Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Thank you to my patrons: Lolop12, SambaZero, Survivor 121, Syndra, minimised, and Chance Meadows <3

Rakan bounded up the basement stairs. “I feel alive, baby! Whoo hoo!”


Giggling, Caitlyn stepped out of the portal’s ring wrapped in Xayah’s firm embrace. “Is he always like this after sex?” She lay her head on Xayah’s shoulder.


  “Always.” Xayah squeezed Caitlyn’s bare waist.


Caitlyn’s heart fluttered. Stripping down in the woods had been exhilarating. Under normal circumstances, she’d have waited until they returned, but every second spent in the garish green dress made her sick to the stomach. Let’s hope Ahri won’t miss it.


As she climbed the stairs, Caitlyn enjoyed Xayah’s body heat, soft silks, and hungry fingers. 


Xayah kneaded her hip. “Sorry for before,” she whispered.


  “Sorry? Whatever for?”


  “Being a bitch. I just… Humans aren’t usually as nice as you. Thank you for being different.”


Caitlyn nuzzled her shoulder. “Thank you for a wonderful time. That lopsided rhythm you used. Ah! It’s to die for.”


Xayah blushed and averted her eyes. “It’s nothing special.”


The moment carpet greeted the soles of her feet, Caitlyn was whisked away. Rakan span her like a top, caught her wrist bringing her to a sudden stop, and bent her over so that her back arched over his palm. He loomed over her, a wild grin on his face. “Don’t forget me, okay?”


Caitlyn nodded vigorously.


Xayah punched his shoulder. “Cool it. She needs rest not a spin of the dance floor.”


  “My poor, misguided love!” Rakan pulled Caitlyn against his chest and clung to her like a desperate romantic. “How I weep for the wonders your narrow mind robs of you!”


  “Watch it, Rakan,” Xayah grumbled.


Rakan kissed her, pulling her against his side. “Nothing settles the blood like a dance.” He lifted Caitlyn with one arm, smothered her with a kiss, and made to kiss Xayah again, but she weaved his attempt.


  “That’s literally the opposite of what dancing does to you.”


Rakan gnashed his teeth and Xayah fought a bought of laughter.


The double doors creaked open. Ahri strutted inside with an amused smirk. Her nine tails swished like ribbons of white smoke caught in an unseen breeze. Crimson, silk robes clung to her breasts and draped over his hips. “I believe Seraphine is in a dancing mood, Rakan.”


Rakan dropped Caitlyn and spun around. “She’s awake?”


  “And raring to go.”


  “Yes! Come on, love! We gotta get there before the others!”


Xayah yawned. “Go ahead, baby. I need a nap after all that.”


  “I’ll tell her you say hi!” Rakan pecked Xayah’s cheek, winked at Caitlyn, and dashed past Ahri through the double doors. “Oh, lovely Seeeeraphine! Your prince requests a dance!”


Caitlyn giggled and flopped onto the couch. She kicked her feet up. “He’s insane.”


Neither Ahri, nor Xayah responded. They stared each other down like two alley cats. Ahri’s tails snapped like whips and Xayah’s tall, plummaged ears twitched.


  “Tired after two days, are we?” Ahri asked. “You really are pushing four hundred.”


  “I could fuck you into a coma on an off day, little fox.”


Ahri sneered. “You wouldn’t last eight hours.”


Caitlyn burst into laughter. The tension shattered as they shot her baffled looks. “Oh, just fucking kiss already you two!”


  “As if I would ever kiss her!” they shouted in unison.


  “You’re too much,” Caitlyn chuckled. She wiped her eyes. “Could you measure your cocks outside? My next partner is waiting.”


Xayah huffed. “No need. Mine is clearly larger.”


  “I’m going to ignore that blatant lie,” Ahri said through a clenched jaw. “Caitlyn is right. Irelia has been wonderfully patient these past two days.”


Xayah shrugged and headed for the doors. “Yours is thicker, I’ll grant. But I’ve got you on length.”


  “Let’s get a ruler then!”






Ahri rushed after Xayah through the doorway. Their bickering faded as their footsteps trailed off. For a brief moment, Caitlyn was left alone in silence. Horrible. Irelia couldn’t have graced her with a homely smile any sooner.


Irelia’s body was a compromise between Xayah’s slender warrior body and Karma’s squishy curves. A pink, silk, cropped shirt hugged her watermelon breasts, so short that left the undersides bare. Its sleeves billowed out around the wrists, drooping under the weight of long ribbons that slithered behind her on the carpet. A low-waisted pair of purple tights skirted dangerously close to her cock, showing off her v-lines. They squeezed her rock-hard bulge and slender thighs, conforming to her legs like a second skin down to the ankle. Her abs were on full display.


Caitlyn sat up with a jolt as Irelia rounded the couch. “Fucking hell.”


  “I could say the same, sweetie.” Irelia raised an eyebrow. “Raring to go, are we?”


  “I was raring before. Now, I’m… uh… whatever more than raring is.”


Irelia chuckled, low and smooth. “I’m afraid I have to be cruel and ask you to humour me. Do you dance?”


Caitlyn blinked. “A little.”


  “A little will do. There’s an outfit upstairs. Change while I get things ready if you please.”


  “Yes, Ma’am!” Caitlyn jumped to her feet.


Irelia grasped her hands. Delicate, despite the callouses. “No honorifics, okay? We’re equals. Call me cute names like baby or sweetheart. Or just Irelia if you prefer. Anything but Ma’am.”


  “Sure, no problem. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”


  “Uncomfortable around someone as gorgeous as you? Never.”


Caitlyn blushed. Damn the Gods, I’m too bloody easy to flatter. “S- So you said there was an outfit upstairs for me?”


  “You don’t mind, do you? If you prefer to be naked then feel free to-”


  “No, it’s okay!” Caitlyn dashed past Irelia.


A waft of peach perfume lingered in her nose as she hurried up the stairs. Irelia giggled to herself. Sweet and light, like the tinkling of a bell. Caitlyn’s heart skipped a beat and her groin begged her to go back downstairs. She ignored them both. This wasn’t the time to be a flustered idiot. Not when she hadn’t a clue what sort of pleasure would satisfy someone like Irelia the best.




The silks were so light that if Caitlyn closed her eyes, she felt naked. As opposed to half-naked with them open. I need to wear more crop tops. This is so gratifying! Every inch of bare flawless skin and toned muscle made Caitlyn feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. A fun thought, but quickly proved a fantasy if she reminisced for even a moment.


The most beautiful girls in the world were in Ahri’s manor. One of them was downstairs, waiting for the time of her life. For a fuck so good she’d have to tear herself away from Caitlyn afterwards.


Caitlyn took a deep breath and started down the stairs. She’s another revolutionary, if I’m not mistaken. The hardwood of the steps chilled the soles of her feet. What do revolutionaries like; what did the others like? The air smelled of lavender cleaning products. Karma liked to nurture and be dominated, Akali liked control and sloppy blowjobs, and Xayah liked to humiliate. Caitlyn froze on the bottom step. Irelia was swaying to unheard tune with her eyes closed, swishing the ribbons of her sleeves around her in grand arcs. She’s graceful like Karma, but also snarky like Akali and Xayah. Maybe she’s a compromise between them? Only one way to find out, I suppose.


  “Irelia?” Caitlyn asked as the carpet cushioned her feet.


Irelia opened her eyes. She smiled. “You look wonderful. Such a disciplined body. There’s nothing more attractive than a girl who takes care of herself.”


  “Is that so?” Caitlyn strolled across the carpet and joined Irelia before the glass doors. “What about a girl who takes care of you?


Irelia’s cheeks burned pink against the golden glow of the afternoon sun. “That too…”


  “I’ll keep that in mind, cutie.” Caitlyn couldn’t help herself. She stole a glance down at Irelia’s half-covered tits. Gods, she wanted to suffocate between them so bad.


  “Cutie, huh? Not the most original, but I’ll take it.”


  “Oh?” Caitlyn lifted her eyes. “You can do better?”


Irelia cupped her face, kneading her cheekbone with her thumb. “How about, little sakura?”


Caitlyn nuzzled her caloused palm. “You sure you wanna call me little when you hardly an inch taller than me?”


  “I’d say two inches easy, but regardless we’re both little. Do you like the name?”


  “Eh. It’s a little cliche.”


  “You’re one to talk.”


  “Mine is a tried and tested classic, thank you very much.”


Irelia giggled and snatched Caitlyn’s hand. “They were right about you. You’re fun. Come on, let’s get moving. You’ll look even prettier dancing.”


  “You really like dancing, huh?”


  “More than anything!”


Noted. There’s probably something to unpack there.


Before Caitlyn could ask the obvious question, Irelia dragged her outside. She broke out into a sprint, forcing Caitlyn to run or be pulled onto her face. Irelia was even graceful like running. A leaf riding the wind.


Hot-faced and out of breath, Caitlyn arrived under the garden’s grand oak tree. The same one she’d fucked Kai’Sa under. Kai’Sa liked praise, but I doubt she has anything in common with Irelia.


  “So…” Caitlyn gasped a few deep breaths, swallowed, and fanned her face. “What are you into?”


Irelia strutted on the balls of her feet, arms open against the breeze. “I’m not picky. The classics are always a safe bet, but Rakan showed me the wonders of folk dance recently. The chaos! It’s electric! However, right now I’m feeling nostalgic. Will you allow me to show you the lotus dance?” Irelia’s face lit up as she spoke. Ecstasy swam in her eyes. Thrill. Passion. A kaleidoscope of raw emotion, the patterns of which grew only more intricate the longer Caitlyn stared.


  “That’s not what I… you know what, sure. What do I have to do, cutie?”


Irelia giggled and spun on one foot. “Yay! You won’t regret it, I promise. Just follow me, okay? We’ll take it slow?” Irelia spread her feet, settling like a stone on a riverbed.


Caitlyn did the same. “I have other questions if you don’t mind.”


  “Ask away. I’ll answer them if I’m allowed.”


Irelia began with a slow sweep of her arm, as if she were scattering seeds for a flock of birds. It felt a little silly to do. When Irelia said dancing, Caitlyn imaged something akin to ballroom dances or a rave. However, as she followed Irelia through the next sweeping motions, a pattern emerged. Slow. Simple. Like the thrust of a lover’s hips.


  “You seem like you enjoy a gentle touch. Am I right?”


  “Guilty.” Irelia winked. “We live such stressful lives. Pleasure should be comfortable.”


Caitlyn watched Irelia’s ass as they bent over. Perfectly round. It eclipsed her shoulders. “I’ve found a harsh touch brings a certain comfort of its own.”


Irelia swept to a standing position, smirking. “I’m painfully aware. Camille won’t stop going on and on about all the punishments she’s got planned for you.”


  “Do tell~”


  “One that stood out was her idea of adding a clothes peg to your body every time you came until you either passed out or begged for mercy.”


  “Fuck…” Caitlyn’s skin crawled.


Irelia shook her head. “You’re as bad as each other.”


  “Oh, we’re bad alright.”


  “Wow. And here I was thinking you were funny.”


  “I am funny. You’ve just got bad taste.”


  “Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that.”


Irelia leaned backwards until her head was inches from the ground, opened her arms, and turned her cheek towards the sun. She held the position without so much as a quiver.


  “Yeah… I’m flexible, but I can’t do that.”


Irelia burst into laughter. She collapsed and lay on the grass, her breasts shaking with the rapid rise and fall of her chest. Mesmerising. Every little thing she did was fucking mesmerising. The sun painted oval shadows on her sculpted abs and round face as it filtered through the grand oak’s canopy.


Caitlyn lay on the grass beside her. She brushed her purple hair out of her eyes and drew her into a kiss. Her soft, plump lips tasted as sweet as her laugh. Only once Caitlyn was out of breath, did she pull away.


  “You’re much better at kissing than dancing, my little sakura,” Irelia said, flushed and out of breath.


Caitlyn ran her hand along the curve of Irelia’s bare hip. “I think I’ve got you figured out, cutie.”


  “Do you now? Go ahead. Tell me about myself.” 


  “You want a pair of gentle hands to sweep you away. To guide you. To care for your every need. To make you feel small in the best way possible. You want to cum in a lover’s embrace after hours and hours of passion-rich pleasure. Am I wrong?”


Irelia pursed her lips. “No…”


  “I can make that happen. Just sit back, relax, and let me take care of everything.”


Irelia’s pursed lips pulled up into a smile. “Okay.”


Caitlyn lifted the bottom of Irelia’s silk shirt. Her breasts bounced free, fat nipples erect. Each was as big as Caitlyn’s head. Eyes locked, she suckled on them. The soft gasp Irelia let out warmed her heart. 


The silk pants slipped away as easily as the shirt. Caitlyn caught her cock as it sprung up, completely by reflex. Fuck it was huge. Were all Ionians so well hung? If so, she might have to consider a vacation.


Throbbing warmth radiated against her palm. She slid her grip up to the cut tip, and Irelia’s cock flexed with a strength that left her weak in the stomach. The shaft’s muscles bulged. Thick. Powerful. Girthy enough to make her pussy quiver despite everything it had endured.


  “You like it?” Irelia asked. She smirked as if she already knew the answer.

Caitlyn lifted her head. “What can I say? I’m a size queen.”


  “You have to be to roll with us. Just wait until you meet Kayle.”


  “Oh?” Caitlyn stroked Irelia’s cock. “Do tell.”


Irelia wriggled her shoulders, settling into the grass. “And ruin the surprise?”


  “No fair.”


  “The only cock you need to think about right now is mine, little sakura.”


Caitlyn’s mouth was full of cock quicker than she could process. Fucking hell, I really am too easy. Well, whatever. I am a whore after all. Caitlyn lost herself in the texture and taste of Irelia’s fat cock. Girl cock tasted unique, at least in the limited experience Caitlyn had sucking guys’ cocks. They tasted kinda like pussy. One of the best tastes in the world after cum.


The taste of Irelia’s cock danced on her tongue as she got nice and sloppy. Spit bubbled and spluttered out of the small gaps in the corner of her mouth afforded to her by Irelia’s girth. She could always suck the tip rather than the thickest part of the shaft. But where was the fun in that? Irelia certainly wasn’t complaining.


Irelia tore tufts of grass from the ground as she moaned. Her chest fluttered with the shaky breaths in between, only to heave as pleasure racked her. In a frenzy, she yanked her shirt up and over her head, and squeezed her tits together, kicking her feet.


Too much more and she’d cum. Couldn’t have that.


Rather than pulling up, Caitlyn deepthroated her. Irelia gasped as her tip passed Caitlyn’s tonsils and was clutched by her throat. She clenched, whimpered, and sighed. Like a dropped puppet, she collapsed.


Irelia chuckled weakly. “Please hold that. It’s so good~”


Caitlyn kept her throat pulled with cock until her lungs screamed and her eyes watered. She whipped her head up, but didn’t gasp for air. What was she an amateur? No, she flashed Irelia a grin and stroked her slimy cock. “Again?”


  “Fuck yes.”


Caitlyn kissed her tip, and repeated the process; a sloppy blowjob, deepthroat, and a small rest. Each time, she skirted closer and closer to the edge. Irelia grew more and more desperate. Whimpers replaced moans. Locked joints replaced kicking feet and a fluttering chest. And Irelia grinned through it all. A lazy grin – tongue lolled and eyes rolled back – but a grin all the same.

  “I think that’s your limit,” Caitlyn whispered. She lay beside Irelia and touched foreheads. “You’re so cute when you’re trying not to cum.”


Irelia pawed at her. “I can g- go for one more.” 


  “Cutie, you were gushing pre-cum. A strong breeze would blow your load.”




  “Let me take care of you. Just relax and follow my lead, okay? I don’t want a single thought to pass through that head of yours.” Caitlyn kissed Irelia’s forehead.


Irelia nodded. “Okay.”


  “Good girl.” Caitlyn tasted her sweet mouth. Irelia sucked her tongue. And their hands wandered.


Caitlyn played with Irelia’s giant tits, squeezing them together, pulling them apart, and thumbing her nipples. They were like warm pillows. While Irelia explored Caitlyn’s ass, synching to the same patterns. When Caitlyn broke their kiss to breathe, she compensated with a strong squeeze. And when she got lost in the wonder of Irelia’s mouth, the patterns of her hands grew lazy. Irelia copied her each and every movement.


The wind brushed her skin with chilled fingers. Leaves rustled. Excited birds whistled lively tunes. The ground was damp against Caitlyn’s left, and the sun was dry against her right. Irelia was wonderfully warm against her belly, calming like a gulp of hot chocolate on a bitter winter night.


  “Let’s get out of these clothes,” Caitlyn whispered against Irelia’s lips.


Irelia smiled. “Are you gonna fuck me?”


  “Depends. Have you calmed down enough to last more than a few minutes?”


  “I could fuck you for days, little sakura.” Irelia nipped her bottom lip.


Caitlyn giggled and pinched her nipples. “Don’t tempt me, cutie.”


The damn broke. Caitlyn scrambled to get out of her clothes and Irelia followed suit. The silks were tossed into the wind, forgotten. Cold wind and harsh sun licked Caitlyn head to toe, but it was hard to appreciate when confronted with Irelia’s naked body.


Gods, she really was a compromise between Xayah and Karma. Hardened by muscle, yet curvy. She even had scars.

Irelia sat up against the grand oak tree with an incredulous look. “Caitlyn, are you lost for words?”


  “More like I have too many.”


  “How haven’t you got used to this by now? I’ve got huge tits and wide hips. Big whoop.”


Caitlyn shrugged. “I’ve seen plenty of sunsets. That doesn’t mean I don’t stop and stare.”


  “Cute,” Irelia chuckled. “Could you stare at me on my cock rather than over there?”


Caitlyn stuck out her tongue, but did as Irelia said anyway. She braced against Irelia’s shoulders, stuck out her ass, and lowered her pussy onto her fat tip. Her pussy swallowed Irelia’s cock, and smushed their lips together. Hungry, ravenous kisses were exchanged as Caitlyn bounced her hips, clapping her cheeks. 


What started as a casual pace soon exploded into frantic chaos. It was something about the sun’s watchful eye overhead. She wanted to put on a show. Irelia held her steady, squeezing her ass. As one, they moaned. As one, they laughed. As one, they whimpered.


Pleasure often liked to swirl emotions. One moment it made her feel on top of the world, and the next it made her feel as weak as wet noodles. Irelia celebrated her highs with boisterous laughs and hungry lips, and held her through the lows with firm arms. 


Caitlyn did the same for Irelia, but when they experienced a low together, their pace slowed to a crawl. Whimpering, she bounced her hips, slow and unsteady as Irelia pawed at her back. They were like two hopeless lovers washed away to sea with only each other to hold on to. 


But when their highs aligned, they owned the world. Caitlyn fucked with boundless fervour. She bounced on her giant cock, eviscerating her pussy with the thick shaft. When she filled herself, she was complete. And she emptied herself, dragging Irelia’s cock against her tender walls, bliss swallowed her. It was like she was constantly at the beginning of a sprint. Where you feel as if you had no limits. Your body can do anything. Nothing can stop you.


Irelia’s moans were her lifeblood. Whenever fatigue reared its ugly head, the moans banished it to the wind. Sweet moans. Delicate; desperate. Irelia wanted to cum. It was apparent as the colour of the sky. Yet, she held off.


  “I love you!” Caitlyn cried, bouncing on Irelia’s cock.


Irelia moaned. “I love you too! Mmm, I love you I love you I love you! Fuck!” She attacked Caitlyn with a hug and flipped her over. The soft earth and prickly grass slammed her back. Everything settled. Irelia loomed over her, out of breath, ecstasy burning in her eyes. Something new, yet familiar. Love.

Caitlyn kissed her without a second thought, and they were right back at it. True to her word, Caitlyn led even from the bottom. She wrapped her legs around Irelia’s waist and guided her thrusts. Slow this time. Nice and slow.


Irelia smirked. “I… I’m not sure why I said that.”


  “Pleasure makes us do crazy things.”


  “I do love you though, just not in a romantic way. Does that make sense?”


  “You love this. The comfort and ecstasy. I get it.” Caitlyn wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed her. “I feel the same way.” With a twist, she brought Irelia to the ground and fucked her on their sides.


Irelia whimpered against her lips. “Please don’t stop.”




  “It’s s- so tight.”


  “And you’re s- so big.” Caitlyn nipped her lip.


Irelia smirked. “Fuck you.”


  “I’m busy with you right now. Sorry.”


Caitlyn expected a snarky comeback, but Irelia sighed and collapsed into her embrace. Her flushed cheek pressed against her collarbone and their breasts squished together. “Little Sakura…”


  “Yes, cutie?”


  “W- When I cum, can I cum in your mouth?”


  “You can cum where ever you want. But not yet.”


Irelia shook her head. “Not yet.” She shuddered. “Maybe in an hour or so.”


  “An hour sounds wonderful.” Pleasure crept up Caitlyn’s spine. Thrust by thrust, her pussy felt tighter and tighter. Her toes curled. “Y- You know, I talk a big game, but once I c- cum you’ll have to take over. I… I might be a bit more exhausted than I- I’m letting on.”


Irelia kissed her shoulder, and nuzzled her collarbone. “I’ll make sure you don’t pass out.”


  “Thank you.” Caitlyn held Irelia in a progressively tighter grip as her pleasure built and built and built. Until… she spluttered. Her arms became noodles as her pussy clenched Irelia’s cock and erupted all over the grass.


Irelia giggled. Her chest shook. “Aww! You’ve got such a cute orgasm face!”


  “Sh- Shut up.”


  “It gets all scrunched up. Like you’re pouting!” 


  “Sh- Shut up! Everyone looks dumb when they cum!”


Irelia pinned Caitlyn’s shoulders to the grass and loomed over her. “I said you looked cute, dummy. Now shut up and relax while I fuck you.”


Caitlyn crossed her arms and huffed. “Fine. It’ll probably feel like heaven and rock my world.” 


Irelia burst out laughing. She collapsed beside Caitlyn, tears in her eyes, holding her stomach. Laughter overcame Caitlyn no matter how hard she resisted. For a while, all thoughts of pleasure were abandoned as they laughed and laughed and laughed.


After so much intensity. Wild threesomes. Crazy gangs. Giant cocks. And gaped assholes. A little bit of laughter was liberating. Almost better than sex.




Once the laughter melted into giggles, the tears were wiped away, and silence returned, Caitlyn found herself on all fours with yet another giant cock up her ass. So much for giving it a rest.


Irelia wound Caitlyn’s hair around her hand. She used it like a handle, steadying her as she clapped her cheeks. And clap they did. Irelia liked to accent her slow, gliding thrusts with a swift kick of her hips at the end. It clapped her cheeks like a whip cracks the air. And it felt fucking amazing.


It emptied Caitlyn’s mind at once. Mindless, she took her cock like a good slut. With a lazy smile and lots of moans. At first, her hips moved with Irelia’s, but after the second orgasm, they gave up. As did the rest of her body. She collapsed in a heap.


Irelia hesitated for only a moment. She scooped her up, sat against the tree, and used her like a fuck doll. The view of the house was wonderful. Dusk’s warm glow painted the marble terrace, spotless windows, and crimson bricks in tones of orange. Orange was such a pretty colour. All it touched seemed to glow.


As her guts were rearranged, Caitlyn leaned against Irelia and sighed. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

  “Mhmm.” Irelia sucked her neck.


Caitlyn swivelled her hips and Irelia’s mouth let go as she moaned. “Don’t just say mhmm. Look.”


Irelia lifted her eyes. She smiled and massaged Caitlyn’s breasts. “You should see the Ionian sunset. The waves of the Western Sea scatter the sunlight. When it's pink, it looks like a cherry blossom rained over the whole sea.”


Caitlyn moaned. The embers of an orgasm flared, building. “Which sea is that, again?”


  “The one east of Ionia,” Irelia grunted. She squeezed Caitlyn’s tits. “D- Dummy.”


  “We call it the… the… ohhhh~ … the Eastern Sea.” The embers formed a kindling. Caitlyn’s ass quivered.”


Irelia rubbed Caitlyn’s pussy. “Huh. Makes sense.”


Flames licked Caitlyn’s insides; her rearranged guts and her gaped ass. She whimpered. “I’m gonna cum.”


  “Last one, okay? You’re slurring your words.”


  “Okay…” Caitlyn heard her voice as if it belonged to someone else. She sounded so desperate. The thought of Vi sounding that desperate to cum slipped into her mind. And she came buckets.


Irelia howled laughter. “Where does all that keep coming from? You could end droughts with your pussy.”


  “F- Fuck off.”


  “F- Fuck off. Don’t try to sound intimidating while you’re cumming. It’s not possible.”


  “Cum in my mouth already.”


Irelia chuckled. “Desperate are we?”


  “Yes!” Caitlyn whined. “I want it so fucking bad!”


Irelia’s cock twitched. “Get on your knees.” She lifted Caitlyn off her cock.


Caitlyn’s legs did it for her. They buckled right away and she plopped onto her knees. Irelia slammed her cock down Caitlyn’s throat, crashing her head against the tree.

  “Shit.” Irelia clutched the back of her head. “Sorry. Just excited is all.”


Caitlyn gurgled.


  “Right. Cock in the throat. Can’t speak.” Irelia tilted Caitlyn’s head back and began fucking her throat. She closed her eyes. A moan escaped her lips. Long and wavering. As long as her slow thrusts. “Squeeze my balls,” she begged.


Caitlyn’s hands trembled as she cupped Irelia’s balls. They were huge, appropriate for her cock size, but huge nonetheless. It was like holding two golf balls. Heat like a radiator throbbed against her palms. She squeezed.


Irelia’s cock heaved. “Fuck!” She pulled back into Caitlyn’s mouth just in the nick of time. Her load exploded all over Caitlyn’s tongue. Half a dozen fat loads. Hot. Sticky. Salty. They puffed her cheeks and dribbled down her chin.


Caitlyn gazed into Irelia’s eyes for permission to swallow.


  “N- Nope.” Irelia ran her fingers through her hair. “Spit it out. I wanna see you glaze yourself.”


Caitlyn grinned. Cum gushed out of her mouth and poured down her chin, over her tits, and belly. It splattered on the grass. The wind licked Caitlyn’s glazed front, chilling her.


  “Wash off in the pool?”


  “Come now. You’re a big girl. Clean up your mess.”


Irelia’s cheeks flushed. She knelt, grasped Caitlyn’s waist, and licked up her cum. Every last drop.

Thank you for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Syndra, The Dark Sovereign

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