Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 85 - I Don’t Want You to Get Hurt

Chapter 85 I Don’t Want You to Get Hurt
Fu Zhengzheng quickly pulls off the needle, jumps out of bed, grabs a stool and is about to hit the man.

“Zhengzheng, it is me!” The man moves Zhu Linglong to a chair while pulling off his hat.

“Yang Tao!” Fu Zhengzheng is surprised, but then she looks worriedly at Zhu Linglong in a coma, saying, “It has nothing to do with Linglong.”

“I just knocked her unconscious and didn’t hurt her.” Yang Tao rushes to Fu Zhengzheng, asking nervously, “Zhengzheng, how did you hurt your leg? Does it matter?”

Speaking of this, he grits his teeth, asking, “Did Han Siqi beat you?”

“No, I fell down.” Fu Zhengzheng explains, “I just sprained my foot.”

“It is bleeding!” Seeing the needle hole bleeding, Yang Tao immediately gets up and says, “I’ll call a doctor!”

“No!” Fu Zhengzheng grabs him, saying, “It is just glucose.”

Seeing the back of her hand bleeds a lot, Yang Tao quickly presses the wound for her and wipes the blood with a piece of tissue.

“Zhengzheng, I’ll take you away.”

Fu Zhengzheng immediately takes back her hand and refuses in a hurry, “No! I can’t go!”

“Han Siqi has made you like this, and you still have fantasies about him?” Yang Tao says with disappointment.

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head and says slowly, “I know you care about me, but as a policeman, it is really rash for you to do so today! What if…”

“I know what I should do! I am just afraid that you will be hurt!” Yang Tao is very remorseful.

“I can’t go with you now, because I still have something to deal with. I’ll contact you when it’s done.”

“I’ll handle the case. You have to go back to A City now!” Yang Tao’s tone is firm.

When Yang Tao forcibly pulls her, Fu Zhengzheng says hurriedly, “Fu Xing was taken away by Han Siqi.”

“What! He kidnapped Fu Xing!”

“He was not kidnapping!” Fu Zhengzheng interrupts him. Fearing that things would go wrong, she tells him the truth, “I don’t want to hide the truth from you. Fu Xing is Han Siqi’s biological son.”

“What?!” Yang Tao can’t believe it.

“It is true. They have taken paternity test.” Then, for fear of upsetting Yang Tao, she adds urgently, “I only knew it yesterday.”

“Han Siqi is Fu Xing’s biological father?! You knew each other six years ago! In vain I am sincere to you. You should have fooled me like that.” Yang Tao looks really sullen.

Fu Zhengzheng explains in a hurry, “It was not like that! I didn’t recognize Han Siqi before. He lost his memory and didn’t remember me!”

“Zhengzheng, you have never thought about my feelings, have you?” Yang Tao grins bitterly, “Is wishful thinking a crime?”

“Yang Tao,” Fu Zhengzheng grits her teeth and then says, “You came to the hospital without authorization to save me and hurt people. You have violated the discipline. I don’t want you to make a big mistake because of me.”

If she didn’t say that, she was afraid that he would take her away forcibly and would rescue Fu Xing for her!”

Besides being a policewoman, she is also the mother of Fu Xing, so it is reasonable for her to take away Fu Xing, but what about Yang Tao?

What if Han Siqi accuses him of kidnapping? Beside, he has knocked Zhu Linglong. She is afraid that he will be involved in a lawsuit, which is undoubtedly a disaster to a young policeman with a bright future!

She doesn’t want to owe him any more!

“Violating the discipline?” Yang Tao smiles bitterly again, “You’re worried about my violation of discipline now? You have refused to return to the team again and again, and I have already violated the discipline by covering it up for you.”

She doesn’t know how hard he has tried to defend her in front of the director of public security bureau.

“I am sorry. I will go back to the police station and accept the punishment after I find Fu Xing.” Fu Zhengzheng is very guilty and afraid of Zhu Linglong waking up. She urgently pleads, “What I am dealing with now is my personal affairs with Han Siqi. I don’t want to involve you. Please help me again.”

“You…Oh…” Yang Tao sighs and stares at Fu Zhengzheng for a while before saying, “The man outside was knocked unconscious by me. Now he is lying in the men’s toilet, but he didn’t see me. You can explain whatever you want.”

Then he leaves lonely.

Fu Zhengzheng opens her mouth, but says nothing.

She can’t make it up to Yang Tao with apology.

After Yang Tao leaves, Fu Zhengzheng immediately limps out. Just as she comes in front of the men’s toilet, she sees a man in black coming out while touching his back shoulder.

“Are you all right, Miss Fu?” The man in black is very nervous when he sees Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng knows that he is sent by Han Siqi to protect her. She says coldly, “Do you hope Mr. Han knows that you were knocked unconscious and didn’t protect me?”

“No!” The man in black sweats at the tip of his nose when he thinks of the consequence.

“Well, then we can pretend that it didn’t happen.” As Fu Zhengzheng turns around, she adds, “I am all right.”

“OK, OK.” The man in black answers.

Then Fu Zhengzheng returns to the ward to wake up Zhu Linglong.

“Oh—it hurts! Who hit me just now? Ah, Zhengzheng, are you all right?”

“I am all right. A madman broke in and was subdued by us.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles at the man in black, who nods immediately.

Zhu Linglong is startled, asking, “A madman? How can a hospital have a madman?”

“It’s just a little episode. Linglong, I don’t want Siqi to know about it, so as to save him from worrying about us. If he knew, he would not only blame the hospital, but would certainly take us to various examinations.”

Zhu Linglong stares at Fu Zhengzheng for quite a while before says, “Siqi is tired enough now, so we really can’t bother him any more.”

Fu Zhengzheng sighs with relief. Seeing that the man in black goes out and closes the door, she lies down again.

She needs a good rest and energy to find Fu Xing.

Zhu Linglong tucks Fu Zhengzheng up without saying anything.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, Han Siqi comes and asks Zhu Linglong to come back. Zhu Linglong looks at Fu Zhengzheng with concern and finally leaves.

Han Siqi stoops down to hold Fu Zhengzheng, but Fu Zhengzheng pushes him away subconsciously.

“I am all right. I can walk.”

Han Siqi frowns and watches her walking with a pronounced limp. Suddenly, he comes forward and picks her up.


“Don’t you want to see Fu Xing?”

The threat immediately shuts Fu Zhengzheng up.

“Hold me.” Another command.

Fu Zhengzheng stares at him hatefully. After hesitating for a few seconds, she wraps her hands around his neck.

Fu Xing is her weakness.

Han Siqi holds her to the car and drives out of the parking lot. Then from the dark corner come two women, who are Qiao Keren and Deng Anyu.

Qiao Keren’s originally exquisite makeup and hairstyle are messed up. She shouts hysterically at Deng Anyu, “Why did you stop me, Mommy? I wish I could tear up that bitch right now! It was she who made our family lose face in front of friends and relatives!”

“All right, baby, don’t get angry!” Deng Anyu keeps comforting her daughter in a soft voice. Seeing that she can’t persuade Qiao Keren, she suddenly asks, “Baby, do you want to continue your relationship with Han Siqi?”

“Mommy! You know marrying Siqi is my greatest wish in my life! But now it is all messed up by this bitch! Mommy, I won’t live without Siqi!” Qiao Keren pulls her hair crazily, as if it would help her to vent her anger better.

“Baby, don’t do that!” Deng Anyu hugs her daughter with great distress, saying, “If you want to continue your relationship with Han Siqi, you should listen to Mommy. Swallow it for the time being and make a long-term plan.”

“Mommy, I can’t swallow it.” Qiao Keren says tearfully.

“Since you love Han Siqi so much, you have to swallow it. Han Siqi is so excellent, so you will meet more such women in the future.” Deng Anyu sighs and wipes tears for her daughter, continuing, “If you cry again, your eyes will be swollen. Do you want your Daddy to know all these?”

Qiao Keren shakes her head immediately and wipes her tears.

“That’s good. Come back with Mommy.” Deng Anyu leads Qiao Keren out.


Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng come out of the hospital and go to a very quiet house in the west of the city.

Han Siqi holds Fu Zhengzheng to the house, but as soon as they enter the door, she struggles to get down and looks around for Fu Xing.

“He is not here.” Han Siqi says tonelessly from behind.

Fu Zhengzheng shouts angrily, “Han Siqi! You lied to me!”

“I said I would bring him to you when you recovered.”

“You! Ouch!” Fu Zhengzheng stamps angrily and a sharp pain comes from under her foot.

Han Siqi steps forward but stops near her and says fiercely, “I have said that if your leg was broken, you would not be qualified to be Fu Xing’s mother!”

“Ridiculous!” Fu Zhengzheng sneers, “It was me who gave birth to Fu Xing. Even if I break all my feet and arms, I am still Fu Xing’s mother! Do you think Fu Xing will take you as his so-called daddy? I advise you to go to bed with a beautiful woman and have your own baby who will take you as his biological father!”

Han Siqi’s face instantly darkens, saying, “Fu Zhengzheng, it is no good to provoke me.”

“I have never thought about taking any good from you.” Fu Zhengzheng mocks.

Fu Zhengzheng is happy to see Han Siqi’s sullen face.

“Never thought about it? Then think about it today.” Han Siqi sneers and holds Fu Zhengzheng into the room.

“Han Siqi, What do you want to do?” Fu Zhengzheng is shocked and beats Han Siqi’s chest with her hands.

Allowing her to thump his chest, Han Siqi throws her to the bed and is about to press her.

“Bastard! Get out! Ouch—”

Fu Zhengzheng struggles but carelessly hurts her injured foot, causing her to breathe in pain.

As she pauses for a moment, Han Siqi takes the initiative to grab her hands and raise them to the top of her head to control her.

When the warm breath rushes to her, Fu Zhengzheng is panicked. She shouts in a hurry, “I sprained my foot! You can’t treat an injured person like that!”

She thought that he would sympathize with her, but he becomes more interested. He smiles wickedly, saying, “Tsk-tsk, in fact, you look good with bandages on your feet. How about you act as a patient and I act as a doctor to check your body? I think you will recover sooner.”

Seeing that Han Siqi is not joking, Fu Zhengzheng shouts, “Han Siqi! You pervert!”

She begins to regret provoking him, and she didn’t expect that her pleasure would soon turn into pain.

Feeling that Han Siqi is approaching her, she points at Han Siqi and shouts in panic, “Han Siqi, stop!”

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