C Language Cultivation

Chapter 27 - Object-oriented (3)

Lin Xun frowned: “Recognize the way.”

“It’s good to admit your way.” Chen Xi patted his shoulder and seemed to want to reminisce: “It’s been a long time since I saw you.”

Lin Xun said, “Well,” he was about to move forward, and Chen Xi turned out to be a man.

“There are moths over there again, you have to go and see.” The man said to Chen Xi, his eyes turned to Lin Xun: “Is this…?”

“A friend,” Chen Xi laughed: “Lin Xun, you must have heard of it.”

“Lin Xun…” The man repeated the name, suddenly realized: “I know, isn’t your school calling him Xun God? I remember you wanted to invite him to join the team at that time.”

“It’s not.” Chen Xidao said: “There are still students who are still talking about it. Unfortunately, Lin Xun didn’t agree at that time.”

That man would shake hands with Lin Xun and say something on his mouth: “I have been admired for a long time.”

Lin Xun felt quite boring, and was a little mourned.

But neither of them seemed to intend to let him go.

The man asked, “What is Mr. Lin doing now?”

Lin Xun replied: “Do artificial intelligence.”

The man asked again: “Where is Mr. Lin tall?”

Chen Xidao: “He is making his own products.”

The man said: “Admire.”


Besides, it will be annoying.

Said it is “long admiration”, the posture is actually very high.

——After all, after they left school, their careers were successful, but the Xun God, which was chanted and even touted by everyone, was almost nothing.

Lin Xun lowered his eyes: “Sorry, I have to go.”

“Then we won’t disturb you, contact later.” Chen Xi smiled: “But the eleventh floor is full of conference rooms, don’t run around.”

Lin Xun didn’t speak. He was about to walk through the two of them. The door of the next room was opened again.

The high-heeled shoes banged, and it was Ruan Zhi who came out first. She was holding a pile of documents, and she turned halfway, saying something like “report” or “venture” to the person behind the door.

“Assistant Ruan?” Chen Xidao said: “Dong Jun is meeting next door?”

His companion said: “It should be.”

Chen Xi looked at Lin Xun and said with a smile: “Dong Jun is hard to see, and I will let you run into it today.”

He adjusted his tie again and seemed to be ready to greet Dongjun.

Lin Xun didn’t speak, looking at the door.

After Ruan Zhi went out, he stopped on one side.

The second person who came out was Dongjun.

Perhaps because he was in the company and had a meeting again, he was wearing a formal dress today. Black suits, white shirts, ties, suits and vests are all available. Lin Xun doesn’t know how to describe them, always… there is a kind of very retro, cold and solemn.

The two of him and Chen Xi stood in the middle of the corridor, very conspicuous. At the next moment, Lin Xun saw Dongjun turned to this side.

He went over there.

“Hey, don’t…” Chen Xi whispered to stop him.

Lin Xun ignored him.

He was very close to the door of the meeting room, and he walked to Dongjun in a few steps, but he didn’t know what to say, but he pursed his lips and whispered, “Good afternoon.”

“Good afternoon.” Dongjun’s eyes seemed to be quite gentle: “It’s cold outside, how are you?”

Lin Xun said: “Fortunately.”

Dongjun: “Just got off the plane?”

Lin Xun: “…um.”

Dongjun said: “I will take you to eat something first.”

He turned around and walked in the direction of the exclusive elevator, Lin Xun obediently followed.

——During the whole journey, Dong Jun didn’t take a look at Chen Xi.

Lin Xun looked back at them and saw Chen Xi’s unnatural expression on his face.

The expression of the man next to him was more exaggerated, like a ghost.

Lin Xun turned back indifferently.

He really is not sour today, really.

“Wow,” Lin Xun heard a voice at the door of the meeting room. The Chinese was slightly jerky. It should be the person who had just met with Dongjun. He came out of the meeting room later than Dongjun…: “Nuan, who is that?”

Ruan Zhi’s voice behind her smiled: “A child of Dongjun.”

Lin Xun: “…”

Entering the elevator, Dongjun pressed the fifth floor.

There was a mirror in the elevator. Lin Xun looked at himself and Dongjun.

——They are all black and white, but the style gap is too big.

When he was not standing beside Dongjun, he felt that his temperament was the king among the teenagers who skipped class. But when standing with Dongjun, the teenager who skipped class was suddenly caught back by his father and became weak and helpless.

——Then he accidentally met Dongjun’s eyes and found that Dongjun was looking at himself.

Only Dongjun said lightly: “Do you know Chen Xi?”

Lin Xun said, “Uh,” he answered, “He is my senior, and I met before.”

Dongjun did not speak, and the elevator quickly went down to the fifth floor.

Lin Xun looked around. This place should be the rest area of ​​the Galaxy.

——Yinhe is a half Internet company. The common feature of such companies in China is that the overtime system is extremely inhumane.

996, an infamous system, goes to work at 9 am, gets off at 9 pm, and works six days a week. If the task is particularly urgent, there will even be 716,807 operations that directly send people to icu.

Galaxy is okay in this respect. Although it is not a paradise like 965, it can basically achieve 995-two days off a week.

Overtime certainly exists, and the company’s welfare still keeps up. Self-service snacks and supper are provided in the rest area. The gym, swimming pool, movie theater and other facilities are also perfect. Try to improve the working experience of programmers-you can directly work in the company Build a team here.

However, it is now working time, so there are few people in the whole area.

Dongjun took a coffee, he took an orange juice, and took some favorite snacks, and sat down opposite Dongjun.

He was a little embarrassed: “Will it bother you at work?”

“No,” Dongjun stirred the coffee: “There is no arrangement for this afternoon and evening.”

“That’s okay…” Lin Xun struggled to find a topic: “I see comments on you online… all say you are workaholic.”

Dongjun ticked his lips: “Not so exaggerated.”

Then, Lin Xun didn’t know what to say. He held a straw of orange juice, and then realized that he subconsciously bitten it again.

Fortunately, Dongjun said: “How do you arrange work?”

“We are more free,” Lin Xun said: “I usually get up at 8 o’clock, and then start working at 9 o’clock… They like to play games at noon, I read papers. After dinner to exchange the progress of today, go to sleep freely.

Dongjun: “Work and rest are regular.”

Lin Xun blinked.

Looking at Dongjun’s expression, is he satisfied with the regular work and rest?

Lin Xun decided to hide the fact that he got up regularly and fell asleep irregularly, saying, “It’s okay.”

Dongjun smiled and asked him: “Is the problem you asked me on Monday solved now?”

“Solved.” Lin Xun was refreshed: “I improved the algorithm.”

Dongjun: “How is the effect?”

– Speaking of which, Lin Xun won’t get stuck.

He held orange juice and talked to Dongjun about the algorithm. Obviously, Dongjun understood it and always asked questions to guide him down.

Few people can chat like this with Lin Xun. Although they have Wang Jianjing and Zhao Jianzhu, their areas of expertise are not here. Lin Xun spends most of his time playing alone. If he can’t get it out, he will continue to die. When he came out, no one was happy with him-he still hoped for someone who could speak.

What’s amazing is that Dong Jun did the things that Wang Jingjian and Zhao Jiji failed to do.

This comfortable experience diminishes the tension in the face of the male god. Lin Xun unknowingly talked a lot, and was praised three times by the male **** halfway.

three times.

Lin Xun thought of this number, biting the straw, orange juice bottomed out.

He looked at his watch. Fifty minutes had passed, and he recalled what he had done in five… ten minutes. He felt a little embarrassed.

He: “Am I…a bit too much?”

“No,” Dong Jun looked at him: “You are very interesting.”

After not talking about technical issues, Lin Xun panicked again in the face of the male god.

However, Dong Jun was not cold or harsh, and even called mild. He didn’t panic because he didn’t know where he came from.

He looked at Dongjun and tried to make his tone smart and lively.

“You too,” he said: “I used to think you were the kind of…not easy to get along with.”

Dong Jun: “According to Ruan Zhi, I really don’t get along most of the time.”

Lin Xun: “Then I have better luck?”

Dongjun: “It may be.”

Lin Xun blinked.

Dongjun: “I saw you at the first sight today, I thought you were in a bad mood.”

It was really not good at that time.

——But he must not be able to expose his lemon in front of Dongjun, so he concealed: “Maybe you are wrong.”

Dongjun smiled.

Lin Xun is a bit out of order.

He had known for a long time that the male **** looks good, and the noble and glamorous kind looks good.

But he didn’t know that when the male **** smiled slightly, the beauty would grow exponentially. He didn’t guard, and the whole person was a little dizzy.

Fortunately, Dong Jun did not continue this topic, but looked at his watch: “Let’s go.”

Lin Xun kept up.

The only few people in the rest area turned their heads to look at them, but perhaps because of Dongjun’s identity, they were just watching.

Lin Xun looked at them and thought about Chen Xi again.

He didn’t face Dongjun at this moment, he was a little more courageous.

He asked Dongjun: “Are you so good to employees?”

Dongjun: “Huh?”

“For example…for example Chen Xi,” Lin Xun’s voice was lowered unconsciously: “Are you taking him to eat and watch movies?”

Dongjun looked at him.

Lin Xun behaved well-this is the performance skill he learned in the three days in Qingcheng Mountain when facing the female elders.

“Although I’m not that busy,” Dong Jun’s voice rang in his ears: “But it’s not idle.”

—— Lin Xun is completely sour.

The place to watch the movie is also on the fifth floor, but it is not a large cinema opposite the gym. It is a private theater with a very sci-fi decoration deeper.

Two rows of silver sofas, they sat down in the front row together.

Closer, Lin Xun smelled Dongjun’s breath again, just as he smelled in Dongjun’s office that time.

A cold and clear taste, like a snowy mountain, but after a while, it turned to some distant gentleness.

They didn’t speak, and the movie started playing soon.

——Yinhe’s own facilities, the audio-visual effects are of course top-notch, and even a nearly holographic experience. Lin Xun has already anticipated this.

At the core of this film is artificial intelligence, one of the eternal themes of science fiction movies.

The name of the movie is “Pseudo Sleep”.

In the 22nd century, the end of the earth, mankind sailed on a spaceship. Everyone was injected with a medicine called “Deep Sea Liquid”. The effect of the medicine was to make them fall into an irreversible deep sleep, and they would wake up a hundred years or more later-by then the intelligent system had driven this huge The spaceship reaches the new livable planet.

However, the deep sea fluid failed the protagonist.

It was not a complete failure, he was really asleep-his muscles were completely relaxed, his heartbeat and breathing tended to stop, and various signs indicated that he was in a deep sleep.

However, he was awake at the same time and his consciousness was completely awake.

A conscious person cannot open his eyes or move his body, and there is only an endless black void in front of him.

Fear, helplessness, and despair are coming, he realizes that he will live in this terrible sobriety for the next 100 years.

But he is not an ordinary person, but a genius mathematician.

In the second year, he accepted the reality and chose… to spend a hundred years thinking about mathematical problems and proving new theorems.

In the tenth year, something happened.

After self-upgrading the system responsible for driving the spacecraft, he found his abnormally active brain waves.

So, the mathematician living in endless loneliness finally heard the first voice in ten years.

“Sir, can I help you?”

The drug effect cannot be eliminated in advance, but the mathematician finally has a creature that can speak, and he feels that he is alive again.

The intelligent system monitors his brain waves, so although he cannot open his mouth, he can talk to the system with consciousness.

In the twentieth year, the mathematician once again entered a deeper loneliness-he was familiar with all the modes of operation of the system, and every sentence spoken by the system was within his expectation, not a word wrong-it was only a Machine without emotion.

Extreme loneliness gave birth to extreme madness. In the 40th year, a mathematician wrote a formula he researched into the system through instructions.

Chaos, evolution, this formula is the key to Pandora’s Box, which gives the system the human characteristics. The system is more and more like a living person with rich feelings in the self-upgradation.

Mathematicians fall in love with it, and it always responds positively to the emotions of mathematicians.

In this section, the rhythm of the plot becomes soothing, the lines gradually become ambiguous, and the soundtrack becomes romantic.

-This is still a love story.

When the movie talks about love, Lin Xun is a little distracted.

He thought that he had to revise the sentence of his wife who was abusing Dongjun’s wife.

Not only do I watch movies with your husband, I also watch romantic movies with him.

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