Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Thank you to my patrons: Lolop12, SambaZero, Survivor121, and Syndra

The double doors loomed over Caitlyn; mahogany giants. She stood beneath them, side by side with LeBlanc, like worshippers at a shrine. Thirty-nine partners had passed through them, and Caitlyn showed them all a good time. No matter how insufferable they were, no matter how long it took, no matter how much punishment her body endured. Fifteen remained.


What a piece of cake. Soon, she’d have them all to herself without any limitations. Paradise was right around the corner.


  “The train your clones ran on me – is that what it’s like upstairs?” she asked.


  “Better. My clones don’t have a mind of their own, and complicated commands break them. When all fifty of those girls are fighting over you… it’s unlike anything else. When I was the new girl, they made me pass out more times than I can count, even with my clones to take on some of the work. I forgot how to think. All I knew was cock, cock, and more cock. By the end of it, I had so much cum in my belly that I felt like it’d eaten a five-course meal.” LeBlanc chuckled. “I fell into a food coma and slept for three days straight.”


Caitlyn’s heart skipped a beat. “Ah! Don’t say things like that! You’re gonna make me quit early so I can have a go!”


  “And what’s so wrong with that? You’ve come farther than most. I’d say the reward’s been earned, no?”


  “Not yet. I made a promise.”


  “So break it. Oh, don’t look at me like that. Words are just words.”


  “Never say that in front of me again.”


Outside, the summer wind howled. Tree branches rustled. Birds sang.


LeBlanc adjusted her mask. “I should go get Ahri.”


  “You should.”


Quick as a flash, LeBlanc scurried through the double doors. Hasty murmurs hissed beyond them and soft footsteps faded away. The doors opened. Ahri entered, light as a feather on her crimson sandals, hips and tails swaying.


  “You’re still standing, dear?”


  “Eh, I could take the rest of them up my ass no problem.”


Ahri smirked. “Wanna bet?”


  “Nope. My pussy is dying for a good pounding. Who’s next?”


  “Akali, but she can wait. You’ve earned a rest.”


  “Don’t want it.” Caitlyn rolled her shoulder. “Send her in.”


Ahri cocked her head… and giggled. She covered her mouth, her fox ears bounced, and sunlight twinkled in her golden eyes. “Y- You’re too much. Stop that. I’m supposed to be upset with you.”


  “I’m not joking. I need a cock in my pussy now.”


  “Patience is part of the test, dear. This is a test if you do recall. I’ll send her in thirty minutes.”


Caitlyn clicked her tongue. “Fine.”


  “There’s always the variety of dildos I’ve provided for you.”


  “Not the same. I need real cock.”


Ahri giggled and opened the doors, shaking her head. “Real cock. Yes, of course. Well anyway, congratulations on completing the Noxus round. Your next seven partners will be from Ionia; my homeland. We’re a fun bunch, us Ionian girls. We’ll show you a good time.”


Caitlyn perked up. “We? Does that mean-”


The doors slammed shut behind Ahri.




Caitlyn felt like a new girl.


The summer breeze – sweet with flowers – brushed her soft, clear skin. Soft as a tender thigh. The wind was fascinated with her. Played with her fluffy hair. Spread her strawberry perfume. Wormed beneath her clothes, fluttering her open shirt as it tried to peek under her swimsuit. Perhaps it was jealous of the deck chair who got to cradle her aching ass.


Half an hour was almost up, and still, it hurt like hell.


  “Silly wind. I already fucked Janna. Isn’t she basically your god? So, in a sense, you’re vying for seconds. How greedy.”


The wind vanished. Caitlyn lurched forward and lifted her round sunglasses. The tree branches stood still. A deafening silence lingered.


Caitlyn laughed. “Wh- What a funny coincidence.”


  “You make a fair point, and you’re surprised they listened?”


Caitlyn jumped out of her skin. She shot to her feet and whirled around, but it was only Ahri, covering her mouth, giggling.


  “Did I frighten you?”


  “N- No!”


Ahri laughed. “No wonder the wind listened to you.”


  “What does that mean?”


  “Because you’re such an airhead.”




Ahri doubled over with laughter.


A woman with light skin sauntered through the sliding door as if she owned the world, and slipped an arm around Ahri’s waist. “Don’t make fun. Mainlanders don’t know any better.”


Ahri nudged the woman with her hip. “A little mockery is the least she deserves. I still haven’t forgiven her, you know.”


  “Yeah yeah.” A black mask covered her mouth, but Caitlyn saw the smirk clear as day in her red-brown eyes. She slipped the mask past her chin and pulled Ahri into a kiss, hand planted on her lower back.


Ahri’s cheeks flushed as the kiss lingered. When they broke apart she was out of breath. “I’ll let you get away with that just this once, but our thirty minutes are up, Akali.”


Akali’s thick, raised, black ponytail rustled as she shrugged. “We’re still on for after, yeah?”


Ahri straightened her skirt and fixed her hair. “We are. Now, it’s about time I leave you two to it. Have fun, swee- Akali.”

  “Love you too, babe.”


Ahri turned bright red and ran inside, slamming the double doors in less than a heartbeat.


Akali chuckled and side-eyed Caitlyn. Red-brown eyes undressed her. She was all curves and lean muscle and had the decency to show it off. A tight, cropped tank top let the bottom of her ribcage, her abs, shoulders, and arms breathe the sizzling summer air. Baggy pants covered her legs. That wouldn’t do; they’d be first to go.


A dragon tattoo wound around her arm. Gold trimming adorned its light blue scales. Ahri followed her gaze to it. “Cool, huh?” She turned around and thumbed her shoulder blade where its head snarled dagger fangs, and flicked a forked tongue down her upper back on a background of clouds. “The dragon is above our petty squabbles. It only knows the right of might. Some of the wisest minds in the world could stand to learn a thing or two from dragons.”


  “It’s… uh, really cool, Ma’am.”


Akali snorted. She strolled past Caitlyn, brushing her fingers along her thigh, and kicked her feet up on a deck hair. “You thirsty?” She flicked her sandals off. “My mouth feels like a Shrumian backwater. There’s some sake in the back of the cupboard. Real sake straight from the Ionian Isles. Fetch us a case, will you.”


  “Are you sure you want to get drunk? We’re about to fuck.”


  “No kidding? Thought I was here for a pool party. Kidding kidding; I’ll be fine. Ain’t my first time. One little case won’t do nothing serious.”


Caitlyn smiled. “Well, if you’re sure. It has been a while since I’ve had a drink.”


  “That’s the spirit! They said you were fun. Guess they were right.”


  “Yeah? They say anything else about me?”


Akali put her hands behind her head and basked in the sun’s glow. “Plenty. Most remains to be proven. Except one thing.”


  “And what would that be?”


  “You’re gorgeous. Gwen called you the prettiest girl she’d ever seen, which Qiyana despised.”


Caitlyn giggled. “I’m jealous. You know all these things about me, and yet I know nothing about you.”


  “I’ll teach you after you bring me some sake. That sound nice, sweetheart?”

  “It does, Ma’am.”


Caitlyn left for the kitchen, heart fluttering. Confidence was her weakness. Shyness too; rosy cheeks and shaky words would always get her heart pumping. But a nonchalant grin and hungry eyes made her feel sexy. As if she were a supermodel capable of seducing anyone with a look.


With a strut in her step, she whisked into the kitchen, collected two wine glasses from the high cabinets (aided by a stool), and found a crate the size of a handbag in the fridge. It was plain brown with an elegant Ionian symbol painted on each side. Six tiny bottles huddled inside. The kind they used for kids' drinks.


  “How strong is this stuff?” Caitlyn muttered, tucking the crate under her arm. She wasn’t much of a drinker, but even she knew that drinks were like scorpion stingers – the smaller the package the higher the dose. The last thing she needed with fifteen rounds of sex around the corner was to get shit-faced.


Akali clapped and howled with laughter when she returned. “Wines glasses! Do you even know what sake is?”


Her cheeks burned. “Not… wine?”


  “Nope!” Akali held out her hand.


Caitlyn passed her the crate. “Beer?”


  “Nuh-uh.” Akali cracked it open.


  “So a spirit then.”


Akali grinned and thrust a bottle into her hands. “Not that either.”


  “Whiskey? Cider? Mead? Brandy? Gin?”


  “Nope, nope, nope, and nope!” Akali grabbed a bottle for herself.


Caitlyn crossed her arms. “You’re making fun of me. It’s gotta be one of those.”


  “Sake ain’t your fancy mainland drinks. You don’t drink it at balls or whatever, and you certainly don’t drink it in those.” Akali popped the cap with her thumb. It clattered on the marble tiles. “Sake is sake. The drink of the people. Ain’t nothing else like it. And this is Isles Sake; the best in the world.” She tipped the bottle bottom-up and downed it in five slow gulps. Each gulp bulged her throat… as if Ahri’s fat cock were putting it to use.


Caitlyn’s poor, deprived pussy complained. A twinge like hunger twisted her groin. “Are you gonna teach me about alcohol, or are you gonna fuck my brains out?”


The bottle made a hollow pop as Akali tore it away from her lips. She sighed, set it down with care, and beckoned Caitlyn with a finger. “I can do both. Join me. There’s room for two here.”


Caitlyn rounded the deck chair. “Barely.”


  “Yup. The perfect amount of room.”


Giggling, Caitlyn squeezed into the gap beside Akali. The sun warmed her light skin and sweat made it slick. The tenderness of muscle provided its familiar comfort; sturdy; strong. When they held you in their firm embrace, your worst fears and deepest insecurities melted into smoke on the wind. A strange feeling compared to how Akali’s bulge made her feel like a mouse caught in the shadow of a mountain. It pressed through the thick, hardy material of her baggy pants, half the length of her thigh and as thick as her wrist.


  “E- Excited to see me?” Wow, that sounded lame even without the stutter. 


Akali snorted. “I’m fucking thrilled, sweetheart. Now…” She snatched the bottle from her hands and popped off the cap. “Open up.”


  “Just a sip, okay? I haven’t had a proper drink since… well, I’m not allowed to tell you about it, but since I was about eighteen. I’m twenty-two by the way.”


  “Yeah? Let’s stick to a sip then.”


  “I’m not gonna get drunk am I?”


  “No. You’re not gonna get drunk.”


  “Because I don’t think Ahri will let me continue if I’m drunk.”


  “A sip isn’t going to get you drunk.”


  “If you’re sure.”


  “I am…”


Caitlyn nodded. “Alright then. Let’s do this.” She opened her mouth.


Akali snickered.



  “It’s just, your face got all serious. Like you were about to go off to war.” Akali smirked. “It’s just sake, sweetheart.”


Caitlyn rolled her eyes. “Oh, shut up and pour it into my mouth already.”


  “Wha- how’d you guess I’d do that.”


  “Because it’s the most obvious move in the world.”


Akali huffed. “I’ll do something not obvious then.” 


  “Like what?” Caitlyn asked, giggling.


Akali took a swig of sake, but her throat didn’t bulge. She grasped Caitlyn’s face, attacked her with a kiss, and… filled her mouth with sake. It burned her tongue, but the little prick of pain was well worth the taste of citrus. Not quite oranges or tangerines. Something similar, but different. Sweeter and stronger.


Their lips smacked as they parted. Citrus lingered in the air, tingling her nose. “That was more than a sip.”


  “Eh, fight me. Good huh?”




  “Want another taste?” Akali slid her hand down Caitlyn’s back.


Caitlyn plucked the bottle from her hand. “You couldn’t stop me if you tried.” She set it aside and guided Akali’s mouth back to hers. She tasted like sweet citrus. The sharp breaths coming from her nose burned the back of Caitlyn’s throat.


The hand on Caitlyn’s back began to wander, and Caitlyn’s hand fell away from Akali’s soft cheeks to firm shoulder blades and a smooth groove. The cropped tank top interrupted her fingers’ journey down the groove, so she lifted it away. Large breasts with pierced nipples bounced free, and suddenly the kiss didn’t seem so important anymore. Akali agreed with a moan as Caitlyn flicked one of the piercings with her tongue.


  “Do these have a meaning too?”


  “Everything has a meaning.”


  “So, these are freedom piercings or something?”


  “Nope. They’re “I’m a slut who loves getting her tits sucked” piercings.”

Caitlyn burst out laughing. Akali shut her up with a kiss, flipped her over, and pinned her wrists against the headrest. She tore off her bikini top. It splashed into the pool. No sooner did the sun’s dry warmth greet her nipples was it replaced by the wet warmth of Akali’s mouth. Her tongue flicked them and her teeth nipped.


  “Mmm… suck them harder, Ma’am. I wanna hear your lips pop.”


Tight pressure gripped Caitlyn’s nipple. As a wave of euphoria swept over her, Akali pulled her head back, taking her nipple with her. Her breast stretched like putty. Akali opened her mouth and her lips popped. Caitlyn’s breast snapped back into place, jiggling. But Akali didn’t let it rest. As it jiggled, she attacked it again, and nipped it.


Caitlyn giggled like an idiot. For a moment. In a heartbeat, Akali slipped her hand under Caitlyn’s bikini. Giggles melted into moans. She had the calloused fingers of a fighter. And they knew their way around as if they owned the place. Pleasure welled in her groin.


  “M- Ma’am!~” Caitlyn cried, arching her back.


Akali raised her eyebrows. Her eyes gleamed.


Caitlyn dug her nails into Akali’s shoulders. “Faster!”


Akali’s fingers flailed against her clit. She switched nipples.




Akali’s frantic fingers squished her clit.


Caitlyn kicked her feet. “Harder harder harder! Abuse my hungry, whore pussy, Ma’am!”


Akali shuddered and bit Caitlyn’s nipple. Her shoulder blades rippled. Cords bulged her right arm. The world turned white. Caitlyn’s ears rang. She lurched into the white abyss, found Akali’s sturdy body, and held on for dear life as pleasure rocked her like a punch to the gut.


Laughter brought back her senses. Smooth, husky laughter. It rumbled in Akali’s chest, shaking her body. And would have shaken Caitlyn loose if it weren’t for her iron hug. Piercings poked Caitlyn’s cheek.


Akali lorded over Caitlyn with a smug smirk as Caitlyn’s pussy soaked her pants. “Pretty and a squirter? You spoil me, sweetheart.”


Caitlyn nuzzled Akali’s breasts. “I’ve got a few left in me still.”


  “That right?” Akali played with her pussy as it dribbled. Gentle, yet firm.


Caitlyn sighed and let Akali’s breasts support her head. “Uh-huh~”


  “Get me nice and sloppy. We’ll see exactly how many you’ve got in you.”


  “Yes, Ma’am.” Caitlyn lifted her head.


Akali pulled her back down. “Did I say now? That cute little mouth has one job to do first.” She guided her nipple inside Caitlyn’s mouth. The piercing clinked her teeth.


Caitlyn giggled, pushed Akali down, and sucked on her tits until all she could taste was metal. And then some.




Akali leaned against the glass door, playing with her nipple. The sun glowed on her light skin and glittered on her tattoos. She looked like an angel – high praise when the real thing was ruining some lucky girl’s ass upstairs.


  “I like sloppy head. Lots of slobber and bubbles.”


Caitlyn undid her rope belt. “Any favorite sounds, Ma’am?” She tossed it aside.


  “You’re not an amateur, I see. Nice. Spluttering, of course, but whimpers are the death of me. Pair them with some dry heaves, and oh I might just your mouth full of cum until it’s running out of your nose!”


  “I can do that.” Caitlyn tugged on Akali’s baggy pants. The back slipped past her ass, but the front snagged. A long bulge formed in the baggy folds. Caitlyn traced it. “Very impressive, Ma’am~”


Akali shrugged. “I’d rock your world even if I only had a pussy.”


  “Your smile is enough to rock my world, Ma’am. Now, relax, and your little whore take care of you.” Caitlyn found the tip. She pressed her palm into it, massaging it as she trailed kisses down the shaft.


  “F- Fuck… okay~” Akali gathered Caitlyn’s hair into a loose ponytail, and settled against the glass, peering over the top of her tits.


Caitlyn attacked Akali’s belly, sticking her tongue inside her belly button as she yanked off her pants. Akali gasped. Her fat sausage of a cock slapped Caitlyn’s tits. 


It pulsed heat deep into her palm. Her fingertips brushed each other, wrapped around the shaft. Pre-cum dribbled from the cut tip. Caitlyn licked it up. Akali shuddered.


  “Leaking already? I must have made quite an impression.”


  “Y- You could say that.”


Caitlyn giggled. “You’re trembling. What happened to all that confidence? I didn’t take you for the type to get all her nervous just because her cock has some fingers wrapped around it.”


Akali blushed.


Caitlyn burst into laughter. “Still want me to whimper for you?”


Akali bit her lip and nodded.


  “Say it.” Caitlyn brushed her lips against Akali’s tip.


Akali swallowed. “Whimper for me, sweetheart.”


  “Yes, Ma’am.”


The corners of Caitlyn’s mouth stretched. Her tongue flattened. Sweet pre-cum dribbled down her throat. She took a breath through her nose, and the meaty fragrance of cock tingled her face. Akali’s cock was a perfect fit.


She looked up at Akali, drooped her eyes, and whimpered as she suckled on her fat tip.


  “So cute~”


Caitlyn bobbed her head, whimpering each time her tip touched her tonsils.


  “L- Louder.” Akali pinched her nipple.


Caitlyn whimpered louder and louder until soft whimpers became shrill. Halfway to a scream. Spit bubbled from her nose and dribbled down her chin. 


Akali’s lips trembled. She shut her eyes, pulled on Caitlyn’s hair, and gasped a girly moan. Her hips jostled, slapping Caitlyn’s chin with her balls, burying her cock deep inside Caitlyn’s throat. 


Caitlyn surrendered to their whim. And dry reached as if she still had a gag reflex. Even welling tears in her eyes for good measure. Her hands kept busy and accented Akali’s slow thrusts with a squeeze of her balls.


Thrill blazed in Akali’s eyes. Ecstasy. A new type; it was fire. The fire that blazes in the eyes of athletes and warriors. Just by looking at it, Caitlyn shared in its thrill. She felt like a god. Untouchable. Invincible.


Caitlyn snatched Akali’s shaft with both hands and attacked her tip. Twisting and bobbing, she ravaged Akali’s fat tip without a care for how it spluttered her spit and made her gurgle. Why should she when the thrill was flaring?


  “Fuck!” Akali screamed. She shoved her cock so far down Caitlyn’s throat that her balls slipped into her mouth. And froze.


Caitlyn whimpered, pawing at Akali’s thigh.


  “Want me pound you, slut?”


Caitlyn nodded. Her airways were clogged by Akali’s throbbing shaft.


  “Say it.”


Her lungs screamed. Caitlyn gurgled.


The thrill flared. “Fucking beg for it!”


Caitlyn’s head spun. She shuffled forward and pawed at Akali’s legs, grovelling. Not for air. For cock. Her pussy was starving, and jealous of the attention her throat received. Every second that passed without a cock inside it, the more ravenous it got. Caitlyn dug in her nails and pounded her fists and gurgled and spluttered and whimpered.


  “Good girl.”


Akali pulled out, and air rushed into Caitlyn’s lungs. As she gasped, Caitlyn was yanked to her feet by the ponytail. Pain like raking nails screamed across her scalp. The glass wall rushed to meet her. And slammed her face.


As the glass clanged like a bell, vibrating against her cheek, Caitlyn’s knees buckled. Too much. The pain. It was like an orgasm. Squirt dribbled down her trembling thighs.


  “Did you… cum?” Akali burst out laughing. “I knew you were a pain slut, but fuck me!”


  “I- If you insist.”


  “Oh, and she’s got jokes too. Cute.” Akali grabbed her waist with a sturdy, calloused grip.


Caitlyn placed her hands flat on the glass, steadying herself. She stuck her ass out and found Akali’s tip. It slipped inside. Where it belonged.


  “So tight~” Akali thrust her cock inside Caitlyn’s guts.


Shivers trembled Caitlyn’s body as she gasped a moan. She slammed her ass against Akali’s groin with all her strength. Full. After so long, her pussy was full; stretched and happy. She sighed, basking in the throbs of red hot heat Akali’s cock coursed throughout her body. Like the pulses of a thunderous bass cutting through the floor of an auditorium.


Akali's palm cracked against Caitlyn’s ass, and it added its voice to the song. A shrill harmony, piercing the wall of noise. All that was missing was a steady rhythm and a pretty melody.


  “Fuck me as hard as you can, Ma’am.” Caitlyn swivelled her hips. “Ruin my slut pussy.”


Akali stole handfuls of her ass. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” She squeezed, drew her cock back, and slammed Caitlyn’s face against the glass with a powerful thrust.


Slow and steady, she pounded a marching rhythm. The rhythm of war. Sex with Akali was a battle. Caitlyn happily surrendered, and sang its melody. Wailing moans. She heard them as if she were a fly on the wall. They were the desperate cries of a wild beast backed into a corner, screaming with all their might because it was all they could do. Each slow, brutal thrust cut off one wail and started another. Over and over. A song without end.


  “I’m gonna make you mine,” Akali growled. She slapped Caitlyn’s ass.


  “Please do!”


Akali slapped her other cheek. “Here?” She pinched her waist. “No, here.” And squeezed her tits. “What was I thinking? Of course, it has to be here. This is where I’ll tattoo my name, on the underside of your tit.”


  “Mmmmmm!” Caitlyn clenched her fists. “Brand me, Ma’am! Claim your slut!”


Akali lurched forward. She licked Caitlyn’s neck, squeezed her tits together, and clapped her cheeks with a burst of speed. “I’ll keep you in a cage, too small to stand or lie down, and only take you out when I feel like breeding you. You’d be my personal pet slut.”


  “Would – uwahh~ – would you sh- share me?”


  “Only with the finest warriors of my clan. They need a reward after a long day of liberation. Would you make a good reward?”


Caitlyn bucked against Akali’s cock. “Yes, Ma’am!”

  “Say it! Loud!” Akali nipped her earlobe.


  “I’ll be the clan’s cumdumpster! I’ll suck and fuck every one of them! I’ll take all their loads! I’ll be their whore! And… and… I’ll love it!” Caitlyn choked. Spluttered. And squirted on Akali’s cock.


Her pussy contracted with each wave of pleasure. Pressure pinched behind her forehead. Akali’s cock felt twice as big. Even as its thrusts wound down to a standstill.


Panting, Akali chucked. “Y- You know, in all s- seriousness, they’d love you. It’s been a while since we’ve had a camp slut.”


  “I’ll-” Pussy contractions paralysed her. “Ughh… ughh… I’ll have to hold you to that.”


  “Fuck yeah. You are fun, aren’t you?”


  “You know it… Now, hold me before I collapse.”


Akali pulled out and scooped her up. “Three orgasms nearly knocked you down? How’d you go the distance with Illaoi?”


  “My pussy is sensitive after her break. Might take a few rounds for her to get up to full strength.”


Akali smirked. “You have no idea how hot that is.”


  “I’ve got an idea. Take me to the grass. Let’s do a gentle side fuck.”


  “Your wish is my command, sweetheart.”




The grass tickled her skin. Cold and prickly; especially against the sides of her breast. The sun warmed her other half. It was like being caught between a fireplace and a giant comb. While making love.


It wasn’t often Caitlyn made love with these girls. Pussy pounding. Slobbery throat fucking. Deep anal. That’s what she’d come to expect. Gentle thrusts with a meandering rhythm were a nice change of pace. Like a stroll through the park after a marathon. Oddly, it made her miss Riven’s cock. The fact she and Akali were of a size didn’t help.


  “Do you fuck Riven much?” Caitlyn asked. She looked over her shoulder.


A new type of ecstasy softened Akali’s eyes. Care. A tender passion. It brightened her smile. “Yeah. Usually after pain play or group sex. She’s a nice comfort fuck. Gwen too.”


  “Mmm, don’t remind me of Gwen. Those thighs~”


Akali traced a circle around her belly button. “Oh trust me, I know.”


  “I could fall asleep on them.”


  “Mhm.” Akali kissed her shoulder. “You said it. Don’t forget about her whimpers though.”


  “How could I?”


Akali giggled. “Wanna roll over?”




Akali grabbed her waist, and rolled. Time slowed. The open blue sky gazed upon Caitlyn’s bare abs and perky tits; on her naked body. The wind’s chilled fingers caressed her, forming goosebumps and hardening her nipples. The sun’s warmth hugged her. Akali rolled them over, and the sky’s embrace vanished. The warmth of her hard cock and squishy tits, banished the goosebumps and softened her nipples.


  “I could do this forever,” Caitlyn said.


Akali eased into a slow, steady rhythm. “But you can’t.”


  “Yes… you’re right. Is this how you’d like to cum?”


  “Like this?” Akali turned Caitlyn’s face and locked lips. Their kiss lingered for two heartbeats, then three, and wandered apart. “Sounds perfect.” Akali’s hands slithered across Caitlyn’s front. One buried between her legs, and rubbed circles into her clit, while the other pinched her nipple between thumb and forefinger. “You’d look so pretty with nipple piercings, you know.”


Caitlyn squirmed. “Thank you~”


  “Tell me you’ll consider it.”


  “I- I’ll consider it, Ma’am.”


  “Good girl. Now, moan for me.” Akali thrust her hips in time with her hands, completing each stroke in time with the completion of a circle and peak of pressure from her pinch. They exploded together, numbing Caitlyn’s mind.


Caitlyn surrendered to the pleasure. She floated atop a cloud of bliss. Her body went limp, except for her head. That, she kept facing Akali. Calm and Thrill danced a duet in her eyes. Thrill lead at the apex of each stroke, when her tip slammed her cervix, and her balls slapped her ass. Calm took over when Caitlyn moaned as Akali pulled out, and plunged back in, as pleasure swelled with the slow, steady friction of Akali’s iron-clad rhythm. 


While Calm and Thrill, and rhythm and moans kept to a steady schedule, the kisses led a sporadic way of life. They came and went as they pleased. Sometimes they popped in for but a moment. Other times they hung around, and took their sweet time leaving. However long it lasted, the kisses united Calm and Thrill into Awe. Akali looked at Caitlyn as if she were the most beautiful girl in the world as they kissed.


  “I want to share you with her~” Akali moaned.


Caitlyn curled her toes, as Akali’s tip smashed her cervix. “W- With who?”


Akali kissed her neck. “Ahri! I want to see her face melt when your pussy grips her cock like this. Sh- She always puts on such a prim and proper act. Pro… Professional, she calls it. But when no one’s looking. When it’s just me and her. She’s wild. F- Free. Oh fuck you’re so tight!” Akali slapped Caitlyn's tit and squeezed with her all her might.


Caitlyn trembled under the weight of pain and pleasure. “I c- can help her relax, Ma’am. Would you like that?”


  “Yes!” Akali’s voice gained a desperate edge. “Please, do that for me!” Her pace increased. “Oh fuck, please!” She lost her rhythm, devolving into a frenzy.


Caitlyn attacked her mouth. She flicked her teeth, sucked her tongue, and nipped her lips. “Cum inside me, Akali~” she whispered.


  “No! Get on your fucking knees. I’m gonna glaze your pretty, slut face.”


Caitlyn’s heart skipped a beat. “Yes, Ma’am!”


The grass tickled her knees. Harsh sunlight beat on her back. The wind coiled its fingers around her waist, and teased her nipples. Nature’s embrace; it flared when Akali shoved her cock down her throat, pulled her hair, and face fucked her so hard she saw stars.


  “Fuck!” Akali yanked her hair. “Fuck!” She slapped her. “FUCK!” She pulled out. 


Akali’s fat, giant cock hung over Caitlyn’s head, glistening in the summer sun. It heaved. A rope of cum rushed to meet her, and splattered on her forehead. Cum glued her eyes shut, ran rivers down the canals of her nose, seeped into her mouth through the corners, and dribbled off her chin. And that was only the first load. More and more blasted her face, each as thick and hot as the last. Akali moaned, all delicate and feminine-like. She sounded like an orgasming princess. Caitlyn would have laughed if she wouldn’t have choked on cum. Laughter wasn’t appropriate either. Akali wasn’t into humiliation; she liked cute girls who whimpered on her cock. So, Caitlyn whimpered, and moaned, and thanked Akali for every load of cum.

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Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Karma, The Enlightened One

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