C Language Cultivation

Chapter 66 - Artificial Intellectual Disability (2)

Lin Xun has a habit.

No serious person called him, and the filtering system used to be incomplete. Whenever there was a phone call, he would either sell a house, sell insurance, or scam. With the most perfunctory recording, he was too lazy to take care of it. It was a little sincere to call a real person. He could listen for a while.

He only listened, did not speak, and did not hang. After speaking a lot, he finally said a loneliness.

This behavior gradually deepened with the passage of time. Up to now, as long as the other side does not actively speak, he will pretend to die.

Now, instead of talking, he only gasped, so he didn’t talk and listened intently.

So, in the silent room, only the rapid breath sounded.

It’s not the voice of an adult or an elderly, but it’s quick and crisp.

He thought, like a child.

Isn’t it a scam, is that a kid’s prank? However, if you randomly dial a phone number that happens to be the same in Chaoyang District, the probability is too small.

Lin Xun stalemate with the opposite.

Breathing kept.

Things are not simple.

Lin Xun started thinking about who he had given his phone number to. After thinking about it, he really remembered someone.

He pondered for a while, hung up the phone, and then took the initiative to call back.

One second, two seconds, and seven seconds later, the phone was picked up.

“…Hello?” A slightly hesitant, old and blighted female voice passed into Lin Xun’s ears.

Combined with the previous guess, Lin Xun immediately confirmed that this was the old lady who had an accident with the grandson two days ago. He left his phone number before leaving.

“Hello.” Lin Xun said: “I am Master Huo’s apprentice.”

“Master?” There was some doubt in the old lady’s voice: “Master, are you looking for me?”

“You just dialed this number,” Lin Xun said. At the same time, the faint breath sound came from the receiver again.

“No,” the old lady’s voice trembled, “should it be the child who was sleeping and bumped, did the master quarrel, disturb you…”

Lin Xun frowned slightly.

He said to the old lady: “That might have been encountered.”

After he finished, he continued: “Is the child okay? Is he next to him?”

This time, the old lady hesitated again, and then whispered: “Doll… still not good.”

She spoke a little slowly, with the embarrassment of asking for help.

She said: “Can the master come again? My baby can’t talk anymore, can’t sleep well, always has nightmares, and can’t wake up.”

Lin Xun pressed his eyebrows.

The monster has not been removed?

He said: “It’s the same as the other day?”

“It’s different,” said the old lady. “It’s dull, just like losing my soul. I called a lot downstairs today, and I didn’t call it back.”

“The evil has been cleared,” Lin Xun said. “It may be a psychological problem. You can take him to see the doctor.”

“Ah…?” said the old lady: “What do you think? Can Master Huo look?”

“Isn’t there a children’s hospital next to your house, you…” Lin Xun just wanted to teach the old lady how to register to see a doctor, then thought about the old lady’s social experience is almost zero, and superstitious to a certain point, and finally changed the mouth: “I will go there tomorrow morning.”

The old lady thanked her over the phone.

“Right,” he said, “you saved my number that day?”

He clearly remembered that when he left the community that day, he used a pen and paper to leave a number for the old lady and asked her to find herself if she had something. It was paper and pen, not the number directly deposited with her.

“This…” The old lady seemed to be thinking: “I didn’t save it.”

Just listen to her whispering: “It should not be saved, then I’ll call you.”

The old lady discovered the blind spot, began to doubt the ghosts, and finally suspected that the little grandson saved it with the mobile phone, but there was no conclusive evidence.

“It’s okay, just save it.” Lin Xun said: “You go to sleep first, I will pass by tomorrow morning.”

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xun looked at the call interface fascinated.

Reminiscent of Officer Cao’s inexplicably receiving a late-night alarm call, he reasonably suspected that there was something else wrong with this matter.

He turned to look at the deep night outside the window, and then entered the system space, tinkering with some small programs and functions, and finally closed his eyes, ready to sleep.

Recalling the experience of these days before going to bed, he felt a dream-like trance.

Ten days ago, his life was still lackluster, and he wrote programs and algorithms every day and received a rejection call from investors. But at a certain point in time, life began to become colorful.

He used his poor language to express his thoughts and thought that he could be described as such: originally, his life can be taken with the words “after a day of work” and “after a night of sleep”, and now, from morning to night, it happens Every thing seems to have a deep meaning. If it is written as a novel, it is estimated that these ten days of ups and downs can also write two hundred thousand words-although it can be predicted that there is no nutrition.

Of course, the most unexpected thing is Dongjun.

Thinking of this, he hugged the pillow and threw countless back and forth on the bed.

So until he fell asleep, Lin Xun’s eyes still showed the quiet and gentle silhouette of Dongjun in the car. Thinking of that scene, a soft touch spread in his heart.

Dongjun might be waiting for a good night kiss, he thought.

No tonight, if there is a chance in the future, maybe… try it.

Intermittently, he fell asleep completely, and opened his eyes at some point in time.

Room, dark room.

It seems to be late at night, with thousands of lights outside the window, so that there is still a trace of visibility in the room where the light is not turned on.

In the dark, a red lighted up, shimmering, and seemed to move slowly.

Lin Xun approached and saw a slender cigarette burning.

Two slender fingers sandwiched it. The owner of the finger did not send the cigarette into the mouth, but just watched it burn.

The ash fell lightly, with a ray of fire, and then went out halfway. The gray curling smoke evaporated in front of Lin Xun’s eyes. He reached for the cigarette and took it aside.

The man moved by him.

Long hair scattered, a silent silhouette, a man or a beauty. The end of his eyebrows had a slightly raised arc, and his slightly closed eyes concealed most of his expression. In the night, the face had an unspeakable and dangerous charm, and there was a hint of mysterious and debauchery fragrance in the air, like the edge of rose petals just beginning to rot.

The wife’s fan group once discussed her husband’s long hair.

First of all, there are not many men with long hair and good looks, but once they look good, they are very pretty.

Long hair is also in line with his temperament, mysterious, cold and elegant.

At this time, the proprietress said, in fact, I think her husband’s temperament is a little dangerous, and his facial features are already very aggressive, especially when he is not wearing glasses. Think about it, if the light is dim on the street at midnight, he passes you by, his eyes look at you very seriously, there is no expression on his face-

Sauerkraut replied: I will think he is an elegant lunatic, he wants to kill me, husband, kill me

Galaxy boss lady: Husband, kill me

Lin Xun silently peeked at the screen at that time, only to feel that he could not keep up with the strange circuit of the little girls.

But now, looking at the outline of the dim Middle Eastern monarch, he strangely matched their brain waves at that time.

In such a dark room, when Dong Jun looked at you blankly, he felt dangerous from intuition to reason.

The body in the dream is not controlled by his consciousness.

He watched as he put the extinguished cigarette aside, and then his wrist was held by Dongjun.

The temperature of the hand is cold and the grip is tight.

Lin Xun whispered: “How come you haven’t slept yet.”

Dongjun didn’t answer, grabbed his wrist and pulled down. The man’s original posture was sitting on the bed, and when Lin Xun leaned down slightly along his strength, he was embraced horizontally at the next moment and then suppressed.

He was pressed heavily on the bed, his wrists were still firmly imprisoned.

The bed underneath was very soft and did not hurt, nor did he resist, as if he were used to it.

A hairline flicked over the side of his neck, breathing sounded in his ear, slightly irregular, with a half-half spit in the tail, floating with a trace of twist, like a flutter of feathers.

“I received an invitation letter from IMU,” Lin Xun heard his voice a little low, and said, “But it seems to conflict with your time.”

His earlobe was bitten, his waist was hard, and the dangerous and ambiguous atmosphere spread.

He heard a cold voice, and an unquestionable tone: “No.”

The ending is slightly dumb, not negotiation or compromise, like an order. Just as the high monarch slammed in the territory, he took it for granted.

The earlobe was let go, down, half of it was intermittent kisses, half of them were teeth licked.

Lin Xun took a few breaths. Don’t start, he saw the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and a full moon like eyes in the dark night.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

In the early morning again, two birds screamed in the hawthorn tree outside the window.

He closed his eyes again, collapsed, took a few deep breaths, and then opened his eyes again, and picked up the phone beside him.

In the memo, there is a folder juxtaposed with the “doubt point”, called “dream”.

He opened it, created a new file, typed a few words, and deleted it again.

It’s not that I forgot, I really don’t know how to write up.

In the end, he wrote such a sentence.

I may be single for too long.

After writing, he threw away his phone and went out to wash.

Zhao Jianke actually got up earlier than he did today, and was lying on the sofa drinking milk.

Lin Xun coolly said: “Your alarm clock is wrong?”

“How could I make a mistake,” Zhao Jianji said: “It’s you, I care about you, I can’t even play the game attentively, it is almost sleepless all night.”

Lin Xun gazed at the dark circles he didn’t exist: “I can guess with your keyboard that you are playing a game pit teammate and you are sprayed off the line, so you sleep very early.

Zhao Jie seems to be poked in the pain: “The network is not good.”

Lin Xun: “5G.”

Zhao Jianji issued an impassive tone and changed a topic: “Are you going to date today?”

“No,” Lin Xun said, “I don’t know, go out and save the world today.”

“Busy, algorithm.” Architecture said: “What state is it?”

Lin Xun: “Don’t talk, I didn’t find inspiration for upgrading. But a sword repair taught me a trick.”

Zhao Jianji: “Then you should read the textbook again.”

Lin Xun: “Just watch when you come back.”

He looked at the door that Wang Jianjing closed: “Isn’t it safe yet?”

“Uh huh.” Architecture said: “He was looking at a bunch of codes last night and said you want to **** him.”

Lin Xun: “I believe in him.”

“I guess your family Dongjun couldn’t sleep well last night,” Zhao Jianji said, “he probably has watched our ancestral code and has been picky.”

Lin Xun: “When I pulled him into the group, I was already ashamed of our code in advance.”

“With the paranoia and obsessive-compulsive disorder of your goddess,” Zhao Jiandao said, “He may have to refactor everything before starting to write code.”

Lin Xun: “Then we can prepare to witness the miracle.”

The algorithm is a design drawing, and writing code is like building a house against the drawing. If this is said, the result of their previous work is a group of buildings that are barely visible. Changed to Dongjun, the same design, he can use the least material to produce the most sturdy and beautiful multi-functional building.

During the continuous gag, Lin Xun packed himself up, glanced at the time and went out.

Today, I’m afraid that Officer Cao’s favorability needs to increase again.

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