C Language Cultivation

Chapter 131 - root(4)

The next process was logical, Lin Xun sent messages to the seniors, and they would meet in that area. Later, he and Brother Changji got on the bus again. Luo already guessed the destination from the conversation between them. Lin Xun did not need any manual or voice input, and it was already set by himself.

The car started and merged into the city’s traffic.

Lin Xun sat in front of the steering wheel, his thoughts moved, and the long sword formed by the keyboard appeared on his hand again.

The texture of silver and gray, red and dark light, this color is exactly the same as his keyboard, the more familiar the more. As for the slender and sharp sword body and the temperament of the human weapon around the long sword, he also looks more and more in line with his own aesthetic.

Maybe the keyboard in the programmer’s hand is reflected in Xiu Xian’s worldview, which is such a sharp sword. Of course, there is another possibility-

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he cut into the chat interface with Wang Jingan.

Lin algorithm: in?

Wang Safety: What do you say.

Wang Safety: Most of the night, you wake you up.

Lin Algorithm: Have you cracked the code on the artifact?

Wang Safety: It’s broken long ago, and I have extended to write a simple version.

Lin Algorithm: If there is code, do you want it?

Wang Jingjing: No, what is that, I am so angry.

Lin algorithm:?

Algorithm Lin: Didn’t you brag about the architecture yesterday?

Wang Safety: You all know that it is bragging.

Wang Jingji: Actually, I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but in the end you ran away and lived with Dongjun without saying a word. For the code you gave, I guessed a rough frame, then filled it out, and found this **** to be a liar.

Lin algorithm: how to say?

Wang Jingjing: The defensive ability and attack ability of this thing are too great, so I am not afraid to use it as a protection program for the most important systems. But the permissions it requires are too high to be practical.

Wang Jingjing: According to what I speculate, to what extent this thing is, suicide defense. You don’t know anything about the security field. Let me give you the simplest example. Your hard disk is infected with a virus. It can choose to block all functions directly, format it on the spot, and greet you without having to call you. But what level of operation is this? All in all, you only have root permissions to play all the functions of the artifact.

Wang Safety: But root authority cannot be open to users. This is not a usable defense system at all. I was deceived. It was a dedicated line of defense. The last line of defense for that top-secret system. In order not to reveal secrets, as soon as I was attacked, I committed suicide and cleared all traces.

Lin Algorithm: This can all be seen, applaud you.

Wang Safety: I have analyzed it for half a month, and you pay me.

Of course, Lin Xun could not compensate, he sent an emoticon to Wang Jingan and slipped away.

As soon as he raised his head from his mobile phone, he saw Chang Ji also looked at the sword, and frowned slightly. Lin Xun thought that the sword was too shabby, maybe it did not conform to the aesthetics of Buddha cultivation, just like the squeak of sword cultivation. It’s not like the aesthetic of Buddhism.

However, Chang Ji looked at the sword from beginning to end, and said, “Like the Chi Xiaolong bird sword.”

Lin Xun gave his brother a thumbs up: “Yes, I also like the color scheme of the Chixiao Xiaoque.”

Then, holding the sword, he said again: “I sometimes almost believe that I am the emperor of Immortal World.”

Brother seemed to smile.

Lin Xun sighed, lying listlessly on the steering wheel, watching the city that had just awakened from the morning. I had tossed for so long before, it is now 7 o’clock in the morning, and it will be around 8 o’clock when I reach my goal in a little while.

His prediction was correct. At 8:15, the shadow of the Galaxy Building appeared in the building complex in front. The Galaxy Headquarters has an entire park, and the Galaxy Building is its iconic building. Yesterday it was raining heavily, but today it is still not clear. The sky is very cloudy. Even though it is already eight o’clock, it still looks like the sun has not yet come out at six o’clock in the morning. But seeing the gray sky, the silver-white building stands in the surrounding gray building, and it has a sense of fantasy or science fiction for a time.

The car stopped in the parking lot of the nearby shopping mall. When Lin Xun and his brother walked out of the parking lot together, the nearby subway entrance was vomiting intensively. This place is a prestigious science and technology park, surrounded by tall buildings, all related to the technology industry, and occasionally mixed with one or two scientific research institutions. Especially in the vicinity of the Galaxy Building-this area is centered on the “Galaxy Plaza” and looks around. The ninth floor of the ten-story building is a technology company. A stone fell from the sky, either hitting the programmer or hitting. The product manager, either hit the takeaway brother. Therefore, Lin Xun reasonably speculated that it was all his peers under the 996 system that came out of the subway entrance now.

——But seeing a group of colleagues in plaid shirts and jeans, mixed with Huo old man in Tang suit, because he was dressed in a robe and was paid attention, he should also wear a loose Tang suit, Xiaoyaozi senior, suit and leather real wind, real suit The lonely mountain king in leather shoes, the blue sea fairy in the blue tulle dress, and the butterfly lady with sunglasses covering her face stand out from the crowd.

Lin Xun walked over and saw that Mr. Huo was sweeping the surrounding crowd with disgusting eyes, saying: “Everyone is listless!”

Lin Xun: “They are too tired to work.”

Old Huo: “There is no vigour!”

Lin Xun: “We are all in this industry without desire.”

Old Huo squinted at him for a long while, and hummed from his nose: “You don’t need to quibble, I think these people are like walking dead.”


Lin Xun reflected and thought back, thinking that Old Huo was wrong, let alone listlessness. The programmer was still not enough for the word Walking Dead, they still pursued it.

He followed Old Huo’s eyes and tried to find out the evidence to refute. After a while, he didn’t know what to say.

——But seeing the rushing crowds around, all lowered their heads slightly, their eyes were blind, their facial features were tense, and they walked mechanically to their respective destinations, obviously at work, but the expressions of these people seemed to go to the grave.

He touched his elder brother with his elbow: “Brother.”

Brother: “Well.”

“These people…” he said: “Why don’t you speak?”


Complete silence.

Crowds flowed from here to there, no two people were talking or interacting on the large square. They look like tens of thousands of marionettes, and follow the established orbit, making them look hairy as they look.

Lin Xun: “Are we in the world of zombies?”

With that said, he turned to look at the stillness and wanted to get Brother’s opinion, but he listened to Brother: “Aren’t you an emperor, why don’t you know?”

Lin Xun: “In fact, I haven’t been enthroned yet.”

Here, Mrs. Butterfly over there also softly “huh”: “Three souls away from the body, could it be guilty?”

Old Huo said: “There must be a problem.”

Madam Butterfly’s words reminded Lin Xun.

He found that he had a kind of inertia. Once he followed his predecessors, he immediately lowered his mind and gave up thinking. But now he—in some respects, has actually surpassed his predecessors a lot.

As soon as Mrs. Butterfly’s voice fell, he focused on the program frame on the pedestrian—a big problem at first glance.

All of these people are running programs in the background.

Lin Xun looked closely, but he saw a familiar face.

He is too familiar with this procedure.

Not long ago, when he accompanied Qi Yun on the trial, the prop master and Gao Liao were all possessed by the monster, which forced him to die. And he took a gamble and upgraded the sky-eye technique to understand the tricks of the distracting period when he was in a thousand times. He used everyone around him as a computing unit to build a distributed platform. Only then did he have endless spiritual power and fight against Jedi. .

And the scene in front of them-these people seem to be controlled by something else, as part of a distributed platform!

The host of this cloud platform consumes almost all of their computing resources, so that these people can no longer maintain the basic functions of communication and interaction.

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes, trying to find the clues to the location of the host.

The computing unit and the computing unit are connected by an invisible network, and no trace can be seen in reality. However, you only need to know where these computing units send the calculation results, and you can naturally infer the location of the host-and the so-called cloud platform The host, that is, the person who built the computing network, is obviously a predecessor who has reached the distraction stage.

A distracted senior who appeared here.

Yan Yangzi has booked a hotel in this area.

There are many coincidences in the world, but the current situation is definitely not a coincidence, so as long as the host is found, it is equivalent to finding Yan Yangzi, and then finding the Chixiao Dragon Bird Sword and Qi Yun.

Lin Xun took out the keyboard, released the virus and invaded the three people closest to him, and understood their mechanism in the shortest time-they were sending calculation results to a user at a fixed frequency. These results Lin Xun can not understand, because it is one ten millionth of a large computing task. Although he could not launch the context, he could simply disguise a virus file and let it be transmitted to the destination along with these calculation results.

The sky eye technique is used. All the scenes in the data world are vivid in his eyes. The characters that shuttle quickly form a sea of ​​messy and complex codes, and the one that he modified-

Lin Xun said: “Come with me.”

The computing resources of these people around them are all occupied, and people have lost their instincts. Naturally, no one notices their behavior anymore, so they walked across the air with their own skills.

Lin Xun held the keyboard to carry out light body surgery, stepped on a statue in the middle of the Galaxy Plaza and came to mid-air, chasing the little ripples that belonged to him in the ocean of data, flying south for tens of meters and falling on the roof of a car— —How fast is the spread of data in the network? Just in a moment, his stuff has disappeared.

Lin Xun once again packed one-although it was a virus, it was harmless in order to avoid detection.

This one also went south, Lin Xun followed.

After just a dozen back and forth, as expected, they came to the hotel where Yan Yangzi lived in the police records. However, the direction pointed by the data record is not inside the building, but on the top of the building-it is worthy of being the sword repairer who is best at the art of the sword, and likes to fly to a high place to see the small mountains. However, the Galaxy Building is much taller than this hotel. It can be seen that even Jianxiu did not dare to go to the top of Dongjun.

After Lin Xun informed everyone of the situation, it was up to Xiaoyaozi’s predecessors to use all escape signs and then fly to the top of the building.

Although Lin Xun had a light body technique, he couldn’t fly, so he was dragged up by the master.

The wind over the city is very strong. He was holding the back collar by Master, feeling a little cold and a little bit reprimanded.

A group of invisible people fell silently on the roof. This is a very large-scale hotel, but the aesthetic appearance is extremely poor, that is, living in a science and technology park with a generally low aesthetic ability, no one would dismiss it as ugly. The whole building is blue-green, and the exterior is all glass. There is a very ugly dish-shaped platform in the center of the main body of the building. A huge lightning rod-shaped object is also erected on the top of the platform, and the needle tip is straight to the sky.

Lin Xun stared at the exaggerated, unyielding lightning rod and said to the air around him: “According to my understanding of Jian Xiu, they should be there.”

Brother’s voice came from the air: “I guess so.”

——Then they gathered their voices and went over there. Lin Xun walked in front and jumped up after a circle around the dish-shaped platform.

a fish.

A mermaid.

His eyes were blind, and he was just soaked in the strong winds above the city. His beautiful dark green fish scales had lost their color due to dryness.

Lin Xun thought, if they don’t come, will Qi Yun be like this and become an air-dried salted fish.

Of course, this mermaid is not alone, his master is beside him.

But his master sat cross-legged on the ground, all his attention was on the sword in front of the red sky bird.

As Lin Xun saw for the first time in the Qingcheng Mountain cave, Yan Yangzi closed his eyes, and seemed to be resonating with the Chixiao Longque sword in front. The red light on the Chixiao Dragonfinch sword was full of light. The heat wave centered on Yanyangzi and Chixiao Dragonfinch sword and swept away. Even Lin Xun felt a dry hot air coming from his face, as if in the middle of the sea of ​​fire, being licked by the tongue of fire.

Affected by this situation, Lin Xun felt that he should be nervous or lost, because it seems that the Chi Xiao Longque sword really has some kind of unique relationship with Yan Yangzi.

However, in the face of Qi Yun, he only wanted to laugh.

This is no longer a mermaid.

This is a grilled fish.

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