Caelus Online

21. Reunion



After a final small explosion, all the sounds in the area became quiet, giving way to the distant sound conversation of the group ahead of her.

Quickly glancing at Ben, Astaria lowered her hood and walked over to her friends.

Approaching the group, Astaria was not exactly sure how to open up the conversation, an issue that had been plaguing her mind for a while. Finally coming into view, Astaria could make out 4 familiar people who were all wearing quite fashionable equipment obtained from the Cosmetic Outfit Box.

The first one in view was Roxanne who was wearing a red dress that matched the colour of her hair. The dress features a seductive slit alongside the left side, the hem reaching down to her calves showing the top of her sleek black boots with a thick 1-inch heel. Above her dress she was wearing a pure black cloak with the hood down, giving of the impression of a mysterious beauty. The most notable thing about her however was the two tall and pointed fluffy ears adorning the top of her head. It was clear to Astaria that Roxanne had decided to select the Kitsune race, something that was surprisingly fitting for both her personality and class. 

Tyrell, the next person that Astaria could see, was wearing a fairly compact set of white plate armour with a layer of chainmail visible between the gaps. Each plate had a black trim around the edge, accentuating the shape of each piece. By his side was a large one-handed hammer, a spike protruding from the end of the handle. On his arm was a Kite shield of similar design to his plate armour, which while relatively small in size, its sturdy frame suggested how reliable it was for withstanding heavy attacks.

Russel standing next to Tyrell was donning similar attire to his armoured counterpart, however, his plate armour was made from a slightly darker shade of steel with blue trim. He was equipped with a longsword featuring a dragon’s head pummel, and his shield was a round Greek-styled aspis that in a similar design to his sword, featured a relief of a dragon’s head.

The last member of the four, Ash, came into view. Astaria has not had the chance to meet Ash in person since he was away on his research expedition in the Amazon Rainforest. His looks were fairly average with his shaggy long hair roughly covering his forehead. His face was quite long with a sparse growth of facial hair on his chin. Silently musing to herself, Astaria would not think him out of place searching the crackers section of the supermarket for Scooby Snacks.

Ash was also wearing heavy armour, however, his set was far lighter than either Russel's or Tyrell's. He was wearing a simple chest plate covering his upper torso that was a light steel colour with blue trim, greaves, and armguards. Under his armour was a blue coloured shirt that looked to be quite expensive, and loose-fitting black trousers that were tucked into his leather boots.

With her thoughts preoccupied with checking out everyone’s equipment, Astaria’s previous worries about how to start the conversation were quickly answered by a loud exclamation from Roxanne who was the first to spot her and come jogging over.

“Chester, my god, I was worried about you!”

Throwing her arms around Astaria who was slightly bewildered but still reflexively returned the hug, Roxanne continued to express her relief.

“We were worried hearing all that absurd stuff from that so-called goddess, then you didn’t show up to the meeting spot!”

Taking a breath, she pulled away still holding Astaria by the shoulders while the other 3 walked over, continuing in her rush to express her worries.

“We then got a message from Ben saying that you were seriously struggling mentally with everything happening and went on a rage filled rampage yesterday.”

Shooting a glare at Ben, Roxanne once again tightly hugged Astaria who had regained her composure.

Finally returning the hug and rubbing her back, Astaria spoke up, interrupting Roxanne before she could start gushing again.

“It’s alright Roxanne, I’m doing better than when Ben found me. Last night’s rampage was just an explosive outburst of stress, worry, and anger, but I am much calmer now.”

Sending a glance over to Ben who was watching this all unfold, Astaria questioned Roxanne with a raised eyebrow.

“I guess Ben sent you through a barely comprehendible message and didn’t reply to you afterwards?”

With a nod from Roxanne who was resting her head on her shoulder, Astaria let out a deep sigh.

Upon the slight pause in the conversation, Tyrell decided to make a sarcastic quip.

“Damn Ben, that was smooth. Playing hard to get, such a ladies’ man.”

Hearing a few chuckles at the comment, Ben just shrugged.

“Hey man, you know I’m not great with messaging, at least you have learned how to translate what I write.”

Letting out a stifled laugh, Astaria pulled away from Roxanne who had slightly calmed down.

Roxanne, while she usually had a cheeky personality happily teasing those around her, at times like this when she was worried or understood that someone else was unhappy, her kind side came out.

“So… I guess you all know the general gist of what I have been through recently, right?”

Hearing the question Astaria brought up, Tyrell spoke up first.

“Ayy boss, we got the general gist from Fortuna and Ben. I was thinking it was a complete madness, but after some time, things made sense.”

With a sagely nod, Tyrell crossed his arms as he spoke.

“Let’s see, you got capped by some random dudes, sent back in time by 3 years, entered a game and got mugged by a goddess for your manhood. That bout right?”

Hearing Tyrell’s short, questionably worded, but completely accurate retelling of the last few weeks, Roxanne shook her head in exasperation while the others tried to hold in their laughter.

Astaria not sure if she should laugh or cry just puts her head in her hand, exasperated that she had spent time worrying that everyone would act all weird.

Astaria’s reaction caused Tyrell to walk over and give Astaria a pat on the shoulder.

“Hey man, getting serious, gods be gods. While I can’t fully believe all this, I know shits real. Before coming onto the game, I scoured the internet for quite literally anything related to Caelus. But there was absolutely nothing. I did have my suspicions you got duped but didn’t stress it since we get to chill and play games again.”

Giving the others a brief glance, Tyrell continued.

“Like the others here, while creating my character, that Fortuna dropped in, speaking all aloof like, and started chattin’ some stuff about you time travelling and you needing a remodel. I was a bit suspicious, but she was talking about our plans, stuff no in game Goddess should know about.”

Seeing a few nods from the others, Tyrell folded his arms again.

“Well, that got me thinking, and it did explain how you knew so much about the game. Then, after getting into Caelus, bam, everything is exactly as you had said. After meeting up with Ben, we all had a serious chat and he explained a lot of what you told him a few weeks back. Like damn bro, shits crazy.”

Hearing Tyrell, Roxanne spoke up next, her smile warm as she attempted to be reassuring.

“He is right, I think all of us had some doubts to begin with and would be crazy not to, but here we are, everything happening as you told us down to the letter. The circumstances may be quite strange, but I have known you, and you don’t lie to friends.”

Ash, the most awkward of the group was the last to step forward, finally finding a break in the conversation to share his own thoughts.

"I’m still quite perplexed by all this, but honestly don’t care. I can clearly tell it's Chester inside, definitely a little different, and more confident, but still the guy I used to run duos with. Everything else is whatever.”

With a slight pause, Ash continued speaking, seemingly hesitant to make the last comment.

“The voice will be hard to get used to, I’m sure someone will ask you to do some ASMR stuff, but in time we will find our new normal.”

Letting out a snort of laughter at Ash’s comment, Tyrell jokingly leaned back while giving Ash the once-over.

“Damn, look at you, getting all philosophical on us.”

After some of the group let out a chuckle, Russel took the moment to give his input.

“Hey man, everything I want to say has already been said. I just appreciate you were looking out for us and gave us a mad head start, even if you baited us with high paying contracts and the promise of making millions off the game.”

Raising his hands with a satisfied nod, Russel went back to listening to everyone else.

With the fact that nobody actually seemed to care that much and were all just their usual selves, Astaria couldn’t help but feel relieved while inwardly sighing that the human mind's tendancy to lean towards negative thoughts really was quite unpleasant.

Astaria could feel herself starting to feel sentimental again, thinking back to various moments over the time she had known them, but pushed it down, not wanting to make this whole scene all soppy.

Roxanne turned to Astaria, asking her sudden question with a serious tone.

“So, do you have a female name yet?”

With a happier expression on her face, Astaria started to explain the details she knew of her current circumstances.

“Well, my character name is Astaria as you can see…”

Pointing above her head, she continued.

“… While my real name is to become Aurora. Apparently, Fortuna has set everything up so that I can live in the real world as Chester’s sister. I’m not entirely sure what she has done, but apparently, I will have died in a car crash.”

Seeing the awkward expression on Astaria’s face, Roxanne spoke up with a conflicted expression.

“I assume you are feeling weird that you will have to attend your own funeral?”

“That’s messed up.”

Tyrell commented while shaking his head, Ben speaking up to add his epiphany.

“Not to mention having to act sad even though the person is still alive… yeah, it’s going to be a weird time.”

Roxanne upon sensing the mood becoming strange, clapped her hands together to get everyone's attention.

“Well, on the plus side, everything is set for Aurora here, so we can focus on the game for now. Besides, as Russel mentioned, this game has an impact on the outside world, right? We should make the most of the fact Aurora has given us so much knowledge.”

Shaking her head, Astaria sighed, her expression strained.

“I’m still getting used to being called Astaria… I forgot that I have a second new name waiting for me.”

Looking at Astaria’s expression, Roxanne clasps her hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

“It will take some time, but I will help you get accustomed. If you don’t mind, can I keep calling you Aurora?”

Appreciating Roxanne’s idea, Astaria gave her affirmation with a smile.

“It would be appreciated.”

Roxanne's expression brightened as she happily nodded, prompting Ben to interject now that the heavy discussion had seemingly wended.

“We are currently burning sunlight here, so you should probably all add Astaria and figure out how we should grind now all 6 of us are here.”

Hearing Ben, Tyrell added.

“He has a point. We can all talk about the rest of this later over some beer in a tavern. Shame that’s all they seem to sell though.”

Everyone gave Tyrell a knowing glance, all turning to Astaria to receive their tasks.




Proof Reader: Aegis_Of_The_Void



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