Cāi Cāi

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Act 4 “Out of My World” ⑦

Act 4 “Out of My World” 7

“Hello? Can you hear me?”

When the voice call was connected, Xiang Guai didn’t know what he should say.

He sat a little dazed, with a hot cellphone next to his ear.

In the earpiece, the voice of his male **** was heard.

“Hey, guess, what happened?” Wang Qingyun’s voice was low and pleasant, even after the radio wave was reprocessed, he couldn’t hide his tenderness. “Is it a matter of study, or of family, or something else?”

“…” The boy’s small throat moved, “both.” He whispered, “My life is a mess.”

“Don’t worry,” the man comforted him. “Even if it’s messy, you can find the thread end, as long as you find that‘ thread end ’, a little bit, and straighten out step by step, it will be much clearer.”

Thread head …

Xiang Gu’s eyelashes drooped and his eyes fell on his feet.

He always knew where the “thread tip” was, but this thread tip was a dead knot, an unsolvable problem that could never be solved. It exists forever so that everyone cannot ignore it.

Xiang Gu sometimes wondered why the car accident didn’t take him directly? Taking his life is better than taking his feet.

Take away at least his life, no one will be sad for him. His gambler’s parents had no idea where they had fled; his teachers and classmates only needed to be sad for a while to get out of the shadows; as for his life debt, he could be turned over by the police uncle.

Unlike now-everyone offered him carefully, as if he was a porcelain bottle, and the wind would shatter the ground.

He moved his ankle.

As a dancer, he is familiar with every muscle and every inch of the body. He knows how he used to be, with flexible ankles and beautiful insteps that can support his body.

But now, not only does his ankle have limited range of motion, he even has pain every rainy day.

He looks like the little mermaid. A little mermaid without a prince waiting for him to wake up, but still stepping on the blade and broken glass.

Xiang Gui didn’t say a word, just silently, silently examining his feet.

He didn’t speak, and the other side of the ocean didn’t say a word.

The boy’s shallow breathing sound came from the receiver, as if disappearing at any time.

Somehow Tan Yiming was a little worried about him.

Although he and guess talked for many days, they didn’t talk deeply and rarely involved real life. Tan Yiming always wanted to distinguish the identity of two or three yuan. He hid himself very tightly and was not interested in the real life of others.

But now he regrets a little bit-if he can understand the guess more, he can help him at this time.

“Are you still there?” Tan Yiming asked.

a long time.

“Yes.” The boy’s voice was clear and fuzzy, “still.”

Tan Yiming said: “If you want to talk about your troubles, I’m right now and I can help you analyze it.” He pretended to say, “Well, I am a few years older than you, as long as you don’t dislike me Nosy, Wang Qingyun Psychology Office always opens the door for classmates. ”

“… Guess.”

There was a strange word at the other end of the radio wave.

“What?” Tan Yiming didn’t respond. “Guess?”

“Well.” The boy said softly, “Don’t call me guess, let me guess.”


A weird, interesting, name.

Extremely simple two words rolled in Tan Ming’s throat. The tip of the tongue spread out two rows of dentitions, and a popping sound appeared. Two identical Chinese characters are repeated twice-Guess, “Guess”.

Tan Yiming suddenly laughed: “Guess, is this your real name? It’s funny.”

The man shouted again: “Guess.”

“Well, I’m here.”


“it’s me.”

“Guess …” Tan Yiming whispered, as if he was singing a lullaby to a lamb. “I ask you to guess, will you be happy?”

“Yes,” said the boy on the other end of the phone. “I haven’t been this happy for a long time.”

This nickname only existed when he was very young. Before he was five years old, he briefly owned a harmonious family. Even if the family doesn’t have much money, but the father is kind and loving, life has a direction to go.

But I don’t know when it will start, endless quarrels between the parents. The mother cried and cried and said, Guess, if the mother hadn’t left the dwelling home for you long ago; Dad sighed with his head, and said Guess, you are the pride of Lao Xiangjia You must not be lax, you have to stand out.

Later, guessing from the book it seems that a word makes the poor couple be miserable.

He thought, as long as he dances well, makes a name for himself, and makes money, then parents won’t quarrel, right?

Therefore, he was admitted to Hua Wu with the first score in the department, and he has never been slack. Just laugh at him with Xuedu, saying that he is either on the race or on his way to the race. He didn’t know how many awards he won, and how many stacks of bonuses he took back, and finally took back the smile of his parents. But then they would never hug him again and ask him to guess.

… then, both parents became addicted to gambling, and his life fell into **** again.

later. He didn’t feel “happy” when he overcame the difficulties, recovered successfully, and finally stood up from the crutches.

later. When the police informed him that according to the clues he provided, the city formed a task force and finally wiped out the gang of evil forces and sent the murderer to prison. He was not happy.

But now … when I heard Xiang Gui’s earpiece, the voice that made him dream, and said “Guess”, he burst into tears.

He is only 17 years old and he has not yet left the campus. He is still an adolescent child.

He didn’t want to experience this at all. He also wanted to be born into a most ordinary family. He could step on the stage with the support and blessings of his family, laugh, jump, and sing.

Crying to Gua was very quiet, not hysterical, but holding a cell phone, silently, silently crying.

But his subtle breathing changes, and the sound of his nose twitching from time to time, caught the attention of Tan Yiming.

“Are you crying?” Tan Yiming asked with concern.

“No.” Xiang Gui said hard. “I just, my nose is a little uncomfortable.” But his crying cavity had exposed everything.

Tan Yiming kindly did not pierce his lies. Because even him, when he was young, he had experienced unthinkable times, and tears were the only way to vent.

Tan Yiming calmed him quietly: “Guess, I don’t know what happened to you. If you don’t want to say, you can say nothing, and I won’t ask.”

He paused, and continued, “But I want to say that the guess I know is a person who has worked hard and earnestly. No matter what kind of predicament is in front of you, I believe that you can definitely overcome it it.”

“Do not–!”

Unexpectedly, Xiang Guai interrupted him.

— “You believe me, why do you believe me?”

Xiang Gusu, are you crazy, why do you say that?

— “My teacher, my doctor, my classmates, no one believes me, why do you believe me?”

Conjecture, stop, let me hurry up.

— “Even I don’t believe in myself, why do you believe in me?”

Xiang Gusu, why did he express such negative emotions to Wang Qingyun? These negative emotions are like a sharp knife, both of them penetrated at the same time.

——Xian Guai heard that his voice echoed in a small space. The voice was very small, as small as an illusion that appeared in his mind: “… When a swan loses its wings, you really believe Can it continue to fly? ”

The next second, Xiang Guai, who had been crying to a long time, hung up the phone, curled up and slipped to the ground.

What did he do … what exactly did he do?

The beloved idol comforted him, and even sacrificed his rest time to make overseas calls with him. He obviously should sincerely thank Wang Qingyun for his right, instead of pouring out his pain to the other side like he is crazy now.

Who is Wang Qingyun? It is his idol, the goal he pursues! … not his loved ones, not his friends, not his lover, not the object he can spoil.

He really … he was really a waste. When the outer shell of the proud pride was shattered, Xiang Guai hiding in the shell was actually sensitive and vulnerable.

The burden on him is too heavy. He cares too much about other people’s views, and at any time and on any occasion, he must pretend to be a skilful look.

And just now, just a few minutes ago, he actually used the kind of irrational words to refute the people he cared most!

The cell phone in his pocket kept shaking, and Xiang Guai didn’t dare to look at it.

He was afraid that Wang Qingyun would talk privately and scold him for not knowing what to do, but he was even more afraid that Wang Qingyun would just pull him out without saying a word.

He walked out of the men’s bathroom indifferently and walked back to the classroom indifferently.

The teacher on the podium asked him where he was and why he lost most of his lessons.

Xiang Gui didn’t answer, but his face was so bad that the teacher thought he was not feeling well, so he hurried back to the dormitory to rest.

Say softly to Guess.

Some classmates said that they would send him back, but he politely said no, he could do it alone.

Then, the extremely proud and extremely inferior boy, with the whole class watching, straightened his back and slowly walked out of the classroom.

On the way back to the dormitory building, Xiang Guai passed the vocal classroom on the first floor.

In fact, the Huawu Attachment Middle School covers a very small area. There are six grades, six classes in each grade, 30 people in one class, plus faculty and staff. Only one teaching building is needed to flourish.

The Huawu High School is famous for dancing, so there are many dance classrooms in the teaching building, and there is only one vocal classroom.

The windows of the vocal classroom were not closed tightly, and there was a piano sound flowing out.

To the guess body, he had heard the melody of the song.

It’s “electricity”.

It is the most brilliant, most inspiring, and also the most tear-sweeping theme song in the entire musical “Boundary”

According to the plot, the leading actor Billy Young took the ballet school’s selection test under his father’s leadership. However, he failed to meet the requirements because of insufficient preparation.

The moment he stepped out of the classroom, the interview teacher stopped him and asked him a question.

——Billy, how do you feel when you dance?

Stopping unknowingly to Guess.

This question is asking Billy, why not ask him?

What was he thinking when he was dancing? …

In the vocal classroom, those good seedlings that have been screened and left behind are facing the final assessment.

In the chairs in front of me, there were directors, producers, and screenwriters of “Out of My World”. They looked serious, because tomorrow they will leave the Huawu High School. Today is the last round of assessment. They will be from these children. , Choose Billy Eliot in your mind.

They were so serious that the students standing by the piano were nervous.

They were high-level students in the ballet department, and they took a month of vocal lessons. No one knew which one of them would finally stand on the stage.

Everyone hopes that he is the actor.

The accompaniment of “electricity” wafted indoors.

The director picked up the line book, read the line aloud, and played for them: “Billy, how do you feel when you dance?”

The first student took a step, took a tense breath, and sang the first sentence tremblingly.

No one noticed, just on the lawn outside the window sill, a boy stood there stupidly, humming the song softly with the accompanying music–

“I cannot explain,

I have no control,

That feeling is called forgetting.

I forgot my existence,

But at the same time harvested a complete self. ”

Xiang Gu had asked himself countless times.

What is ballet to him? Is it a prop to earn awards, a medium to win glory for parents, or … or something he loves from the heart?

Ballet is called art by others, but suppose that it is not art, it is his life.

“It’s a bit angry,

A bit like fear.

Confused, tangled, crazy,

Like crying hysterically,

Contented and empty ”

As far as outsiders are concerned, many people think that the men who dance ballet are somewhat motherly. But what about ballet, it’s not for outsiders, it’s for people who know him.

Someone dances because of happiness.

And he is happy because he dances.

“Listening to the music in my ears,

I disappeared from heaven and earth.

That change is tremendous.

The tinder is buried deep in my heart,

That power broke through my body,

To the sky ”

The reason why Xiang Gui turned to singing and dancing was because he didn’t want to forget his dream.

He wants to be on the stage and show his love to everyone in the world.

… but he has no chance.

Xiang Guai’s singing gradually faded away. He clearly wanted to leave before the curtain call.

What’s the point of continuing singing and jumping?

He can’t, he can’t. He stood on that stage and humiliated himself. What if he fell in front of all the audience?

In the classroom, the candidate was getting better. At first his vocal cords were a little tight, but he gradually relaxed as he sang.

Xiang Gui knew him—that boy was a very energetic boy in the next session of the ballet department. Many people were preaching that he had already assumed the role of corner a.

He raised his tiptoe to Gua and gave him another last look, before forcing himself to turn away. He thought that giving up now was the most decent decision.

The music was still lingering behind him, but Xiang Gu had no energy to sing.


Two steps.

Three steps.

The cell phone in my pocket suddenly beat again.

Xiang Guai was there, and a hunch in his mind made him pull out his phone.

The screen lights up, and a string of unexpected text appears in the dialog box–

Yiming Qingyun: Sorry, I don’t comfort people very much, it seems to make you more sad.

Yiming Qingyun: Everyone has negative emotions, it doesn’t matter if you vent to me.

Yiming Qingyun: You don’t need to be embarrassed.

Yiming Qingyun: I haven’t answered your last question.

Yiming Qingyun: You ask me, if a swan loses its wings, can it still fly?

Yiming Qingyun: I thought about it. If the swan loses its wings, it will fall from the sky, fall into the pond, and become an ugly duckling.

Yiming Qingyun: And the ugly duckling is destined to become a white swan.

Xiang Guai couldn’t help but tears burst.

He turned sharply and ran towards the vocal classroom.

Approaching, approaching, the floating piano accompaniment sounded clearer and clearer, and an uncontrollable urge erupted from his chest.

He wants to sing, he wants to jump, he wants to get on that stage!

No one can make a decision for him!

“I cannot explain,

I have no control,

Like silent music sounds in my ears

The fire burns and shakes my heart ”

He completely forgot himself, singing loudly, no longer suppressing himself. He stormed into the teaching building and let his singing echo through the corridor.

He knew that it was still class time. He blatantly violated school rules to make “noise”, and maybe he would be punished tomorrow.

But he was not afraid, he was not afraid of anything.

He is still singing.

“Suddenly I flew up,

Like a bird flying in the blue sky

Like lightning splitting overcast clouds


ifree! !! !! ”

Xiang Gu finally ran to the entrance of the vocal classroom, and he just sang loudly, interrupted the selection in the classroom, and drew everyone’s attention.

When the vocal teacher hurriedly opened the door, the panting boy was standing outside the door with eyes like stars in the sky.

He looked over the teacher and looked at the vocal classroom, the ballet boys waiting for the final assessment, and the producer director and screenwriter sitting opposite them.

His chest was violently undulating. The running and singing just now brought a great burden to his body. Sweat slipped from his forehead, but he did not show a trace of fatigue.

“Report!” He cried, “Fiveth-year students in song and dance majors are trying to guess and apply for male lead selection !!”

The author has something to say: The lyrics of the song “electricity” appearing in this chapter, I translated it based on English lyrics!

There is a certain deviation from the original lyrics, and the paragraph order has been adjusted! !!

It was adapted for Chinese rhyme and to enhance the plot.

Recommend everyone to listen to the original!

Original music: NetEase cloud, Tencent music.

If you can take five minutes, I recommend you to search for video on station b. Little Billy is really dazzling on the stage!

(I begged you to watch this video, I really finished this chapter while listening to this video, especially to enhance the atmosphere !!!)

The full name of the play is “billyeliot / biliy elliot / jump out of my world / boy in ballet shoes”, the full play can be found at station b! !!


Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution

Thanks to the little angel who cast the [Rocket Gun]: chari □□ abear1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 71 years old and sweet cabbage, 71 cabbages;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

46 bottles of Achel; 40 bottles of Jingjing Jingjing; 10 bottles of pine wind blowing belt; Kebin, desperate hill chicken, c9iany1, Keke Keke Ke 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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