Cāi Cāi

Chapter 48

Chapter 6 The Little Prince

Chapter 6 The Little Prince 10

Xiang Gu looked at the message on the screen and stunned for several minutes.

Obviously, it is the simplest Chinese language. Obviously, it has the clearest meaning, but his brain is like rust. After a long time, he cannot understand the meaning of these sentences.

He read it again, then again, and then again …

As if read more, these words will disappear out of thin air.

Wang Qingyun must have been stolen, right? Someone must have deliberately started such a prank, right?

Xiang Gu didn’t reply, he immediately posted on Weibo to see his special attention.

But the reality is there-last night, Wang Qingyun updated a Weibo.

The content is short, only four words, and a picture.

Wang Qingyun: Thank you, bye. [Share Song Club Poster]

The poster is simple in style, with a few lines printed on the faint background, with the time of the song meeting and the yy room number.

The name of the song club is so clear that the word “Farewell” is so dazzlingly printed on the top that no one can ignore it.

Xiang Guai: “…”

He made the poster bigger and smaller, and then narrowed and hidden. He dullly repeated those unconscious movements and his brain was blank.

When he reacted, his hand had already entered a string of words into the dialog box.

Guess: …

Guess: Why should you leave the network distribution circle?

He is confused.

Guess: The other big withdrawal is because the three yuan is too busy, there is no time to touch wheat. But Yunda’s work is related to dubbing. There is no need to step back!

guess : [ ] .jpg

He knew Wang Qingyun because of radio dramas, and because of Wang Qingyun, he jumped into the pit of the network distribution circle, then joined the community, and began singing theme songs for other radio dramas.

It can be said that if he did not hear Wang Qingyun’s voice that day, and did not fall in love with him, then Xiang Gu would never step into the network match world.

But the man who guided him, inspired him, changed him, but so easily pulled away …

At this time, Tan Yiming was just online.

Seeing the boy’s message, he read his agitation.

Yiming Qingyun: Guess, don’t get excited.

Yiming Qingyun: I know that many network distribution cvs still use the original id after entering the business distribution, and they will also take some network distribution work in their spare time.

Yiming Qingyun: But my situation is different.

Yiming Qingyun: I made my debut in the United States as a business partner, and I also used my real name.

Yiming Qingyun: On the one hand, I don’t want people to associate my two-dimensional identity with the identity in real life.

Yiming Qingyun: On the other hand, I really lack energy and can’t take care of both sides.

What is the relationship between commercial distribution and network distribution? Everyone has a different opinion.

Some people think that the commercial match is more “tall” than the online match. It is like the difference between a debut artist and a street singer. The former can kill the latter several times.

However, some people think that the business match is full of copper smell. In addition to the famous top gods, other people are eating together, and there is no net match.

However, from the perspective of Tan Yiming, network distribution and business distribution have neither affiliation nor nobleness. These are two very different, but integrated circles. Business match is professional and mature, while network match is pure and active.

These two circles, one represents his future, and one represents his past.

He walked along the way, harvesting a lot of flowers and applause, and now he is going on a new journey alone.

Tan Yiming was afraid that he could not speak clearly when typing, so he simply dialed the voice phone.

The call took almost seconds.

At both ends of the radio wave, neither of them immediately spoke.

The ears can only hear each other’s breathing.

The boy’s breathing was quiet, he was worried, and so unexplainably angry.

Tan Yiming was afraid of guessing and not speaking. His little swan looked soft and cute, but in fact he was very persistent and very angry.

“I’m sorry,” Tan Yiming said softly, “I didn’t tell you intentionally so late, I have been thinking about leaving the circle for a long time.”

“Actually, there have been many people coming and going in this circle. Like those retired cvs, I could gradually no longer pick up new ones and no longer appear. Weibo became more monthly and more recent. A safe way to fade out of the fans ‘eyes …. In this case, after many years, when my fans opened a dusty folder and saw a radio drama lying there, they suddenly thought:’ It seems to be a long time Before, I had a favorite cv called Wang Qingyun ‘. ”

Although some fans will joke, they always say “Wang Qingyun missed Weibo on the first day, missed him; the second day without Weibo, missed him; and on the third day without Weibo, missed him. Think of him … “… But in fact, after a hundred days, a thousand days later, the symbol of Wang Qingyun would fade away in their minds.

It’s like a yellowed photo, unconsciously, this love will also become a dusty memory in the thin.

“-But I don’t want to.” Tan Yiming said, “I don’t want to leave without any explanation.”

“When I first entered this circle, I was a little transparent with no enthusiasm. I didn’t become a” **** “on my own. The screenwriter, planner, director, late stage, and acted with me. cv, and the fans cheering for me … without them, I have nothing. “Tan Yiming voice with a deep nostalgia,” I want to say thank you to everyone. Because of them, Wang Qingyun . ”

Although this song meeting was called “Farewell Song Meeting”, Tan Yiming felt that it was more like a “confession song meeting”.

Thank you all for giving him so much love in this virtual online world, and making him leave such wonderful memories in this circle.

He will remember the nights of countless pia plays, he will remember the rework over and over, and the tall buildings built for him.

It was they who made him discover his talent, and it was they who pushed him on the professional path.

“So guess,” Tan Yiming solemnly asked, “–would you like to send this confession to everyone with me?”

On the radio side, the young man’s heart had long since become a mess.

Because he is also a person who loves Wang Qingyun, it is the fan ’s worship of idols, and it is the humble love of secret lovers to his sweetheart.

He moved his lips, tears running across his cheeks, and finally fell on the corners of his raised lips: “… I would.”

He gave his love, no need to return, willing.

Talking about Yiming’s original plan, the song will be kept short, there is no need to make it too sensational. He was leaving the circle to bid farewell, not his body farewell.

He wanted to ask three or four cvs with good relationships to match a few classic dialogues on the scene. Finally, he collaborated with Little Swan on a song. Guess he was responsible for singing.

No more than one and a half hours before and after, simple and efficient.

But he underestimated his influence.

The news that Wang Qingyun is about to withdraw from the network distribution circle is a nuclear bomb-level effect, which instantly exploded all diving fans.

There was a mournful comment in the comments, and the discussion posts on the forum were connected one by one, and his private messages were also full, and q / q kept ringing, and there was almost no stopping.

Wang Qingyun has been active in the network distribution industry for many years. His offensive sound is very texture. He can be mature and steady, and he can also be full of spirits. I don’t know how many people are “seduced” by his voice to jump into this circle. Once he enters the pit, it is difficult to extricate himself.

All the cvs who have worked with him scrambled to leave a message for him, one after another took the initiative to request a guest, and “send” him to the song.

Tan Yiming couldn’t help crying and laughing, and it was not good to reject everyone’s intentions. He could only keep plugging people into the club, and the guest list grew awful.

Dragging the long poster down to Guess, seeing his name appear at the end of the show.

The names “guess” and “Wang Qingyun” are so close, they snuggled up and down. A typeface is thin and delicate, and a typeface is straight and thick, which looks so harmonious.

This is their first and last appearance at the same time.

He stretched out his hand and touched those words, as if he could touch that person.

At this moment, Xiang Gu suddenly felt sincerely envious of those girls who boldly confessed to themselves. Their youth is fearless, and they dare to say their love, even if they are destined to not respond, they are not willing to be silent.

But Xiang Guai lacked that courage.

Because he and Wang Qingyun are too far away.

It is not so far apart from the straits, nor is it so far inside and outside the network. It was the man who had boarded the stars, but the boy was still wandering on the ground.

The 25-year-old Wang Qingyun has found his future, but the 17-year-old Xiang Guai just opened up a corner of his life. His road ahead is long and the road is long.

This is the distance he can never catch up with.

He didn’t want to easily characterize himself as “inferiority”, it was more like a kind of love mixed with worship. He knew that he couldn’t stand by now, and would rather stay in place and look up quietly.

The farewell song will be selected on the evening of the May Day holiday.

Starting at eight o’clock and ending at twelve.

Very long.

Generally speaking, the online population of most clubs is gradually increasing, and there are not many listeners in the beginning. As time goes on and the number of guests increases, the number will also increase.

But Wang Qingyun’s farewell song is not the case.

Before eight o’clock, a huge number of people gathered in yy’s room. They are fans of Qingyun, guests of fans, and passers-by who just watch the lively network distribution circle.

Before the song club started, some people with bad network signals got stuck.

After the eight o’clock song officially started, the number of online users increased sharply, and then it kept at that amount, almost no longer changing.

Wang Qingyun’s position in the circle is evident.

“Hello everyone, I’m Wang Qingyun.” Mai Shang’s voice is still mature and gentle. Like a lazy spring dream, finally reluctantly ushered in the end.

“Thank you for coming to my farewell party,” he said.

The public screen was instantly overwhelmed by everyone’s emoji. Unlike usual, when Wang Qingyun was on the wheat field, all flowers appeared on the screen, but now there are countless expressions of tears.

Even if the administrator has restricted everyone from speaking for one hundred seconds, the public screen cannot be suppressed from being drowned by tears.

“Yunda, why should you retreat? 555”

“Can you not leave? The great gods have retreated one by one, I thought you would not leave …”

“I was crying violently! My only wish to enter the circle was to cooperate with the Great God once, but before I entered the sound of Jiuxiao, the Great God left …”

In a word, before he could take a closer look, he swept across the retina of Tan Yiming.

Behind every sentence are fans who are saddened by his withdrawal.

“I’m sorry.” Tan Yiming sighed, this sigh passed down the earphones to everyone’s ears, “I think many people know that I am now studying in the United States and will graduate this year. In this graduation season, I have found what I want to do, and the work will be very busy, so there is really no way to continue the activities of the network distribution circle. ”

Many people in the network distribution circle are like this.

Graduation season, wedding, childbearing … Gradually, the little friends who used to be intimate in the two dimensions go further and further, and unknowingly disperse the horizon. The memories once turned into a grit. Some people’s grit slipped away from the fingers, and some people’s grit was wrapped in layers, and finally turned into a white pearl.

Tan Yiming hopes that he can also become a pearl, leaving a warm light in everyone’s heart.

The microphone was close to his lips, and his breathing sound was clearly recorded.

“Actually, you don’t have to be so sad.” He said, “Although I retired, I did not disappear out of thin air. I am still there, my Weibo will not be cancelled, my q group will not be disbanded, and the radio drama I have assigned Still lying in your favorites. ”

“I’m gone, it doesn’t mean I haven’t shown up.”

There are always complaints that the current network distribution circle is not as simple as before, and the relationship between people is becoming more and more complicated, and it is necessary to win one every week. Since his debut, Tan Yiming is not so “innocent”, and he will always be entangled with him more or less.

However, no matter how many times the frame is crossed, no matter how much black, a cv, after all, still has to speak with works.

Tan Yiming is very fortunate. In the past few years, he has left a lot of works. Or active, or matching; full age, ** direction; … These works are the crystallization of his hard work, he can proudly say that every work he put in 100% effort to match it.

Each character becomes alive because of him, and he also becomes mature and powerful because of each character.

“Thank you for letting me gain so much love.” Tan Yiming laughed. “Today, let me give you back your love.”

The guests went to Mai one by one, and the program continued one by one. Some programs are weird, and some programs are sensational. Every guest who finishes the performance always has to talk to Mai and Wang Qingyun.

Everyone sent a blessing to Wang Qingyun, wishing him all the best in the three yuan, and hope he will have the opportunity to “come back”.

“It will,” Tan Yiming said. “In fact, I’m close to you. Maybe I can meet again in a while.”

Because there were too many guests, the second president who served as the chief planner set aside 12 minutes for each guest. Before everyone went to the wheat, the second child had told him not to time out, because once it timed out, it would affect the subsequent programs. After all, the fans are mostly students. If the whole song is too long, they will not rest until they hear Wang Qingyun’s farewell.

However, in this atmosphere, people chatted and couldn’t control their emotions at all.

There was a plan that cried directly on Mai. When she was a new planner, she had cooperated with Wang Qingyun. At that time, she made a lot of mistakes because of lack of experience and was severely beaten by a book by the original book fan. At that time, Wang Qingyun patiently enlightened her, helped her analyze the problem, regained her confidence, and finally did not retire.

She had countless words to say, but there was only one voice of gratitude left when she exited.

Wang Qingyun’s popularity is so good. He has helped many people, and all his collaborators have praised him. Everyone will say a few more words when they go to Mai. As a result, this will lead to less time later.

Xiang Guai’s show came last, and at this time, there was not much time left before the song would end.

Before he went to Mai, the second child knocked him personally and told him with guilt that the original 12-minute program time is now compressed to only 5 minutes. I hope he doesn’t talk too long on Mai, anyway, he and Wang Qingyun have a close personal relationship. OK, you can talk slowly after the wheat.

“It’s okay.” A word-by-word reply to Guess, “I can’t take five minutes.”


“I’ll just sing a song and stop talking.”

The boy flicked his finger and typed a string of words on the keyboard-“Because, what I want to say, my song will be conveyed for me.”

In order to match the dual theme of confession and farewell, Xiang Guai’s final selected song is a very touching episode “puisquec ‘estrose” in the musical “Little Prince”.

Song of roses.

There are tens of thousands of roses in this world, but only one rose is unique to you.

What exactly is this rose? Is it love? Is it a dream? Is it inspiration? Or a different person? … There are countless kinds of interpretations, but in Xiang Guai’s eyes, Wang Qingyun is his rose.

And now he is going to dedicate this song to his rose.

The accompaniment sounded, melodious and gentle.

Obviously this is a song that can fall into your ears, as if you can smell the fragrance of roses.

The boy sang along with the soundtrack–

“There will be a rose in this world,

In the eyes of passersby,

Like other roses.

But I know the difference between roses:

No one domesticates them,

They also did not domesticate anyone.

Only my one is different. ”

Yeah, the little prince was domesticated by a rose.

Xiang Guai was tamed by Tan Yiming.

When Tan Yiming didn’t know, in the corner where Tan Yiming didn’t know, the boy would turn around because of his sentence and punctuation.

“I water him.

I protect him,

I like to listen to him,

Because he is my rose.

I’m guarding him,

I console him,

I love him

Because he is my rose. ”

On another piece of land tens of thousands of kilometers away, Tan Yiming subconsciously held down his headphones with both hands and listened to the flowing songs.

Tan Yiming has heard singing to Guess many times.

His singing voice often carries an incomparable vitality, which is injected into the heart like a clear spring.

But this time, Xiang Guai’s singing voice changed.

There was something unclear about the road in his singing, like the first fire about to ignite the forest, like the first ray of light after the beginning of the cloud. He suppressed himself, and at the same time indulged himself. What feelings were deeply hidden in the song, and he was about to break out of the cocoon.

Tan Yiming: “…”

He hesitantly listening to the singing voice from his headphones, his fingers clenched unconsciously.

He hoped that he had heard it wrong and thought too much … but the emotion contained in the song was so surging that he couldn’t ignore it at all.

If you don’t understand it, you’re wasting it.

Just like Xiang Guai’s voice, his singing will tell him what he wants to say—those who are timid and dare not speak out.

When the last note fell, Xiang Guai’s “Song of the Rose” also came to an end.

“On parting,

I want to tell you a secret.

Is the time you spend on roses,

That makes it so important. ”

He sang this song with all his energy. He didn’t care if the fans didn’t understand it. He just hoped that his song, his mind, and the emotions he couldn’t export could make his rose understand.

Xiang Gu did it.

After singing this song, he didn’t say a word to Guai and hurried off the wheat. As he said before, he doesn’t need to express any blessings or words, all his feelings and songs will be conveyed for him.

The public screen was full of messages, and many people had never heard the song, but they were all overwhelmed by the romance and sadness that came out of the song.

Wang Qingyun is not just the rose of Xiang Guai, he is the flower in the hearts of countless fans.

They were tamed by a flower and never forgotten even when they left.

After the little swan stepped down, Tan Yiming would like to talk to him.

But he opened the dialog between the two, but didn’t know what to say.

They have known each other for so long and even participated in each other for a short period of their lives.

Xiang Gui witnessed the perplexity of Tan Yiming, and Tan Yiming had heard Xiang Guai’s fragility.

Tan Yiming’s fingers were tapping on the keyboard. Every time he wanted to say something, he could only delete it word by word.

He wanted to say thank you to Little Swan, and then wanted to say sorry.

Deletion, reduction, increase and growth, Tan Yiming laughed so hesitantly, obviously he only needs to give the words to other suitors … But in the face of guessing, he wanted to minimize the pain Degree.

But before he organized the language, the second child hurried to find him.

[Sounding Jiuxiao-Second Child]: What are you doing today?

[Sound moving Jiuxiao-second child]: It’s time for you to go into the wheat, why not speak for a long time!

[Sheng Jiuxiao—Second Child]: I was embarrassed to talk about scalp tingling!

Yiming Qingyun: … I am here.

He definitely looked at him and Xiang Gui’s dialog box, watching those words that hadn’t been sent out, and eventually turned it off.

Don’t rush for a while, wait for the song, and talk to Little Swan.

Tan Yiming was hugged Mai again.

The host changed the background into a soft and soothing pure music, which was woven from the sound of piano and violin, and beating in the ears of every listener.

Everyone knows that it’s time to say goodbye.

It’s twelve.

In the fairy tale, twelve o’clock is a time full of magic.

In reality, twelve o’clock represents the end of the day, and a new day is coming.

Tan Yiming said a lot on Mai.

He thanked all the friends who helped him and all the fans who loved him. He remembered his journey in the network distribution circle for several years, and was filled with emotion.

“I met a lot of people, and I was met by a lot of people.” Yue Sheng whispered, and his voice was like a flat boat floating on the music, down the river, “Thank you for your love, let me be better Me. ”

This is Wang Qingyun’s confession to all fans.

At the same time, this is Tan Yiming’s farewell to Xiang Guai.

He never knew that he once turned into a beam of light that illuminated the whole world of Xiangchai.

In the section of the network cable, in every corner of this land, someone secretly hurt.

The public screen has long been covered by countless sobs, and they all hope that in the last few minutes, Wang Qingyun can change his mind and stay.

But that is impossible.

Tan Yiming is a determined person, and his decisions never change.

He took the few sheets of paper at his fingertips, and the sound of the page flipping was passed along the radio waves.

“Last few minutes,” he said, “let me read another story for everyone.”

Someone asked what to read.

“Little Prince.” He replied, “Remember, the Little Prince eventually left, not death, but flew to the planet he longed for.”

What he read aloud was not the original novel.

It’s the last song sung in the musical when the little prince and the pilot said goodbye—

“My little prince is from the sky,

Starting from the stars,

Bringed by swallows.

He let my earthly imagination grow wings. ”

There is no story in this world, warmer than the little prince, and more suitable for saying goodbye.

“The little prince is from a place where nothing exists.

From an unknown planet.

He happened to leave here,

But I will never forget what he looks like. ”

In the place where day and night are separated, Xiang Gu held his leg quietly, listening to the sound coming from the headphones.

This is The Little Prince, the little prince he has never understood.

He understood the pride of Rose, the gentleness of the fox, the loneliness of the snake, but the heart of the little prince.

He thought, what was the little prince looking for when he landed on his planet? Are you looking for a partner, are you looking for the meaning of life, or are you looking for another rose?

The little prince ventured in this world. He had seen so many things, but no one could replace the flower in his heart.

Xiang Gu sometimes feels like a little prince.

He has friends who talk about nothing, feet that can carry him flying, and singing voices that can express feelings.

But there was a man in his heart, so even if he had seen so many landscapes, he couldn’t fill the gap in his heart.

The man’s voice continued in the headphones.

“We all have a rose in our hearts,

The volcanoes there scared us.

There are so many sunsets there,

There is a desire to disappear,

And our good times. ”

What a magical thing, obviously Ming Ming is far away from the sky beyond guess, but his voice can drift across the sea, echoing in the heart of the teenager.

The lyrics of this song are too familiar to Guess.

He opened his lips, and the last lyrics seemed to be printed on his heart, and flowed out naturally.

At the same time, the man in the headset read it out.

— “On this vast planet …”

— “On this vast planet …”

A teardrop slipped.

In the second when tears fell, Xiang Gu suddenly understood the little prince.

— “… we will meet again.”

— “… we will meet again.”

The song will end in a lingering voice.

Tan Yiming hurried down the wheat and reopened the guess chat box.

However, all the sentences he sent, only retracted a sharp red exclamation mark.

[System prompt: You and the user are not friends, the user settings do not allow anyone to be friends]

Tan Yiming suddenly found out that his little swan had just flown away.

—— [End of upper part] ——

The author has something to say: This chapter has been written for nearly twenty hours, and I have changed it. I have lost the ability to read. I wonder if I have expressed what I want to express.

The upper part is finished, everything is left for everyone to judge.

I’ll take a day off and revise the lower outline. See you on Thursday evening.

After one day, the world is five years from now.


ps: The original version of The Little Prince Musical is in French. All lyrics involved in this chapter have been modified based on the Internet translation (in order to match the sentiment of the article), so some words and sentences must be different Please understand. 2k novel reading network

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