C Language Cultivation

Chapter 112 - Cloud (3)

Intricate code world, eliminate, refactor.

Suddenly, there was a flowing blue light river in front of his eyes, like a huge vast milky way across the night sky, with stars and dots, twinkling light, he sank to observe the shape of each star.

When you get closer, you will see that it is not a river of pure blue light or code.

File, Edit…Debug.

This is like a blank program writing interface. Lin Xun raised his head. He had thousands of program boxes moving slowly. Each blue square had its own moving track and moving direction, which were different from each other. Perhaps every box reflects the living people in the real world.

He looked to the right again. Similarly, the dense squares kept flowing, seemingly chaotic movements, but because of the grand scale, they showed a kind of magnificence similar to chaos.

Lin Xun remembers the structure of this building. Above is the office area of ​​other people in the building, and on the right is the bustling commercial area downstairs with huge traffic.

-What he sees is still this world. It’s just that unlike the real world seen by the naked eye, this is a code world. In the deconstructed world, his vision is no longer blocked by the structure of the ceiling, corridors, and reinforced concrete, but he has a direct insight into the structure of all objects, and even everyone-everyone is in his eyes A blank program interface.

The blank interface is useless, and only by writing in something, they can play a role worth mentioning.

A huge impact sounded, Lin Xun’s concentration tranced and returned to reality.

Qi Yun was lifted by the prop master, and he was hit **** his right chest. His back hit the wall of the hallway and the whole person slid down. Bleeding from the corners of his mouth made the whole person more vulnerable, but it did not break.

The prop master turned to him again.

Lin Xun looked at him, but his hand didn’t stop, he was typing on the keyboard.

At the same time, he looked directly at the prop master and asked, “In the basement, are you pretending?”

If it is pretended, it can be pretended to be like that, and it is not an idle person. If not, it was something he had infected when the subway crack opened.

The prop master did not answer him. He had a ruthless look in his eyes, like inorganic matter. Under the emergency light, there was a deep shadow on his face. At this moment Lin Xun had no doubt that he would kill himself mercilessly.

Qi Yun leaning against the wall moved, but coughed violently the next second.

The prop master walked up to him.

At the juncture of life and death, everything became slow motion in his eyes, only the fast tapping of the finger on the keyboard was real.

Sometimes, Lin Xun really appreciates his hand speed.

When the propsman’s palm was lifted with black mist screaming innumerably, his limbs and neck were already wrapped with tentacles, he took a breath, pressed F11, and called a program he had used.

Coincidentally, this program has something to do with Qi Yun.

The first time they met was at the Qingcheng Mountain Gate, where they fought, and later they met at Houshan and fought again. Qi Yun’s most handy trick is the sword formation. Several sword cultivation disciples are connected with footwork and formation, and their cultivation behavior and spiritual power will converge and exert the power that no one can exert. . This is the DDOS method. When several machines are connected together to calculate for one goal, the computing power will be greatly improved.

However, several machines-in the computer line, under two digits, cannot be counted as large numbers.

Three-digit, four-digit, or even five-digit numbers are not counted.

Of course, at that time, the platform Qi Yun was able to borrow was only able to see a few disciples in front of him.

But at this moment, under the blessing of the sky eye technique, the program interface of tens of thousands of people is displayed in front of his eyes without any omission.

How to write?

Not difficult. The speed of replication, interconnection, infection, and exponential growth just like computer virus outbreaks.

Several machines are connected together, which can add up the computing power of these machines, and finally complete a computing task that cannot be completed by one machine alone. So how much computing power and processing power will be connected with a hundred machines?

One thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand?

Desperately to improve the performance of a machine so that it can handle huge calculations, this is a supercomputer.

The distribution of computing tasks to computing power may not be so good, but the number of machines that are difficult to count, and finally the calculation results are integrated into one to complete the computing task. This is called distributed computing.

Put another well-known term, cloud computing.

Cloud, Internet technology is another brilliant milestone.

It is also his only life pass in the dead road today.

When F11 is pressed, the light on the keyboard changes and becomes a dark silver sword in a moment.

Lin Xun’s finger hilt meets the palm of the prop master!

Qiang collided, and the huge reaction force caused him to spit blood.

His few remaining spiritual powers undoubtedly prevailed in this hedge. The prop master’s arm exerted force, and the palm was like a terrible power. The 10,000-ton heavy steel machine slowly pressed against him. Suddenly thought, this may be the case when the mantis arm is in the car.

His sword-shaking hand was shaking, and the muscles in his arm were twitching.

Unstoppable, his spiritual power is not enough.


He is now the host.

All machines that can establish connections are his computing resources.

It takes time to connect.

A spiritual force suddenly poured into his body, and the program frame representing Qi Yun in the void flashed slightly. A subtle feeling came, and he and Qi Yun seemed to establish a subtle connection.


His right hand shook less.


The two blocks closest to them flashed almost simultaneously, and he took hold of the sword.

The connection is still in progress, like a spider web spreading out.

Thirty-four, Jianmang lit up.

Seventy-six, with the blade forward, the prop master’s palm broke a mouth, and the black blood gurgled, and fell on the floor with a tick.

Five hundred seventy one.

His arms violently pushed the blade forward! The prop master seemed to be in pain, his feet were unstable, and he took a step back.

It seems to be enough.

But the vast links on the Internet will not stop here and will never stop.

The 10th power of 2 is 1024, a perfect number, maybe a little bit smaller.

But only need to add a little, 2 to the 20th power, 1048576.

A galaxy, centered on him, suddenly lit up.

Lin Xun can’t count, and the numbers that make him countless are bound to be terrifying.

He gasped, hooked his lips, and smiled at the prop master.

Then, the sword again!

The moment the sword tip touched the prop master’s chest——


There was a loud noise, and there was a ripple in the air. He could not hear the sound, as if in a vacuum.

Then, at the next moment, with him as the center, the violent spiritual power swept through the shock!

The moment Lin Xun did not experience a nuclear explosion, many people would not experience it for the rest of their lives. But at this moment, he felt that this should be the case.

He felt something filling his body, perhaps spiritual power. Rivers were flowing in his limbs and corpses, and he felt that he might explode in the next moment.

He seemed to have fallen apart again. No one is him, and no one is not him. He seems to have become a higher, ubiquitous existence. Everyone, every thing, everyone in this vast galaxy is his incarnation.

Between these few tenths of a second, the huge fluctuation of spiritual force is like an unstoppable tide torrent, exploding in all directions!

The piercing monster roared and screamed. The figure of the prop master was momentarily stiff.

And he only lasted for a moment. Because the next second, the vast wave of spiritual power came to him.

Of course, the boat cannot withstand the tsunami, and at the moment of contact with the fluctuation of spiritual power, the body of the prop master turned into black fly ash.

So are his tentacles.

Only the clean corridor, and Qi Yun sitting, and Gao Gui’s assistant lying down.

The electric switch is opened, and the corridor lights turn on from near to far.

Qi Yun’s eyes were dull and his lips were shaking: “You, you…”

Lin Xun: “I…”

He didn’t know what to say.

Because the mechanical sound rang in his mind.

“Defeat the hidden monster, complete the hidden mission, and gain 20 spiritual power.”

“Distributed computing is implemented, and the platform is actively unlocked: Hadoop.”

“The main task of “reaching Yuan Ying” is completed.”

“The main line mission ‘reaching the split phase’ is completed. The main line rewards will be combined and distributed, please wait.”

“Welcome to the era of big data.”

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