C Language Cultivation

Chapter 134 - root(7)

Each powder turned into a black-winged butterfly. These ghostly living creatures perched on his retina. The edges of their wings refracted seven colors of iridescence, and the three primary colors gathered, rotated, and overlapped. The colorful pictures spread out in front of his eyes, and he remembered when he was a child.

When he has three rectangular mirrors in his hand, he will put the mirror face inwards into a triangular prism to make a kaleidoscope. He will stick one end of the kaleidoscope to his right eye, and then close his left eye. At this time, the whole world will interlace and expand into a complicated picture and crash into his eyes.

“There are many you here.” He seemed to hear a clear voice say this.

He opened his eyes, and the confused dizziness was gone. He seemed to be floating, his body was light, and the lightness of all shackles was removed. He looked around. It was a meadow, and the figures of two people appeared in front of him.

He saw himself lying on the green grass as a child, holding a kaleidoscope to look at the man lying beside him, looking at and laughing: “I count how many eyes you have here, just counted to 13,000 Ninety-one…not right, why is it singular.”

The man next to him said: “The number is wrong.”

The texture of the sound makes people feel very comfortable, like the stream flowing out of the deep forest valley where no one has stepped on.

The grass beneath him is soft, the leaves of different lengths are translucent by the sunlight, and the deep blue and green transitions are intertwined. Occasionally a weed takes root and a small white flower blooms at the top. This scene is so quiet and clear that people can stretch out all over the body and want to stay forever and forever.

“Never mind.” He moved his body and turned the other end of the kaleidoscope into the sky: “I want to see the sky.”

The moment he looked at the sunny blue sky, he squinted reflectively: “…It’s dazzling.”

——Then the person next to him will straighten up and reach out to block the end of the kaleidoscope: “No more watching.”

He would throw away the kaleidoscope, make a noise with the person for a while, and then reach a compromise, leaning together, instead of looking at the sky, but watching the lake, trees and buildings-in fact, this is his imagination, because he intuitively thinks this will happen. In fact, the scene of Fang Cai disappeared after just a few seconds of flashing. At this moment he was in the old house where the walls were covered with green vines, and the heavy shade covered part of the sun. It was the season for creepers to bloom.

He was in the study, and his grandfather was wearing a pair of reading glasses, looking at a large computer monograph.

He ran over with his elbow on his grandfather’s knee and looked up. Brought up by grandpa and elder sister since childhood, coquetry seems to have become a skill he is best at.

“Grandpa,” he said softly, “Dongchen is going abroad, can’t we really keep Dongjun?”

His grandfather took off his reading glasses, looked at him, and said, “Children will follow their loved ones.”

“But Dongchen doesn’t like him at all, and he doesn’t want him to follow,” he said eloquently, “but I like him, we keep him, we are his loved ones, can’t we?”

His grandpa looked at him seriously.

Grandpa has gentle and indifferent eyes, just like those of the most wise old people, juniors will always believe that those eyes can see things in the world.

“Do you like him very much, does he like you too?” his grandpa asked. “He has a personality similar to his father, a very unemotional person.”

“He also likes me.” Lin Xun retorted: “And Dongchen is not a person without feelings.”

He whispered in a low voice: “He likes to…lock her up.”

He knew that Dongchen only liked his wife in this world. He even hated his child because his wife’s love had been divided into two since he had this child, and he could no longer monopolize it. He thought that Dongchen must not want the child at that time, but his wife and he had different ideas.

His grandfather touched his head and slowly said: “That’s not like it.”


“You will understand when you grow up.”

“I don’t care.” Lin Xun couldn’t coquettishly, intending to spread: “I want him to stay.”

His grandfather saw his eyes not harsh, he said: “Then you have to take care of him.”

Lin Xun swears, “I will protect him.”

He did not know why he used the word “protection”, he just thought that he would never make this person sad in the future.

In fact, Lin Xun had known for a long time that he would succeed. He knew that Grandpa also liked Dongjun and even taught him the game of decimal binary hexadecimal, which is his own treatment. If a person likes a child, he will not be willing to let Dongchen like him. And Dongchen will not refuse, if he has no feelings for his child, he will not pay attention to the whereabouts of this child, and if he still has a little physical fatherly love, he will know that this child is far better than others Yu followed him. Grandpa is a well-known old scientist, and no one will be worried if he gives his grandfather to his grandfather.

He almost bounced away from the study, opened the study door, and wanted to tell his friends the news.

He saw Dongjun standing outside the door.

——And Dong Jun’s eyes crossed him, and he looked directly at Grandpa.

He didn’t understand the meaning of the interview at that time, and he didn’t understand it in the future. After ten years, standing in front of Grandpa’s gray tombstone, Lin Ting lost his consciousness crying, fell forward, and was supported by Dongjun At that moment, he will understand.

The tribulation of the three people is better than the mutual dependence of the sister and the brother, and the father and son are obviously blood thicker than water but have no emotion torture each other. The first two decades of their lives will be smooth sailing because the grandfather has found the best for them. solution.

But Lin Ting lives more in her own world, her hobbies are different from everyone in this family. She paints, designs, and travels across the ocean as early as possible. More often, he and the person face the world together-a world where anything can happen.

At this moment he was suddenly at the top of a building, and they climbed up to the skylight at the top of the building. Viaducts, sidewalks, roundabouts, from here you can overlook the endless stream and traffic of the entire city. A harsh police siren sounded from one corner of the city, and the red and blue ceiling lights flashed because a huge car accident occurred in another corner of the city.

“My mom and dad may have the same way when they died.” His voice was calm, as if he was telling a plain story: “The news said that a truck that was out of control due to driver fatigue driving them The car crashed down the viaduct.”

After a short pause, he said again: “If there is an automatic driving system that can control all vehicles, no such thing will happen.”

Someone hugged him from behind: “Are you going to do it?”

“Um…” he said, “then give it a try?”

The wind is strong at the top of the city, he remembers. In a person’s life, many crucial decisions were actually made in a blink of an eye. Just like when a shuttle was going through school in a certain summer, Dongjun suddenly lowered his head and kissed him in an unmanned corridor.

The debris flowed in a hurry, as if the time was moving forward, the next stop was a room, the window was lush green, the window was bright, and the sunlight, sky, white clouds and the shadow of the hawthorn came in.

His tone changed, and although there were still traces of young people, he was several years older.

“The highest authority of the autopilot system gives us two, and I think special circumstances will always happen. So we have one… the authority to modify the system settings beyond all restrictions. However, whether this authority is held by us in combination or separately. Have?”

Without waiting for an answer, he said to himself: “Hold it separately, in case we are not together or something.”

The sound and the scene are far away. He is like an extinguished soot floating between one scene and another. Perhaps there is indeed inherent logic in the human spiritual world, connecting these short fragments into a series.

The scene changes again. Thousands of seats are arranged in steps in the venue of the Science and Technology Exhibition Hall. There is a person on each bench and the person’s eyes looking into the field. He is in the preparation room, from here he can look directly to the side of the stage. The lights in the audience were dim, and the only spotlight around the man was the spotlight unique to the science and technology expo. He saw Dongjun’s slender and beautiful silhouette, and he stood there quietly, already attracting everyone’s attention.

“Hello.” His voice does not seem to have any sense of color: “I am from the Galaxy. Today, I want to talk to you about autonomous driving.”

“First of all, I want to clarify its concept. To this end, we have proposed three requirements for fully autonomous driving systems, ten types of scene information and five levels of control instructions.”

The sound faded away, as if it were a flash, and his attention returned to the preparation room.

“Look at him, you don’t have feelings.” Wang Jingan pounded him with his elbow: “Should let you go.”

“I don’t have any feelings in what I say,” he said.

“That’s not the same, you look more friendly.” Wang Safety dismissed: “And our Dongshen stands there is a large refrigerant, people dare not dare to speak.”

Lin Xun laughed.

“I can’t go.” He said warmly: “He doesn’t say. But when I interact with the audience, he will be unhappy.”

Wang Safety: “Eh.”

The next moment he found himself in the lounge, away from the excitement outside-he was sitting on the sofa, Dongjun stood in front of him, he took Dongjun’s hand, looked up at him, his face seemed very playful, But Lin Xun looked at this scene and suddenly felt a touch of sadness. He heard himself say, “A lot of people are watching you.”

This cloud of smoke was pulling him out of this scene. He seemed to follow a river downstream, glancing at countless independent scenes along the way, each scene is like an independent world, in the human spiritual world. Here, these fragments are connected in a mysterious way. He opened his eyes wide and saw the Milky Way Tower rising up in the sun, and the vehicles were systematically shuttled on the roads of the world. The world-this world, as described in all science fiction novels, was as fast as a power function curve. Moving forward, incredible technology, incredible research, and incredible creativity spring up on this land every day.

Just like that exhibition, he always seemed to be behind the scenes, in the preparation room, in front of the computer. He declared that he had no intention of participating in complex business operations. He prefers to deal with the goddess of mathematics or the goddess of Turing. He does not care how the Galaxy operates. He did not know whether this behavior was his own preference or that person’s preference.

So at a certain moment, an unpredictable moment, he was suddenly isolated from the world. The person who had been by his side suddenly seemed not to belong to him, and he seemed to just watch this happen and did not participate in it. He saw a lot of pictures that disappeared in a glance. There are many times when the Milky Way needs Dongjun, but few times when he needs himself. He didn’t seem to have friends or socializing. Those who changed bugs late at night suddenly went away, and the beating heart gradually stopped. He didn’t even go out—but he couldn’t think of a reason, as if he was painting a prison, leaving himself in one place.

He was writing and drawing at the desk by himself, with a snow-white cat lying on his lap. He wrote a lot, and it took a long time, but the door never opened, and the person never came. For a moment, he suddenly felt a long-suppressed disgust.

Then, the sweet and cheerful melody of the playground sounded, and he saw the scene he had dreamed of, the kiss in the ferris wheel was gentle and long. He seemed to say goodbye to a certain part of his life.

But it is longer and more detailed than the one in the dream.

He took the balloon handed over by the red-nosed clown, and when he walked away from the ferris wheel, there was always an uneasy illusion, as if there was someone watching him until he got into the car, away This city, away from everything that made him breathless.

Later, later—

Suddenly blank, he wandered aimlessly in a void for a long time. He felt that he might have died. He has done nothing good worth mentioning in his life, but he has not committed any evil deeds of making money and killing lives. Will he go to heaven or hell? Who will judge him? No, he is a materialist. He had already thought that in the five minutes before he died, he would certainly look back on this hurried life indifferently, and he would cross God to judge himself.

Lin Xun’s mind moved slightly, and then he looked up, and there was a sparse figure at the end of the void in front of his eyes, as if waiting for him for a long time.

As he stepped forward, getting closer and closer, he was sure that the person in front of him was the one he would see in the mirror every day. However, the facial features of this man were a little deeper and thinner, with a faint haggard between their eyebrows.

-Gaunt and gentle, he looked at himself, his lips slowly picking up a smile.

Lin Xun looked at him.

He was wearing a gray formal suit and everything seemed normal, but when Lin Xun’s gaze continued to fall, he saw a black chain on his wrist. The end of the chain hung down and there was a tick, and there was blood flowing there. Lin Xun looked up and saw that the same chain was also tied around his neck.

He suddenly looked up and saw that countless chains in this black space criss-crossed from unknown places in all directions, locking the person firmly in the middle, except for the rotation of his eyes.

And this man who was imprisoned seemed to feel no pain. He just looked at him, his eyes drooping slightly, and there seemed to be gentle worry in his eyes.

Lin Xun looked at him, he didn’t know what to say, and finally whispered: “I know.”

The man smiled deeper, but said nothing. He raised his eyes and looked in one direction in the void.

Lin Xun followed his gaze and saw a black fragment, entangled with heavy spider webs, floating towards him. Its color was deep, and it seemed to have some symbolic significance. The moment when Lin Xun saw it, Realized that this may be the end of this illusion.

He closed his eyes and merged with the fragment.


He was in a room and just put down the phone, but he didn’t know who he called and what he said, but he felt his mood was very soft.

In front of him was an old-fashioned white desktop computer with no internet connection. The next moment, he took out a cicada-like chip from the groove of the host, and then formatted the machine and went downstairs. His car is waiting downstairs.

The moment the door closed automatically, he looked up at the dark sky outside the window. In the early spring, the cold is expected to be steep. The lead-gray clouds are heavily pressed above the sky. The weather forecast in the car is automatically broadcast. The weather is abnormal this year. The cold wave goes south and there is light snow.

The fine snow particles had hit the window, and was melted by the heater in the car through the window. His heart was beating hard, the sky was clouded, a strange and malicious pattern, like a language in the dark. He frowned, and in the void, it seemed that someone told him over and over again, don’t get in the car, don’t get in the car.

But the autopilot system as usual, slowly drove out of the residence and went in the direction set, he held the chip in his hand and kept looking at it, like treating a gift to someone Has calmed down.

The phone rang, and the screen showed a doctor, and he picked it up.

“What are you doing recently?” The doctor’s tone was still lazy.

“Nothing, write something.” Lin Xun said.

“Huh?” the doctor said: “You wrote this thing for a long time.”

Lin Xun smiled: “It’s been two years.”

“Two years…” The doctor seemed to stretch out over there: “You have been separated from him for two years.”

Lin Xun’s gaze in front of him was slightly confused, and returned: “Well.”

“Is going to continue this way?” The doctor said: “Why not. In the end, either you are crazy or he is crazy.”

“His words, okay…” Lin Xun said.

“Oh?” The doctor raised his voice: “You seem to be in a good mood.”

“Well, the scars forgot to hurt,” he smiled softly. “Sometimes I still… miss him.”

“Don’t mention it,” the doctor over there said: “The institute has recently received a project, which is too exciting. I have to tell you something.”

Lin Xun: “Huh?”

“The nutshell, the medical version is now developing very well, you know?” the doctor said.

Lin Xun: “I know.”

“The cause was a car accident in North America a year ago.” The doctor said: “The patient is connected to the nutshell system in a state of whole body shock, and an abnormal electrical signal appears. In the vegetative state, consciousness exists in the virtual world for ten days until the The brain is dead.”

His tone gradually became excited: “At that time, public opinion exploded, but the relevant research has not progressed, and the public has forgotten. But ah, but our omnipotent Dr. Simpson…”

He seemed interested in selling Guanzi, and Lin Xun was also interested: “How is it?”

The doctor said: “This month, we have rescued five vegetative patients who were reborn in the nutshell. Although the conditions are very, very harsh, but did you know that as long as the conditions are met, the recovery rate is incredible. We are Global Recruitment-has not been announced to the outside world, but I am so excited, so I have to share with you.”

“My God.” This is indeed an amazing result. Lin Xun didn’t know what to respond for a while.

His car drove away from the city and got on a high-speed road. There was no one above the high-speed road. It was a little abnormal, but it was nothing. The traffic in this place is not well-developed, mountainous, and highways are also winding. The display screen of the autopilot system marked the way forward, and voiced out, he was suddenly agitated, but he could not detect what was wrong.

The doctor over there seemed to hear something: “Are you in the car?”

He murmured “um” and looked out the window.

The doctor asked: “Where are you going?”

“Go…” The moment he was about to answer was free, the whole person’s hair was blown up and the body was cold!


The lane is wrong. His car is driving in the opposite direction.

Why is there no alarm?

He had no time to talk to the doctor, tossed his phone aside, and quickly pressed the emergency brake option—no response. The blood in the heart almost coagulated, and his subconscious reaction quickly swept around the screen, and then looked into the car-if anything could damage the control center.

Nothing can help him physically destroy the system.

“Luo, are you there?” he said.

No response.

Lin Xun took a few breaths violently and pressed the emergency call option without any response. His system seems to be malfunctioning.

Impossible, impossible-the next moment the system fails, the vehicle will brake urgently and warn, and the standby system will start to avoid other accidents.

He seemed to remember something suddenly, grabbed the cell phone beside him, the doctor was asking him aloud what happened, he hung up, Dongjun’s number appeared in his mind, he quickly pressed the first digit.

In fact, everything is too late.

His speed is accelerating. Like the arrow of the string, a dizzying sharp turn, oncoming is a heavy truck with a load of 14 tons.

The only thought before he lost consciousness was that only he and Dongjun had systematic control.

The next moment, he crushed the chip in his hand.

A huge impact came from the front, and his brain hummed like the center of a nuclear explosion-another second.

Everything is quiet.

There is no pain, or the pain exceeds the threshold that humans can perceive. He seems to be away from the soul, and he can only feel his limbs vaguely.

I don’t know how long it has passed, it may be the next moment, or it may be a long time later.

A man picked him up, and his hand was slowly held.

A touch of coldness, like a heavy snow covering him.

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