Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Caitlyn stewed in bliss, protected by the armour of Gwen’s embrace.


Gwen’s chest rose and fell with the coming and going of her calm, gentle breath. It matched her heart. A delicate rhythm played against Caitlyn’s ear, tempting her eyes to close. She hadn’t felt exhausted. She hadn’t even felt drowsy. Yet, after the orgasms were had and the frantic energy died, several sleepless nights worth of exhaustion hit her all at once. Caitlyn yawned, tracing the curve of Gwen’s hip. Her eyelids sagged. She closed them tight and then forced them open, like kickstarting a car.


  “Rest,” Gwen whispered. “Gather your strength.”


  “I’ll rest when I’m done.”


  “But you are done.”


Gwen’s simplicity made her giddy. “With you, yes,” she giggled.


  “And for the day. You didn’t think you’d have to have sex for days on end, did you?”


Heat flsuhed Caitlyn’s face. “Well… maybe.”

Gwen giggled. “Ahri will explain it to you.” She kissed the top of Caitlyn’s head and sat up. “I should dress before she gets mad.”


Begrudgingly, Caitlyn rolled onto her side. “Five minutes is a cruel amount of time to separate the rounds.” She slapped Gwen’s ass she crawled to the edge of the bed. It made a lovely, crisp sound and jiggled.


Gwen gasped and looked over her shoulder. Lust swam in her eyes. “I know, but…”


  “It’s to keep things moving?”


  “To keep things moving, yes.”


Caitlyn savoured each and every moment Gwen’s ass wasn’t covered by her dress. It was only as it disappeared behind the frills and pleats did it occur to Caitlyn that Gwen didn’t wear panties.


  “You don’t strike me as the no underwear type. What’s up with that?”


Gwen shrugged. “It doesn’t shrink after I’m done with it. No panties can hold something like this.”


  “Okay, fair. But what about boxers?”


  “I can not wear a box as underwear.”


Caitlyn laughed. “No, boxers. You know, like the underwear guys wear.”


  “I do not know of these boxers.” She smiled. “I will look into it.”


  “They don’t have boxers in The Shadow Isles?”


When Gwen shook her head, her blue swirls shifted as if caught in a breeze. “I never saw any of these boxers, no.”


Downstairs, two knocks wrapped on the door and Gwen perked to attention.


  “I must go now. Thank you for a wonderful time, we must do this again sometime.” Gwen gave a little curtsy and hurried for the stairs.


Caitlyn chewed her lip. “Wait!”


Gwen looked back. “Yes?”


Her heart pounded. “Can… Can I have one last kiss?”


Gwen giggled. “Sure!” She raced around the side of the bed, leaned over the side and pecked Caitlyn’s lips.


Caitlyn caught her and pulled her into a deep, sloppy kiss. It lingered for an eternity, swapping spit and tongues. And yet, at the same time, it lasted no time at all. Gwen left, as all the others had. Although, she was the first to leave with flushed cheeks and an uncontrollable giggle. Ahri replaced her presence almost at once. She stomped up the stairs, sporting a scowl that could cut diamonds.


   “I must apologise for Kalista’s conduct, dear. 


   “It’s okay, really.”


  “No, she has been warned extensively on summoning spectral spears under this roof and yet, continues to violate the rule anyway. She shall no longer be permitted to participate in any of my events for the foreseeable future. I offer my most sincere apologies if she caused you any alarm, or threatened you in any way.”


  “She didn’t, really. All she did was cut me down from Elise’s webs.”


That did nothing for Ahri’s scowl. “I must apologise for that too. It was unbecoming of Elise to leave you like that.”


  “Has she been banned?” For some strange reason, Caitlyn hoped she had.


  “Warned. If it happens again then, yes. I do not tolerate disrespect between my patrons outside of sexual play.” Ahri shook her head and waved her hand. “Anyway, well done dear. You’ve completed The Shadow Isles. That makes fourteen rounds of sex in a row. Very impressive, especially for a first time.”


Caitlyn allowed herself a twinge of pride. “Thank you.”


  “Next, you’ll couple with the girls from Mount Targon. I trust you’ve heard of it.”


  “I have. It’s where they worship the sun and the moon, and other cosmic aspects right?”


  “I expected nothing less, dear. You shall need to make it through three rounds in a row again to claim the victory over the region.” Ahri clasped her hands together. “Now, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. Rest up for as long as you’re able. I’ll have to wake you before dawn, I’m afraid. Your next partner has requested to couple with you in sight of the moon.”


Every morning in the academy, they’d woken her with an air horn at 3 am. If she could run a mile before the sun came up, what was a bit of sex?


  “That’s fine.”


  “Excellent.” Ahri’s smile returned. “Make yourself at home, dear. Feel free to use any of the facilities to freshen up.”


Caitlyn looked herself over. From the neck down she was glazed in patches of cum. It felt as if she’d been dunked in glue. “I think, I will. Thank you.”


Ahri looked her cum-crusted body up and down. Her tails swished and her skirts shifted. “Yes… goodnight, dear.”


  “Hold on. Um…”


  “Yes, dear?”


  “Do I lose if I refuse someone? Or if I bail halfway through?”


Ahri blinked. “No. Of course not. So long as it isn’t for fatigue reasons.”


  “But… won’t that decrease the number of rounds I do?”


  “Not at all. Any rounds you refuse will be made up later with one of the girls chosen randomly.” Ahri smirked. “That’s only if you make it through all of them, though.”


  “Which I will.”


  “Still determined, are you?”


  “I am.”


Ahri licked her plump, red lips. She had pointed canines like a cat that Caitlyn hadn't noticed until now. “We shall see. Goodnight, dear.” Ahri’s ass swayed with each step until it disappeared below the stairs. 


She felt brand new as she stepped out of the bathroom. It wasn’t until the water hit her body that she realised just how filthy she was. Cum was on every part of her body; her arms, legs, belly, chest and back. It was in her hair, on her face, and even up her nose. The worst of it was inside her, however. It dribbled from her pussy and ass like a faucet sprung a leak. And cum was only one factor. She had to contend with sweat, spit, pussy juice, dirt and leaves. She even pulled a twig from her hair.


Steam swirled around her in a fine mist as she stepped out of the bathroom, bundled in towels. Despite getting cum on the carpet and walls, she still felt terrible for tracking wet footprints over Ahri’s carpet. The cleaning bill alone would bankrupt me, never mind all the extravagance. 


Once dry, Caitlyn prepared to settle into bed. Completely naked, she stood before the bed at a loss. What was she going to sleep in? Certainly not her uniform. Disregarding how filthy it was, its tight bodice and hardy fabric didn’t exactly scream comfort. A smile crept across her lips. I suppose I’ll have to sleep naked . Never before had she gone so long without clothes. It was a strange feeling. The air always touched her skin, brushing her with invisible fingers as she moved about. Nothing could hide her. Everything and everyone could see her; all of her. She curled up in a spot that hadn’t been glazed by Gwen’s load and drifted off to the sweet harmonies of night’s creatures.


Caitlyn awoke to golden eyes and a hand inches from her skin. The eyes widened and the hand shot away. 


Ahri touched her chest. “You frightened me,” she laughed.


Caitlyn giggled. “Sorry, I’m a light sleeper.” She sat up. Cicadas still sang. “Is it time?”


  “Yes, dear.” Ahri’s golden eyes scanned her body. “I didn’t take you as the sort to sleep naked.”


  “Why not?”


  “Well…” Ahri clutched her chin and gave her an appraising look. “When we met, you seemed like the reserved type.”


  “And now?”


Ahri grinned. “Not so much.”


Caitlyn giggled. “Well, it wasn’t like I had much of a choice. I wasn’t going to sleep in my uniform.”


  “The closet has plenty of pyjamas, dear. You’re free to any of them.”


  “Oh…” Caitlyn shrugged. “Oh, well.” She hopped out of bed.


Through the glass wall, Caitlyn spied fireflies dancing amongst the flowers. A slender silhouette danced slow, methodical steps. The moon painted everything in glimmering silver.


  “Is that her?” Caitlyn asked.


  “Yes, dear. Her name is Dianna. When you’re ready, she’ll be ready for you.”

The name sounded familiar. Why exactly, Caitlyn couldn’t place. “Anything I should know about her?”


  “Oh, yes. Plenty.” Ahri chuckled.


  “Such as?”


  “And ruin the surprise? No, I don’t think so, dear.”


  “It’s… It’s nothing bad is it?”


Ahri gave her a gentle smile. “No, dear. Nothing bad. I promise.”


  “Good… Good.”


  “Better than good, dear. Why, Dianna is one of my favourites. You’ll find her quite enthralling. Now.” Ahri clasped her hands together. “I shall leave you be. Enjoy yourself, dear.”


  “I will. Thank you.”


Diana danced with all the grace of a leaf in a summer breeze. Slow and calm. Yet, each of her flowing movements was accented by a sharp, abrupt stop. As if time itself flowed around her. They spoke of power, of strength and - cast in silver moonlight - of beauty. But not of the simple beauty of a pretty face or a colourful flower, but of a grand beauty. The sort of beauty one can only see when gazing upon a forest from atop a mountain or gazing at the cosmos on a cloudless night far from the lights of the city. Caitlyn rushed down the stairs to gaze upon such beauty up close and in the flesh.


The night air chilled her skin. It explored her naked body with a thousand fingers freshly dunked in ice water. Goose pimples sprouted. Her nipples hardened. The grass tickled the soles of her feet and the fireflies swarmed her, attracted to her body heat. Any discomfort paled before the majesty of Diana. Caitlyn watched her dance amongst the brush and flowers from afar. No, not dance, Caitlyn realised. Forms. Fighting forms. Some she recognised from the academy. Most were foreign.


Diana was a tall woman, taller than most men even. And, even while clad in armour, she was slender. The armour glistened beneath the moon’s silver glare as it twisted with her flowing movements. A length of silver hair hung down Diana’s back, tied taught. A tattoo glowed pale and silver on her forehead of a sphere cradled in a crescent moon. That’s where I recognise the name. She’s that Diana. The aspect of the moon . Every child in Piltover learnt about the aspects in primary school. Diana was a representative of the moon’s celestial will and the head of a group known as the Lunari. Diana worshipped the moon, and the Lunari worshipped her.


Diana’s forms ground to a halt and she turned a stern, stone look on Caitlyn.


  “I’m not interrupting am I?” Caitlyn asked, suddenly nervous.


  “Quite the opposite.” Diana approached, looming larger than life. She took Caitlyn’s small, dainty hands into hers, dwarfing them. Her eyes, blue like the ocean, looked Caitlyn up and down. “The tales of your beauty have not been exaggerated. Nor of your bold spirit. You approach a complete stranger, naked as the day you were born. Do you feel no fear or shame?”


Caitlyn had not expected such a question. “Should I be afraid or shameful?”


  “Most would, do you not agree? Clothes hide our forms from others, our deepest insecurities, and our most vulnerable parts. Most would feel as if their whole worlds were collapsing around them if thrust into your situation.”


  “I guess…” Caitlyn shrugged. “After fourteen rounds of this, I must be past those sorts of feelings.”


Diana chuckled and smiled a wonderful smile. “Indeed.”


  “You’re Diana, right?”


  “You know of me?”


  “No- Well, yes but, Ahri told me your name, that’s what I meant. Not about you being the aspect of the moon or the leader of the Lunari. I know that on my own…” Caitlyn realised she was saying too much.


Diana raised an eyebrow. “You are of Piltover yet, you know of the aspects and the Lunari?”


  “I learnt it in school.”


Diana beamed. “You did? They teach children of the outside world here?”


  “Uh… yeah?”


  “Fascinating… Tell me, what do you know of the aspects?”


  “Um… it’s been a while.” Caitlyn clutched the back of her head. She never did pay all that much attention during history class. “There’s… uh… there’s, there’s Pantheon! Pantheon, yeah. He’s the aspect of war. There’s Taric, the aspect of The Protector. Zoe, the aspect of Twilight. There’s you, obviously, and… uh… Leona? Isn’t she-”


  “The sun.” Diana’s smile vanished. “Do not speak of her.”


Right, they hate each other or something I should have known that . “Sorry, my bad.”


  “It’s alright.” Diana gazed upon the moon and took a deep breath. “It’s alright.”


Caitlyn scrambled for a new subject. "Where should we fuck?" The moment the words left her mouth, a devastating dose of cringe punched her belly.


Diana smiled. "You really are bold, aren't you?"


  "Oh, uh, yup! That's me. Bold."


  "Indeed," Diana laughed. Her fingers brushed Caitlyn's cheek and wandered along her neck. "You ask as if you don't mind where we do it."


  "I don't. We could do it anywhere you like." … No silly, we're here to serve each other… "Or, or right here on the grass. Is that alright?"


  "Is that what you want?"


  "It… It is."


  "Then, right here is perfect."


Caitlyn's body moved of its own accord. She stood on her toes, wrapped her arms around Diana's neck and kissed her. Her lips were thin and cracked. Her mouth tasted of a spring breeze, of wheatgrass and flowers, of nature. Her hands engulfed her waist. Cold metal pressed against Caitlyn's bare breasts and belly.


  "I take it you consent," Diana whispered against her lips.


Caitlyn kissed her. "Yes." She kissed her again. "Should I call you anything?"


Diana chuckled. Flush burned bright through the moonlight's silver veil. "Mommy, if you wouldn't mind."


Caitlyn giggled. "Of course, Mommy." She kissed her long and hard with smiling lips.


They traded a dozen kisses before Diana whispered, "And what should I call you?"


Caitlyn pursed her lips. "Baby girl… if that's-"


  "It is." Diana nipped her lip and squeezed her waist. "Wait for me on the grass, baby girl."


Caitlyn's heart fluttered. "Yes, mommy."


The night air had chilled the grass and dirt. But it was an exhilarating chill. The stars twinkled above like a thousand watching eyes. Caitlyn bit her lip. Her fingers slipped between her legs.


  "Is it true that-" Words escaped Caitlyn. Diana stripped down in front of her. Beneath her armour, she wore bandages in place of underwear. They bound her flat breasts so tight that her perky nipples poked through them like a second skin. The bandages around her slim hips restrained a beast of a bulge. Slowly, she unwound the bandages. Pale skin and lean muscle glimmered heavenly, veiled in silver moonlight. Her legs were slender and long. They made a match with her cock.


Diana gained an inquisitive look. "I am to your liking?"


  "Y- Yes, Mommy."


Diana's cock twitched, her eyes flared and for a moment she looked more beast than woman. A beast ready to pounce and claim what was hers. However, when Caitlyn spread her legs for her, Diana took a deep breath and looked to the moon.


Caitlyn quickly closed her legs. "Is something wrong?"


  "No…" Diana smiled at her. "No. I'll be right with you, baby girl." She gathered her bandages and armour into a neat pile. All the phases of the moon were tattooed down her spine, from nape to tailbone. When her eyes returned to face Caitlyn, her hunger was back. But a soft hunger. Eager, but not wild. She approached and Caitlyn spread her legs again.


… No silly, we're here to serve each other… 


  "Please eat me out, mommy. It's been a while since anyone has done that for me."


Diana laughed as she knelt. "What were they thinking? When faced with a pussy as pretty as yours, what else is there to do but get your lips around it?" She lay flat on her belly but kissed Caitlyn's abs rather than her pussy. "In due time, baby girl. First, let’s discover all the secrets your body has in store." She pressed her thumbs into Caitlyn's hips. "If that's okay."


  "It… it is~"


Diana’s tongue ran up Caitlyn’s front, warm and wet where the night air was cold and dry. It travelled from her belly button to the valley of her breasts, rolling over the bumps of her abs and gliding over her freshly washed skin. Her hands followed, kneading. Long, slender fingers traced her spine. Thumbs dug into lean muscle and pale skin. Eyes, blue as the ocean, remained locked with hers.


A trepidatious moan meandered between Caitlyn’s pursed lips. “Mommy,” she whimpered. 


Moonlight glinted in Diana’s eyes as she grinned. “Is that good, baby girl?” Long fingers slid over her ribs and embraced her breast. A thumb dug into her breast’s underside. Diana’s warm, wet mouth shielded Caitlyn’s other nipple from the cold as the fingers and thumb gave a tender squeeze.


  “Uh huh~” Caitlyn ran her hands over Diana’s taught, silver hair. She hooked her fingers around a tie and loosened it with a tug. Silver hair spilled past bare shoulders and pooled in the grass bed. Caitlyn played with the strands, turning them away and against the moon’s silver glare as he moaned with the pressure of Diana’s mouth on her nipple.


The second hand roamed wild and free across Caitlyn’s body. It played in the valley of her back, tracing her spine and caressing her skin. It cherished her curves, pacing between her hip and waist, squeezing and sliding. It conquered her ass, claiming handful after handful of her cheeks, groping and pinching. Every trace, caress, squeeze, slide, grope and pinch set Caitlyn’s heart to fluttering and her pussy to lamenting. It begged her; to be filled, to be stretched, to be pounded; to be loved. And although the roaming hand came ever so close on its travels, it never stopped to hede her pussy’s cry. Caitlyn, wet and wanting, squirmed with every touch, every flick of Diana’s tongue and every blast of hot breath from her nose upon her chilled skin.


An inquisitive glint filled Diana’s eyes. She released Caitlyn’s nipple. Strands of spit lingered between her lips and Caitlyn’s breast, glimmering silver in the moonlight. The roaming hand edged dangerously close to her pussy. “Would you like me to eat you out, baby girl?”


  “Y- Yes, Mommy~”


Inquisition turned to mischief. The roaming hand’s fingers brushed her clit, proving but a droplet of pleasure for her pussy’s drought. “You sound uncertain. I’d hate to disappoint.”


Caitlyn squirmed. “I do want it! Please! Please eat my pussy, mommy!”


  “As you wish~” 


Diana’s fingers pressed into Caitlyn’s clit. Pleasure surged up Caitlyn’s back like a gunshot only to peeter out into a dull hum. A desperate moan from Caitlyn heralded glorious movement. The fingers slowly traced pressure up and down her pussy. Every time they reached her clit, Caitlyn gasped, moaned and giggled all at the same time. Diana kissed her neck. Then each of her breasts. Then between them. Her abs. Her belly button. And, excruciatingly, inches above her pussy. As a smirk spread across her lips, Caitlyn thought for sure she would delay even further. Until Diana’s mouth suddenly embraced her pussy. She ate her out like she was starving, rough and sloppy. Her tongue pressed flat against her pussy, poked inside and then licked her from top to bottom, repeating endlessly on a heavenly cycle as her hands groped her ass and hips.


Caitlyn melted into the grass, hardly able to keep her head up to stare into her eyes. But she did. No matter how much her pussy sang or how much her mind span, she kept herself propped up on her elbows and gazed into Diana’s hungry eyes.


Sometime later, whether it was a second or an hour Caitlyn could never know, Diana’s raised her eyebrows at her. A hand vanished from her waist and reappeared on her ass. Long fingers cupped a cheek. A thumb circled her asshole. Diana’s inquisitive eyes asked for permission. Caitlyn mustered all her strength and focus to nod, unable to speak on account of the moaning. Diana grinned against her pussy as she slipped her thumb inside her ass. The tip stretched her but a fraction; a mere fraction


It was too much. Caitlyn’s elbows collapsed. The grass slapped the back of her head. Her back arched and her fingers took desperate hold of grass, dirt and anything they could find. “M- Mommy,” was all she managed before her orgasm swept through her. A dozen unseen hands gripped her from ankle to neck, locking her body as wave after wave of euphoria muddled the very world around her.


One by one the hands lets go until finally, her strength escaped all at once with all the air in her lungs. Limp and trembling, Caitlyn gazed at the stars, at her thousands of watchers. She felt like such a whore. She shut her eyes and sighed. “That was amazing…”


Diana kneaded her hips. “You should have told me you’re a squirter.”


Caitlyn wrestled herself back onto her elbows. The moonlight glimmered off of Diana’s soaked face. “Sorry,” Caitlyn giggled.


Diana kissed her thigh. “Don’t be.” She kissed the other.


  “I’m ready for you… if you are.”


  “Am I ready? Why…” Diana bit her lip. “... yes, I think I am. How should I take you, baby girl?”


Caitlyn’s heart fluttered. “Roughly, Mommy. The same way you ate me out.”


  “Oh. Are you sure?”


  “Only if you’re comfortable.”


Diana glanced at the moon. “I’m afraid I might hurt you.”


  “I don’t mind~”


  “The moon’s power gives me unnatural strength… and an unnatural rage.”


Diana looked nervous. Her, the aspect of the moon, the closest thing to a god that any mortal could hope to be, looked nervous. … No silly, we’re here to serve each other … 


  “Can you control it?”


  “Of course. It is my power to wield.”


  “Then that’s what you’ll do.” Caitlyn got on all fours and presented her ass to Diana. “Wield your power. Make me your little bitch, Mommy.”


  “You…” Lust made Diana’s voice husky and wispy. “You say that as if it is simple.”


  “It is. You don’t want to hurt me. So, don’t.”


Diana said nothing for a moment. Then she chuckled. And then she laughed. Wild, gleeful laughter. “You’re too much.” She seized Caitlyn’s hips and pulled her ass against her groin. A long, throbbing cock pressed against her pussy. “I’m going to fuck the living shit out of you.”


Caitlyn ground her hips. “You better.”


A sharp, crisp slap cracked against Caitlyn’s ass. As she gasped, Diana rammed her cock inside her, turning the gasp into a giggling moan. Her balls slapped Caitlyn’s pussy. Diana shuddered. “Fuck…” she groaned.


  “What’s wrong? Is my pussy too much for you, Mommy?”


Diana chuckled. “Fuck you.”


  “Don’t tell me a moon god is being bested by little old me.”


  “I’m not… oh~... I’m not a moon god. I’m the moon’s aspect.”


Caitlyn slowly rocked back and forth on her knees, pumping Diana’s cock.


Diana gasped. “You… you fucking whore~ That feels so good…”


  “You’re whore, Mommy.”


  “My whore.” Diana squeezed her ass. “That’s right. My fucking whore.”


Diana put all her weight behind her thrust. A long cock pounded Caitlyn’s cervix. Her arms went out from beneath her. The grass slapped her face. Diana fucked her into the ground, squeezing and slapping her ass with each heavy thrust.


  “Mommy!~” Caitlyn cried as she desperately played with her clit.


It felt good to a whore; to be manhandled and disrespected. It was a different sort of disrespect than Elise and Kalista had given. Elise had been genuine. When they hurt her, it was to defile her. When they disrespected her, it was to humiliate her. When she fucked her, it was for them and no one else. They positioned themselves above her as if she was nothing. As if she was less important than them. When Diana fucked her; when she slapped her and groped her waist, when she called her a whore; it was always with an unspoken acknowledgement of equality. Diana could kill her if she wanted. But she held back. Diana could belittle her in all sorts of nasty ways. But she stuck to only what Caitlyn had affirmed she liked. She could have cum right away. But she paced herself. Everything was in service of a connection. Not ego or selfish pleasure. A connection forged in shared pleasure.


The first fiery rays of dawn were peaking over the horizon by the time Caitlyn felt her orgasm approach. It began as a rising swell in her chest. For each wave of pleasure that washed over her, the swell grew and grew. It spread through her, to the ends of fingers and toes, tingling like pins and needles. And just as it teetered on unbearable, the swell burst into a full-body explosion. 


Caitlyn tore handfuls of grass from the dirt as a pathetic, whimper of a moan escaped lips. She was squirting. She could feel it running down the back of her thighs, warm where the dawn was chilly. Diana pumped away, never missing so much as a beat. Her only acknowledgement of the orgasm was to shudder as Caitlyn's contracting pussy gripped her cock. Each contraction made her cock feel twice as big.


  "Use my pussy, Mommy," Caitlyn whimpered as she ground her hips with no rhythm or power.


Diana slapped her raw, tender ass and smiled. "You want my cum, little whore?" 


  "Uh huh~"


  "Beg for it."


  "Please cum in me, Mommy…"


  "Come now, you can do better than that."


  "Please cum inside me, Mommy!"


  "Inside you?"


  "Yes! Inside me mommy, please!" Caitlyn tried her absolute best to fuck Diana's cock but found she had only the strength for a few pathetic flails of her hips.


Diana leaned over Caitlyn, pressing her toned belly flat against her back, while sacrificing none of her power or pace. Her hand slipped between Caitlyn's chest and the grass and cupped a breast. Her lips brushed Caitlyn's ear. "Do you want me to breed you, little whore?" she whispered.




Diana squeezed her breast. "Louder." 




  "Yes, what?" Dianna nipped her ear.


  " Yes, Mommy! Breed me! Breed me like a good little whore, please! Please! "


Diana groaned. "As you… As you wish~" She slammed her cock balls deep and erupted. 


A hose of hot, sticky cum filled Caitlyn's pussy. It surged around Diana's cock, dribbled over Caitlyn's pussy and splattered on the grass. A sweet, meaty smell filled the chilly, morning air.


Diana sank to her side and pulled Caitlyn down with her, taking care to stay firmly inside her. She caressed Caitlyn's breasts and belly, kissed her neck and whispered sweet nothings in her ear.


Caitlyn placed her hands on hers. "Please stay inside me."


  "I'm not going anywhere."


  "You promise?"


Diana kissed her cheek. "I do. For as long as still remains to us."


  "And if there was no limit? How long would you stay for them?"




Caitlyn's heart fluttered. She twisted her chest, desperate for Diana's lips. A soft, gentle hand guided her face to where it needed to be. They kissed long, sloppy kisses beneath the rising sun; even as two knocks wrapped the door, even as time ticked on.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Leona, The Radiant Dawn

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