Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Thank you to my patrons: Lolop 12, SambaZero, Survivor 121, Syndra, minimized, Chance Meadows, Ninja, Thomas Borrman, Zac Polk, and WindBlade13 <3

Syndra wiped Caitlyn’s pussy with the end of her black skirt, Calm warming her eyes. The gentle fires of Calm swayed like carefree posies in a lazy spring breeze. Literally. What Caitlyn assumed to be the figments of an exhausted mind hung around even as her exhaustion melted away. Multicoloured flames danced in Syndra’s eyes, shifting hues with each docile sway.


  “Your powers, they… manifest as violet light, right?”


  “Mhmm.” Syndra licked her skirt clean, then wiped her pussy again.


  “Only violet. Never any other colour?”


Syndra licked a sizeable glob off her skirt. “Nope. Ah, damn looks like that’s the last of it.” The rainbow flames were snuffed like pinched candles. “Guess we better head back…”


Caitlyn sat up. Syndra was prone on the couch, feet dangling over the far-side arm. Her breasts – bulging out either side of her chest – worked in tandem with her ass to form the hourglass figure dreams were made of. Yet, it failed to hold Caitlyn’s attention. If it wasn’t her… it was me. Is this ecstasy stuff magic? Am I… magic? 


Syndra slunk to her feet, back hunched, pouting. With a sharp gesture of her finger, her scattered clothes flew towards her and slipped on. Violet light twinkled in her eyes. “Stupid rules…”


Caitlynn forced a smile. “I know right? Thanks for cleaning me up, even if you did eat all the cum.”


  “It’s my cum.”




Ahri awaited them in front of the double doors. She spared Syndra a proud grin, and patted her on the shoulder as she floated out into the hall. The smile didn’t fade when it found Caitlyn, but it did thin somewhat. More so a grimace than a forced smile, at least, Caitlyn thought it was.


  “Is everything okay?” Caitlyn asked.


  “Everything is fine, dear.” Ahri dodged her eyes for half a heartbeat. Her tails swished at double speed. “I thought it’d be best to warn you about your next partner.”


  “Could have warned me about Syndra's powers.”


  “Oh please, I’d be rather disappointed in you if you couldn’t handle her, by now. This isn’t about danger. It’s about… well…” Ahri’s tails froze, and drooped. “Preference.”


  “I’ll fuck just about anyone so long as they’re interested in my pleasure.”


  “And that’s one of the reasons why you’ll do great here. Still… oh, I’ll just say it. Your next partner is half-fawn. She isn’t a vastayan either. Lillia has a fawn’s body from the waist down.”


Caitlyn blinked. “Like, four legs and fur?”


  “Yes. Except for her cock. That’s fashioned after humanoid anatomy.”


  “Does she have a human mind? An adult one, mind you.”


  “Of course. I wouldn’t have brought her here otherwise.” 


Caitlyn shrugged. “There’s no problem then. Send her in.”


Ahri sighed, and her tails swished gently. “Thank the spirits for your open mind.” She hurried through the doors.


  “Oh! Ahri, uh…”


Ahri paused halfway through the doorway. Her eyes flashed light blue. “Is this about Lillia, dear?”


  “No, but-”


  “Then it’ll have to wait until later.” She slammed the doors behind her.


Caitlyn deflated. Maybe Lillia will know something about whatever’s happening. Whoever she is.


Not even a minute after Ahri shut the doors, they inched open. Lillia peered through the gap, easing her head through. Her long deer ears were pressed flat against her head and her wide eyes darted about before snapping to Caitlyn. They widened even further. She turned away, hiding behind her thick lilac-blue hair. 


  “Lillia?” Caitlyn asked, voice quiet and soft.


Lillia nodded. She took a deep breath, and stepped through the doors. It was just as Ahri said, she was fawn from the waist down; thick muscle, sleek brown fur, four legs, a bushy tail, and hooves. Starting just below her belly button, her slender upper half had pale tan skin. Leaves clung to her breasts like a makeshift bra, but no strings held them in place. She fiddled her tiny hands. “Hello, Caitlyn,” she whispered, staring at her hooves.

  “Hey, it’s okay. There’s no need to be nervous.”


  “I know, but…” Lillia glanced up at her for a second. “You’re so pretty.”


  “I’m nothing compared to you. I love your hands, they’re so small. And your little button nose? Adorable.”


Dark tan flushed Lillia’s cheeks. A little grin tugged her lips. “Thank you,” she squeaked.


  “Would it be easier if I got dressed?”


Lillia shook her head vigorously. 


Caitlyn approached with a few light, delicate steps, and held Lillia’s tiny hands. “Let’s go to your favourite place in the whole world. Well, one you want to fuck in at least.”


Lillia giggled. A tinkle. Like a tiny silver bell.  “The Dream Forest. You’ll probably be a sparkle. I think.”


  “And what does it mean if I’m not?”


  “Then you’ll be a burr,” Lillia said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. She squeaked and snatched her hand back. “I’m sorry, that was rude. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry.”


Caitlyn stroked her cheek. “Hey hey, sweetheart, it’s alright. You’re allowed to be a little rude.”


  “That was a lot rude.”


  “Nah, only a little rude. Camille, now she’s a lot rude.”


The smile returned to Lillia’s lips. “Yeah, but she rocks it.”


  “Hell yeah she does~” Caitlyn linked arms with Lillia. They stood around the same height. “Shall we?”


  “Okay.” Lillia pursed her lips, and led the way to the basement.




The Dream Forest was something out of a trip. And a good one at that. Rainbow leaves of the rainbow trees carpeted the windy trails between the tall, arching roots. Multicoloured bushes and shrubs nestled under the arches, sporting multi-coloured flowers. Even the animals were spread across the colour spectrum, although each species claimed one for themselves.

Squirrels were black, frogs were white, deer were brown, all birds were red, all incests blue, the wolves yellow, the big cats violet, the lizards orange, the mice green, and little creatures made of rocks and lightning were every colour at once. They scuttled about in every direction, coming and going, like the shifting hues of a kaleidoscope. An ecosystem made art.


The air tingled Caitlyn’s bare skin, warm and vibrant as if charged with a constant electric pulse.


Lillia pranced ahead down the trail, eyes alight with Nostalgia. The lights danced, conforming to whatever colour they set their sights on. They should have been beautiful. The whole forest should have been beautiful. Lillia should have been beautiful. Yet, Caitlyn found no joy in it. Anxiety gnawed at her stomach. 


What is happening to me? 


Lillia turned off the trail and ducked through a gap between two trees. A dozen red birds and green mice chased after her, swooping and leaping, singing and chittering amongst themselves.


  “Lillia?” Caitlyn called.


Lillia eeped. “Th- This way!” 


Caitlyn ducked through the gap. She passed through with no problem, but she imagined it would’ve been a tight fit for Lillia. What through here is so important? She popped out the other side. 


Soft purple moss cushioned her feet, covering the bark of the tree-trunk-walls. They formed a wide ring around a glade. Only cool colours made it inside, leaving behind the reds and oranges and yellows, the whites and blacks and greys. The purple moss, blue leaves, and green gems embedded in both curved around the centrepiece of the glade; a tall, dead tree.


Lillia lay before the tree, tucking her hooves under her belly. She fidgeted with her thumb. “What… do you think?”


Blue leaves and purple twigs formed a sort of nest-bed thing on the left side of the glade, while charms made of the green gems adorned the floor and branches in a spiral pattern that converged on the dead tree’s base.


  “Does The Dreaming Tree disturb you?” Lillia asked. “We could move if you like…”


  “The Dreaming Tree is that one, yes?” Caitlyn gestured to the dead tree.


Lillia nodded, staring at the floor.


Careful not to tread on the gem charms, Caitlyn crossed the glade, knelt before Lillia, and cupped her cheek. “With you here, how could I ever be disturbed?”


Lillia’s cheeks darkened and Joy pulsed in her eyes. “You’re… very kind.”


  “And so are you. You must be to take care of The Dreaming Tree even after it passed.”


  “It hasn’t passed.” Lillia met Caitlyn’s eyes and smiled. “Once sparkles return to the minds of mortals, The Dreaming Tree will bloom once more.”


  “And us being here. Doing this. Does that help?”


  “If it’s you, yes. You sparkle when you dream of sex.” Lillia giggled. “It’s an unusual thing to sparkle about.”


Caitlyn rested her free hand on Lillia’s hip. “Judging by your eyes, you sparkle like a bloody firework when sex enters the equation.”


Thrill danced in Lillia’s eyes, bustling like… well… fireworks. “M- My eyes?”


  “I’ve never seen someone get excited so easily before. Everything little thing sets you.” Caitlyn ran her finger up the groove of Lillia’s toned belly. Rainbow fireworks popped in her eyes. “You’re going to be a lot of fun.”


  “I- I take it you want to lead?” Lillia timidly grasped Caitlyn’s waist with a delicate grip.


Caitlyn squeezed Lillia’s hip. “If that’s alright with you.”


  “It is.”


  “Excellent~ Now, let’s start here, shall we?” Caitlyn hooked her thumb under Lillia’s leaf-bra. It popped free as a single object, solid like steel. She shrugged, tossed it aside, and tested the weight of Lillia’s breasts. They were small and perky with erect, tan nipples.


  “When you said my eyes sparkle, you were being figurative, right?” Lillia asked.


Caitlyn gave the nipples a light pinch. Lillia gasped, and Thrill popped in her eyes. “No. I can see rainbow fireworks in your eyes.” She gradually increased the pressure.


Lillia’s bottom lip trembled and she clutched her fists to her chest. “B- But you’re mortal. You shouldn’t be able to!” Her voice peaked into a shrill squeak. Caitlyn let go, and she shuddered, grinning.


  “I shouldn’t be able to fuck this many people in a row either. Ahri will probably know what’s going on. Now, is that a smile I see? Does sweet little Lillia enjoy a little bit of pain?”


Lillia blushed. “Maybe…”


  “Are you a little pain slut?”


  “U- Uh-huh~”


Caitlyn held Lillia’s nipples between thumb and forefinger. “Say it.”


  “I’m a little pain slut,” Lillia whispered.


Caitlyn pinched. “Louder.”


  “I’m a little pain slut!”


Caitlyn pulled. “I said louder.”


  “I’m a little pain slut!”


Caitlyn pulled and pinched as hard as she dared. “Loud enough so that every bird in the forest can hear you!”


Lillia wailed. “I’M A LITTLE PAIN SLUT, MOMMY!”


A feral wave of adrenaline surged from Caitlyn’s chest. She pounced on Lillia’s chest, bit down on one nipple, and dug her thumb nail into the others. Trembles coursed through Lillia’s body. She pulled on Caitlyn’s head and laughed. A cry laugh. “E- Enough! Please, I can’t take it!”


Caitlyn whipped her head back, and Lillia sighed, a smile plastered on her face. “Mommy, eh? I like that.”


  “Then I’ll keep saying it, Mommy.” Lillia pursed her lips and giggled. “You’re sparkling like a crystal.”


  “You’re one to talk. Now, enough about whatever weird shit is happening to me. Lie on your side. Mommy’s going to treat you to a blow job.”


Lillia flopped onto her side, keeping her human torso upright. “Please bit my cock a little. Not to hard. Gently. Real gently.”


  “You’re certainly a lot bolder all of a sudden.”


  “Well… it’s easy when you’re sparkling so much. I know that I can say just about anything and you’ll love it.” Lillia clutched the back of her head. “Makes it hard to doubt myself.”


  “Sex is funny like that, isn’t it?” Caitlyn lay on her belly parallel to Lillia’s fawn half.


A cock the size of her forearm greeted her, as thick as a baseball bat, with orange-sized balls. It sagged a little under its weight, but when Caitlyn touched the uncut tip it flexed as straight as an arrow, veins bulging.


Camille, Illaoi, Janna, Qiyana, LeBlanc, and Lillia. What a dream orgy that would be.


  “You didn’t happen to bring a rubber potion did you?” Caitlyn asked, massaging the fat tip. It radiated warmth.


Lillia fished a spherical flask out of her thick, blue hair. “Yup! I always keep one on me.”


  “Yeah, you’d have to…” Caitlyn cupped one of her balls. Her fingers couldn’t meet as they wrapped around it. “Fuck~” She shifted into the perfect position on her elbows, opened her jaw as wide as it could, and eased Lillia’s tip inside.


Warmth filled her mouth, pushing against the roof and flattening her tongue. Good thing Lillia wanted her to bite, because her teeth couldn’t help but scrape the tip as it suckled on it. 


Carefully applied suction from her throat and pressure from her teeth drew the most wonderful moan from Lillia. Deep from the belly, drawn out, and wavering as it peaked at a crescendo. “M- Mommy~”


Caitlyn prodded Lillia’s urethra with her tongue.


Lillia gasped. “Mommy!”


Caitlyn squeezed her balls, a little harder than she usually dared.


  “Mommy…” Lillia whimpered.


Gods, she was like a toy covered in fun buttons to press. She made the best sound when Caitlyn lightly, lightly bit her tip; a warbling pitched moan. And to top it all off, pre-cum oozed down her throat. Caitlyn drank eagerly, as she licked, sucked, and bit Lillia’s enormous tip.


  “M- Mommy~” Lillia gasped. “Oh, Mommy! I’m gonna cum!”


Caitlyn eased her head back. Go too fast, and you risk breaking the dam. A string of silver spit drooped between Lillia’s tip and her bottom lip. “Not yet, sweetheart.”


Lillia shuddered, her cock flexed, and then limped. “I was so close… thank you, Mommy.”


  “Thank you for being a good, strong girl and not cumming.” That got a beaming grin out of Lillia. “Now, you’re the expert. What position works best with your body?”


  “I’ll show you!”




Purple moss covered a knee-high log. It cushioned Caitlyn’s back, soft as a squishy mattress. She hooked her knees over her hands and pulled her legs apart.


Lillia’s eyes widened. “So pink…”


  “The potion, sweetheart.”


  “O- Oh, yes! Sorry, mommy.” Lillia pulled the stopper out of the spherical flask and held it to Caitlyn’s lips.


The glowing liquid passed down her gullet, smooth and sweet. Tingles crawled across her skin. She felt light as a feather.


Lillia reared onto her hind legs, and planted her front hooves on either side of Caitlyn’s head. Thump. The log trembled. Lillia’s monster cock prodded Caitlyn’s clit, warm and pulsing, threatening to slip inside, to break her, to melt her mind.


It took a concerted effort not to beg for it like the needy slut she was. “Start slow, sweetheart. If you rush I’ll have to punish you.” She gently pressed her heel against Lillia’s broad, fawn belly, right on the ribs.


  “Y- Yes, Mommy.”


  “Good girl. Start.” 


Lillia bent her knees a fraction, and her cock slipped inside. Caitlyn’s pussy warped to accommodate the monster, stretching beyond its means. As a huge bulge travelled up Caitlyn’s belly, pleasure surged, erupting deep within her groin. She fought the instinct to clench, and let herself be rubber.


A moan escaped her lips; long, and desperate it soared above Lillia’s whimper. “Fuuuuuck…”


  “S- So tight. Your warmth. It’s swallowing m- me. Oh, Mommy~” Lillia’s words melted in a long groan. Her hips settled into a crawl. Excruciating strokes all the way from tip to base and back again. Yet, when her balls slapped Caitlyn’s asshole, heavy weight rocked her to the core.

Caitlyn tried to be a good cocksleeve, to clench her pussy and swivell her hips. But all she could do was moan. Moan and whimper and wail as Lillia’s cock stretched her pussy deep into her chest.


  “I can feel your moans on my tip,” Lillia whispered between whimpers. “They v- vibrate.”


  “Faster, sw… ohhh~ sweetheart. Shorter strokes.”


  “Yes, Mommy~”


Lillia cut her strokes in half, and doubled her speed to a light jog; a marching rhythm of wet slaps. Her hips never missed a beat, and Caitlyn’s mind melted. Or, at least, it began to – she caught herself on the edge between sturdy consciousness and a plunge into thoughtless pleasure. If I slip, I won’t hear her cute little gasps when her balls slap my ass.


Instead, Caitlyn wailed. “Yes, Sweetheart! Oh yes! Just like that! Just like fucking that! Such a good girl. Pretty girl. My… m- my little… you fucking…” Caitlyn let loose a guttural groan as pleasure bubble swelled in her groin. “Slut…” It burst, and Caitlyn squirted all over Lillia’s balls.


But Lillia didn’t let up; in fact, she sped up. Heavy, rapid slams melted Caitlyn’s mind instantly. Lillia’s laughter and moans, the squelch of her squirting pussy getting slammed, the slap of balls – dissolved into faint murmurs. 


They left Caitlyn alone with her pleasure. With the orgasmic pulses, steady like a heartbeat. With the pressure of her stretched pussy, like someone was sitting on her belly. With the spinning sensation, like she was falling in a death spiral; free as a bird.


She came three times, each stronger than the last, before the world returned. Lillia was still fucking her, albeit slowly with an erratic rhythm.


  “N- Now, Mommy? Please? Can I cum now? Please at least say no,” she begged.


Sweat slicked Caitlyn’s bulged belly, glistening green under the gem light. Beads travelled the ruts of her abs. Cum would suit her better, but she wasn’t nearly done with this monster. Who knew when the next would be, or if she’d even get one before the end?


  “No. Fuck my throat now.” Caitlyn jammed her heel into Lillia’s rib. “And keep it steady.”


Lillia gasped. Her cock heaved, threatening to blow, but by some miracle, Lillia fended off her orgasm and slunk out of Caitlyn’s pussy. “Yes, Mommy. Sorry, Mommy.”




The underside of Lillia’s fawn belly loomed over Caitlyn as she knelt before her cock, head tilted back, mouth open. Violent throbs pulsed through the shaft against her palms. Like a starved beast thrashing against its cage, they demanded release, to be satisfied. Gods, it made her feel so small.


  “Don’t hold back, sweetheart. Give it everything you’ve got.” Caitlyn kissed the tip.


Lillia whimpered. “Y- Yes, Mommy.” Caitlyn poked her tongue inside the urethra, and as Lillia gasped, she passed her lips over the tip, melting the gasp into a euphoric moan.


The fat tip passed her tonsils, heaving as it ventured down her throat and into her gut. Her lips touched Lillia’s groin. She caressed her bulged belly.


  “FUCK!” Lillia stamped her back feet, reared back her hips, and pounded Caitlyn’s throat. 


Heavy slams rocked her to her core, rearranging her insides. Instinct begged her to resist and pull away. Let it beg. Caitlyn surrendered at once to the whim of Lillia’s cock. Her mind may melt, but so be it. No whore worth their salt would say no to a proper pounding from such a monster.


Yet, her mind did not melt. The cool light of the glade sharpened. Lillia’s pathetic, rapid whimpers crispened. The meaty smell of cock and the must of sweat grew vibrant as layers of nuance revealed themselves. And most bizarre of all, as the force of Lillia’s thrust made her tits shake and her head bob, a pulse thrummed in the air.


When Lillia moaned, it wavered. When she kicked up into a double-time frenzy, it rushed, growing chaotic. When the adrenaline wore off and Lillia’s pace meandered, it became a lazy, drunk rhythm, teeter-tottering between the beats.


Caitlyn felt it in her chest and gut like the shivers of an explosion.


  “Mmmm~ I love this, mommy…” The pulse slowed, elegant and poised. “I- I don’t ever wanna stop…” Lillia’s cock heaved, bulging Caitlyn’s belly. The pulse raced into a frantic gallop… and warmed. Hot like fire, but without the pain. “But I’m so close,” Lillia whispered.


This is ecstasy. I wonder, what does the pulse of an orgasm feel like? Caitlyn’s arm trembled as she raised her hands to Lillia’s sides. She stroked them, running her hands over the silky smooth fur.


  “D- Does that mean… mean… ohhh, Mommy I can’t hold it anymore! I have to stop!” Lillia stumbled backwards, tearing her cock out of Caitlyn’s throat like a ripcord. A rather fat ripcord. It heaved, flexing the tip against the underside of her belly.


And erupted. It dumped cum on her like an out-of-control hose. Hot, sticky cum as thick as glue. It tangled her hair, sealed her eyes shut, glazed her from forehead to belly button, and flooded her trembling body with a heavenly warmth.


It paled when compared to the splendour of the rhythm. Slow, so slow. One beat to accompany each rope of cum. But what a beat they were. Like a hammer to an anvil, their blows spat sparks. Little jolts on her skin, tingles in her belly, fireworks in her mind. They made her as light as a feather, at peace with the whims of the world; beautiful in its simplistic elegance.


Whatever was happening to her it could only be a good thing if it brought such pleasures.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox

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