Cāi Cāi

Chapter 88

Chapter 88 The curtain call “Famous Oceans” ⑤

The curtain call “Famous Oceans” 5

Soon, the Huacheng Dance Academy and the team of “Wait for a Extreme Day” decided to come to the school to perform, and the time was set for the second day after the official start of the school.

Schools are full of publicity banners and roll-up posters. The posters are very artistically designed, with only the simplest black and white colors. The silhouette of Xiang Guai occupies half of the picture. It was a beautiful, eye-catching close-up. The boy’s facial features were exquisite, his eyes were bright, and he looked into the distance.

He was waiting for his polar day, waiting for the sun that saved him from the boundless darkness.

Everyone passing by the poster will stop and carefully look at what the poster looks like.

The two young girls stopped in front of the publicity board with a strong admiration in their tone.

“Look! It’s my husband!” A little girl took out her phone and handed it to her girlfriend, “Hurry up, help me take a picture with my son!”

Girlfriend spit out: “Husband? Son? Didn’t you call his brother yesterday?”

That being said, my girlfriend still took the cell phone and took a beautiful photo for her friends in front of the exhibition board.

Do not think that the students of the performance academy will not chase the stars. They not only chase the stars, but also their own brothers and sisters. They are struggling with idols as their goal, hoping that one day they will be on the stage and perform with people they worship.

The two little girls walked away laughingly. If they were slower and took the time to look around, they would find that in the tree-lined road not far away, the person they had just talked about was standing. Look at them behind the big tree!

“Husband? Son? Brother?” Tan Yiming pressed his laughter into his throat, looking at the shy little swan beside him, and repeated these three words in a quizzle.

Xiang Gu was embarrassed and happy to hide himself behind the tree.

“Don’t tell me …” he whispered, “They are my schoolgirls, and they were also raised by the Huawu High School. They are joking.”

“I don’t think they are joking.” Tan Yiming said, “You can be invited back to the school to report a performance within six months of graduation. Even if this achievement is not unprecedented, there are not more than five people in school history, right?”

“That’s a good script. The director and the two directors are very good.” Xiang Guai was still so self-confident, and he didn’t want to give all the credit to himself. . ”

“Guess, this can’t be explained with the word” luck “.” Tan Yiming said, “Even if the pie falls from the sky, someone can catch it, but someone will be strangled to death. You have been so many years Come and work hard so when the opportunity comes to you, you can seize it. ”

Tan Yiming encouraged him: “You’re already great, you can do a little bit more-from now on, learn to praise yourself, okay?”

“…” Xiang Gui didn’t speak, only nodding his lips.

There are still a few days before the official start of the school, and there are very few students in the school. The two of them specially came to the Huacheng Dance Academy today. The first purpose was to look at the performance venue, and the second purpose was to move around the campus.

As a domestic first-class dance school, Hwaseong Dance Academy has a very high status. After graduation, many students directly enter the dance troupe in the national prefix. Some people go abroad to study and continue their studies abroad.

Tan Yiming was too curious about this place. After learning that it was Xiang Guai ’s alma mater, he checked a lot of information about this school on the Internet, but he never had a chance to walk in.

Today, this wish is finally realized. Xiang Gui was his guide, listening to the boy’s whispers about all the interesting things about campus life, talking about each other, as if accompanying Xiang Gui to go through the years of campus.

As I introduced Guai, I remembered. The meals in the cafeteria are delicious. The teacher of the physical education class is not very responsible. The principal must speak for half an hour every time the whole school conference is held. The auntie manager always turns off the lights in advance …

I used to feel dull and boring in my college life. When I recalled after graduation, all of them turned into full fun.

“Speaking of which, your school is really small.” Tan Yiming sighed. The two walked around in the school for a few minutes, and then transferred the whole school.

“We are professional colleges. There are only ten departments in total. In addition to the affiliated middle school, our school has a total of 2,000 students.” Xiang Guaiyu envy, “I heard that those comprehensive universities are only a college student. More than our entire school. ”

He set his sights on Tan Yiming: “Is your school crowded?”

“Indeed.” Tan Yiming said, “My alma mater has a large area, and our finance department alone has a separate library and teaching building. There is also a lake in the school, and many students are in the lake every morning and evening. While running. There are many Asian students in the school. The school specially built an Asian-style cafeteria, but to be honest, those dishes are too poor and the taste is strange. Asians do n’t eat them, only white people eat them. He suddenly proposed, “Let’s find some time to go to the United States? I’ll take you to visit my alma mater, then to the surrounding big cities.”

His proposal throbbed Xiang Gui.

“But my passport has expired and my visa has to be processed in advance.”

“It doesn’t matter, this matter is not urgent. We have a long time to plan this trip slowly.” Tan Yiming asked, “Have you ever applied for a passport before?”

“Well.” Xiang Gui was silent for a while, and replied, “I was sent to Waganova by the school to study when I was in the middle school.”

Waganova …

It is the most famous ballet school in St. Petersburg, Russia, and the cradle of the world’s top ballet dancers. Every two years, the Huawu Affiliated High School sends several top students to exchange and study at Wagangnova Ballet School.

Xiang Guai once was one of them.

When black-haired and black-eyed, he was standing on a land in a foreign country and surrounded by the blonde clans, he determined that his future was on that side of the stage.

Unfortunately, his life trajectory has changed dramatically since then.

Fortunately, even if he deviated from the course, he found a new direction.

The time I was studying in Waganova is now reminiscent of the memories of my last life. Breathing a sigh of relief to Guai, watching a white mist drift in the cold air.

Tan Yiming knew how he felt. He looked at him, then gently held his hand, and put his cold fingertips in his palm.

“That’s better than that,” Tan Yiming suggested, “when spring comes, shall we go to St. Petersburg?”

Go to Waganova, to ballet, to the place where he once slept in the boy’s dream.

Tan Yiming was going to buy a pair of ballet shoes and put on his little swan himself.

Xiang Kai opened his lips and laughed softly, “OK.”

The two just held hands and walked slowly along the quiet path.

They went from the small theater on campus to the gymnasium and from the gymnasium to the teaching building.

There are two teaching buildings in Huawu. One is for students to take a cultural class, and they are all a stepped classroom. Because it has not yet started, they are all empty now.

The other one was filled up by the rehearsal hall. Children in dance were very hard. They had to take at least six hours of professional lessons every day. In addition, the early and late exercises could not be dropped. The ballroom of the entire building is clearly divided according to the department: the Chinese dance department is on the fifth floor, the ballet department is on the fourth floor, and the national standard dance department is on the third floor …

Tan Yiming asked: “What about your musical department?”

“We’re on the first floor!” Said Xiang Guai proudly. “There is no need to climb the floor, and there is a vocal classroom next to it. It’s convenient!”

The guard uncle in the security kiosk did not know where to go, and sneaked into the teaching building sneaking to the guess.

The two first went to the exclusive dance classroom of the music department, but the door was locked. Tan Yiming could only stand outside the glass door and watch this rehearsal room carefully.

The rehearsal hall is large, with an area of ​​80 square meters. It is transparent from north to south and has excellent lighting. Mirrors were inlaid on the entire wall, and the other three were fixed poles. Some corner mats were piled up at the corners. The entire classroom was clean and bright.

When Tan Yiming saw such a large rehearsal hall, and thought about the cramped practice room in his home, he suddenly felt an urgent need to “make a lot of money and buy a big house”.

Xiang Gui certainly didn’t know what was going on in his head. The boy took his hand happily, and walked to a smaller classroom next to it.

The door of the “vocal classroom” hung on the door of the small classroom, and a tentative push to guess-the door was not locked!

This small classroom is half the size of the rehearsal room and the room is soundproofed. There is an upright piano under the window, with dozens of chairs scattered around the piano.

“The vocal teacher’s ears are working.” Xiang Gui shuddered. “She’s a humanoid tuner! When the chorus is sung, someone will sing for half a tone and she will be choked out by her!”

Xiang Gui closed the door softly, thinking for a while, and then locked the door uneasily, for fear that the voice would spread out, which would lead to Uncle Security.

He bypassed the chair and sat directly in front of the piano.

It is estimated that there are people cleaning every day, there is no dust on the piano. Lifting the piano cover to Guai, both hands and wrists were half sinking, and they were falsely placed on the keys.

He first played two sets of scales and then practiced climbing. At first his **** was still a bit jerky, but he gradually found the feel of playing the piano.

“What do you want to hear?” He turned his head to Guess, and said with eagerness.

“Will you play the piano?” Tan Yiming was surprised. He and Xiangchai have lived together for so long, never heard him mention that he can play the piano.

Guess how many advantages he has that he didn’t discover?

Xiang Guai said shamefully, “Musical instruments are our compulsory class … I can choose one of violin and piano when I am in the middle school. I did n’t know anything about strings, so I chose piano. I continued to practice piano after college. But I played It ’s not good, and after graduating so long, I have n’t touched the keys for more than half a year, and now I can only play some simple ones. ”

He paused and added awkwardly: “I’m not good enough, I’m definitely not as good as Director Yao.”

“…” Tan Yiming was helpless: “Why did Yao Yin come up?”

Xiang Gu also felt that he was not talking about this. He knows that Yao Yin and Tan Yiming haven’t been in contact, but sometimes he just makes a prudent note.

… Maybe, this is the stupid thing to do after falling in love.

Xiang Guai’s face was hot, and he quickly turned his eyes back and stared at the black and white keyboard in front of him.

He asked himself: What song would he play? What song does he want to play?

At that moment, countless love songs came out of his brain memory, from popular songs to elegant operas, there are so many notes in this world that can be used to sing love-

Tap the keyboard with your fingertips.

Before his brain could react, he had already chosen a song for him.

A song that is most suitable for a chat with Gua He, and also for guess and Wang Qingyun.

“If I walk towards you, will you stop?

If I stop, will you chase me?

The world is holding me back,

And I am still struggling to run towards my dream. ”

The piano was melodious, accompanied by the boy’s singing, and floated in the direction of Tan Yiming.

This song is a song sung by the male lead while courting the female lead in the musical “Famous Oceans”. The show is less well-known, but the song is highly vocal. In the play, the actor sits in front of the piano and plays and sings. From beginning to end, his eyes never leave his beloved girl.

The same is true of Xiang Guai.

“If I sing for you, will you sing along?

If I dance for you, will you dance together?

If I gave you my heart, would you give the same? ”

A quick question has already been answered.

The answer lies in Tan Yiming’s kiss, in Tan Yiming’s eyes, and in Tan Yiming’s hug.

Tan Yiming stood quietly by the piano, already fascinated by his singing. Tan Yiming has heard many songs from Guess, sad, warm, longing … But this time, Tan Yiming heard the overflowing happiness from his singing.

The boy was singing, still singing.

“Even if I’m not ready,

But I want to fight for your love.

iwill … tryforyourlove. ”

No more fighting.

Tan Yiming wanted to tell him: Guess, you’ve got all my love.

Half a year ago, Xiang Guai graduated from Huacheng Dance Academy. At that time, he was elected to the stage as a representative of outstanding graduates.

At that time, the audience was full of parents. But when he looked down, he found that none of the smiley faces came for him.

At that time, Yiming had nothing but a silent blessing for his boy across the live network.

And now, this regret that belongs to both of them has finally been filled.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution

Thanks to the little angel who threw the [grenade]: 1 Sang Hua

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Lin Yuan, Zhan, Zai, and Xiao Yuan, who love Yuan Yuan, and Jie Xiaoka;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

40 bottles; 30 bottles of shallow flowers; 20 bottles of Duanmu Ningxi, how to do it; 20 bottles of Duo Xi, Yi Ying, Xuan Huan. ° 10 bottles; humming z8 bottles; silent ink, sketch, Yu Che , Yuan billowing, green tea, 252725945 bottles; 2 bottles; Hatsune has not come yet, Lost Corolla, licyivy, uphill picking Wuwu, small coriander seeds obedient, moving ants, small fish faint into the water ;

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