Southern Fujian Tea Farm. There is a lot of good tea on sale…”

“No, thanks!” Fu Zhengzheng restlessly hangs up the phone and throws it away. But as she turns around, she suddenly trembles all over. She gets up, picks the phone up and calls back. Soon, the phone is answered but there is no voice.

She asks with hesitation, “Yang Tao?”

Yang Tao’s voice immediately comes, “Are you OK, Zhengzheng?”

The simple greeting makes Fu Zhengzheng want to cry, but she tries to pretend that she is all right, answering, “I am all right.”

“That’s good.” Yang Tao seems to be relieved, saying, “You didn’t contact me, and I couldn’t find a chance to approach you, so I am really worried.”

“I am really all right. Don’t worry about me.” He has been secretly protecting her and her son. How can she not know that?

“The police station has decided to cancel the investigation of Weihan Group. You can return to the team as soon as possible. I’ll arrange for you to return to A City.”

Fu Zhengzheng suddenly sits up, saying, “No!”


“Because…” Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t know how to explain. Yang Tao is smart, so she knows that she can’t deceive him with a lie.

“Zhengzheng, come back. I don’t want to see you be hurt.”

“I will protect myself.”

Yang Tao keeps silent for a moment before saying, “I know that you like Han Siqi, but he will be engaged soon. It is said that his wedding date will be fixed too. Zhengzheng, you and he are not suitable.”

Yang Tao also knows it! Fu Zhengzheng feels as if her heart were stabbed, but she gives him a forced smile, saying, “It’s not because of this. It is because of…”

“Finish your work at Weihan, and I will arrange for someone to pick you up the day after tomorrow.” Yang Tao interrupts her, and his tone becomes serious, “Fu Zhengzheng, you will bear the consequences if you don’t come back in time. I hope you haven’t forgotten that you are a policewoman!”

“I…” The phone is hung up.

Slowing putting down the phone, Fu Zhengzheng remains silent.

No, the reason why she doesn’t want to leave B City is not that she can’t bear leaving Han Siqi. Who is Han Siqi? He is a jerk!

She just wants to find the key for Yang Tao!

The soft knocks on the door interrupt her thoughts, and she manages to brace herself to open the door, saying, “Aunt Chen, I don’t want to have a meal. You can eat with Fu Xing first.”

“Zhengzheng…” Chen Qiaolan looks out and wants to speak but then hesitates.

Fu Zhengzheng feels something wrong, so she hurriedly follows Chen Qiaolan’s eyes. Then she is startled—Han Tengyue and Ji Yashu are sitting on the sofa talking with Fu Xing!

“My lord and madam have something to talk to you.” Chen Qiaolan looks at Fu Zhengzheng with great concern.

Talk to her? Han Siqi and Qiao Keren will be engaged tomorrow. What will they tell her at this time?

Fu Zhengzheng comes over with doubt and greets them politely, “Hello, sir and madam.”

Ji Yashu gives Chen Qiaolan a hint with her eyes: “Take Xingxing to play in the room.”

Chen Qiaolan quickly picks up Fu Xing, goes into the room and closes the door.

After they leave, Ji Yashu takes out an envelope from her bag and hands it to Fu Zhengzheng. “Miss Fu, let’s go straight to the point, and I won’t beat around the bush.”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked after opening it. It is a paternity test certificate!

She can’t understand many technical terms, but one line seems to make sense to her: the probability that Sample 1 is the biological father of Sample 2 is greater than 99.999%.

“This is… whose paternity test certificate?” She has predicted the answer, but she still asks tentatively.

“It is Siqi and Xingxing’s.”

Fu Zhengzheng is not surprised by the result, but she has a kind of bad feeling, and at the same time, she feels angry. It turned out that the old couple took Fu Xing away to take the test!

She doesn’t speak and waits quietly for the couple’s next steps.

“Miss Fu, make us an offer.” Han Tengyue, who has been silent, says in a deep voice.

“Make what offer?” Fu Zhengzheng is puzzled.

“Xingxing is an offspring of the Han family. We have the responsibility to take him back to the Han family and raise him well. I believe you should know that Siqi is going to get engaged tomorrow, but we won’t treat you badly. You can make an offer, and we won’t bargain.”

Fu Zhengzheng finally understands that the parents refuse to allow her to enter their family, but they want to take Fu Xing away from her!

The man she loves is Nian Xi. She doesn’t care about the Han family!

Fu Zhengzheng smiles faintly, saying, “I’m sorry, Fu Xing is a priceless treasure in my eyes.”

Han Tengyue pauses and then says firmly, “Miss Fu, please understand that even if you threaten with Xingxing, Siqi won’t marry you! But it is imperative for us to bring Xingxing back to our home! He is an offspring of the Han family!”

Han Tengyue’s words irritate Fu Zhengzheng, but she holds back her anger and replies firmly, “Fu Xing is my son! His last name is Fu! I will never allow him to leave me half a step!”

Han Tengyue suddenly gets up and says coldly, “Miss Fu! I advise you not to be impulsive or speak too hastily! I am talking to you seriously now. If you insist on saying that, I will see you in court. Then don’t blame us to be ruthless when Xingxing is award to us and you can’t get any penny!”

Fu Zhengzheng also raises her head, saying, “Are you sure the court will award him to you? Mr. Han thought too simply about it!”

“All right, let’s talk calmly.” Ji Yashu immediately pulls the clothes of Han Tengyue, who is furious, and then she goes to comfort Fu Zhengzheng, “Zhengzheng, I hope you can understand our longing for a grandson. We just don’t want our grandson to suffer outside, do we?”

Fu Zhengzheng tries to calm herself down. She thinks for a moment and then says, “I can understand your longing for a grandson, but Han Siqi will be engaged to Miss Qiao, so I am afraid that Miss Qiao will not accept Fu Xing. Anyway, Fu Xing can’t destroy the harmony between them.”

Ji Yashu suddenly smiles, “You can rest assured of that. Now that Siqi asked us to do this, he must have persuaded Keren.”

Fu Zhengzheng’s expression suddenly changes. She didn’t expect that Han Siqi would be so cruel. Han Siqi knows well that Fu Xing is her whole world and she regards him to be more important than her own life. Taking Fu Xing away is amount to killing her!

She used to think naively that it was just a marriage of convenience between him and Qiao Keren, and that he didn’t love Qiao Keren at all. But now she knows that she is the only loser in the game from beginning to end.

The ambiguous affection between him and her is just to add romance to his life!

He never really loves her!

All the good things are just her wishful imagination!

She always knows that Han Siqi is not a man that she knows clearly, but she didn’t expect that he could be so sanctimonious!

Ji Yashu feels sorry to look at Fu Zhengzheng whose lips are trembling, but she still says, “Siqi still cares about you, so he asked us to give you a sum of money, hoping that you could marry another man. Miss Fu, you are so young, and you…”

Fu Zhengzheng clenches her teeth and interrupts Ji Yashu coldly, “You don’t need to bother! Fu Xing is my son, so I will never give up his custody!”

“Miss Fu!” Han Tengyue can’t hold back his anger again, saying, “In that case, we will see you in court!”

“Goodbye!” Fu Zhengzheng knows that she can’t communicate with them, so she asks them to leave.

Your family is powerful and influential, but so what? She doesn’t believe that the court is run by them!

Seeing that she can’t persuade them to calm down, Ji Yashu writes a telephone number on a piece of paper and puts it on the table. Then she says helplessly, “Miss Fu, we don’t ask you to make a decision right now. Think about it again. Dial this number if you need.”

Then she goes out with Han Tengyue.

When they get to the door, she adds, “Miss Fu, you can make an offer as you want. Money is not a problem.”

After they leave, Fu Zhengzheng lies down on the sofa feebly. All her tough disguise fades instantly. Now she finds that she is sweating all over, but her hands and feet are cold.


Fu Zhengzheng looks up and sees Chen Qiaolan standing in front of her with Fu Xing in Chen Qiaolan’s arms.

Fu Zhengzheng gives a forced smile and quickly returns to her room. She finds the previous SIM card and installs it on her phone, and then sends a text message to Yang Tao, “Arrange for me to leave B City as soon as possible.”

She must leave with Fu Xing immediately. If they leave late, she will lose her son, not to mention the key!

Yang Tao replies at once, “Okay, I will pick you up at the gate of the community at 5:30 tomorrow morning.”

Lying down, she feels distracted. Han Siqi’s voice and smiles often flash through her mind, making her keep crying.

After going to A City, she will not have any contact with Han Siqi anymore. Maybe she will forget him, and she will only remember Nian Xi, but Han Siqi is no longer Nian Xi in her heart.

“Mommy, don’t cry. We don’t talk to Daddy anymore. Fu Xing will take care of Mommy!” Fu Xing comes in, gently wiping tears for Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng holds her son in her arms, nods her head and says that she will not cry, but her tears roll down in an instant.

“Xingxing, I will take you back to where we used to live, okay?”

“OK.” Fu Xing wipes his eyes while nodding solemnly.


Before 4:00 a.m., Fu Zhengzheng, who is sleepless all night, gets up and packs up. Looking at the room which once had their intimate atmosphere, she sits on the bed in a trance. She takes out her mobile phone, but finds that there isn’t a call or message from Han Siqi all night. She laughs at herself.

Fu Zhengzheng, you even have extravagant expectations at this time! Are you an idiot?

Even if he comes, he is just trying to steal your favorite son! Do you still expect him to come?

Fu Zhengzheng wipes her tears and closes the A card. When it is almost time for the appointment, she carries a suitcase with one hand and holds Fu Xing in her arms with the other hand. They creep out of the door without any nostalgia.

At the entrance of the community, Yang Tao is waiting for them. Then he takes them directly to an express hotel near the airport.

“The airplane will take off at twelve o’clock. You take a rest with Xingxing, and I will pick you up at eleven o’clock.” After putting down their luggage, Yang Tao really wants to stay with her, but seeing her tired look, he thinks for a moment and leaves first.

Fu Zhengzheng stands in front of the window, opens the curtain and fixes her eyes on a corner of the city where she has lived for several months. She is really reluctant to leave, because she has accidentally left her heart in the city.

Looking back at Fu Xing, who is sleeping soundly, she slowly lies down beside him, caressing his delicate face, with tears in her eyes.

Probably because she is too tired, she falls asleep until she is awakened by a knock at the door.

“Mommy, there’s a knock at the door!” says Fu Xing, who is reading a comic book on the bed. He is obedient and quiet today.

Fu Zhengzheng looks at her watch, and finds that it is only ten o’clock. She didn’t expect that Yang Tao would come to pick them up so soon.

She calms herself down and tries to manage a faint smile. Then she opens the door, saying, “You said at eleven o’clock…”

When she looks clearly at the man in front of her, she is stunned.

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