Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 88 - You Are So Valiant!

Chapter 88 You Are So Valiant!

Li Hong hurries to open the door, and Fu Zhengzheng closes her eyes for rest.

“Hello, we are from the gas company. Please report your gas usage.” A man’s voice is ringing outside.

“OK.” Li Hong turns and runs to the kitchen.

Fu Zhengzheng suddenly opens her eyes—Yang Tao?

Seeing Li Hong coming out of the kitchen, Fu Zhengzheng deliberately raises her voices and says, “Aunt Li, please go to the supermarket and buy some fresh vegetables, and some fruit, but don’t buy too much. Anyway, only two of us are at home.”

“OK, OK.” Li Hong immediately answers. After reporting the gas usage, she goes out with a recycle bag in her hand.

She quickly gets up and goes to the door. Sure enough, two minutes later, there is a knock on the door again, and she hurries to open the door.

A man in a hat comes in quickly, and it is Yang Tao.

“Are you okay, Zhengzheng?” Yang Tao grabs Fu Zhengzheng’s arm and asks in a hurry, while looking her up and down with great concern.

Fu Zhengzheng smiles as if nothing had happened, answering, “I just fell down accidently. It is just a minor bruise, and it doesn’t matter.”

“I have known all about it.” Yang Tao looks at her worriedly.

In the morning, he heard several police officers chat, “This woman named Fu Zhengzheng is really remarkable. She beat such a big wolfhound like this!”

He was shocked to hear that. After finding out what happened, he rushed to look for her, but didn’t find her in several places. He came to Jiaye Garden just to try his luck, but he didn’t expect that she was really here.

“I am really all right. It is just a minor bruise.” Fu Zhengzheng pretends to laugh lightly.

Yang Tao is relieved when he makes sure that Fu Zhengzheng is all right.

“Are you sure you don’t know the owner of the dog?”


“I see.” Yang Tao nods and looks at Fu Zhengzheng. He wants to say something but hesitates.

“What’s the problem?” Fu Zhengzheng feels strange.

Yang Tao shakes his head and suddenly says, “Zhengzheng, I am sorry.”

“Why did you say sorry?” Fu Zhengzheng feels stranger.

“I have reported your affairs to the leader, namely your relationship with Han Siqi.” Yang Tao apologizes, “Sorry, I can’t hide it anymore.”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles and says, “It is okay. What kind of punishment did the bureau prescribe for me?”

Even if Yang Tao didn’t report it, she will confess it when she comes back to the bureau. It is the truth.

“No, I said you were injured, so the leader gave you two months for rest, and asked you to come back to the team after dealing with your personal affairs during the two months.”

Fu Zhengzheng can’t believe it, asking, “He didn’t punish me but gave me two months for rest?”

“Yes, take care of these things, and we will wait for you to come back.” Yang Tao nods. Looking at the time, he gets up and is about to leave.

“Did he really not punish me?”

“When did I lie to you?” Yang Tao answers with a smile. When he goes to the door, he stops and says after hesitating for a moment, “Zhengzheng, I am assigned to take charge of a new case, and I will be busy these days, so I probably can’t take care of you. You should pay attention to your own safety.”

Fu Zhengzheng immediately asks, “A new case? Is there another major case?”

“It is not a major case, but it is a little far from you. Take good care of yourself and call me when you need me.” Yang Tao understates it. Then he looks at Fu Zhengzheng affectionately and then leaves lonely.

Looking at the closed door, Fu Zhengzheng feels that her heart is churning.

She knew that her relationship with Han Siqi was ambiguous, but she insisted on investigating the case. Besides, she ignored the rules of the team and repeatedly looked for excuses for not returning. The police station is not her home, and the leader is not blind, so how can she not be punished and even get a holiday?

Yang Tao said he had a new task. Needless to guess, she knows that he must have been demoted to a remote place to be punished, and he must have blamed himself for all these mistakes.

She knows all his concern and tolerance, care and loss for her.

But what else can she say besides “sorry”?

Previously, she wanted to find the key of the small vault to help him render meritorious service, but now she gets him into trouble instead!

She goes back to her room and lies down with her thoughts in confusion.

After lunch, Zhu Linglong comes.

Seeing the wounds on Fu Zhengzheng’s face, Zhu Linglong is shocked. “Siqi told me that you fought with a dog, and I thought he was kidding! I didn’t expect it to be true! Zhengzheng, how big the dog was? It hurt you like this!”

Fu Zhengzheng makes a gesture to show the shape of the dog, and Zhu Linglong is immediately stunned, exclaiming, “So big a dog? Is it a wolfhound or a Tibetan mastiff? Zhengzheng, you are so valiant!”

“Thanks to the crutches you gave me, otherwise, I would be buried in the belly of the dog.” Fu Zhengzheng says with a light smile.

“Bah, bah! What improper remarks you have made!” Zhu Linglong immediately stops her and holds her hand, saying with great concern, “Zhengzheng, your luck is so bad these days! When your foot gets better, I will take you to Jingming Temple in the south of the city to burn incense to drive away bad luck.”

“Burning incense? It won’t work even if Guanyin is standing on the top of my head. An unfortunate man would be drowned in a tea-cup.” Besides, she spends every day with Han Siqi, the bad luck in her life. It is weird for her to have good luck!

“You should believe that out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss!” Then Zhu Linglong goes to the living room and takes the medicine bag, asking, “Have you taken medicine?”

“I forgot.”

“Siqi knew that you would forget, so he asked me to watch you take the medicine.” Zhu Linglong hands the cup to Fu Zhengzheng.

Han Siqi, is it him again?

Thinking of Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng thinks of Yang Tao, who has just left lonely, and then she is worried.

After taking the medicine, Fu Zhengzheng lies down and says Zhu Linglong listlessly, “Linglong, you are busy with your work, so don’t visit me all the time. I’m all right. Aunt Li will take care of me.”

“Zhengzheng…” Seeing that Fu Zhengzheng is in low spirit, Zhu Linglong is worried. Suddenly, she pats her head and rushes to the living room. “I forgot a very important thing.”

Soon she returns with a mobile phone and leans next to Fu Zhengzheng on her bed, smiling mysteriously, “Zhengzheng, guess what medicine I bring you to cure your listlessness?”

“What?” Fu Zhengzheng asks, trying to brace herself.

Zhu Linglong clicks a video on her mobile phone and presents it to Fu Zhengzheng.

“Fu Xing!” Fu Zhengzheng is in high spirit. She grabs the mobile phone and closely stares at the screen.

Fu Xing strikes several poses and makes some grimaces before saying, “Mommy! I miss you so much. Do you miss me?”

“Yes, Mommy misses you, too!” Looking at her lively son, Fu Zhengzheng’s tears suddenly roll down.

“Mommy, Miss Zhu said if I was well-behaved, she would take you to see me. Mommy, I am well-behaved. Mommy, may I sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to you?”

Then Fu Xing claps his hands and sings the song rhythmically.

The ten-minute video soon ends.

“Xingxing!” Fu Zhengzheng tightly holds the mobile phone. Zhu Linglong immediately replays it four or five times until Fu Zhengzheng sobs too much to speak.

Looking at Fu Zhengzheng, Zhu Linglong says with guilt, “Zhengzheng, sorry. I still can’t tell you where Xingxing is. The video was taken without Siqi’s knowledge.”

Fu Zhengzheng wipes her tears and shakes her head, choking, “Linglong, thank you. I can’t go to see him like this now. I will frighten him.”

“Well, you should nurse your injury.” Zhu Linglong hands over a stack of tissues, saying, “I promised Xingxing that I would shoot a video of you. I think I should record the sound of you, and he will also be happy to listen to your voice.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng sniffs.

“But you can rest assured that Xingxing is really safe. Zhongxu and Aunt Chen are keeping his company, besides, Siqi has arranged for someone to protect him in secret. However, you always get into trouble. If Xingxing knows, he will be extremely worried.”

“I will take good care of myself.” Fu Zhengzheng manages a smile.

Indeed, if she is not in good health, she can’t do anything.

“That’s good.” Zhu Linglong is also happy, and she sits with Fu Zhengzheng in her arms.

After crying for a while, Fu Zhengzheng is more relaxed. Then she chats with Zhu Linglong.

“The apartments of Handa City have already been pre-sold, and Zhongxu and I have also booked one to be our wedding room.”

Fu Zhengzheng asks happily, “Are you going to get married? Have you fixed the date?”

“We want to get the marriage certificate on Valentine’s Day. As for red tape, I want to keep it simple.”

Fu Zhengzheng says smilingly, “I am afraid that Zhongxu and your parents won’t agree. They will feel it is unfair for you.”

“There is nothing unfair. If we love each other, it is all right to have a simple wedding. The ceremony is performed for others to see. Is Qiao Keren really happy?” After saying that, Zhu Linglong hurries to cover her mouth and says with a smile, “Well, I said that casually. The date of wedding is based on their own wishful thinking. Siqi hasn’t agreed.”

Wedding date? Fu Zhengzheng is shocked, but she pretends to laugh indifferently, “They are engaged. It is sooner or later for them to get married. Is the date also fixed around Valentine’s Day?”

Zhu Linglong hesitates for a moment and then tells the truth, “The Qiao family wanted to hold the wedding before the Spring Festival, but I don’t know why it was postponed after the Spring Festival.”

“Oh, it will be held soon.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles. Seeing that Zhu Linglong is looking at her mobile phone, Fu Zhengzheng immediately says, “Get down to your own business if you are busy, and I also want to have a rest.”

“Well, I will go, but you must not go out, and just stay at home to avoid the bad luck.” Zhu Linglong warms her and then leaves.

After Zhu Linglong leaves, Fu Zhengzheng feels restless and can’t fall asleep. Seeing that it is still early, she gets up and comes to the living room, hesitating over whether to go out for a walk.

Li Hong thinks Fu Zhengzheng is going to go out, so she stops Fu Zhengzheng at the door, saying, “Miss Fu, you haven’t recovered from the injury yet. Mr. Han just called to warn me not to let you go out.”

Fu Zhengzheng, who was hesitating, is now irritated. Why doesn’t he allow her to go out? Is he going to limit her freedom?

“Get away!” Fu Zhengzheng says angrily.

“Miss Fu, Mr. Han…”Li Hong is very embarrassed.

“I will bear the consequence.”

Seeing that Fu Zhengzheng is angry, Li Hong has to step aside.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to blame you. I just hate the feeling of being restricted.” After apologizing to Li Hong, Fu Zhengzheng opens the door and goes out.

When she comes to the small garden downstairs, several middle-aged women are sitting around chatting and basking in the sun. She is bored and sits down near them.

These middle-aged women quickly retreat to a distance from Fu Zhengzheng, but they don’t sit down. Instead, they point at Fu Zhengzheng while whispering something with a strange look.

“It seems to be this woman! Hurry up, let’s stay away from her.”

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