Cāi Cāi

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Act I “Voice of Music” ④

Act I “The Sound of Music” 4

It’s too difficult to play the piano.

The ballet prince on the bench did not know how many times he screamed today.

Xiang Gu looked down at his hands on the black and white keyboard and fell into deep self-doubt.

Why on earth would he feel fit to play the piano?

He turned to look at the music teacher standing beside the piano, looking at his music teacher with a loving face, and he could only swallow all the complaints back into his stomach.

“Very well, let’s do it again.” The piano teacher clapped and clapped for him, “dorei wears finger solti … let’s add the left hand: dorei wears sol right hand and crosses ti …”

Unfortunately, the luck this time is not good. Although it is the simplest C major scale, the **** of the two hands is completely different. Xiang Gui can play smoothly with one hand, but when both hands are placed on the keyboard at the same time, they become two pigs feet fighting each other.

He thought that when Mr. Jin Yong wrote about the little dragon girl’s two-handed hands, he probably wouldn’t have worked harder than him.

He held the shelf hard and didn’t let the frustrated expression climb to his face.

He wanted to take the teacher away: “Teacher, I’ll do it myself. Go and see other students.”

In the piano classroom, there are seven other students taking elective piano performances like him. They started to learn piano when they were 11 or 12 years old. Everyone has a thick stack of music on the piano stand in front of them. Bach, Harnon, Czerny, and only he is still facing. Elementary tutorial for practicing scales.

While he was practicing, the classmates didn’t even play the piano, one by one curiously extended the neck, watching him like watching a lively event that had not been seen for 800 years.

Xiang guessed that he was really “lively.”

The music teacher also noticed those lazy classmates. She turned her head and bluffed her face and said, “Why did you stop? Did I let you rest? Whoever doesn’t practice the piano well, come to study today today, come to me to report here!”

As soon as this word came out, the students were scared back to their heads, and a sonata played in the hands. They just bounced, their heads turned to 90 degrees again, and their minds were not on the score in front of them.

Xiang Gu can only bite his head and continue to drop.

The music teacher coaxed him: “It doesn’t matter. You start four years later than everyone. At this stage, it is normal to have a gap. You can definitely catch up with everyone if you practice well.”

Xiang Gui was a little persuasive and thought, when did I become a “gap” and “a person who can’t keep up with everyone”?

After the piano lessons in the morning, the students hurried to the cafeteria. There is an hour and a half break at noon. If they hold fast enough, they can go back to the dormitory to sleep after lunch.

Xiang Gui didn’t go, he stayed alone in the piano classroom, and Ding Ding pressed the keys.

A head came into the door.

The girl’s lively voice came: “Let’s go to guess! You aren’t even so active about eating?”

Xiang Guai said no, he wanted to practice the piano.

Qi Yan walked into the door: “Your first piano lesson, it seems not going well?”

“… I can’t even play scales. I really should have chosen a harmonica.” Xiang Gui looked up hopefully, “Can I still transfer?”

“If you can, you can. But there is no harmonica class in our school.”


Qi Yan sat down beside him and turned over his sheet music: “Whenever you come, you will be safe you have learned everything.

This posture seems to be with him to practice the piano.

In order to accompany him, Qi Yan, who loves food so much, didn’t even eat lunch. What is your friend like?

Xiang Gui was particularly touched, cheering up and hungry and making a noise for an hour, and finally—learned how to play five scales.

Qi Yan coaxed him like a kid: “Awesome, good, amazing. Progress is so fast that in time, you will be a great musician!”

She quickly raised his arm and said anxiously, “So big musician, can we go to lunch now?”


The two hurried to the cafeteria, but only the residue left in the window.

The student cafeteria of Huawu Affiliated Middle School is well-known for being unpalatable. This is not because the chefs in the cafeteria are not skilled enough, but in order to control the weight of the students, all the dishes in the school should be less oil, less salt and less seasoning. In addition to chicken and beef, amaranth is steamed fish.

Qi Wei asked for a scrambled egg with garlic and spit it out just after taking a bite.

The girl complained: “I heard from students in school **** that their school cafeterias are all using pig food. I now think that pig food is also good, at least the pig food has oil and water.”

Xiang Guye also had a dull head and ate chopsticks. He seriously suspected that the garlic pension had been paid for more than 70 years.

But it ’s too bad to eat.

Qi Yue couldn’t stand half of it, so she took out the small cell phone from the sleeve of her uniform and shoved it between the two.

Qi Yan said, “Rely on me, help me block my phone!”

Xiang Guai: “Why do you use a cell phone for dinner?”

Qi Yan: “Are you really a high school student? Why don’t I have a meal when I don’t use my cellphone for dinner?”


Qi Wei opened her mobile Weibo, watched a Weibo, and ate a bite. She said that the food in the restaurant was too unpalatable, and she had to “add some food” to her life to swallow the feed.

Suddenly Qi Qi’s eyes lighted up, and she grabbed Xiang Gu’s arm and drew the screen directly under his eyes.

“Look!” She said, “Wang Qingyun God has tweeted! Still a video !!!”

Hearing the familiar name, Xiang Gu quickly gazed at the screen.

Sure enough, a new Weibo floated to the top of the mobile phone screen. In just a few minutes, comments, likes, and reposts have been captured by fans of the Great God.

Wang Qingyun: That sounds good. [Share Video]

On the cover image of that video, a pair of slender hands are jumping on 88 keys composed of black and white.

Jumping to Gua ’s heart, as soon as he learned to play the scales today, God sent a video related to the piano … He hurriedly urged Qi Qi to start watching. The girl said in a dilemma that she didn’t have headphones and was afraid to listen to the amplifier.

The two can only turn the phone to mute state, head to head, and in a silent state, “watched” this one-minute piano performance video.

Although you can’t hear the melodious music, just watching the hands dancing on the keyboard is already intoxicating.

It is said that dancers dance on both feet, and that pianist is dancing on the keyboard with both hands.

Looking at the slender fingers with long bones, the master of the hand is a real artist. Every time you tap and swipe, you can feel the sound of the piano sound in the eardrum.

The comments are filled with enthusiastic comments from fans.

Someone asked the Great God, who played this piano?

Wang Qingyun replied: I am a new friend today.

After Xiang Gu “watched” the video, Qi asked glumly, “How many years do I have to practice the piano to achieve this level?”

Qi Yan raised her hand and touched his forehead: “No fever?”


Qi Yan said: “This person is a boy child, he is probably older than us. He is better than fantasizing how to become a friend of the Great God.”

Xiang Guai busy asked: “How can I be a friend of the Great God?”

Qi Yan cut aloud: “If I knew, wouldn’t I be a friend of the Great God?”


When Yao Yin told Tan Yiming that he was his voice-over guide, Tan Yiming’s heart felt a bit ridiculous.

Playing piano and playing dubbing, dubbing and dubbing, even if Yao Yin plays the piano as well, his professionalism and dubbing are too far apart.

However, this point did not matter, after Tan Yiming walked into the recording studio, the smoke disappeared instantly.

Those who have only seen professional recording equipment on TV, and those who have only heard about it in the mouth of others, talked about it and felt that their eyes were not enough.

The recording studio is divided into two rooms, inside and outside, separated by a transparent sound-proof glass.

Don’t look at just such a piece of glass, even if the two people shouted face to face, they could not hear each other at all.

Outside there is an audio console and several sets of sofas to allow the accompanying person to rest.

The inner room is a completely enclosed soundproof room. Tan Yiming walked in to close the door, only to feel that the whole world was suddenly quiet, as if only he was left alone, and the sound of quiet heartbeat was clear and audible.

The soundproof room is not large. In the middle stands a professional recording microphone. Large monitoring headphones are hanging on the side.

Tan Yiming stood in front of the microphone, took off the earphone, and buckled it on his head.

The LCD TV hanging on the wall has been turned on. The TV screen is connected to the external console. The recording teacher responsible for recording is rewinding the movie and jumping to the place where the hero first spoke.

The soundproof room is too quiet.

It was … the ultimate silence.

Tan Yiming could hear nothing but his own breathing. He could only see people coming and going through the large soundproof glass behind him.

George is chatting with his girlfriend Shang Xiaorui.

The recording teacher frowned at the demo.

Yao Yin stroked the cross pendant on his chest with one hand and wondered what he was thinking.

No one is watching and talking.

At this moment, Tan Yiming remembered a horror novel that he had seen before. It is said that a person was “thrown” to the back of the mirror. He is in the mirror and he can observe others through the mirror, but no one can notice him.

Tan Yiming felt that he was now thrown to the back of the mirror. He looked at the others through a glass, and behind the glass, he was alone.

He wanted to turn his attention to the linebook in his hand, but glanced at it, leaving only a series of meaningless characters connected.

Tan Yiming knew that he was nervous.

very nervous.

Just then, a slight buzzing sound came from the headset.

And after that buzz, a crisp male voice poured into his ear.

“Talk, can you hear me?”

Outside the glass window, Yao Yin pressed the call button of the call microphone.

“…” Tan Yiming pushed the headset, “heard.”

Because the sound insulation effect is too good, if people inside and outside want to communicate, they must use equipment buried in the wall.

“That’s good.” Yao Yin said kindly. “The recording has not started yet. You don’t have to be so nervous. Relax and try the Mike effect. You can also walk around without standing there.”

“I’m not nervous.” Tan Yiming didn’t know why he said this, “I’m …”

He wanted to make an excuse for his disorder.

He suddenly noticed in front of Mike that there was a set of “poles”-the kind of door-shaped poles commonly used in dance classrooms, which could allow young girls to put their legs up and press their legs, cramps, etc .

Tan Yiming immediately shifted the subject, and started one of the most botched jokes of his life: “Why are you holding a pole here? Is it for me to record and dance ballet?”

His voice passed through the microphone.

In exchange for silence in the room.

A short while later, Yao Yin pressed the call button: “No. It takes a long time to stand for both recording and dubbing. The pole is afraid that the artist is too tired, so you can support it.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.