Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


The ground slammed against her face. Pain coursed through her skull. Groaning, she fell onto her side, holding her head. The grass was soft. How cruel for something so comfortable to cover something so hard. She hurt all over. Every muscle burned, complaining endlessly. Nowhere more than her groin. If she’d been told her ass and pussy had combined into one, she would have believed it. They ached as one. Burned as one. Complained as one. She felt hollow and oh god, it made her so unbelievably horny. Why? What about being used like a fuck doll excited her so much? There was no love. No compassion. No tenderness. She’d been treated like a piece of meat. Consumed and enjoyed thoroughly only to be forgotten about in the next breath. And it had her touching herself, outside, in a stranger's backyard.


The back door approached. Was she walking? When had she done that? When had she gotten up? Wasn’t she just touching herself? She stepped inside. Soft carpet cushioned her feet. Crisp air conditioning soothed her searing muscles. A new woman stood behind the couch, eyeing her like a piece of meat. Caitlyn could’ve fucked her right then, no questions only… Was she a woman? Was she even human? She looked at it. But she also didn’t. She had the face and figure of a woman. But she also had… armour? Horns? Huge, spiky protrusions jutted out where shoulders ought to be. What looked like teeth nestled her hips. Large and jagged, like a cougar’s. Was her chest a mouth? Caitlyn had to be seeing things. Eyes stared at her. Four purple eyes on her torso blinked. Two, thick, purple tentacles hung where arms ought to be. They swished back and forth, like tails. Yet, she had a human face. One that smirked.


  “My, haven’t they done a number on you? You can barely stand. Impressive work, for humans.”


Caitlyn tried to talk but only muttered.


The woman laughed. “Mercy? Is that the way of it? Shake your head and I’ll leave.”


No! She couldn’t leave! In her panic, Caitlyn almost shook her head but caught herself. She nodded vigorously.


The woman rounded the couch. In place of legs she had… she had… nothing. She seemed to float just above the ground. A cloak of lichen covered the place where the legs should be. She glided as if on ice. “Excellent. I am Bel’Veth. If you regain speech, you shall refer to me as Goddess and only goddess. Is that understood, whore?” 


Caitlyn nodded.


Bel’Veth’s tentacles raised and poised like vipers ready to strike. “Let’s see how long you can stand for, shall we?” The left tentacle became a blur.


It burst into her ass. A wailing moan escaped Cailtyn’s lips. Her thighs turned to putty. Her knees knocked. Her mind spun. Yet, she did not fall.


Bel’Veth moaned a soft, husky moan. “Very impressive~” The tentacle pumped slow and steady.


A bulge appeared and disappeared in Caitlyn's stomach. Her hands reached for something steady and found only air. They floundered in their desperate search. Moan after moan left Caitlyn’s mouth, long and wavering. 


  “Squat, whore. Don’t kneel, squat. Keep those feet flat.”


She couldn’t do it. No way. She’d fall. But her goddess commanded her to do it. Her legs trembled to no end as she bent her knees and lowered her ass to her ankles. Her ass opened even wider, inviting Bel’Veth deeper. She accepted at once. Caitlyn screamed. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her hand rubbed her pussy in a maddened frenzy.


  “Fucking hell… Where did she find you? Open your mouth, whore.”


She needed to speak. Commands must be answered with words. Deep down, she mustered all her strength. “Y- Yes Goddess,” she whispered. She opened her mouth as wide as it would go.


Bel’Veth’s right tentacle twitched and she did little more than stare at her. “I’m going to fucking ruin you,” she whispered.


  “Please, Goddess.”


Bel’Veth shuddered and thrust her right tentacle down Caitlyn’s throat. Caitlyn braced for a gag. None came. The tentacle slid down her throat. All the way down. It drew back. All the way to her lips. Nothing. Not even a splutter. Bel’Veth looked as bewildered as Caitlyn felt. The tentacle plunged back down her throat and fucked it wildly. Her hand seized its thick, purple shaft and stroked, matching the crazed rhythm. The tentacles synced their paces. Caitlyn came instantly. It snuck up on her, as if out of nowhere. Finally, the splutter revealed itself as her moan struggled to escape her plugged throat. Only to vanish again. The orgasm left as quickly as it arrived, but pleasure never went anywhere. Caitlyn stared into Bel’Veth’s purple, bewildered eyes. Never once breaking contact.


The most amazing, delightful thing that could happen, happened. Two more tentacles sprouted from Bel’Veth’s side. Thinner than the other two giants but nonetheless, mouthwatering. They shot between Cailtyn’s legs and, as one, penetrated her pussy. Thrusting, she was used to. Squirming, she could have never anticipated. Her knees hit the carpet at once.


All thrusting halted. The tentacle drew back to the back of her throat, allowing air to flow through her nose. Bel’Veth smirked. “Bad whore.”


A gorgeous, fifth tentacle sprouted from Bel’Veth’s side. It snaked through the air, snapping and cracking like a whip. Caitlyn braced for punishment only to find herself hoisted to her feet. The tentacle had wrapped around her waist.


  “First strike.” The tentacle coiled around her throat. It squeezed. “Second and this happens.” It squeezed tighter. Air fought to get to her lungs. “Third and this happens.” It squeezed even tighter. No air could pass. “I’ll knock you out and end your attempt. Camille prides herself on breaking newbies. I break veterans.” The tentacle let go.


Caitlyn gasped and grinned. “I won’t break.” Her full mouth muffled her words.


  “Aren’t you a bold thing? Who knew such an obedient whore could be so defiant?”


  “I’m here to pleasure everyone.”


  “No. You’re here to be my plaything. And oh how I love breaking my toys. I’m a bit of a brat like that.”


The tentacles in her pussy began to squirm, stretching her every each way. The tentacle in her ass began to plunge, bulging her toned belly. The tentacle in her mouth punished her throat, stretching her gullet like it had never been before. They synched as one. A single machine of pleasure. Caitlyn melted to her core, unable to utter as much as a moan. Yet, she remained on her feet. Bel’Veth, however, made up her silence. Her moans, which began as steady and husky began to morph. The pitch raised. The rhythm wavered. All six of her eyes drooped. Her fifth tentacle massaged Caitlyn’s throat, twitching and throbbing. Caitlyn released her grip on the other tentacle and grasped the fifth. Slender and thin, her fingers wrapped all the way around. She stroked as far as her arms could extend, gliding her palms across the slick surface. Bel’Veth gasped. Her tentacles throbbed and bulged.


  “Wh- What? That… That’s cheating…”


Caitlyn raised her eyebrows and increased her pace.


  “N- No! You can’t- How did- You won’t win!”


Bel’Veth’s pace ramped up to an impossible rate. Caitlyn’s orgasmic screams escaped between the small spaces when the tentacle in her throat was between thrusts. Squirt erupted from her pussy. Her ass contracted like a vice. Her knees hit the carpet. Every joint locked, forcing her to hunch over. Drool dribbled down the shaft of the tentacle in her mouth. Squirt dribbled down the twins in her pussy.


Bel’Veth loomed over her. She fought to breathe. “Wh- Whore,” was all she managed between gasps.


Caitlyn forced her bowed head to rise and shot her a determined glare. 


All of Bel’Veth’s tentacles twitched. “Get up on your own. If you can’t, you’re done.” The tentacle around her neck constricted.


Caitlyn dug deep. They’d pushed her body before in the academy. 2 mile runs every day had given her splints in her shins. This was nothing. She planted one foot on the carpet, directed everything into her leg and rose from her knees.


Bel’Veth blinked at her. Then scowled. “Fine, have it that way.”


Caitlyn gave her a daring look. It melted the moment the tentacles ramped up. She shifted her weight onto her ankles, let her head rest back on her shoulders and sent her hands to work stroking the fifth tentacle. Pleasure rang her mind like a bell. The world spun. Nothing was real. Only the carpet and the bottom of her feet. Only the tentacle and palms of her hands. Nothing else mattered.


Somewhere far away, Bel’Veth moaned feminine, trembling moans. She sounded so small. So delicate.


Suddenly, her words boomed like canons. “I won’t cum! Do you hear me?! Not by you! Not by some lowly human!”


Caitlyn lifted her head. All six eyes were closed. Her mouth hung open. Her face had melted. Yes, you will . Caitlyn added a twist to her strokes. Up until then, it hadn’t occurred to her to wonder how tentacles would cum. She got her answer, though. The tip of the tentacle opened in her mouth, like the petals of a flower. The others did the same, stretching her to near breaking. As cum erupted into every hole, Cailtyn came for the third time. She stood through the whole orgasm, through an eternity of blind pleasure. When eventually, the never-ending fog faded and reality returned she found Bel’Veth laying on her back at her feet. Cum pooled around the ends of her slick, tentacles. A look of utter bliss had frozen on Bel’Veth’s face. Behind the monster, a stunned Ahri gawked at her.


Caitlyn fell to her knees, grinning like a madwoman. She could do this. She could go all the way.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Miss Fortune, The Bounty Hunter

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