Caelus Online

Forums – 3 (Part 1)

[Thread - Interesting occurrences]

[Views - 2927]

This thread is for discussing interesting things you encounter in game.

[558. Adventurer Passing By]

Hey, what's going on outside the city gates? 

[559. Adventurer Passing By]

Yeah, I saw a relatively small gathering of other players when I was entering the city earlier. Is it some kind of event?

[560. Adventurer Passing By]

If it were some sort of event then surely there would be some kind of announcement, right?

[561. Adventurer Passing By]

The only announcements that have appeared recently are those server announcements about Astaria doing some kind of raid.

[562. Adventurer Passing By]

Wait, there is a raid available already? I thought that sort of thing is endgame content? Thats mad.

[563. Adventurer Passing By]

Not always, some games have early stage large scale PvE content. It's like a whole thing.

[564. Adventurer Passing By] 

But how would that be related to players gathering at the gate, unless it's like a fan club or something? 

[565. Adventurer Passing By] 

I heard some speculation from some quieter threads that this Astaria person is the player who goes by the moniker of ‘The Bloody Maiden’. I will say however there is no definitive proof, just someone who apparently had seen her player name as she walked through Haligrad on the evening of day 1.

[566. BigZ] 

Bruv, I have seen a bunch of mandem chattin’ bout this bloody maiden. Just a few sightings and all that. But makes sense that she be Astaria. How else is man supposed to get covered in dat much blood other than clappin’ some bitch ass goblin? 

[567. Adventurer Passing By] 

Back to the original topic, it could just be a guild or something trying to gather before exploring. I have seen a couple of groups like that down in one of the southern towns.

[568. Adventurer Passing By] 

Yeah, it's where I'm stuck right now, towns too quiet. Lots of players and NPC’s and all, just not many quests or notable things. 

[569. Adventurer Passing By] 

You do realise I'm talking about nearly 30 or more players right? That's surely not to explore, such a number of players clearly has some purpose.

[570. Adventurer Passing By] 

Ok, that changes things. 30 players in itself is a raid party, do you think they might try and snipe the raid or something? Would it be even possible?

[571. Adventurer Passing By] 

No idea, I mean, let's be honest, most of us are clueless about most things Cealus at this point. How raid mechanics and all that ends up working is for a time when we don’t all have levels in the single digits and are not still figuring out the right way to hold our swords. 

[572. Adventurer Passing By] 

You say that but I saw some guy in heavy armour running around using his sword like some kind of sword master. I thought it was all incredibly sophisticated until he grabbed the blade and started using the hilt to bludgeon a goblin to death.

[573. Adventurer Passing By] 

Dude, for real? What the heck is up with that guy lol. Call CPS, got to help the dumb green children from the big scary clown using a sword as a mace!

[574. BigZ] 

Man’s regressed into a barbarian. He’d be the second after monsure Pinecone. 

[575. Mr Whatchamacallit] 

Well, according to the modern understanding of historical European martial arts, especially regarding the use of longswords and similar types of bladed weapons, there have been texts depicting the use of swords in such a manner, using the hilt of a sword as a blunt weapon. This was feasible due to the gauntlets used that (…)

[576. Adventurer Passing By] 

Well, thank you to Professor Whatchamacallit for your Ted Talk, but I have developments live on the scene. There are now at least 50 players who are getting sceptical looks from the NPC guards, and they seem to be organising themselves somewhat. No apparent intention to leave anywhere mind you.

[577. Adventurer Passing By] 

Seriously? They are starting to sound like common thugs at this point, loitering around on street corners ready to mug someone.

[578. Adventurer Passing By] 


[579. Adventurer Passing By] 

Sure did, hard not to notice when you get a loud noise in your head and a text box pop up at the top of your vision. 

[580. Adventurer Passing By] 

That's not what I mean dude, it's not even the official day of launch and someone has already completed a raid!

[581. Adventurer Passing By]

You realise the raid could be like some tutorial thing right? 

[582. Adventurer Passing By]

IT can't be a hard one then, likely one of those dumb boss types that you can run around in a circle and chip off its health.

[583. Adventurer Passing By] 

Yeah, for real. If there is anything available in the starting area it will undoubtedly be piss easy for anyone to challenge.

[584. Adventurer Passing By] 

Bet you this Astaria chick is just some attention whore getting a bunch of simps to swarm the boss for her while she sits back doing nothing.

[585. Adventurer Passing By] 

Lol, we have the first thot of the server already, I’m heading to this supposed gathering, I heard some people in the guild talking about the raid being in the forest to the southeast of the city. Makes sense a guild is gathering there for any reason related to the raid. Although I kinda want to see them trash this simp shepherd.

[586. Adventurer Passing By] 

You say that, but they did manage to clear the raid without any deaths. If it is an army of simps she has at her beck and call, they must have at least some skill. 

[587. Adventurer Passing By]

Dude, why must you all be so salty? Like just be nice, remember, your character here will still resemble you, personally, so you can't be a keyboard warrior without people finding out who you are - THAT BITCH JUST GOT AN EPIC? WHAT THE FUCK?!

[588. Adventurer Passing By] 

What a 180 lol, why’d my man not just delete the first part of that message before looking like a hypocrite?

[589. Adventurer Passing By]

I am currently in an adventurers guild in the northwest of the kingdom right now and just asked the guild staff about it. They pointed me to a bounty that is posted all across the kingdom. Apparently, this Square Jaw boss is sort of a big deal that keeps coming back, and the kingdom doesn’t want to send soldiers to kill it because of concern over the loss of life. She said that since there is generally less trade along the southeastern routes it is ignored since going around the forest is only a day's worth of additional travel. So yeah, can't be something that easy. From what I can gather it's like a raid level area boss for the kingdom.

[590. Adventurer Passing By]

Interesting. Guess we will see what it's all about when other players get to the point of fighting it.

[591. Adventurer Passing By]

Very true, be nice to see all the haters get slapped around by it ahah.

[592. Adventurer Passing By]

I stand by my statement, Astaria is 100% a thot. Simp army and all.


[Thread - [EVENT] At Haligrad’s South Eastern Gate]

[Views - 539]

This is a thread covering the event currently playing out at the South Eastern Haligrad Gate.


[1. Poplawski] 

So I am currently at the scene that has been mentioned in the interesting events thread. In this thread, I will be giving a brief overview of what I’m seeing, as it happens.

For now, what I can tell is that a guild led by a player called Iron Fist, with the creative guild name of Iron Fist, is camping the Southeast gate of Haligrad. They seem to be looking for Astaria, interrogating anyone who doesn’t have a player tag. They also appear to have gotten into a little trouble with the guards because they keep inconveniencing other NPC’s. There are apparently two other small groups of around 5-10 at two of the other city gates, but their main group is focused around the entrance that is at the end of the most direct road from the forest.  

It seems they know that players can conceal their identities so are questioning anyone coming through the gates while blocking any others from getting too close to what looks like their main group. According to information I managed to get from a guard I spoke to, they are generally letting players do what they want outside the city as long as it doesn't inconvenience the citizens. This is just the simplified version it seems, and will need more research to see how laws here work. After all, we don't want to get ourselves locked up for kicking a chicken. 

It's clear that this is all related to Astaria, the player who has led a raid party and achieved the first raid clear in the game, alongside the first raid clear with zero deaths in the party.

[2. Adventurer Passing By] 

Damn, this sounds interesting. I'm going to head over to the gate and see what's going on. 

[3. Adventurer Passing By] 

Yeah, I second that.

[4. Adventurer Passing By] 

God, I’m jealous now, I’m too far away to be able to get there. Nothing like some drama to spice up the day.

[5. Adventurer Passing By] 

How do you even know Astaria will try to get through that gate? Like surely she would either see or be told about the messages on this forum and either log out till later or try another entrance?

[6. Adventurer Passing By]

You make a good point, seems a little premature to assume that Astaria is going through that exact gate? 

[7. Adventurer Passing By] 

Irrespective of whether Astaria is coming this way or not, the way the guild is behaving is a bit… much. I can currently hear a few people nearby talking about attacking them just out of principle. I mean they are keeping players and NPC’s back and out of the way, it's bit of a dick move and all that.

[8. Adventurer Passing By] 

Yeah, I won't lie, if I were there I would 100% attack them. I mean what authority do they think they have to order us about? They are just a vaguely organised mob of assholes. 

[9. Adventurer Passing By] 

You should just ignore them and go about your own business, there is no need to get involved with other people who are after someone else because of some drama between them.

[10. Adventurer Passing By] 

I mean, if that was the case, then fair enough, but have you even read the chat so far? There is like a 100% chance these guys are going to try and force Astaria to give her drops over.

[11. Kevander]

Yeah, the only thing Astaria seems to have done is get an announcement in the server. Like I know I would step in and help her if I was close enough, but sadly I'm stuck in the tutorial village. The guy who was apparently supposed to give us the start of the tutorial had left a sign with instructions which some players seemed to have trashed, so now a few of us are stuck with few ideas on where to go. 

[12. Adventurer Passing By] 

@Kevander go and check the [Thread - The village chief is a git and I cant start the tutorial] Thread. It's written by someone in a similar situation and should help you get around the bug. 

[13. Kevander] 

Cheers mate!

[14. Poplawski] 

We seem to have a minor development, there is some form of light coming down towards the gate. It's different from a torch, one of the spectators near me compared it to some form of mage light, and might be an indication that it is Astaria and her group. 

Further updates will follow.

[15. Adventurer Passing By] 

I swear this guy is like some kind of CBN reporter or something.

[16. Adventurer Passing By] 

@poplawski You will likely find that the light is created by an item called a Light Crystal or Light Stone. It's quite an expensive item at 5 silver and can be purchased from a speciality store in the market square. 

[17. Poplawski]

Good to know, thanks for the information. I might start making a guide to where to obtain helpful items like that, it would be great for all of us players after all.

[18. Adventurer Passing By]  

I hear that bro, I would definitely read if you make something like it.



Shoutout to the Steel rank Patreon Supporters: Lynx of Chaos, travis thinnes, hunt s1172, Savannah Jones, Dodge the Lava, Alexander Molyneux-child.
And the Iron Rank Patreon Supporters: Jaren475, dean dexter, Iobe I, Goliat342, jeremy, pancake_23489, Shrui, Kaouenn, Andy65pr, Shilmizta, Paradox, Britney Fletcher, Hagen Bishop, BerserkMango1, AsteriaZ, PotatoJackie, Alex _, Alex Smith, John Doe, Krimson Fox, Miles Carlson, Theredscare77, Matty, j0ntsa, Kristan Games, Miles, Lucy, clone trooper, Aaron Hall,  Knightmare, Franky Thomson, Dakota Scheeler, Thorgath, TabCrusha67, SilverFox#7631, Hotsexylopunny5, PaintedMirror36, liam curtis, TheEntityAbove, Koda2323, Cameron Adams, turtlegaminginf, el trucko, Pasteurized, Gengster, Admiral Death, Brennan, carthas, Mikki Song, Calliope, Pizzatiger, Emblyon, Danlee, David Peers, Havocado, Richard Hayden,  Rowsdower, dg3355, Ilawen, Jacob O'Mordha, bassfreek, Ben McMahon, Michael Rekers, Ulysses, Alloralla Alli, Reia89, Tristan May, Awcher, RackOfLife, Dire Knight Roberts, Samuel Ong, Ceres, and Shar Scott.


Thanks for reading and see you in the comments or next chap! 


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