C Language Cultivation

~ - Fan Wai answered truthfully


In September, the school season begins.

The dormitory is a quadruple room, which is quite spacious when you go to bed and table-relatively speaking.

After Wang Chong climbed up and down to pack his things, he was already sweating, and he decided to lose weight 1024 times.

The second guy who entered the dormitory was a blond guy who said “Hi, brother,” as soon as he entered the dormitory.

Wang Jingan was puzzled at the time, and mobilized the English cell to ask foreign friends why he didn’t live in the student dormitory.

“I have one-eighth of Jewish descent, you know, I don’t want to breathe the air of a room with the Germans,” the Chinese, who is comparable to the broadcast cavity, directly calmed Wang safely, “And I think Learn Chinese in-depth, so I applied to adjust the dormitory and class.”

Wang Safe no longer communicates with him in English: “I don’t think you need to learn Chinese.”

“No, no, my current Chinese level is only based on some books, and I have not really entered the Chinese environment.” The blond said: “I think my tone is very rigid.”

Wang Safety: “Do you know that you can now host the news hookup.”

“I can’t be in the news hookup all the time, it’s just that I’m not skilled enough,” the blond guy said.

In a few languages, Wang Jingan has confirmed that his roommate has amazing language talent, he calmed down his mind-after all, in such a school, any kind of genius may appear, and he is just An ordinary, humble, honest student who came in from the college entrance examination, with a perfect score of 750. He exhausted all his skills, but he could only stop at 690 and failed to reach more than 700.

——I don’t know where the other two roommates are.

The blond guy’s gaze wandered through the remaining three beds, seemingly caught in a difficult choice.

At this moment, there was a soft knock on the door, Wang Jingjian looked around, and his eyes widened suddenly.

I saw a beautiful child wearing a white sweater leaning on the door frame. Wang Jing’s language level is limited. I don’t know how to describe that feeling. It may be like a person who is accustomed to ordinary picture quality. Suddenly switched to the HD mode. For no reason, Wang Jianjing thought about the word “children”. In fact, the person by the door was not short, and even placed in the crowd could be regarded as tall, but there was a childlike temperament, just like a new one. Nest’s little rabbit, he is estimated to be no more than sixteen years old-his first reaction is that this may be the family member of the future roommate, his brother or something, the second reaction, he may have encountered the legendary leapfrog.

I saw the kid smiled and looked at the blond guy: “Brother, have a discussion?”

The guy also opened his eyes and asked, “What is it?”

“Over there,” he saw pointing to the two beds connected to one side of the room: “Will you leave both of them for me? You sleep over there.”

The fair-haired guy has already been so busy: “Of course, where have I seen you? I must have seen you.”

The child just smiled with his arms, not talking.

Wang Safety: “?”

Are foreigners so passionate about making friends?

He asked: “Are you going to sleep two beds by yourself?”

“No.” The child’s half body hidden outside the door moved out, and another person was pulled out of his right hand.

Wang Jianjing was shocked again.

The man was half a head taller than the child, wearing a black sweater of the same style as him, because it was also beautifully dressed, and wearing the same clothes. At first glance, it looked like twin brothers. Wang Jingjian narrowed his eyes and tried to recognize it again. With a cold eye on Shang Qing, I felt very empty in a flash, and distinguished the two.

The child in white clothes smiled and said, “We have slept in a bed since we were young. We may not be able to fall apart, so we want to lean on it.”

Wang Safe immediately realized the true meaning: “You are brothers.”

“No,” the child said with a natural nasal voice, a bit like coquetry, “good friend.”

Wang Jianjing thought deeply: “Then your relationship is really good.”

He glanced at the three roommates in the room, and his mind gradually came up with speculation that foreign friends have extraordinary language talents. It is estimated that they came to study liberal arts. The two who have just come here are too outstanding. They may come in by the face and learn some art. Thinking about it this way, he was overjoyed-it was only me who was a real science student.

Being complacent, I suddenly heard the foreign man Louis say: “I remember! I have seen you both!”

The child said: “I have seen you too.”

“IMO has seen you both, your gold medal, is his silver medal right? But it seems earlier, I met you when I went to the training team.”

The child said: “You have also reached the IMO finals, but you are playing soy sauce, you are in a computer competition, last year’s gold medal.”

The foreign guy said: “Yes. Wow, you two, so perverted. I heard you only asked one question, he asked two questions.”

“That’s empty to play,” the child said lazily, “I wanted him to get the gold medal, and I was empty for a while, but he was a bit more ruthless than me and gave me two.”

When he said this, he glanced at the man, and the man looked at him, and it was strange to say that the man stood there without expression, like a beauty carved in ice and snow-inorganic matter, but just watching When facing the child, the curvature of the corners of the eyes was slightly soft, as if they had suddenly melted, and there was a bit of fresh fireworks.

Wang Safety: “???

What did he hear? ? ?

What strange creatures are mixed in here? Why is it as easy to drink a gold medal as the Olympic Games with a gold medal?

Fortunately, the three people’s narrative is just up to the point. According to normal logic, they entered the link of name exchange as roommates.

As the first person to arrive at the dormitory, Wang Jianjing first said: “My name is Wang Safety.”

The child in white clothes lit up his eyes, smiled awkwardly, and raised his chin: “What a coincidence, my name is Lin Algorithm.”

Then he pulled the sleeves of the people around him: “He and my surname are called Lin code.”

Then, I saw the blond guy pondering for a minute against the ceiling: “Zhao Qian Sun Li, Zhou Wu Zheng Wang… My name is Zhao Jianji!”

Wang Safe always feels that they are talking about him, but he cannot find evidence.

He also felt that something was arranged clearly, but he couldn’t find evidence. He just entered school and knew nothing about computers.

Many years later, someone asked Wang Safety about how the most important decision in your career was made. He answered truthfully: “This decision was made by my father when he named me.”


Zhao Jijian recently felt that his good friend, good roommate, Wang Jingan, was not quite right.

“Safe,” he said, looking at his frowning friend in class, patiently asking, “What’s wrong with you recently?”

“You don’t seem to be very happy.”

“Have you encountered any difficult problems?”

“Or maybe you have a problem with your relationship?”

After a series of inquiries, security finally said: “Exactly, you come to help my staff.”

Zhao Jianxi is overjoyed: “Tell me quickly.”

I saw that Wang Safety opened the website of the school forum, and Zhao Zhizhi was puzzled. After Wang Safety did some work, he found a hidden plate entrance in it. The name of this sub-forum was “Dongxun”.

Zhao Jian raised his eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a series of posts ending with an exclamation mark.

“Report, Dongxun went to the library together!!!”

“Two beautiful backs were photographed downstairs!!!”

“I’m dazzled. Is there any sister in the microscope to see if this is holding hands?”

“Dongxun szd, it’s a fake. I hang ten doors at the end of the period, as shown in the picture!”

Zhao Gongzhuo supported glasses that did not exist on the bridge of his nose, and his eyes shone strangely.

“It’s too ridiculous.” Wang Jingdao said.

“Well.” Zhao Gongzhi echoed: “It’s so ridiculous, we still have two poor singles–“

Before he finished speaking, he listened to Wang Jianjing continued to frown and said: “The two of them have been fascinated by studying algorithms recently, they like to skip school together, stay at night, and want to move out completely, which will only make this kind of Rumors are getting worse.”

Zhao Jianzhi noticed something wrong, saying: “You have learned to use idioms, not bad, but–“

Before he finished the speech, he was interrupted by Wang Jianjing: “The friendship between the two of them is very precious. Let this rumor pass on, maybe they will feel awkward and alienate, which is what I don’t want to see.”

Zhao Jianshe: “?”

He didn’t connect with Wang Safe’s brain circuit for a while. So he asked, “So what do you want to do?”

Wang Safety: “They have to clarify their relationship in front of their classmates. Now the little girls are full of this kind of thing. I don’t think it’s good. I also added a CP group of them. You know they vowed Say anything, say they must have slept. I have to pull them into that group and let them see what their friendship has been distorted.”

Zhao Jianshe: “…”

In the end, he didn’t say anything, and there were many people in the classroom, so he patted Wang Jingjian’s shoulder lightly three times and left silently. But at three o’clock in the morning, Wang Safe slept unconsciously, disappointing him.

Many years later, someone asked Zhao Jianzhu, what kind of person is your friend Wang Safety, and he answered truthfully: “He is a dull person.”


In this city, Mr. Huo is not a wealthy person. He owns only 50 properties. Against the giant wealth of dozens of buildings, several communities, and tens of thousands of square meters of land, he is like a yellow river carp meeting the North Sea giant kun.

——But fortunately he is an old man, an old man with no material pursuit, so there is no huge ambition. Just checking the house every day, collecting rent, and checking the guest’s quality have made Old Huo feel great happiness. He has been satisfied on the material level, and the rest is the pursuit of life.

Because of some house leasing transactions, Mr. Huo met the head of the Qingcheng Mountain Scenic Area, Xiaoyao Zidao, and the two of them became confidants. They talked about some health-care techniques every day, and they were very happy. One day, the head of the Xiaoyaozi told Old Man Huo that everything in the world would have a cause and effect, and there were many kinds of good causes, so that in the future, more good fruits would be harvested.

This sentence touched the old man Huo, he felt that he should do something that he didn’t want to do, but something meaningful. The chance came very coincidentally. He happened to go to Chaoyang Community for a round of quarantine that day-the tenants here are four young guys. They have no bad habits, never mess with men and women, let alone look pretty, only regret. The point is that there is no future when I gather together to beat the computer. Old man Huo doubts what technical school they graduated from, so he dismissed the idea of ​​introducing his granddaughter to one of them.

However, the four guys are working hard to repair computers every day. It is also very hard. I heard that what company has been engaged, and it is a bit difficult to fund. Mr. Huo combined with his friend’s eloquent words, decided to invest 200,000 in huge sums of money—this is 2% of his annual income.

The boys were very happy and repaid him with 5% of the equity, calling him Grandpa Huo. Of course, Mr. Huo does not care about the 5 percent equity of this small company. He is happy that he has been generous. The good cause of this life should be enough. This year’s medical report must be normal.

Many years later, someone asked the rich man Huo Qingshan, the imperial capital, what in the end drove you to see people and invested in a company that was insignificant at that time.

Old Man Huo wanted to answer truthfully, but in the end he made some beautification: “Because of the wisdom, kindness and kindness of the elders.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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