C Language Cultivation

Chapter 12 - Firewall (2)

After the code was connected by Jiang, Lin Xun was idle.

His field is algorithms, which are explained in plain words, which is the idea of ​​the program. A project must first have an algorithm, and then be implemented in code to write a program that can be run. So there is a sentence called: Algorithm is the soul of the program.

Since it is a soul, it needs inspiration.

Lin Xun has no inspiration for the time being.

He put down the draft paper, put a cross on the half-framed picture, and then shut himself in the room, feeling “Aura”.

He also can’t feel Reiki.

Being confused, Lantern Festival sent him WeChat.

“Daoyou, when will you arrive at the Fa Conference?”

Lin Xun replied: “The day before the start.”

“Daoyou, we will discuss with each other, you must be merciful, I am not yet an adult.”

Lin Xun told the truth: “I can’t cultivate immortals.”

Lantern Festival: “I don’t believe it, you lied to me.”

Lin Xun: “You will know by then.”

Lantern Festival: “I don’t believe it. I’m looking for Master to get the amulet.”

Lantern Festival: “Speaking, Daoist, what weapon do you use?”

Lin Xun: “Keyboard.”

Lantern Festival: “…”

Lin Xun smiled at the screen.

It’s fun to amuse children.

He cut to “following a family by blind date,” and saw that the seniors in the group were reinterpreting human nature by copying, complimenting the newly-invented formula of Bihai Fairy and sighed.

The algorithm can’t be written, and Xiuxian won’t be able to fix it. He commented a series of “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgizings” under Dongjun Weibo, and then took out his tablet and began to read mathematical papers.

Halfway through, the door was knocked.

Lin Xun: “Please come in.”

Jiang Lian came in. He took the computer and said to Lin Xun: “Excuse me, I have a place that I don’t understand.”

Lin Xun put down the tablet: “Where?”

Jiang Lian sat down opposite him and lowered his head, as if he did not want to have eye contact with him.

This seems to be a typical manifestation of a certain personality of programmers-they are not good at communicating with people too much.

Jiang Lian showed him the module.

Lin Xun took a few draft papers and began to explain to him: “This is an improved algorithm I made… The idea is a bit like a genetic algorithm, but the key is in the selection mechanism.”

Jiang Lian: “Well.”

Lin Xun began to draw a block diagram for him. Generally speaking, as long as there is a clear block diagram, programming is a matter of course.

After about half an hour, he clarified the principle and wrote the main steps on the paper.

Jiang Lian took the paper: “Look at it.”

Lin Xun: “Okay.”

Jiang Lian looked down and took a few strokes from time to time, looking very serious.

Lin Xun felt that he was reliable and bowed his head to continue reading the paper, but suddenly he was stunned.

He just paid attention to Jiang Lian’s movements, and naturally put his attention on this person. The program interface appeared, but there was something in it!

Lin Xun frowned.

He actually… can’t see what program this is for a while.

You know, the code he has written is not a lot, and the readable code is also massive. C language, how can there be a code structure that he is not familiar with?

He looked down and pretended to look at the tablet, actually reading the code secretly. Although it was still not clear, a function named “breed” inside made him instinctively dangerous.

He opened WeChat and sent a message to Wang Safety: Safety, look at the code.

Then he quickly knocked on the keyboard and posted a few of the sentences he just wrote down.

Almost immediately after pressing Send, Jiang Lian opposite raised his head and pushed the draft paper in front of him. A part of the block diagram was circled: “What is this place for?”

Lin Xun took the pen from his hand, opened his mouth, and just wanted to answer him, the screen turned on.

He glanced over and saw WeChat, and Wang Safe replied: It was a virus. Where did you get it?


Lin Xun’s pupils suddenly enlarged, and his heart beat suddenly stopped, looking at Jiang Lian.

At the next moment, Jiang Lian backhanded his wrist!

Lin Xun subconsciously broke free, but Jiang Lian’s fingers turned out to be half ironed, and he couldn’t break free!

This is definitely not the power of normal people!

A piercing mechanical sound starts: “Trigger an emergency mission, mission name: first trial edge, mission goal: subdued Jiang Lian. Mission reward: chaotic treasure chest x1, spiritual power 10, primary weapon x1.

Lin Xun: “???

However, the situation did not allow him to think. In the next second, Jiang Lian stood up sharply and dragged his wrist in his direction. The other hand came with a sound of breaking wind, and he was about to grab his shoulder!

Lin Xun’s heart beat wildly, but the body subconsciously went to the side and escaped this one.

At that moment he realized that his movements were extremely rapid.

When he said that sooner or later, he suddenly raised his leg and kicked under Jiang Lian’s knee!

Jiang Lian froze for a moment, his knees bent a little, and he leaned forward slightly, a sign of falling, and subconsciously, he grabbed Lin Xun’s wrist with a loose hand.

Lin Xun waited for this one, and suddenly broke free from Jiang Lian’s hand, facing the side of his right knee again!

It’s not a good idea to kick someone, but it hurts and breaks easily.

Then he withdrew backwards and the whole person floated up and quickly retreated to the other corner of the room.

——He has light body technique.

At this moment, he saw Jiang Lian stride towards himself, his pupils seemed to have no light, and his face was very scary.

And he is leaning against the wall, if he is forced to the corner, it is a dead end!

Within two seconds before Jiang Lian rushed in front of him, he quickly glanced beside him and copied a cherry keyboard on the bedside table.

This is the only lethal thing he can get.

The strong wind struck, and in an instant, Jiang Lian had already come to him!

Lin Xun quickly flicked to the left with light body technique, but not yet halfway down, suddenly felt the movement was very astringent.

He reacted quickly, it must be that the virus program started attacking himself, hindering the operation of light body surgery!

However, after all, he also copied a keyboard.

At the next moment, he no longer went to the left, but slammed hard, leaping upward under the pressure of stagnation!

His vision rose, and the moment he saw Jiang Lian’s head, he slammed the side edges of the keyboard right above his head!

A few clatters, the keycaps dropped a lot, but it also shows that the keyboard hits Jiang Lian’s head very hard.

Lin Xun’s tiger mouth was a little numb, and his mouth was pursed again.

This time, Jiang Lian fell directly.

Lin Xun’s effect disappeared, Lin Xun fell back to the ground and took a few breaths.

He clutched the keyboard, and his fingers were sorely hurt.

Lin Xun has no other hobbies. He likes to buy a keyboard. He also has a hobby. He thinks that the plastic shell keyboard is too frivolous.

So, this keyboard-it’s a metal chassis, it’s very heavy, and it’s very strong, and it’s possible to knock someone alone.

The knock on the door rang wildly, and the architecture shouted outside: “What’s wrong with you?”

At the next moment, he and Wang broke in safely.

“…Fuck.” Wang Safety took a sigh of relief: “No, ah, algorithm, what’s wrong.”

Lin Xun just breathed out, and his voice was a little dumb: “How about you skipping rope? Get it.”

Wang Jianjian lost weight two months ago, bought a bunch of equipment, and the merchant provided two skipping ropes.

Lin Xun took it, pulled a thin quilt from the bed, wrapped Jiang Lian’s whole person, the two skipping ropes were entangled, and the person was wrapped into a dumpling, and the knot was tied again. Tone.

“Are you… killing people for more goods or kidnapping?” Wang Jingan glanced at him: “What’s wrong?”

“It’s hard to say,” Lin Xun looked at Jiang Lian, who was lying on the floor, and suddenly panicked: “Don’t die.”

-Now it is a society ruled by law.

…Zhao Jianzhi touched the man’s neck: “Hot.”

Wang Safely sniffed him and sniffed: “Live.”

“The brain is bleeding,” Architect said: “What did you knock on?”

Lin Xun: “Keyboard.”

Architecture: “…”

Lin Xun said: “He suddenly wants to **** me, I don’t know why.”

Wang Jianjing: “Then you fight back?”

Lin Xun nodded: “What should I do now? Call an ambulance?”

——He didn’t know where his two strengths came from, as if he was helpful.

Is this the result of cultivation of immortals?

Wang Jingdao said: “Congratulations, Boss Lin, our company is about to go bankrupt because of the fight.”

Lin Xun rubbed his eyebrows: “No, I can’t call an ambulance.”

He took the phone and glanced in the address book, his eyes stayed on Dongjun’s number for two seconds, and finally he slid down, calling Old Huo’s phone.

Jiang Lian has code on his body, and he intuitively feels that this is not easy. According to his limited experience, there are codes = Xiuxian.

The phone rang, and the voice of Old Huo came: “Tuer, are you looking for a teacher? Have you realized the spirit of heaven and earth?”

Lin Xun’s voice was still weak: “Master, can you come here?”

“What’s the matter?”

“I… I stunned the person, he moved his hand first.” Lin Xun: “This person does not seem simple, it’s like… my middle class.”

“Photograph this person’s appearance as a teacher.”

Lin Xun responded, and recorded a video to Huo Lao hair in the past.

“I haven’t seen it, it’s not a man in Xianmen.” Old Huo said: “Good boy, don’t move, Master will come here.”

Lin Xun: “Okay, thank you Master.”

Putting down the phone, Lin Xun stared at Shang Wang’s security and Zhao Jianzhu.

“Xun’er, you tell your brother,” Wang Jingan’s eyes are worried and heavy: “What cult organization did you follow with Old Huo? We can’t break the law.”

Lin Xun: “…”

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